2018 was a big (HUGE) year for EHD. The staff doubled in size (SAY WHAT?!?), we wrapped up the labor of love that was the Portland Project (stay tuned for more reveals in 2019), the mountain fixer is ALMOST DONE (and by almost done, we mean there are walls and floors and bathrooms and a kitchen…furnishings are still TBD—head to this post for the most recent update), we launched two super awesome new sections of the site—all the cool kids are hanging out in the Rooms and Shop page, are you?—so yeah, pretty epic. And just wait for next year. We’re predicting that 2019 is going to be full of so.many.amazing.things, and we cannot wait. Hopefully, sitting here in 365 days, we’ll all look back and say OMG WHAT A FUN YEAR, THAT WAS THE BEST YEAR EVER, but before we get there, we have to wrap up this year, and what better way to do that/get all nostalgic than to look back at the top posts we published these past 12 months.
These are the stories you readers devoured (and commented on) the most. It’s a grab bag of topics, from beauty to politics to house tours to trends…and a sprinkling of controversy.
#11: My Style Evolution, Where It’s Going, and A Big Return to OG EHD
We originally only planned on doing the top 10 posts of 2018, but how could this post, which set the tone for what’s to come here at EHD, not make it in when it was just a 100 page views away from claiming its seat at the popular table? We write our own rules around here, and no one said a “Top Posts of the Year” roundup couldn’t include ELEVEN stories. This post was honestly months in the making. With two heavy renovation projects, the whole “style. play. every day.” aspect of this site (and me) kind of fell to the side, and I’m sure the team could see me twitching from withdrawals. In this post, I take a deeeeep dive into my old homes, my style and what’s next for me. It’s a good one, so if you missed it the first time around, don’t make that mistake a second time.
#10: 7 Things I Learned After Instagramming a Photo of Obama & Losing 4K Followers
I really hemmed and hawed about whether to hit “publish” on this one, but some of the team campaigned hard for it because we knew it would cause chatter (and boy did it ever create chatter—it currently has just about 900 comments…you guys had A LOT to say here, as I knew you would). Writing about what was going on in my head before, during and after I randomly and really without too much thought posted a doctored photo of Barak Obama on Instagram one weekend night, only to have a major exodus of followers. If you’ve ever wanted to read my thoughts about feminism, where I stand on posting personal views on politics and, well, basically, what I learned from this whole thing, head here.
#9: A Romantic Glam Bedroom Makeover with Opalhouse by Target
It’s so fun to do inventory at the end of the year of the posts that hit the most with the readers, because it’s one of those moments where we get reminded of the posts we published AND LOVED. We post roughly 260 posts every year, so it’s easy to be like “Oh yeaaahhh” when you see something make the list. This is one of those posts. Not to say that we forgot about this post at all (it actually had a sister post—I was tasked to showcase Target’s new Opalhouse line this spring and because I couldn’t pick just one way to use the product in a room, I did two rooms, duh), but I sort of forgot just how sweet and great this room was. That headboard almost broke the internet (and was almost instantly sold out on Target.com for weeks and weeks). You can’t see it in this photo, but the Art Deco-y blush velvet swivel chair we used in the corner of this room was also just SO good. All around, just one of those rooms you can’t stop staring at (so for good reason it made our Top 10).
#8: My Kitchen Design a Year Later: Lots to Love & Some Regrets
Another post that sparked controversy in the EHD reader universe, except this time, I didn’t really anticipate it like I did in the Obama post. This post ran on Arlyn’s first day as Editorial Director, so since I was busy onboarding her, I kind of got to ignore the fact (for a few hours, anyway) that everyone was VERY, VERY upset in the comments that I would even think to change anything in my kitchen that I wasn’t happy with a year in. Words thrown around by you guys: “frivolous,” “ridiculous,” “wasteful.” What I thought would be a fun idea to dissect what I did in the initial reno and what, in retrospect (and after living with things), I think could work better in terms of style/design and functionality, well…you didn’t necessarily agree.
