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What I Love, Bought, And Pinned Over The Weekend

The biggest question we’ve been asking ourselves all weekend here at EHD has been, “what’s next?” If you read yesterday’s post then you know we want to shift back to design content today, because design content is what we do here. But, does anyone even want it? Do we?? And most importantly, how to begin?

This weekend I started putting a huge list of talented Black and POC designers, makers, and stores for us to shop from, share, and promote. And I found myself “adding to cart,” buying, and pinning a lot. Both for design projects in the works and myself. So I figured that’s where we start – how I am bringing the work of Black designers into my own home. It’s show and tell time, and it’s a lot of good stuff. Here goes.

That table lamp is insane. Sculptural, graphic, powerful – just a ton of impact, and the shade is perforated so I think the light it gives off would be magical. It was a collaboration between 52kibo (an amazing online store) and Aphrochic (a blog team who we’ve connected with over the years – Jeanine and Brian are awesome and leaders in the blog/design/media world). And I don’t know where to put that hanging lamp, designed by Candice Lawrence, but I want it badly. I’m imagining two over nightstands in a bedroom or a couple over an island (they come in white, too – but that blue and gold combo is obviously one I can get behind). I still need to replace the light over my dining table and I want to add some color over there, so maybe two of these is the answer. Also, she makes a mirror that is equally awesome.

Large affordable art is hard to find, as we’ve written about a million times. That tapestry from Bolé Road Textiles is 36 x 32″, is $119, and does NOT need a frame. That is high impact art for a great price. There aren’t many left (sorry, I bought one) so hurry if you are interested. I also love that pillow and it’s going on my new sofa that I have yet to show you. 🙂

The table on the left is by Jomo Furniture, and I think it’s safe to say that it’s jaw-dropping. I’ve reached out for the price, but if you are looking to add some African inspired contemporary furniture, check out Jomo Tarik, who is an Ethiopian American artist/industrial designer. The table on the right is from 54kibo, and designed by Ghanaian designers Josephine Forson and her husband Kweku (that whole site is incredible – I pinned a ton from it). It’s headed into my living room soon.

I snagged the necklace on the right by Hadiya Williams (site is Black Pepper Paperie), but she has so many other pieces. The pillow on the left is graphic, with an awesome warm stripe (we’ve been really into hits of mustard lately). The site says “This collection, aptly named Bogolan [de]constructed, is symbolic of the evolution and timelessness of mudcloth design, originating in Mali, West Africa. We have distilled the architectural design elements that define that classic art form, and put them back together in original patterns and application.” There are a lot more that I pinned from that site – but that’s the one I bought. The site, xNasozi, has great pieces, founded by designer Nasozi Kakembo.

The site Goodee Co is an amazing shopping source. Everything is ethically sourced, founded by two black designers, and they give background on the “who”, “where”, and “how” for every product, so you just know it’s a responsible purchase. That Indigo lumbar is going on a bed somewhere in my future. The hanging light comes in different shapes and we highly suggest you mix them, because they are rad. They are handmade in Ghana, finished in Paris, and at $345 they’re a great price (please note the brass details).

Both of these pieces by Marie Borgos are edgy, beautiful and make a strong statement. I could see that hanging pendant lamp in a both a contemporary space, as well as a 200-year-old revamped brownstone. It is specific, and it’s also quiet and powerful. It comes in a few colors – I love the white and pink, too. And I’m seriously considering the blue bench for our living room (across from our new blue sofa – so many changes to show you!). The blue + leather details are WONDERFUL. Marie has designed awesome glass sconces and chandeliers in beautiful colors, with a heavy midcentury bent.

I love all things about my friend Justina Blakeney and I literally don’t know how she does it all. I mean, I do – she works her ass off. She’s on her 3rd book, has a blog, a billion home product lines, and now an online store chocked full (but selling out!) of awesome pieces. Now, it’s time for some art, so I started with hers as I have a personal connection to her and her paintings are beautiful (what can she not do?). That planter is awesome, and while the black and white one is sold out there are other colors available (it sold out before I got it, sadly). Also, does anyone remember when we both collaborated with Lake Bell and AirBnB? This was her pop-up “house”. Also if you don’t have her first and second book, you can buy them from her site and get a signed copy (read my review here.) I really recommend you check out her online shop. I for one, am very curious if this rug would look good in my kid’s bedroom with the canopy.

This list could go on and on, and we’ll keep sharing what we find – I pinned/bought a lot, and I’m not stopping anytime soon. Stay tuned for a bigger, better resources list, but for now, I hope you enjoyed a snippet of the research we’ve been doing. xx

Opening Image Credits: Photo and Design by The Jungalow

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4 years ago

Fun finds, cute new pic of you!

