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Makeover Takeover Bedford Edition: An Intro & Ask The Audience

Happy Friday, folks. Sara here (resident social media coordinator and in-house photographer). You might remember me from last year, when I made-over my childhood bedroom for the blog. Since then I’ve moved back to the city proper, and I’m ready to dive into a brand new ‘Makeover Takeover.’ But this time I’m not alone.

This past September my boyfriend Macauley and I decided to take that giant leap into madness and move in together (or ‘live in sin’ as my mother fondly refers to it). For those of you who are currently feeling heart palpitations of anxiety due to our decision, let me preface this with the fact that we’ve been together for a ballpark amount of 5 years now and had talked about it for the past year and half or so before we finally took this step. It was not a spur of the moment decision based on the inability to pay rent in Los Angeles on our own. But, while the initial decision to move in together went nice and slow, once we started looking for a place things took off at rocket speed. Mac’s lease was about to end, so we decided we could use those last four weeks to apartment hunt together. Of course that very first weekend I spotted a craigslist ad for a 1930’s, Spanish-style, 1 bedroom in a neighborhood we were interested in. We visited, applied, and were offered the apartment that very evening. It was the first, and only apartment we looked at.

Emily Henderson_Makeover Takeover_Sara_Living Room_Ask the Audience_Rugs_Before_2

The apartment itself is pretty amazing, and we constantly feel lucky to have nabbed it so quickly (I attribute this to my uncontrollable impulsiveness, which generally doesn’t lead to good things, but worked in our favor this time). It has some cute architectural details from the 1930’s, original tile from the 1950’s, huge sash windows in every room, and new wood flooring with sound proofing that was installed right before we moved in. We really wanted to make this place ‘ours’ rather than have it be a Frankenstien of mismatched furniture pieces we’d both collected since college. So we started by selling most of Mac’s furniture, and I left my bedroom back home completely intact rather than moving it into our new place. We spent the first few weeks in that apartment with nothing more than a mattress on the floor, and a coffee table in the living room. I’m not exaggerating. After a few weeks we broke down and bought a couch from Ikea because we couldn’t sit on the floor anymore. But creating a cohesive living space takes time, patience, and money (although, to be fair and honest we knew that pulling together the apartment for the blog would allow us to get some awesome pieces that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford all at once). And adding the minor fact that we were having to suddenly be aware of each other’s opinions, meant it was going to be a very long process.

Emily Henderson_Makeover Takeover_Sara_Living Room_Ask the Audience_Rugs_Progress_4

Emily Henderson_Makeover Takeover_Sara_Living Room_Ask the Audience_Rugs_Progress_1

The entire apartment is pretty much an open floor plan – the living room looks directly into the dining room, which then goes into the kitchen. We decided to turn the dining room into an office, because we both work from home quite a bit, and instead put the dining table in the living room. We don’t sit at the dining table very often, so it felt wasteful to dedicate an entire room to something we rarely use. Side note – please ignore those cords running along the floor. This apartment, being built in the 1930s, doesn’t have the best wall to outlet ratio, but it’s being handled (not by me, obviously. That’d be a joke).

Emily Henderson_Makeover Takeover_Sara_Living Room_Ask the Audience_Rugs_Progress_2

But, after 7 months of pinning, multiple mood boards, lots of trips to the flea market, and several design-anxiety filled nights we’ve almost got the place pulled together. Art is out being framed, all the big pieces are in place, and so far no feelings have been irreparably damaged (though I did tell Mac that his computer case was ugly one night, when I was really feeling the Pinterest perfection pressure. Sorry!). There are just a few details left to be decided, which is why we thought we’d bring you, the readers, in on the project. Today I want to focus on the living room, and especially on the rug.

When Mac and I first started planning the living room I asked us each to write down a few words to describe what we wanted. He wrote down homey, characteristic, understated, and refined. I wrote down masculine, relaxing, neutral, and cozy. So far we’ve got some awesome pieces that we love and feel fit our shared vision perfectly, like the Sven sofa from Article, these Vista sconces from Cedar & Moss, custom linen curtains from Country Curtains, and an Aldama Chair from The Citizenry. I already owned a beautiful vintage coffee table, and we bought a credenza and dining chairs for a crisp $100 bill at the Rose Bowl one Sunday. But we still need a rug to tie it all together.

DISCLAIMER: These photos are not fully styled out – which I realize. I just feel the need to point that out before the comments of ‘you need more height on your mantle’ or ‘those pillows are not the right colors’ start rolling in. The styling will come, I promise. And it will involve lots of texts back and forth the night before the shoot with the entire EHD team (bless them). And with that, we proceed with what we have.