#7: House Tour: Mel’s New Place Makes Us Want to Declutter Immediately
EHD veteran Melanie Burstin’s house tour was a year (give or take) in the making. Back in early 2017, she revealed her previous apartment in Silver Lake she shared with her boyfriend at the time, but since has moved into a smaller place for herself that she repurposed many of her pieces into. I personally think it was fun to see the same furnishings used in different floor plans (so did you guys). Mel had been making guest appearances on the blog this year since going off on her own with her Etsy shopping series, but it was really nice to hear from her and see her enviably minimalistic design eye at work again.
#6: The Living Room Rules You Need to Know
I don’t want to say too much about this post beyond the fact that it was super helpful both for us to have all in one place and, clearly, based on traffic numbers, for you all, too. We walk you through all the “design rules” you need to know about to get a living room that feels “just right” and pulled together, from furniture placement to rugs to lighting (like, did you know sconces should be placed 5 to 6 feet on the wall from the floor?). Consider it our 10 Commandments for arranging your living room (well…22 commandments, but 10 felt more poetic for that tagline). Yes, all rules are made to be broken, but we all need to know the rules first to know how to break them.
#5: “I Design, You Decide”: Mountain Fixer Style
Our very first “I Design, You Decide” vote! While I miiiight regret ever coming up with this “genius marketing” idea for the mountain fixer (not because I didn’t want your input, but because it was OUTRAGEOUSLY TIRESOME to design two fully pulled together schemes for every room of the house that both Brian and I loved equally…yeah, what was I thinking?), it’s fun to look back at a time before I knew how much time/money/energy this whole series would take. BUT GUESS WHAT? The house is nearly done with the renovation phase, and like I said in this post, I do plan on continuing the polling process, but just at a smaller scale (sofa selection, instead of an entire living room plan, for instance). In this first post, I introduced the two styles we were considering (Refined Scandinavian Chalet—what I really wanted—and Brian’s dream, Rustic Scandinavian Cabin. You guys picked…well, click over to find out (or get a refresher) and stay tuned for 2019 for all the reveals we’re going to be rolling out once I get it all furnished and styled out (though I’m in no rush and plan to take my time here).
#4: House Tour: A Warm Scandi-Inspired Home
Before we got to Mel’s home reveal in August, we tested the waters of showcasing other designers’ work/homes with Samantha Gluck’s beautiful house. Taking our #4 spot proves you guys were both into her work (which isn’t surprising…she’s an EHD veterans—she worked on the Cup of Jo and Oh Joy studio makeovers) and seeing house tours. Plus, the reading nook in her playroom also took a top placing in our Best of Instagram post from last week, so overall…lots of favorites here with Sam’s home. We promise there are more to come in the new year, and we’ll keep curating them as long as you guys keep reading them.
#3: Hair Update: The Team EHD Reveals
Honestly, we had NO IDEA this post would somehow skyrocket to top 3 for the year (with only a few weeks really to get all those page views). We made a heavy push to the intro of this post as well as the reveals on Instagram and you guys devoured it, but once our friends at Cup of Jo also shared the post, as well, that catapulted this to the winner’s podium FAST. And while the comment section on this one was a bit action-packed (a lot of you professed that you were disappointed in some of the reveals, that they weren’t drastic enough, that no one dared to shave their heads/go bleach blonde/whatever is worthy of being a worthy “transformation”), it was still so much fun for us to experience—and write about—a different kind of “makeover.”
#2: 2018 Design Trends for the Bathroom
Last week, we broke down all the individual trends we uncovered and contemplated this year in this post[LINK], but we purposefully left out our larger trend predictions (like this bathroom one)because we knew they had been our most popular posts of the entire year and didn’t want to show our hand too early. Black fixtures, built-in ledges, monochrome everything, “wet rooms” where a freestanding tub and shower coexist in one space…all ideas that were fun to think about, some we actually incorporated into our designs for the mountain fixer and Portland project this year. Which were your favorite? Which made you go “yuck/hard pass”?