4 years ago

Next time try doing something in Feb for Black History Month instead of jumping on the bandwagon of this latest event.
It just looks as though you guys are virtue signalling, like so many businesses who spend too much time on social media are.
Also, will you be focusing on how people can support businesses facing closure and decimation due to 3 months of lockdown and draconian legislation when they are ‘allowed’ to reopen again?

Peggy Lichtenstein
4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I think developing more inclusive sources is the best thing you can do. I look forward to the blog every day and may I say that these weeks during COVID have been some of your best.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I’m wary of engaging with you on this because I sense you may not be coming to this debate from a position of good-faith. But, alas, I feel compelled against my better judgment to respond. The comment that highlighting black designers is automatically “virtue signaling” is highly problematic. Why would it be performative to highlight a designer of any race, particularly highly talented ones like the designers listed here? Are you suggesting that they don’t deserve to be highlighted? I could see your point if the EHD team only posted a few things this week and then moved on with the news cycle, effectively going back to their old ways. But, we don’t know if that’s the case yet, as they haven’t had the chance to prove themselves. What they have done so far is recognize that their scope was limited (likely due to a number of explicit and implicit influences) and have started the work to course correct. Also, are you suggesting that only spending “too much time on social media” would make someone recognize their own implicit bias and attempt to actively address it? If so, I would recommend that you yourself spend more time on social media!… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

Yes! Australia went hard, fast and we’ve had just over 100 deaths.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

Go, Brittany, go!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

That’s part of the problem some people think only Black History Month is for highlighting the culture. It shouldn’t be sectioned off that way. European history is woven throughout the year, no way to get around it. Also, the undertones laced throughout your statement are loud and clear. I’m glad she didn’t respond to you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I get the impression that Jennifer didn’t read the last… four? posts, or their comments.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

You would prefer her to make these changes next February? Why shouldn’t she start now? It’s not jumping on a bandwagon, it’s listening and responding.

Alicia M Freeman
4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Whoa. Okay, lots to unpack here. Foremost–racial acknowledgement and inclusion is not a ‘bandwagon.’ The last two weeks have sparked a massive movement–a movement signaling (hopefully) permanent change of recognition, appreciation, inclusion and celebration of all races and cultures all the time (not just on their designated ‘holidays’). NOT reacting to this movement right now is tone deaf and insensitive. Our Black neighbors have been systematically discriminated against for generations. Stopping this has to start somewhere–why not now? Why not here?

Okay–the idea of supporting struggling businesses during the pandemic is an EXCELLENT idea, and a good nugget for Emily and team to pick up on.

I don’t think I’m going to touch on your comments regarding draconian legislation…as a public health professional, wife of a cardiovascular ICU nurse, and mother to a child on cancer treatment I have a VERY different opinion of the sacrifices of our nation in the recent months.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Wot?! Without the “draconian” legislation, even more lives would’ve been lost! Really?
Look at the countries that went hard, fast, and you’ll see the irrefutable results of lockdown as the only effective means of controlling the virus.
I, and millions of other people worldwide, wish Trump had been more concerned about his citizens than his ego.

Tina Schrader
4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Brittany, you’re right. It’s pretty clear that Jennifer is here to stir up trouble more than anything. The part about starting this during Black History Month is ridiculous. We should wait for a specific month to be inclusive, even if it specifically regards black people? No. But it was her deflection regarding her opinion of the stay-at-home orders that gave her away. Any time someone comes up a version of a whataboutism (“What about xyz?” or “Why don’t you talk about this, too?” or “How come you only talk about that?” when a person is clearly trying to focus on a particular topic for the purpose of inclusivity (or any other principled reason), what it really serves to do is distract and deflect, which is surely a pleasing outcome for the writer. Emily, your devotion to inner and outer change has inspired me in more ways than you know. It was your non-defensive reaction to advice given that really impressed me. It is that that shows you are trying to *avoid* virtue-signalling. Keep going. 🙂 Now, on to this post’s subject! THOSE LAMPS!!! And that artwork! Oh, drooling. And that that first lamp was handmade in Africa, I believe I… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

100% of the businesses Emily has highlighted in this post appear to be small businesses that have almost certainly been impacted by Covid-19. Do they not count, for some reason, in your eyes? Maybe think about what that reason might be and do some introspection.

4 years ago

While I think showcasing black designers and sellers is a great step forward in principal, it’s also clearly a great step forward in the practical sense for your blog. I got excited by the design content of this post in a way that I haven’t for a long time here. It just goes to confirm that when you limit what you see and hear and read, or allow it to be limited, you miss out on so much. I’m really looking forward to the new, “expanded horizons” EHD blog 🙂

4 years ago

YES! And seeing more design, art, creativity and beauty from the larger (huge!) pool of the World is good for everyone – enlightens the mind, educates, challenges and spurs growth as opposed to stagnation and small thinking. Applaud your efforts !!!

