The kitchen and dining room haven’t been kept a secret like the rest of the house (which we are revealing soon), but I still have some new things to show you. Sometimes I wonder if I was that kid in 2nd grade who brought the same dried sea horse in a jar for “show and tell” every month with a slightly different lid on top. When I like a room or shot, I just feel the compulsion to show you it, slightly different each time. First, we shot the kitchen for the Frigidiare partnership, and then the dining room with Parachute. Meanwhile Real Simple wanted to take their own photos, styled differently and I certainly wasn’t going to argue. It gave me a reason to hang some new art, style out the shelves and buy a delicious looking pie that my kids were not allowed to eat for 3 days till we were done shooting – when it was too gross to then actually consume. My job both spoils and tortures my children. Don’t feel sorry for them. They got a a castle, and two perfectly styled rooms of which they have no idea how hard I worked. Yay for weird (but fun) careers 🙂
Now for the “reveals”.
The styling for this shoot wasn’t that much different than we shot in December and yet I like it a lot more. We switched out the stools, brought in some other dishes in the cabinets, added some art and of course some lifestyle-mafia foods (pies, cherries, cut grapefruits, etc). Here’s what it looked like when we first shot it:
Let’s chat Stool-gate, 2016. Listen, I liked those stools a lot from DWR, but many of you thought they weren’t the right vibe and that wood would be better. I didn’t disagree but I couldn’t find any stools that I loved as much (including the wood-toned version of those stools). I didn’t want dark. I didn’t want square. I wanted some white. It was hard. One day Mel came to me and said ‘I found your stools’. She was right and now that I have these new stools from Hedgehouse. I do think these fit the vibe more (and we moved those other stools up to the fixer upper). They are really heavy (which is great for the kids) have a classic schoolhouse vibe, but are really modern and fresh as well. The light wood pops off the counter more than the white did and yet the white helps it feel light (which is what I liked about the other stools). Plus the tone of the wood is beautiful and the powder coated metal cleans up really nicely. I even love how the black accents work with the black accents in the kitchen. It was meant to be. (FYI they come in different wood tones and many different powder coated metal colors).
Real Simple wanted to take a couple “cover tries” which is where an editor has an idea for a photo for the cover and they shoot it and show it to the Editor in Chief in hopes of it landing the cover. When we first took this shot I thought it was a weird angle, but then they told me that it would have a lot of negative space for copy (like the green island and windows) and I saw it. And now I really love this shot, regardless of the space for copy. Seeing the kitchen in a new way from a new angle feels fresh and fun. (Yes, we photoshopped out the bright white outlets from the island that we had to put in for code reasons. My photoshopping rule is, IF they could be somewhere else we take them out. We don’t remove cords from lamps in the middle of the room anymore, but if the cord could be going down the leg of the table and under the rug, even if it’s not happening in that room, then we do… does that make sense? It’s just a white lie to help the photo look more beautiful. Forgive us).
Then they took this cover try:
Every magazine does research on what their readers like and Real Simple’s readers apparently like grapefruits and canisters (p.s. they do not like kumquats which at first I found hilarious but then I was like… they are kinda pretentious and not particularly tasty – despite having 2 trees in our backyard). So for our cover try we gave them just that. They brought in those canisters which I like, but they aren’t 100% my style (a bit too bright and not quite hand-made enough for me), but admittedly they look great in this shot and tie in all the lighter teal Target dinnerware in the cabinets.
By the way the “canister and grapefruit’ shot did not make it on the cover of the September issue. As I picked up the August issue I saw a set of canisters in a kitchen and I knew our cover try hadn’t succeeded, but it was so fun to be part of the process and always interesting to know what happens inside the printed editorial world. I’d say for a ‘grapefruit and canister shot’ we nailed it.
Please note the patina on all the unlacquered brass – ugh, it’s just so pretty. Is it annoying to care for? A bit, but it’s exactly what I want it to look like, so I am so happy with it.
