Our house in LA (Adam’s Hill, Glendale, specifically) is for sale as of today and I’m still grappling with the fact that we don’t live there anymore. We have been SCRAMBLING to move, clean and style, as we’ve shot there almost every day for 2 weeks – squeezing every last bit of content out of that lady. I’ve been obsessing, but it’s finally ready for market. I’m doing a Facebook Live today around 3:30 – 4pm PST where I hope you guys will tune in and ask TONS of questions so I’m not just touring around my house by myself.
Spending the last few days here shooting, placing flower arrangements and touching up paint has made me extremely nostalgic for the last three years. We moved in here 6 days before we had our first child, Charlie. Then we had Elliot 2 years later. The memories we’ve made are inexplicably beautiful – and you know it’s hard for me to write that kind of sap, so it must be true. Eight months ago when Brian suggested looking for a new house (one with a yard) I cried so hard and was even mad at him for betraying this house and its memories. I kept saying but we’ve had the best years of our lives here?? And he agreed, but said maybe we could have even better ones.
He was right. He’s always right.
Now that we are in our toddler friendly, adorable english cottage, I know that it’s time for someone else to make those beautiful memories (and instagrams ;)). I will most likely not follow along – like a healthy breakup, I wish it well and I want the best for it, but it would be too painful to see it with another woman.
Speaking of emotional torture, here’s a quick sentimental recap:
This is us, 3 years ago, 9 months pregnant, SO EXCITED for our new life with a baby and a house full of projects.
Like most of you, owning a home was a goal but one that felt like a fantasy for so long (especially in LA). We scrambled to buy this run-down midcentury house as if it were the last house on earth and we got it. We loved the potential of light, space, view and the architectural charm. Then we had this insanely wonderful baby. Life finally felt full of promise. Things were so lovely. So… now I’ll just start crying.
It was the holidays. I had a new baby. I had just got my Target job. I had this beautiful house to explore and share my creativity with. I honestly had never been so happy or knew that this level of happiness could even exist.
Life here with a baby was pretty darn good. Many people commented about the stairs (it’s 30 stairs to get into the house) but I was just so grateful to have a home, one that I loved, with such amazing light. It was always worth it when you got at the top.
We loved that year so much with, in fact, we figured why not get another baby? So 11 months after Charlie’s birth I became pregnant with Elliot (this was our announcement photo):
We were about to bring 2 tiny kids into our first home. I was excited obviously, but man was I underprepared (but how can you properly prepare for two kids under the age of 2?)
After 9 or so months, as they do, our magical little bird joined us. And life got more full of love, stress, joy, work and exhaustion – not because of her, but the accumulation of life. But somehow it was still so, so, so, so good.
It’s going too fast, you guys. TOO FAST. I’m missing it. I’m too busy, too tired to really soak it all up. I can’t believe she is almost a year and a half …
Elliot took it all to the next level. She made me tear off every layer of pride, ego and judgement that I didn’t even know existed. She is so loving, but also so emotionally intelligent that you question your own decision making when around her. She knows when I’m messing up before I do.
It’s hard to properly describe that second year although I tried to in this post, this post and this post.
Back to the house:
We loved living here inside as much as out:
But wait, a lot has happened at this house, besides two kids.
We’ve watched a lot of Bachelor:
UGH. That guy was THE worst. They really should pay me to consult on the winners/who should get spinoffs. I was, absolutely, a reality TV casting director in my former life.
We had so many shoots that I couldn’t possibly count them all.
In fact this house has been in 6 magazines: Domino, Good Housekeeping, Parents, Darling, Redbook, etc.

See full Good Housekeeping Tour HERE.
See full Domino Tour, HERE.
See Full Darling spread, HERE.
See full Charlie’s room in Parents, HERE.
Plus we threw a lot of parties:
Spiderman even came to one (Brian dressed up for Charlie’s 2nd birthday).
And we designed a lot of rooms. Elliot’s nursery:
Charlie’s nursery – yea, we had TWO nurseries.
The guest suite downstairs:
Our master bedroom:
Plus renovated 3 bathrooms (here and here), and completely redid the exterior.
