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Styled To Sell: Elliot’s “Bedroom” That No One Has Actually Slept In, But It’s Still Pretty Darn Dreamy…

Despite its dreaminess, amazing light and wall of windows, after Birdie moved into Charlie’s room this room was an embarrassing storage collection for over a year. We moved a desk in here while we fixed the basement and had a dresser full of I don’t know what. It sucked. I truly didn’t know its purpose for a while so I couldn’t really design it. Was it a guest room? An office? My writing room for the book? Would Birdie actually want to move back in soon as they are 4 and 6? So I left it pretty much empty. But first, here is what it looked like when we moved in and then 3 years ago when it was her nursery, shot for Real Simple …. so cute.

photo by tessa neustadt | from: elliot’s nursery reveal

I still LOVE that wallpaper (tree murals forever) and yes we put it over the plaster, ill-advised by everyone and it looks GREAT. Don’t put something graphic like a stripe over plaster (the texture beneath can make it look wonky) but something more fluid and organic like this actually looks GREAT.

photo by tessa neustadt | from: elliot’s nursery reveal

We originally put up a custom double rod curtain – one for blackout and one for sheers (for one the sun blasts in). Now about a year in the plaster wall simply couldn’t support the weight (it was a LOT) and the rods came out of the wall. So if we were to stay here (and advise to the new owner) they need individual shades on the window frames – I would do something minimal OR a track on the ceiling that can hold the weight. We were going to do one of those two options but the room was not being actually used so it wasn’t a priority. It never gets blasted by the sun (southern light – yay!) so Brian and I could write in there just fine.

photo by tessa neustadt | from: a baby girl’s blush and green nursery

So to sell it, I wanted to show people you could put a twin (or even a full) bed in here in a way that still made it feel really big and bright. I had always wished I hadn’t sold Birdies vintage wicker bed from her first tree-muraled nursery (above), so instead I bought this $500 new replacement from World Market that is pretty darn GREAT. A daybed in front of those windows is just so pretty, although you could have it come into the room on the side or in front of the windows and it would be fine, but just make the room feel a bit smaller.

Available Bedding: Quilt | Lumbar Pillow | Round Pink Velvet Pillow

We kept it pretty simple after that… round rug, layered with sheepskin (holding strong), and a bookshelf (and cute lamp) on the opposite side. We shot it with a dollhouse and rocking horse but for the real estate photos took those away to make it look more open and bigger (I truly don’t know what is the right way to style to sell, I personally like more personality but we tried to stick to the “more space and light” idea for any future buyers).

So that’s how it ended up. It’s so simple and pretty. You could obviously put another piece of furniture in here (dresser or toy storage) but we left it simpler. Also taking down this wallpaper is $400 and having this room be all white would be DREAMY, too.

P.S. If you are interested or you know a serious buyer have your realtor contact Howard Lorey at Nourmand & Associates, DRE # 01263717. 

In case you missed any of the other reveals so far check them out: The Living Room | The Kid’s Shared Bedroom | The Basement Guestroom/Office | Basement BathroomKitchen and Dining Room | The Entry | The Front Yard

**Photography by Sara Ligorria-Tramp

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4 years ago

Beyond dreamy, this room is begging for a nap on a sunny afternoon and if I was in the market for a house and viewing this one, I would lie down on that daybed and refuse to leave. Love every inch.

4 years ago
Reply to  Diane

thank you 🙂

4 years ago

Maisons du monde sells the exact bed:×190-en-rotin-suzane-155838.htm?page=2. The price is pretty correct.
Unfortunately, they don’t have beds in the American store 🙁
I guess it is a (bed)size issue?

4 years ago

This is my favorite version! A little girl’s dream bedroom. Would you mind putting a closeup pic of the texture you’re referring to re wallpaper + plaster? Curious if you’ll tone down their shared room to sell…?

This looks amazing! also, that Justina Blakeney quilt is gorgeous. One of the first things i noticed. I hope the buyer doesn’t change a thing!
I’m currently helping my dad get his house ready to sell, so I’m helping him with staging. Fighting my parents’ very heavy, ornate, and traditional style for a more airy and bright and “less stuff” vibe. Fun stuff.

4 years ago

One word – ethereal!

4 years ago

This might be my favorite room in this house! Lovely.

4 years ago

I never realized you painted the door to the bathroom pink around the edges! I love that – 😍😍😍

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

Thank you for pointing that out that is SUCH a cool little detail!

4 years ago

Every version of this room has been beautiful! Do you have a source for the nightstands?

4 years ago
Reply to  CBP

Yeah, I would love the source for those too. It’s so hard to find a good oak nightstand. Thanks!

4 years ago
Reply to  CBP

I have terrible news. They are from from a long time ago and we don’t think are available. Remember them from this room?

4 years ago

The photos are gorgeous as usual. Practically though is the wall opposite the windows now just blank minus the wall paper of course and off centered with the bookshelf placement? Are there two kiddie chairs in there or you just moved the pink one around? Removing the curtains made a huge difference. Let the light in!!

4 years ago

Are those window guards on the outside of the window? I own an English Tudor as well, and have not been able to figure out how to place window guards up (for child safety) because of the shape of the frame/sill.

4 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Brilliant. Thank you!

4 years ago

THAT wallpaper = perfect. Fun fact: a small shop here in Western Australia has it in green (like Birdie’s first nursery). I’m not into wallpaper, except that one in green. It’s changed my mind about it altogether.
I love this room and agree that it looks mighty fine for a dreamy nap…or ten!

4 years ago

SO very beautiful!

4 years ago

It is just lovely!!

4 years ago

It’s gorgeous! Such a pretty space. I can see a buyer bringing their little girl through and her falling in love with it.

4 years ago

I love how you utilized wallpapers for the room 💖 We, at Forest Homes love using wallpapers to liven up rooms. I also love the neat white and wooden accents combination. The color palette of the room is just divine.

4 years ago

Amazing! But what about the side tables?

4 years ago

Amazing! But what about those tables???