I have normal regrets in this house, but very few in the kitchen. The tile, the faucets, the roman shades, the marble countertops, the cabinetry, the grills on the cabinets, the beadboard in the cabinets, the flooring… I love them all. The honed marble is aging beautifully and many of you were worried about dust/grime on our dinnerware in the cabinets and I’m here to tell you that there hasn’t been any. This could possibly be because we cook 1-2 times a week so there is very little grease or smoke, but so far so good (it’s been 8 months).
We styled out this corner better this time, probably because the first time around I had only 1/2 a day after the construction ended in which to shoot. I bought those vintage English dog stamps at Round Top (with the mat included) for $6 each then had them framed for $22 at a local framer in simple brass frames. I was nervous to hang them into the cabinetry but at 10pm, after 2 glasses of wine, the night before the shoot but I insta-storied it and you guys voted that I should. Thanks, friends. Always good to know that I can count on you at 11pm, the night before a shoot to give me proper sober advice. (And, don’t worry, we used command hooks not nails)
That cake stand and cutting board are new from Threshold, the oil cruet was a splurge from Food52 and the blue dotted platter I’ve had forever. The salt pot and the vintage framed cow print were both from Nickey Kehoe and they were so expensive that my brain has not allowed my fingers to type the price of them. I was meant to just borrow them for the shoot and return them, but I fell in love and conveniently didn’t return them… then I saw it on my credit card bill …. Whoops. WRITE OFF. (For those of you who don’t know a ‘write off’ doesn’t mean free. A friend of mine recently told me about her write off and I had to explain to her that the car she was leasing was not free even if it was a write off, it was just deducted from the net profits and she would be taxed slightly less that year… she was unhappy with my vast accounting knowledge).
Here is a look at December versus June:
I wish these two images could have wrestling style matches. Clear winner, right? The December version feels a bit sparse, but when you pull back there was enough going on in the kitchen that as a whole it was certainly filled enough. But the June version really kicked Dec’s less perfectly styled rear. The art, the shades, the pie, the more curated perfect lifestyle of the olive oil + cows …. I want to be June pretty bad (lucky me).
That olive oil and garlic are still sitting there, by the way. They are vintage at this point. YUM. We did make a rosemary quiche with our fresh potted herb back there. Wait, I think that is like Anise or licorice or something weird. Fine we made anise quiche. The kids loved it and even offered to clean up the baking mess (of which there was very little as I’m very neat in the kitchen). We pulled spinach from the garden, I set aside an otherwise empty afternoon, donned a washed linen apron and thoughtfully created a dish full of hand churned butter, gluten free whole wheat, freshly harvested spinach and sprinkled in hilarious falsities of my life. Bull sh*t quiche!
That herb, whatever it was, died 9 days later, unused obviously. A life-span of which I was proud, actually. If there were a PETA for plants I would be covered in mud and dirt thrown by angry plant loving protesters at every red carpet event I attended. They would wear polyester shirts with ‘Plants are People, too’ scribbled in vegetable dye. I’d kinda want to have them over to teach me the ways of cooking vegan because I’m back at it and I forgot that you can’t just eat vegetables or you get HANGRY. Thus my irreverence in this post. Also I want a anise quiche. At least there is an egg in it.
Onto the dining room where no herbs were killed, however now that I see that plant in the corner doing so well I’m realizing how 3 months later it’s not nearly as happy as it was here… Here comes the mud…
We spend a lot of time there (unset, obviously) and I’m shocked I ever thought we would only eat at the island or outside. We thought this would be our family room with a sofa where the windows are and a tv on the opposite wall, room for kids to play in the middle. Hilariously we are now reconfiguring the house AGAIN to find a better place for the TV so we can turn that room into a proper play room. More on that later, but in case you are in the market for a TV right now, seriously don’t consider buying anything except this.
Back to this room. Remember the blog post I did about how I couldn’t decide on the perfect dining table/chair combo? Well, I did and I LOVE them.