I’m going to do a big ‘greatest hits’ post where I document the various stages of each room, but this post is more about how much love, happiness and amazing memories we have had here. It’s hard to encapsulate or quantify it all. But trust me – it’s more than any number that exists. While we aren’t perfect, a lot of happiness can happen in 3 years. I should know.
We took a risk on a fixer upper, we put a ton of money, heart, love, time and sweat into making it a beautiful home – inside and out, literally – and it surely has paid off emotionally (let’s hope it pays off financially).
We are pretty darn lucky to have lived here. Just like the next owner. The house where you start a family is an emotional place, in location and in your heart. Our kids won’t remember it, they won’t long for it, they won’t have alarmingly nostalgic ties to it, but I will. FOREVER. 🙂
Take care of her, will you? She’s a lovely lady that deserves the best.
Don’t forget – today at 4pm (ish) PST I’ll be doing the first and last Facebook live tour of this house, so get your questions ready and i’ll answer any and all of them.
* There will be two open houses this weekend and next weekend. I won’t be there and street parking is hard (not for those that live there, but when there are more than 10 people over) so take an uber (and rest assured you’ll get one home because Glendale has the highest percentage of drivers in all of LA – which I already miss!).
Our realtor is Howard from Nourmand and Associates (who I can’t recommend enough). If you can’t make it this weekend your realtor can set up an appointment with him.
**The MLS is up!!! – 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1911 square feet, newly restored 1964 midcentury gem. Central HVAC, with sweeping views and attached additional 225 guest suite/bathroom. Listing for $1, 027, 000. In Adams Hills, 91205.
Overalls by Harlow and Jade (I have a medium and its snug, fyi), blouse by Frame.
Beautiful home and beautiful memories, thanks for sharing. Hope all goes well for you with the sale 🙂
Wow! What an accomplishment to not only have made so many beautiful memories, but also to have increased the value of your house so much! I know a lot of hard work went into both of those. So excited for you and your new house. You’re great!
Such a gorgeous house and gorgeous memories! And no way you were 9 months pregnant in that first picture!
I mean the second one. Holding the keys… You look adorable.
That denim jumpsuit was MADE for you!!
GAH-I will miss this house SO much! We moved into our first home in 2015 and your journey was such an inspiration for my own decor and style ( mid-century modern gal here!) Thank you for the FANTASTIC design on this house. I love Elliot’s nursery, your beautiful custom bookshelf and the gorgeous living room which drew me to read your blog.
I can only imagine what you must be going through since I am so invested in this house as a reader too 🙂
Emily, I wish you all the very best in this next chapter, from the bottom of my heart. This post is a great example of why you’re a role model for me, in business and marriage and family. You have this incredible way of squeezing all the beautiful out of life, creating it, noticing it, sharing it so that all of our lives are enriched by the way you’re living yours. You’re a special human. Best of luck.
Wow. Thank you thank you thank you. That made my day 🙂
whoa. this is a VERY low price. it will go for way more than that, emily. i feel a bidding war coming on. congratulations. all your hard work will pay off!
I love you. xx Cheers to your optimism:)
Wow,wow,wow. Lovely, happy place. Best of luck on the sale and creating new memories.
None of my comments appear to be going through or are being deleted?! Can you let me know why?
Clicked too soon-eager beaver here 🙂 Good Luck with everything!
HA. no 🙂 And thank you!!!
Fond memories that you have kindly shared since the start. My fingers are tightly crossed for you on the sale of your “old place” and a bright future at the new one. Thanks for taking us all along for the ride Emily!
Looking through your bank of photos made me nostalgic too! I had running thoughts of…Oh I remember when you did the kitchen (with the switch issue). Oh Charlie was so little then!
Glendale is such a wonderful city. I live in So Cal and think the home is priced really well, particularly for how gorgeous it is. It’s turn key. And honestly? I bet it will go for more than your asking price. The economy is the highest it’s been in 6 years and market is robust now. Best of luck to you. Selling and buying a house is so stressful!