4 years ago

Thank you for everything you’ve done this week………taking a hard look at yourself, your content, everything. It all feels sincere and certainly inspiring. I’m happy my favorite blog is taking this journey as I am as well personally. Can’t wait to see more!

4 years ago

I’m looking forward to the return of design content. Thanks for what you do.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mary

How is this not design content or not similar to Emily’s many other posts about home products?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Hm, I didn’t read this as Mary thinking this post *isn’t* design content, just that she’s looking forward to more. But I assumed that because I’m currently defining “what Emily does” as trying-to-be-a-real-ally-in_the-design-world and that was what the thank you was for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4 years ago

I love the black art. It is so creative and decorative. Thank You For Sharing!

4 years ago

THESE ARE AMAZING. That blue bench is a bit much for my home’s aesthetic (as is all of that postmodern-blob furniture), but damn it’s good too and I would be delighted to stay in a hotel room that had it (good hotel rooms are like having a design affair – but, like, more ethical than an affair). Thank you for doing this work. As someone who is into design as a hobby you’ve already introduced me to lots of new sources and ideas, so I’m glad that you are able to find ways to do that same work but in a more inclusive and just way. Obviously Black designers are doing amazing work and your content is just going to get better because of it. And as a white person, thank you for doing the personal work and being public about it, and therefore indirectly holding a mirror to my own blind spots and helping me to figure out how to do better as well. My only regret is that this is going to bring out the folks who still think white body supremacy is a sensible reality, and I fear that reading their comments is going to be especially… Read more »

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I love your picks here! Love finding new ethical companies because i believe VERY strongly in voting with our dollars since we are unfortunately a much too capitalist society, so thanks for showing me Goodee Co. Pretty sure that lumbar pillow is calling me. LOVE. Also, the Marie Borgos pieces are GORGEOUS. My severe dust allergy would unfortunately prevent me from having a lamp/chandelier like that (cry-face emoji), as would my budget, but I can appreciate how stunning it is. That blue bench though. I. LOVE. IT. that blue + leather combo is awesome. Plus, they have smaller sizes in other colors!
Also, that leather necklace. so good.
Eek! I seriously love all the stuff you picked out here. And I could seriously see all of them going with your aesthetic. So nice to find new makers. 🙂
Thanks for all your efforts.

4 years ago

Loving this content (all of it)! Wishing so hard that I could purchase that lumbar pillow right now.

4 years ago

Aaaah, yes, Justina’s Jungalow! So much goodness there. The blog used to be my other fav, but doesn’t really happen anymore. I’m quietly crushed about that coz I don’t have time to follow Instagram. I wish more of her gear was available to overseas purchases! It’s all so good!

I think the rug would be fabulous in the kids’ room! 🙂

I’d lurve to see a couple of those lights above your diningtable; they’re so you!

Ooh, this is so good! THIS might be what the Universe had in store when you said you wanted more colour in your designs, Emily?

BIG smiles here!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

So Agree on Justina’s Jungalow website!! The products are so very beautiful and amazing! If I was into spending money right now, my “cart” would be ever so full!!!!! So Lovely and thank you for sharing these beautiful finds and treasures with us!! Love it!!!

Emily (not Henderson)
4 years ago

This is great! My husband and I bought an older house a few years ago and after renovations and projects we are finally ready to do some decorating, and I’d like to make some more deliberate and thoughtful decisions when choosing art and pillows and such. Re: recent events (and the last 400 years), we’re doing research and reading things that make us uncomfortable and encourage us to grow, but I’d also like to put my money where my mouth is and support black artists and others of color if I can. That being said: I am wondering what others’ thoughts are about purchasing certain items as a white woman. Some items on this list seem to have fewer cultural references (that beautiful blue post-modern bench!) but others seem to speak to culture and history and while I think they are beautiful, is is okay for me to buy something like that or would it be appropriation? I’m not trying to start arguments, just legitimately asking the question as I move forward.

4 years ago

One thing I think is important to consider is that you give credit to the true creators and purchase from authentic sources (rather than cultural appropriators). And if you’re an influencer, share that info with your audience. If you’re just someone who loves design, maybe share that info with your friends and family when they compliment your new purchase! For example, Shavonda Gardner (@sgstyle) has multiple juju hats hanging in her home, and she has purchased them from makers in Cameroon, Africa. I think it would be ok to buy a juju hat as long as you buy it from an authentic source and not Amazon or something. I’m interested to hear what others think about this!

4 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

oops, @sgardnerstyle on Instagram

4 years ago

I understand that appropriation is more about (essentially) ripping off someone’s designs/culture/practices.
Buying the real deal, hanging it in your home and acknowledging what it is and represents isn’t appropriation as far as I can tell.