Here’s the story: I found these chairs (above) on close-out from Shop-Candleabra. Sorry, they are discontuied by the wholesaler. The reason I love them is because they are upholstered (comfy) with arms (cozy) and yet super simple so they could work with my farm table and help modernize it without being like super modern. Oh and they are a great scale – not to small, not too clunky. Some big upholstered chairs are HUGE and many are too dinky. Originally they were beige but that was a problem mostly because my kids have spaghetti sauce literally shooting out of their fingers. Then I heard about Crypton Fabrics and even did the smoothie test on it on an insta-story (unsponsored). It came out immediately. This stuff is SUPER stain resistant, folks. Do they withstand every single thing that one or both of kids will purposefully smoosh into them? No. In retrospect I would have had slipcovered chairs or have them done in Crypton but a darker color. But they are the exact chairs that I wanted!! I’d say they are an 8 out of 10 on the stain resistant scale. If you have older kids or no kids or perfect kids and want upholstery in your kitchen (or anywhere) then Crypton is amazing. I’m still so glad we have the chairs we have, in the color/fabric we have them, I just wish that our kids weren’t quite so young and unaware of their disgusting paws. We actually have found that wiping down the dirt/food the next day or even a week later gets it out easier than when it’s fresh. I have no idea why. Most of you moms out there think that I’m still nuts and only saying that I still like them because I’ve committed myself to them, but I promise that they still look great despite the extra effort. I love sitting at our dining table for long dinners so it’s worth it to us.
For sofas/chairs/benches I will look no further than Crypton when I want linen. In fact I secretly regret not getting my sofa in my living room in it. Its navy so it’s fine, but Crypton just wipes up so easily and I want it everywhere.
We styled out the table to be casual, modern, warm and yet colorful. It’s a late summer, early fall and I definitely want to eat there. Who’s cooking??? SERIOUSLY?? WHERE IS MY ROSEMARY/ANISE QUICHE? I’ve got the apricots, jam and cheese covered, apparently.
My love of all things footed is highly showcased in this shot. The black footed apricot vessel (vintage) plus the footed almond bowl (The Foundry) and the footed vase (vintage) all show how much that personal trend will never die. It’s like Diane Keaton and white collared shirts – trends come and go, but that lady will always don menswear in the chicest way (not calling my footed-love chic, just consistent and enduring). In case you are new to the blog and wonder why I love footed things so much it’s because the ‘foot’ lifts the bowl off the table, thus creating a different layer and giving visual space between objects. Surfaces are flat, things lifted off the table give it visual movement that a stationary bowl or vessel can’t do. The curve of it is soft on the eye, without too much height or busyness.
Great. Now EVERYONE is going to buy every footed vessel before I do. It’s fine. Diane bounced back and reinvented, and stayed the course. As will I.
This shot (above) was another cover try and was the opener of the story. It hadn’t occurred to me to shoot the table straight down the line, into the window but I LOVE this shot. It really brings you into the table. I wrote about it before but that pleated hanging pendant is so perfect here. The scale (medium) style (classic but modern), finish (light but with black rod) and function (a great diffuser on the bottom) makes it quite perfect for us. Also those curtains are also by Calico and add so much warmth and texture to the room (especially in the winter when this room felt cold without them).
Last but not least is a personal favorite of mine – not this particular room/shot but where you get to see how the house flows. I love these kinds of shots. As you know magazines can’t run every single angle and shot from a house, and often they focus on vignettes rather than giving too much information where the shot get distorted or busy. Well, we blogs can post as many photos as we want and I personally love the super pulled back shots that really shows how the room ‘works’.
Here you can see how the dining room flows into the living room, with both opening up to the patio. This is one that we took the next day while the house was still styled (thus the diahlias are almost dead – more mud on dress!! See previous plant killing jokes for reference). For this shot we are standing in the kitchen with the TV room through the hallway on the left. The first story of the house is a circle, basically – of which our kids run around like a track. I love standing in the kitchen seeing the patio (through the french doors) the backyard (window on the right, shown above), dining room and living room. If you are a new builder or you are renovating your house, think about this – opening up a house isn’t about making it a completely open concept home, with no ‘rooms’. It’s about visual flow and creating depth which draws you into other rooms as well as makes the house feel bigger. Blocking off rooms completely is dated, but opening up everything isn’t always the best answer. You want different moods for different spaces and if it’s one shared space then you can’t really do that. So think about the ‘view’ from one room to another, not just making it one big room. Widen doorways, add hanging shelves instead of uppers, divide via open shelving or 1/2 height pony walls with built-in shelves. And when possible add as much natural light as possible. IF you are in the middle of a renovation ask yourself – could there be more light in this space? And if so, then please match the style of the windows to the style of your home (aka if you are renovating a 1923 Victorian think before you install vinyl windows).