(sorry if that was annoying, just trying to virtually pause for dramatic effect)…
#1: 2018 Design Trends: Kitchen
THIS ONE! We kind of gave it away in our #2 spot when talking about the sister post to this one (bathroom trends for 2018), but obviously, you guys were hungry for new, fresh, exciting ideas for the kitchen. We absolutely plan to do this one again in the new year, even though kitchen design doesn’t turn over super fast, but there’s always someone out there doing something fun and innovative that makes us go “OMG WE HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT THAT.” These first 12 design concepts we uncovered at the beginning of last year still feel pretty solid all these months later (though maybe things like terrazzo are still pretty niche), and we can’t wait to see how many continue to play out in the mainstream and what else pops up to ogle and wax poetic on.
THAT’S IT! Thank you again SO MUCH for coming here every day (this year as well as the last eight) and reading what we have to say. Come back later this week to see what we’ve cooked up for 2019, a reader survey (pretty please tell us about yourselves and what you want to see more/less of this year) and lots of fun new content.
Happy New Year everyone. xx
I read the style evolution and it’s really sad that your design choices are influenced by comments on this blog. I can barely stand to read them! People are awful. You should turn them off – you don’t answer questions anyway. Turn them off and do your thing.
I really try to answer questions in the comments, and honestly we appreciate most comments – its a really fun way to create discussion and dialogue. Involving the audience is typically fun (and one of the reasons I still do this), just trying to not make mistakes in front of everyone is what is hard. So its not that the audience influences decisions that I wouldn’t make its more the pressure I put on myself to be perfect (when I’m not). That’s the real return to ‘OG EHD’ just doing my thing even if I end up changing it because its wrong. 🙂
I think a designer’s purpose is to develop a style that inspires others to develop their own styles. An inspirational design blog should be just that, inspirational. Love that you have the flexibility to create polls and see what your readers like.
I want to add a suggestion. In your new “rooms” category, it would be nice if you had a “room” of “tabletop.” I just searched your blog trying to find your Parachute home post with the gorgeous linens and it would be nice to find your tables capes easier. That is something that I change a lot and would like different inspiration often.
That’s all! Happy New Year!
Emily, from one Em to another, I implore you to read this comment; it’s about your hair! I know why you’ve lost 9according to you) a ton of your hair in the past year or two. I am also a die hard blonde (not naturally, mind you, I’m waaaay darker than you) and I’ve been dying my hair in the salon for 20 years (you and I are the same age). Just like you in the last two years my hair has become FRIED from bleach. And I have always had long beautiful hair despite my bleaching. Well, I discovered what it is… it’s the toner. I swear to you, please listen. It’s the toner and all the other bells and whistles salons now add, like toxic smelling purple shampoo and deep scrubs and who knows what else. 3 months ago I went and my hair broke off in clumps! I was so pissed. The stylist will hide this by brushing behind you so you can’t see but I took the brush and did it myself… clumps. I just went to a new salon the other day and adamantly told them- DO IT LIKE THE DAMN 90’s FOR THE LOVE… Read more »
Emily, your comment just makes me so happy! It feels *just* how I think of this community — funny, honest, encouraging, helpful, passionate. So good. Even if Emily (hendo) doesn’t write back, I want you to know that your comment is appreciated for all the reasons I listed above. Happy 2019!
what i would love to know more about is the greenery and types and placements. where they get them too. ive seen alot of greenery that just looks to be pulled off a tree but im sure thats not the case but cant seem to figure out where and the name of the greenery used. greenery seems to be used in every pictures and i cant help but notice 🙂
I can’t believe none of the Portland house posts made it to the top 10! That project is gorgeous and I love it!
I just completed the survey with all my amazing feedback, ha – and there is no submit button at the bottom! Just a “Get Link” button.