For example, some Australian Indigenous Aboriginal art is copied by Indonesian people for ruthless souvenir companies snd sold to tourists in mass outlets in Australia as the real thing. It soooooo is not. This IS appropriation.

Victoria Hom
4 years ago

We want design content back!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria Hom

This is design content.

It’s maybe a little broader than the normal shopping roundups (which typically have a tighter usage theme: pillows, outdoor furniture, etc) but in the same genre. And I’m shopping from it the same way I shop from all the others: there’s one piece I am desperate for but can’t afford (that black lamp! stunning!), some other pieces more in my price range that I am debating buying and bunch of fun stuff I am now dreaming about that I found at the new-to-me stores (those rugs at the Jungalow!)

Honestly, this could have been posted a month ago as an addendum to “The EHD Ultimate Online Shopping Resource Guide.” And there would have been no question about it being design content, just like that post was design content.

Anyway, Emily and team, thanks for the post. I am excited for new stores to shop at and am so encouraged by the changes you are making.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jessie

Not only is this design content, it is gorgeous design content.

Having so much fun browsing and planning which piece or pieces I can bring into my home.

4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria Hom

You’ve got it! That’s what this post is about … design. 😉

4 years ago

Thank you Emily and team for your posts over the past week. I’m delighted that you’ll be intentional about showcasing a diverse set of designers, homes, and makers going forward. I used to read Design Sponge everyday, which was excellent at showing a diverse set of people’s homes and art. Since they sadly shuttered last August, I have been reading your blog everyday instead, but I have missed seeing lots of different people and perspectives on design. I’m excited that the content here will be more diverse going forward.

The products and shops here are very cool, and I can’t wait to make my next home goods purchase from one of them! The striped planter from the Jungalow and the black lamp from 54kibo are very cool, bummer that the striped planter is sold out.

Also, I’d be curious what the diversity consultant you hire advises you to do. If you’re able to share that, I would be very interested to read about it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Merry

I miss Design Sponge BIG time. Same.

Roberta Davis
4 years ago

Hello! I, for one, am looking forward to resuming design content. I have one black artist to recommend as well. Her name is Lisa Hunt

4 years ago

I love the lighting pendants by Candice Lawrence. I have one pinned for my future entryway coming soon.

Molly H
4 years ago

“…Next time try doing something in Feb. for Black History month instead of jumping on the bandwagon of this latest event…”

Um, so, EHD is “jumping on the bandwagon” of awareness with how many MILLIONS of people around the WORLD right now?

The reality I see of design (and other) blogs like this one is those who “jump” from the lily white lily pad to be more inclusive of other races are bravely, selflessly diving into our new world, because there is no going back now.

Kind of like when the Me Too movement changed our world almost overnight. And then covid changed our world almost overnight. Now, there is a greater awareness of the reality that the color of your skin makes a mind-blowing difference in how easily you can travel through life.

In case you are wondering, I’m lily white. Sad to say, my own mother is very racist. She will never change. I have chosen to live my life differently. You can, too.

And if EHD loses some folks over this, ta ta, I say. Better to feel good about yourself and others than to hold hate in your heart.

4 years ago

Hi Emily! I’m super psyched and impressed to see you putting your money where your mouth is and am excited for things to come from the blog. That aside, from just an aesthetic, “what’s happening in design and I want to look at pretty things” perspective, this is the most exciting post I’ve seen on EHD in as long as I can remember, by a mile. These finds feel fresh and modern and vibrant. Well done!

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing these great stores! I’m having a baby soon and have been looking for a cute baby blanket, and 52kibo had some great ones I had buy. Signed up for the mailing lists of some of the other sites you posted too!

4 years ago

All of these are such beautiful pieces, and I’m so glad to now know of more places to shop for design that’s a bit different from what I’ve often seen up until now on my Instagram feed.
I especially love the blue and gold hanging lights (would love to see these used in your home ! ) and the various pillows featured. I also love the rug you’re considering for your kids’ room and could definitely see that helping to bring it all together ! Really excited to start seeing how you implement some of these pieces into your home and future projects : )

4 years ago

Thanks, Emily. I think your blog can reflect your style while also benefitting from an infusion of art, accessories, and furniture from Black designers. It may also break down barriers while increasing your readership.

4 years ago

I am DIGGING these pieces!!! I have a serious love for the combination between boho and glam, even though my own furnishings lean fairly traditional/simple/midmod just for the sake of saving money.

I loved the commenter who said she likes to have love affairs with good hotel design. Each of these pieces is so beautiful! I love to see the expansion of your design style, Emily!!!

4 years ago

So many gorgeous finds.

4 years ago

Love this list and have definitely gone and pinned some of these – gorgeous!

4 years ago

These are *gorgeous.* One of the more exciting design posts I’ve seen in a while – thank you!