Wow. A lot of weird rants and asides in this post. Must be the fact that I’m back to yoga and meditated for the first time yesterday. Or all those vegetables 🙂
A huge thanks again to Real Simple for featuring our house. We will be showing the rest of the rooms, but if you want a sneak peek into it and to see more of a tour then pick up the September issue and head over to for more photos.
Thanks for reading and if you are into my kitchen/dining room and curious where everything is from, then here you go:
1. Sconce | 2. Handmade Subway Tile | 3. White Oak Herringbone Flooring | 4. Pendant (similar) | 5. Unlacquered Brass Drawer Pulls | 6. Cow Print | 7. Stool | 8. Unlacquered Brass Faucet (Hot Water Dispenser) | 9. Pot Filler | 10. Apron Front Sink | 11. Tall White Pitcher (similar) | 12. Oval Cobalt Plate | 13. Salad Servers | 14. Dutch Oven | 15. Wood Cutting Board | 16. Marble & Wood Tray | 17. Salt Cellar (similar) | 18. Glass & Brass Vessel | 19. Teal Dinerware | 20. Paint Colors: Farrow & Ball (Green Smoke, Strong White & Blackened) | 21. Marble & Wood Cake Stand | 22. Ceramic Vase (similar) | 23. Rustic Cutting Board (similar) | 24. Blue & White Stripe Towel | 25. Library Cabinet | 26. Painting (similar) | 27. Celadon Vase (similar) | 28. Candlestick Holder (similar) | 29. Curtains (custom) | 30. Drum Pendant | 31. White Pedestal Bowl (similar) | 32. Black Pedestal Bowl (similar) | 33. Round Serving Board | 34. White Dinner Plate | 35. Gold Flatware | 36. Wood Bowls (similar) | 37. Wine Glass | 38. Blue Tumbler | 39. Table Runner | 40. Blue Striped Napkins | 41. Rustic Table (vintage) | 42. Chair Fabric (Color: Cloud) | 43. Dining Chair (similar)
I am curious how you feel about the overall styling difference (we didn’t take any other pulled back or vignette shots of the kitchen in June). I know that many of you are kinda anti-“things looking too perfect”, but they are both pretty good. I prefer June because the scale of everything feels better – the cutting board in the back draws your eye there and the grapefruits don’t block as much in the foreground. The flowers in June do block the beautiful faucet, but I didn’t notice it til I compared it with December.
But Sara, for instance likes December more because it has less stuff and feels more real (because it was). Part of me knows I’m not a ‘hyndrangea/grapefruit/perfect-looking-pie’ kinda lady but then a lot of me wants to be that lady so I can’t help be attracted to that one more.
So you choose- December styling or June???
In case you want more on the whole process of the kitchen and dining check out: Our Main Floor Demo Plan, Our New Kitchen Design Plan, The REVEAL of Our Modern English Country Kitchen, Dining Room Update with A Lot of Questions, An Update on My Dining Room, Ask the Audience: Chairs to go with My New Dining Table, Setting The Table with Parachute’s New Table Linens
***Photos by Tessa Neustadt
For more reveals from Emily’s Los Feliz Home: Powder Room | Jack and Jill Bathroom | Living Room Update | Charlie’s Big Boy Room | Master Bedroom | Master Bathroom | Living Room | Elliot’s Nursery | Backyard | Closets | Laundry Room | Elliot’s Nursery Update | Family Room Update | Kitchen | Updated Living Room
Simply stunning. Would you mind sharing where your kitchen hardware is from? I am having trouble finding unlaquered brass. Thank you.
Not sure if this is what EH has, but West Elm has some great “gold” flatware:
The pulls are from Rejuvenation. Sorry,I guess we didn’t put them on the board. Is that what you are talking about? The faucet is linked up there, too. Flatware from Target. xx
I used brass pulls from forge hardware in florida…maybe it’ll be what you like!