FYI: The link for emailing Howard goes to a completely different website that has nothing to do with Nourmand & Associates (& it’s spelled differently, too).
Also, in looking at the list of agents on the actual Nourmand & Associates website, there are two Howards, Howard Lorey and Howard Stevens. Which Howard is yours?
Howard Lorey!! So sorry …
congrats and I hope there’s a bidding war and you get TONS of money in profit!! :)))
Here here! Beautiful restoration. Best of luck!
Incredible! So inspirational and I really hope a family will swoop in with plenty of dollars and love for it. Thanks for sharing.
Holy moly you are making me sad too now – and I never even lived there! Thanks for sharing your sweet, sweet memories. Can’t wait to see what your cottage will share <3
What a sweet post and adorable family! This will always be one of my favorite houses ever!!! I’m sure it will sell immediately. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work. You’re so inspiring! I’m a huge fan and can’t wait to see all you do to your beautiful new home. Congrats!
Sweet post Emily. It shows that you put a lot of love into both your home and your family. Best wishes!
Your home and it’s evolution has been one of my favorite things about the internet. You just made it into the most gorgeous place!! I’m sure it will sell very quickly. Can’t wait to see more of your new house!!!
Top to bottom, such a gorgeous inspiring home. Thank you for sharing glimpses of it and the memories you made there with all of us!
I don’t wonder how you did all the stairs with kids (I live in NYC, that’s life here), but I am curious how you navigated having open staircases indoors with toddlers. We see those in a lot of real estate options, and I’m never sure how I would manage it with kiddos (which, hopefully, are on the horizon in the next few years).
xx Jean
Love your home. If I lived in LA I would buy it in a heartbeat!! As a child, I moved to Northern California from Alabam in 1964 with my family. My memories are so strong and vibrant of those years in California. Your home reminds me of those times. I will do my best to tune in but I’ll be ~7pm here. Best of luck!
Can’t wait to see more of your new home!
So lovely. I wish I lived in LA. I’m sad to see the tree didn’t make it, but also letting that make me feel a little bit better about some of the plant carnage that I’ve may have caused.
You did such an amazing job with that house! It really looks beautiful. I know what you mean about how hard it is to leave the house where your babies were born. It really is such an important and awe inspiring time in your life–so many firsts, so many beautiful memories. We moved about 18 months ago from the house we had lived in for 10 years, where our three children were born and started school. The toughest part was making the decision to move. I cried so many times before we actually left. But then once we moved–I swear I’ve only been a little nostalgic once or twice! And I loved my house and neighborhood. I think you just move on and accept your new reality and make new, wonderful memories!
omgsh em i think is one of my favorite posts. kinda felt like crying reading it and looking at all those awesome pictures. and how PHAT is your tv screen on the wall??! did you just use a projector to the wall?? i cant wait to see new memories (and purchases 😉 being made at the new house …<3
Ha. YES! It was a projector. Thank you 🙂
Best of luck, emily, brian and babies! it’s been such a joy to see you blossom since your design star days. i never thought a character i once rooted for on a tv show would become such a regular part of my life. every week, you inspire and motivate and deliver something happy and unique to our world. thanks so much. please never stop doing what you do. and enjoy your new home! you’ve worked so hard. you’ve deserve that beautiful back yard 🙂
Thank you so very very very much. That means the world to me. thank you. xx
We moved into our new downsize apartment in early January and are in the process of painting our house now that it’s COMPLETELY EMPTY! And cleaning and staging for our upcoming sale. I’m separating from our old house emotionally after 32 years … still get a twinge or two. We started our married life there. Added a dormer and a bathroom upstairs. Took the kitchen down to the studs and completely remodeled and lived with it happily for another thirty years. Added a man cave for my husband’s giant TV. And most recently, redid the laundry / craft room (okay, that was hard to leave behind). Along the way we also redid the garden, turning our back yard into an outdoor family room.
We loved it, lived in it, but now it’s time for it to become someone else’s dream home.
You mentioned once that your tree was diseased. Did you have to get rid of it?
A touching tribute. You are right, a home is about how it makes us feel and it is obvious that yours is filled with love. What lucky people the next owners will be. Wishing for a quick sale!