Living Room Without Tree Options

Since our art is out for framing, the art shown here is just photoshopped in to give an idea of what we’re going for. We do have a huge 32″ x 40″ polaroid piece being custom framed right now (by Framebridge), and we’re so excited to get it up and see how it turns out. I take a lot of polaroids, and at first I thought putting them out on the coffee table similar to what Brady did in his living room makeover, but they were starting to get really scratched from being shuffled through constantly. So I decided that framing them would be a fun, and a graphic way to display all my favorites at once. Mac’s mom had given us those two Dave Eggers prints which are real quirky, and I love them so I figured it was time to get them framed. We also have two abstract mono-prints by local L.A. artist Anna Ullman going up above the dining room table. We like how neutral they can feel, but still have so much warmth and movement to them (we love them so much, we’re putting one up in the office as well).


So, now that you know the art plan, let’s get into the rugs. Originally I had wanted to use the same scallop hide rug that Emily had in her living room. I loved that rug with an unhealthy obsession. But after taking a look at my design boards Emily, Ginny, and Mel all gave me the same advice – don’t put a white hide rug in that room. I was devastated. But the more I look at the boards and the living room, the more I understand what they meant. The walls and curtains already gave the room a lot of white, and a white hide rug wouldn’t bring enough texture to compensate for a lack of color. We needed a color, a tone, or a texture. Mac was pretty happy with that news because he had been a big proponent of a not-white-hide-rug for a while.

After extensive rug hunting I finally narrowed down our options to about 10 choices. I went through a lot of rugs, so 10 was a really good number for me. I mocked them all up in photoshop, and had the EHD team weigh in. BUT, even after advice had been given, and favorites had been pointed out Mac and I still weren’t convinced of any single rug. So I did what any impulsive decision maker who finds themselves unable to make decision would do – I ordered as many of them as I could to actually try in the living room.


In the end I was able to get my hands on 6 of our absolute favorites.

Living Room Without Tree Option 5

Option #1 – Vintage Persian, Esmaili Rugs

I have a feeling that a lot of you are going to feel this rug tug at your heartstrings right away. It certainly did mine when I spotted it on the Esmaili Rugs website. The pink tones, the hits of navy, the unique pattern. It all adds up to be one pretty gorgeous a rug. However, she was on the pricier end of the rug spectrum (as she should be, being an 8×11, vintage rug in excellent condition), so she needs to be 100% perfect for the space for us to feel comfortable making that sort of decision. She’s not a rug you live with for 5 years and then replace. She’s a lifetime investment. This rug also adds a lot of warm, brown tones which moves the room a bit more in the direction of ‘bohemian,’ which isn’t our original vision for the space. BUT SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL . . . maybe we change directions?

Living Room Without Tree Option 4

Option 2 – Zena Rug in India Ink, Safavieh

This rug is incredibly soft. I did lay on it for a bit, admiring it’s unparalleled softness. I imagine this is what baby seals feel like. It is a bit more shiny than I had originally anticipated from the online images. Maybe a lot more shiny. But having some color in the room doesn’t hurt.

Living Room Without Tree Option 3

Option 3 – Zander Rug in Charcoal, Lulu & Georgia

This is another super soft rug, and cuts way down on the shiny factor. We also like the darker charcoal tone, which ties a bit more back into that neutral/minimal vibe we wanted to incorporate, while the art and warm leather bring in the homey/cozy aspects.

Living Room Without Tree Option 2

Option #4 – Texa Rug in Vanilla, Article

I still wanted to try a white rug in the room, but this time I went with something that had a little more texture and warmth to it. Comfort is really important to Mac (me too), and he loves the softness of this rug. It does brighten the room up, and lets the coffee table pop a lot more than the darker rugs. But are we responsible enough to own a white rug? Is anyone??

Living Room Without Tree Option 1

Option #5 – Texa Rug in Fog, Article

Same rug, different color. We really, really like this rug. It’s the same soft, cozy rug as above, but in a speckled gray color, which makes us feel a lot better about living on it. And I really can’t express how cozy this rug is under your feet (like, extremely cozy). The gray tone is nice and subtle, and let’s our art do most of the talking in the room. It’s a bit more of that neutral, minimal look we like. This rug is way, way up there on our list.

Living Room Without Tree Options

Option #6 – Caline Rug in Charcoal, Lulu & Georgia

The final rug in our line up is this pretty dhurrie. I absolutely love the color on this rug. It’s not super saturated, but keeps things interesting with texture and varying tones. And did I mention that I love the color? But Mac did point out that it isn’t the softest of rugs (dhurries usually aren’t), and he missed the thickness that some of the other rugs had to them. That last part could be solved by a nice thick rug pad, but that wouldn’t help very much with the top. Do we sacrifice a little softness for some major style?