So gorgeous, I love every detail. And this house may be my favorite, ever. Random question – how tall are your ceilings ? I’m working with a 1928 sort of Dutch colonial with 8 foot ceilings in the front and about 8.5 in the back of the house – curious how yours compare since yours is also an older home ….. thanks !
Get a cookbook called Veganomicon. There you will learn simple, *hearty* vegan meals. I got it more than 6 years ago, and 3+ of our meals every week are variations from dishes in that book. I would not have been able to eat vegan as long as I have without it.
Seeing your kitchen makes me want to finally finish mine (just have to paint the cabinets). It’s so gorgeous!
Wonderful. Ordering now 🙂 Thank you xx
Yes! I love this book! The vodka pasta thing with almonds instead of cream was my go-to for such a long time. And the baked pumpkin pasta thing (ziti?) is so good. And the spaghetti and bean balls. (They do good pasta.) Also the chocolate chip cookies with walnuts are SO easy and good. I halve the recipe so I can fit them all in the oven in one go, and they’re great! I’m totally going to make something from this book tonight.
Also I love that it doesn’t use “vegan cheese” or “vegan butter” or whatnot in everything.
Also I want your kitchen.
Wow! There is a lot to unpack in this post (in a good way). First, I am really glad that grime was not a problem for the open cabinets – seriously, this was my number one concern with this design and now you have me thinking that maybe I could take the doors off of one of my upper kitchen cabinets. Second, the accounting and write off comment – I’d readily read/digest/enjoy a post on the accounting side of being a designer – I am slowly learning about personal finance, a subject I knew nothing about in my twenties. Although, WRT the Nickey Kehoe vintage framed cow print, could you actually return it now if you wanted to (I know someone who returned thousands of dollars worth of rugs, which taught me that any return is possible)? Third, with the exception of the cow stamps (which I looooooove – both the items and how they’re hung), and the sliced grapefruits (which look pretty darned good), I kind of like the December 2016 styling better than the June 2017 styling. Fourth, about the upholstered dining chairs, I’m really glad to have this follow-up info. I live with similarly aged children and… Read more »
The accounting side is so boring but I’m also still looking for someone who can dissect it all in a way I’ll understand. My accountant thank god gets me and i’m like ‘Wait, no, break it down even further … ‘. I love that you are the first person that voted and December wins 🙂 I kinda agree. i think what I love about it is the art, too. 4th listen, any upholstery in the dining room with young kids is tricky. Order yourself some samples and do your worst on them before committing. Know you are going to still have to clean them (it says pretty clearly on the fabric ‘this does not self-clean’ which I think is funny because there is that sense that things will just fall off (it doesn’t, you have to use a wet rag and some spray if its pasta or coffee’. Speaking of coffee, that was one of the spills that you can still kinda see. not bad, mind you but I know its there. I’m cool with all of this because I’m not particularly anal (are we still saying that?) but if you are then wait til your kids are a bit… Read more »
In reference to the open kitchen cabinet thing, I cook frequently and found that the cabinet by the stove DOES get grimy from time to time. It’s not impossible to clean or anything, but it does require a little elbow grease. The open cabinet above the dishwasher doesn’t have the same problem though.
I love this article. You are such a good writer, and so witty! I am enthralled through the whole post! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Just found one of your pink answers so am trying for an answer.
First love your post, 2nd somehow i am off your email list. I NEVER unsubscribed but it says I did and won’t let me re-subscribe. I have your blog bookmarked so i can read it everyday, which I do!… but I can’t quickly send your posts to my client’s or friends. I don’ t do Inst- story or gram or
Twitter, etc. Please help me! I need to be on your email list! Thanks
I love the befores and afters to see the progress! Those sconces are perfect. I love how the black pops against the colors in the best way possible!
C’s Collection |
Immaculate! I would love an accounting post, too. Also, one of these days I would love to read a post on the consumption side of your job. I’ve been struggling with that a lot lately. I love design and get so inspired by it all, but I struggle with the constant materialistic rat race and all the ads in my face, nagging at my conscience. I feel like the shopping world has me on a hamster wheel sometimes. And don’t even get me started on how much I worry about my kids and how they perceive this/ how it’s shaping them. Ugh. How do you find a balance? I would love to read a big, fat Emily download post on that whole topic. You’re in the eye of the storm every day with this stuff. As a tastemaker, pretty things hustler, you must have some fascinating insight. Ever watch that movie, the Joneses, with Demi Moore? That’s what the design world reminds me of sometimes. Sigh.