I may be an outlier, but the only way I get to watch your Facebook live things are in the quiet of my office. Starting them at 3:30 pm PST means I and many other have already had to leave work for the day (I live in Chicago). Just throwing it out there.
My main takeaway from this, that I agree with wholeheartedly BTW, is that babies grow up too fast and it’s dumb. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO DUMB.
This house is absolutely gorgeous! Definitely like my dream house!
All the best with selling it – I’m sure you’ll have no problem! We’ve just moved house too and our old one holds so many memories for me.
Eilidh xo
ABSOLUTELY beautiful, and I’m sure it will sell so quickly! What a beautiful, beautiful home with so many great memories.
We just moved from our first home, which we owned for 14 years, into our newer and better-amount-of-space-for-us home. But I will always, always love the home our babies came home to.
The house looks gorgeous! Thank you for taking us back through this magical time in your lives. Can’t wait to see more of the new house. I am sure this house will sell quickly! xo
Checked too early but found its twin…you can do it all over again if you want…and a yard! lol http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1835-Marion-Dr_Glendale_CA_91205_M11324-21766
Beautiful, in all of its photos! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you so much for sharing this house with us over the years. I’ll really miss it. I love what you’ve done with it!
Really lovely post. You’ve come a long way from the gorgeous blue velvet sofa that Brian didn’t know the real price of. ? Dying to see your new sofa!
Congrats on an amazing job!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful journey of a home and family with us, truly.
We can handle some sponsored posts.
Agree with all the beautiful comments on this awesome house and family. And loved seeing the dudes watching Juan Pablo. 🙂
Please tell your friend Howard to brush up on his architectural history. “Post-Modern”!?
ASIDE FROM THAT, FANTASTIC! This will be an epic bidding war for a house with that many front stairs!
Congratulations, Emily! Loved being along for the ride on this one. I’m sure some lucky person will snap it up!
I love this post. It reminds me of a book I read that I think you would love – Dwelling in Possibility by Howard Mansfield – not that anyone with two toddlers and a full time job has a ton of reading time 🙂 He talks about the difference between a home – a place that nurtures you and provides a sense of calm and peace vs just a house – how certain spaces feel alive. He also talks about the impact on people who are displaced after a natural disaster or war and the human need for a welcoming space – really well researched and fascinating stuff! My husband and I bought our home 3 1/2 years ago and I have often feared the heartbreak that will inevitably come when we do eventually move. Maybe I love it too much? I remember after we closed on it the former homeowner saying that she couldn’t stop crying as she was packing and I know that will be me one day. Your post made me feel ok about that! It was even featured on apartment therapy a few month’s ago if you’d like to see 🙂 http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/an-eco-friendly-amp-stylish-mid-century-home-in-dallas-235883 Happy ending – the… Read more »
Love love the light in your house obviously, but Can you tell me where you got your overalls in the first pic??? They are my dream overalls!
Beautiful home, how is it so perfect!!
The wooden floors are stunning!!
Absolutely love this home. I am sure the new owners will love what you have done. I look at many houses and I like many I see… but rarely am I wowed. I always am looking for my clients through their eyes. To get the home that suits them best. When I saw this home I was truly Wowed! Unique elements and style hug this home. It exudes so many wonderful feelings. You have Wowed me enough to want to follow you:). Well done!
If I lived on the other side of the country and made a lot more money, I’d snap that place up in a heartbeat. I love it so, so, so much. I get why you’d want a yard for the kids, but as someone without kids who hates yardwork, I think it’s perfection.
GAH-I will miss this house SO much! We moved into our first home in 2015 and your journey was such an inspiration for my own decor and style ( mid-century modern gal here!) Thank you for the FANTASTIC design on this house. I love Elliot’s nursery, your beautiful custom bookshelf and the gorgeous living room which drew me to read your blog.
I can only imagine what you must be going through since I am so invested in this house as a reader too 🙂
Hey, Emily. Can you please tell what size rugs do you use in your living room? From the blue one to the cowhide scallop one.