But wait, there’s more. Right now we have that credenza in the back corner behind the couch, and were thinking of turning it into a bar area. We like the idea of hanging planters, to bring in a unique addition to the space that isn’t a frame on the wall. But then Brady ruined everything by suggesting, in a completely in innocent tone, ‘why don’t you put a tree in that corner, and move the credenza to the other side of the mantle.’ WHY BRADY?!


But he had planted the seed, and I had to scratch the itch, so I did some quick photoshopping to test drive it. It does look real good, folks – so he might be on to something. The big question is do we have room for the credenza on the other side of the fireplace, with the hallway and media unit on that side of the room, too? Or do we nix the credenza entirely? And which rug to we commit to? These are the questions that are currently sabotaging any sense of calm I may have previously had.


So now I pass it over to you. Which rug speaks to you? Do we go with comfort and livability, or style and beauty? Hanging planters and bar area in the corner, or a beautiful tree to bring some greenery in and really make that corner pop? Mac and I can’t wait to read each and every comment, and agonize over these important life decisions together.

And here are some extra links, in case you need ’em: Brass Side Table | Woven Basket | Pink Linen Pillow | Patterned Blue Pillow | Navy Linen Pillow | Gray Throw Blanket

For more of Sara’s Makeover Takeover : Office | Living Room | Childhood Bedroom | Bedroom

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7 years ago

l like the Caline rug with the tree in the corner

7 years ago

l like the Caline rug with the tree in the corner!

7 years ago

none of the rugs shown here. You should go for something with some blue in it though. Forget about grey and whitish, they don’t go with the sofa. The persian one is too messy and doesn’t go with the style of the room. Alle the blues are beautiful colours in this room, but even better would be something with blue colours and some patterns in it (stripes?)

7 years ago
Reply to  Anette


7 years ago
Reply to  Anette

Agree with you about none of the rugs. Two of them look fine and are “safe” options for a first time rug owners making an investment but now that I’ve seen the options, I get a sense of what you’re trying to accomplish and I think you should go blue with subtle pattern/texture. One example:

And one more in a gray option: Darcy Rug Pottery Barn

This one is not in your wheelhouse at all but I will throw it out there – black and off-white tribal pattern rug :

7 years ago
Reply to  Anette


7 years ago
Reply to  Anette


7 years ago
Reply to  Anette


7 years ago

My vote is Rug #3 – love the texture & color, I’d take Brady’s advice – traffic to the bar in the corner will create a situation when people are using the sofa/chair. Plus who doesn’t love a tree-in-the-corner.

7 years ago
Reply to  Christy


7 years ago

Congrats on moving in together! Very exciting, and the apartment is amazing. I absolutely vote for the vintage persian. It is just such a statement piece and its absolutely gorgeous! If you decide to go with a solid rug, I think my favorite is the Zander rug in charcoal. I also vote for the tree in the corner. Good luck – I’m sure it will look fabulous!

7 years ago
Reply to  Noelle

Thank you!

7 years ago

I love the gray rug! And the credenza with the planters looks lovely by the sofa. Could you put a tree in the corner near the dining table? It’ll be so exciting to see what you decide!

7 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

I’ll be excited to see what we decide too, haha.

7 years ago

#1, the vintage Persian rug, adds so much personality to the space. The other rugs look boring in comparison. I also love the tree in the corner- very impactful!

lydia @makinglamadre
7 years ago
Reply to  Karen

completely agree! the room is beautiful, serene, and clean but is really needing some personality. the persian rug definitely does this for you.

onto the tree and credenza convo… could you do your credenza in the original corner with 2/3 of the top dedicated to your bar set up and 1/3 dedicated to some greenery? snake plants are super easy to take care of and add great height in very compact or condensed pots.

good luck!

7 years ago

Those dining chairs!

7 years ago
Reply to  Alexandre

I got a set of these chairs plus an arm chair for $26 in Michigan. Got to love garage sales!

7 years ago

3 or 6 for the rug and definitely put the credenza on the left – it will be really nice for grounding the art above it. So fun!

7 years ago

Option 3 or 5 and I really really really lean toward 5! Glad to see that for once I like what the pro likes! And yes, I like the tree in the corner! Good idea Brady….

7 years ago
Reply to  Carmil

Haha, I don’t know if I would consider myself a ‘pro’ in the interior styling sense, but I’m certainly surrounded by them, which helps an awful lot.