Love this question! Would loveeeee Emily to answer it.
I like Vegan Emily! She has such snark! Glad you’re moving past “surviving” and making some time for yourself! Love this kitchen however it is styled. I would seriously transplant it as-is into my home.
Oh I forgot to vote. Honestly, I think I like December. It just feels calmer which I’m really drawn to these days. I love love love your new farm table, but the dining room feels really busy to me. Maybe it’s just because it’s set. I know the vote was really for the kitchen, not dining room – so in that regard I think I like June. It’s more lived in and cozy. But, December has a calmer vibe and cute babies soooo…. December.
I greatly enjoyed this post and all of the asides. It felt very genuine. I also agree about “too open” being bad. I always think that homes that are so open leave nowhere for you to display art and other treasures. I also fear that a mess in one space of a very open house makes the whole space feel messy. I like escaping from the dishes in my sink sometimes.
This! Watching all the design/renovation shows on TV, one of the (many) things that drives me crazy is the borderline obsessive love of the open floor plan. Do all those people have housekeepers? Or are they just that tidy? I have a husband, a big dog, a toddler, and an infant. Some days I “forget” or forget to do the dishes after dinner. I don’t particularly want to be reminded of that fact at 10pm when I’m relaxing in the living room before bed.
I am going to have to be ‘Team December 2016’ — I like both, but something about that styling clicks with me. I love your blog and your ability to connect with us, your readers! Thank you for sharing.
I always love your writing, but today’s post was particularly perky! So much fun. On a side note, the idea of an anise quiche makes me puke a little bit in my mouth. Eggs and licorice do not go together. 🙂 You’re killing it girl. (PS I still say “anal”.)
I have a “technical” question: will you leave the art hung on command hooks (attached to cabinets) up for the duration? Are you concerned about them staying up over time? I’m just curious about living with your art as opposed to styling with your art! Thanks!
I love how you’ve had that same countertop utensil holder since your apartment days.
On the kitchen subject:
Can you pretty please tell me where to get the backslash from “Spanish house”? Finally moved in to a house where I can do the design I’ve been waitin 5 years for!
Love this post!! I hope that you endlessly tweak your kitchen (but not too much) so that you keep posting about it because it’s my favorite room in your house. To that end…could you please let me know from where you sourced the black grills for your cabinets? I am searching everywhere for something similar for my pantry door and am at a loss – the link in your original kitchen post has gone away. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Emily!
What I took away from this post is that Real Simple really loves brightly coloured fruits 😀 Your dining room is just perfection, I love that light fixture so much! I couldn’t help but sneak onto Real Simple and I’m excited for your master bedroom reveal!
And if we are voting I vote Dec 2016 except for the new stools. Mostly because the small frame cow print leaning against the wall irks me as being overly stylised!
June!!!! And SO GLAD you changed the bar stools- THANK GOD- looks so much better!
I’m blown away by the difference the bar stools have made! I was in the “she’s overthinking this, they look fine camp” but WOW! There’s a reason you do what you do 🙂
I love your new dried seahorse lid! There are some of us who enjoy every iteration of a space and need an outlet so our partners don’t leave us because “oooooh, come back and check out THIS angle! What if we chose a SLIGHTLY DARKER shade of pink?! etc.” Also, I will never say no to staring at that kitchen pendant one more time.
Photos Dec 2016 vs June 2017 – it’s like the adult version of Highlights Magazine, Find the Difference.
As always, Love your work!
I don’t know if you’ll actually do this but are you able to take photos of your house the way it looks on a daily basis? Cleared of kid detritus, sure, but no cut fruits, fully-set table, borrowed items, etc. I just want to see how you live in the space, how it actually looks everyday!
I would love to see this too! Maybe watermarked so if it ends up elsewhere online people don’t think its an “official Emily Henderson” design photo to cover her butt a little bit?
Great shots. Love them all. I totally agree with your points on visual flow. For quite sometime I have felt new builds are becoming a bit too open. Looking forward to the rest of the shots from your beautiful home.
Okay, I’ve been stalking through your old posts for weeks now trying to find the one where you talk about your living/dining room curtain rods. I remember the style of them and you saying you loved them… and I can’t find it!!
I have a windows-flush-against-a-perpindicular wall situation that I’m hoping these curtain rods will work with. Help!?
Thanks! Also, heading over to Real Simple right now to ogle the rest of these photos =D
Here’s the post you want!
And here’s her comment from it-
“Also black French rods, people – it’s what is happening from now on (these are from Calico as well). They block the light on the sides and feel all old world in a beautiful modern way.”
Cheers! 🙂
I appreciate all the detail on the decisions; looks beautiful, as always!
This is my favorite post that you have ever written. HILARIOUS, informative and entertaining. If this is what going vegan and mediating do for you, count me in. Awesome.
I’ve had a bad week but took a break from my day for a daily dose of your blog and you instantly put me in a better mood. Thank you.
Really beautiful.
I like the vase and eucalyptus (?) and the lemons and limes and the little picture of something green under the window in the December picture, but I not the books. And I like the pictures on the wall in the June picture.
And that cruet – so beautiful that I am almost tempted.
June! But both are beautiful. My favorite kitchen ever, for real. Congrats on the magazine spread!
Love this so much! Always love how honest and disclosed you are about things. This should probably be obvious, but can you clarify which of the F&B colors is on your walls and where the other is? They look so different on the F&B site than they do in your real house with the lighting. Thanks again for sharing with us!
Lovely read, it was fun comparing. Thanks for your fun and easy approach to styling, you make it not scary to take chances because really if you love it, it will work. xxx I just got your book and I’m learning so much, so thanks again.
What’s the distance from the top of your dining table to the bottom of your Barton pendant? I have the same light and was wondering how high to hang it.
I will never get tired of posts about your new house. Love.
One critique/question: have you considered removing that white Target cabinet from the dining room? It’s so good, I know, but I think all your table shots would be wildly better/calmer with just some negative space between the tablescape and your pendant. Between the curtains, windows, table, flowers, beams, etc, there are already so many beautiful elements to shine. I think that cabinet is just too much visual chaos.
This post was so funny. I like snarky/vegan Emily. Keep us updated with that; I’m so fascinated/inspired when people take control of their lives that way. I’m….. trying :/. Haha!
Thanks again for all this quality free content. Reading your blog has become the best part of my morning ritual. XOXO!!!
Samantha, I agree on all points!
Re: the white Target cabinet in the dining room: in these shots it might have been good to have the negative space. However since the table isn’t usually styled in real life, that cabinet probably provides the perfect amount of visual interest (with its contents, art, etc.)
Emily, I CANNOT WAIT to see the rest of your house!
Hi Emily!
I applaud you for going vegan! Such a compassionate lifestyle and it makes a big impact on climate change.
One thing to consider is that a vegan lifestyle avoids leather. I see a lot of leather in interiors and fashion, and though it’s beautiful, when I think of where it comes from, I feel VERY troubled. What are your thoughts? Are you considering moving away from it?
Have you already done a tutorial on how to hang with command hooks, and if not would you consider doing one? I know you’ve mentioned hanging with them before, and I’m curious how to make it work for art. Can command hooks be used longer term, i.e. not just for a shoot? I live in a NYC apartment (rental) so this would be super helpful for my life!
xx Jean
I’ve followed the Command hook directions, I’ve waited extra time for them to ‘hold’ – doesn’t matter. After losing two frames and a wreath, I won’t even try them any more. I can’t afford to keep replacing the things they’ve broken.
You call it rants, but I call it humor. =)
And I’ve been the same with plants. I’m “not allowed” to buy any more cilantro plants. I’ve killed at least 5. But I’ve got a philodendron that’s been around 18 months and is doing well. So here’s hoping
June 2017 and absolutely beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful. June 2017
Remember all that debate over the shape of the island? With everything styled and complete, I can’t even tell that the island isn’t some perfectly symmetrical shape. It blends in perfect. Everything is perfect.
It’s incredible how, even when something isn’t my taste, how a perfectly done room can make me love and appreciate that style. This is awesome.
Hi. Would love to have the source for the dining room curtain rods. Thanks!
I want your kitchen and your dining room. That is all.
This post was hysterical! Thank you! I too decided to go vegan a couple of weeks ago and your comments about that cracked me up. (Thanks to Stacy W for the cookbook recommendation!). Of course I loved the design content too. Definitely like the June styling of the whole kitchen though I agree the December corner styling seems a little more “real”. Let’s just say I’m not surprised to hear that you haven’t used the olive oil… it’s a million miles away from your stove! 😉 So glad to hear that you are taking some time for yourself recently. As a working mom of three young boys, I completely get it! Amazing how much more enjoyable those runs BY YOURSELF are compared to when we were in our twenties. Thanks, as always, for keeping it real and providing pictures of such beautiful rooms to enjoy.
Beautiful! Can you talk about the window treatments in the kitchen?
I second this request.
When I first saw pictures of your white bar stools in your beautiful new kitchen, I thought they were just the right ones, beautifully shaped, bright and white, but NOW I can really see they weren’t the right ones, those new schoolhouse bar stools are great for the space! They bring lots of warmth to the kitchen which it clearly lacks in the December photos.
So obviously my vote goes to June! The kitchen is way more inviting and warmer than it was in December (I couldn’t even imagine it could be so much better, because it was great at the first time it was shot.) I feel the styling also has more personality in it and it is somehow softer and more pleasant now. Good job!
Ps. What are those beautiful white, fluffy flowers on the island?
Hydrangea flowers
You’re writing was so entertaining! This post made me smile lots of times =D
I prefer June! For two reasons. One: the styling makes it look fuller and more luxurious, and two: it IS more lived in. In Dec we knew you had JUST moved in, but now there is a inexplicable quality that makes it seem more loved. I don’t know what you would call that quality but it sure is special. Also, those tiles are never going to not be amazing.
(long posts gets you long comments 😉
I vote for June, mostly since I love the art that you added. I also agree that the new stools are better since the wood details tie into the light wood tones used throughout the space. PS Snarky Emily is a treat, you should invite her here more often.
I love everything about this kitchen including the weird angles and making an island that worked with the space!! Beautiful, stylish, functional AND a little quirky!! The best!
June shots win…except the back right corner of the island into corner of kitchen shot. I prefer the space and location of the tools vessel/cookbook. Lovely stuff!
Emily, your home is gorgeous. Keep doing what you do; you’re so good at it (and so fun to follow)!
HI Emily,
Your kitchen is just lovely, like all of your design work!
I wonder if you would consider dedicating some blog posts specifically to design decisions as they relate to the different time periods that homes are built in? Over the years you have peppered in comments in your posts (such as the one in this post about vinyl windows not being a good choice for 1920’s homes) about materials and layout choices that should be made or avoided based on the age of the home you are working with. I have always appreciated these tips and try to bank them away for my own future renovations… I would love to read posts dedicated to specific date ranges. For example, if the home was built in the in the 60’s-70’s (granted there are different styles within that time, but generally speaking…) what materials, finishes, layouts etc. are appropriate if you want to update a home but keep it true to its roots? I hope that makes sense?! I have found this to be surprisingly hard information to find and would love to hear your opinion on it.
Thank you!
First time comment here: I want that red blouse, but even more I want the TV. I shouldn’t buy a new TV, especially not a $2,000 one – but next time I change our this MUST BE IT! Seriously … Thank you Emily for the daily inspiration – my house looks quite a bit better due to your pots.
Loving the June styling! And the stools you ended up with are perfect.
I love June, perhaps I also wish to be that “grapefruit, hydrangea, perfect pie lady” as well! Don’t get me wrong, you are always spot on with your styling so I can appreciate the December version, but there is something allure about the December shot. Honestly, I love this post as you had me laughing with the side posts and ranting, my type of post! Love it! It seems realistic and I can relate as it seems my mind often works as such. Also, Diane Keaton, can she be anymore on trend? She’ll always be awesome to me!