7 years ago

I LOVE the persian, but I think all the neutral options look very nice. I’m not a big fan of #2 & #6…i love blue usually, but it feels a little jarring with the leather on the sofa. Just my take! Great apartment! Love what you are doing with it 🙂

7 years ago

Haha! This post was a treat to read. I just got my kids off to school and am sitting here cracking up. You’re a great writer! I “agonize over these life decisions” too. My vote is grey rug #5 or blue tonal stripey rug #6. Life is too messy/unpredictable to spend a billion dollars on a rug like #1. Unless you loved it the very most and it fulfills all your heart’s desires, then I’d say pass. That’s my humble opinion. And Brady is absolutely right, that green tree in the corner is just lovely. I love it. I think you can pull off console on other side easily.
Again, loved this post. Good luck!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Wood

Thank you so much, on so many fronts, for this comment, haha.

7 years ago
Reply to  Melissa Wood

Agree with all of this!!

7 years ago

#5 rug, tree and maybe credenza in the study. love the looks!

7 years ago
Reply to  Telri

I second this!

I LOVE the Persian rug most, but don’t make a life investment in something that doesn’t 200% match your style. Although, resale on those rugs is real. Often, you don’t have to take much of s hit on price when you buy and then resell vintage.

Anna McNinja
7 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

I concur with Telri and Rebecca on all accounts 🙂

7 years ago

I like the last option, the Caline rug. I love the subtle pattern and varying tones. The rug I have in my living room isn’t the softest/thickest but a nice thick rug pad definitely helps and I personally don’t mind the lack of softness. BUT I do think comfort should trump style, so if softness if a big priority for comfort then my second favorite is the Texa rug in Fog. It looks super cozy and I love the speckled pattern. Can’t wait to see which option you choose! Your apartment already looks lovely – I love all the architectural details!

7 years ago
Reply to  Bethany

Thank you!

7 years ago

Congrats on all the exciting changes in your life, Sara!! Your new home is stuuuuunning! Okay, so on to design…I love, love, love Brady’s idea to move the tree to that corner. It’s the perfect pop of color and texture behind your lovely sofa! And I think my favorite rug is the dhurrie…It’s another swoon-worthy dose of neutral-ISH color and texture. But, of course, go with your gut(s?)—I’m sure it’ll be beautiful no matter what you choose!

7 years ago
Reply to  Carrie

The tree in the corner is obviously a very strong contender.

Régine from The 256 Project
7 years ago

This is looking really good so far and I can’t wait to see the final product. In terms of rugs, I like option 2 the best and then, for more neutral, option 5 is my second choice. I love those hanging planters (I own one and it makes me happy every time I see it), but if you’re worried about skewing too bohemian, I think hanging planters might do that. I also think that the credenza should be in a place that is easy access. Because of the bohemian feel of the planters and crowded nature of the credenza in the corner, I agree with Brady’s suggestion.

7 years ago

Yep, the easy access to the credenza is a must. There’s actually a lot of space between the couch and the back corner, which is hard to see through a camera lens. But in general the tree is sounding more and more appealing.

7 years ago

honestly the first rug speaks to me. and i’m not a big fan of prints or anything like that. but i feel that it’s pulling tones from the couch, the pictures, and really warms up the room. but if that’s too expensive then i’d go with Option #5.

Tracey (From KY)
7 years ago

Rug 1 or 6 would look great and the bar in the corner with hanging plants! 🙂

7 years ago

Hi Sara! I’m loving the direction of your style! Of the rug options, I like 2, 3, and 6 aestheticly, with 5 being in a close second-tier position. The Persian option is beautiful, but I don’t know that it’s 100% perfect with the sofa or fulfills your and Mac’s buzzwords as well as some of the others. I see the solid and textured options as being more neutral, minimal, masculine, etc. The only reason I placed 5 in a second tier is because I think it draws too much attention to the coffee table (although it is a gorgeous table). With regard to the layout, I have to fully agree with Brady’s suggestion – hands down. That tree brings so much life to the corner. From personal experience, I’ve found that putting a dark, rectangular piece into a corner kind of creates a dark hole and messes with the feeling of open flow. Good luck! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Julie

That’s such a great note about the dark hole corner!

7 years ago

I looooove rug #1, but I think #3 might be a better choice for the vibe you want. Gorgeous place!!

7 years ago

I love option 3 – zander rug 🙂

7 years ago

Oh man! Option #6 with the memory foam rug pad Brady recommended from his nursery post for sure, along with the tree (but not a Fiddle Leaf Fig, please, PLEASE try something else.) I think these options together are neutral and masculine without being boring. Definitely matches what your original goal was. Besides, I think your feet will only be on the rug as long as it takes to walk across to sit on that awesome sofa!

I do also love option #1 with the hanging planters, but it’s absolutely more Bohemian, which probably suits your style more, but Mac’s maybe less so (just an assumption.) While it is a truly beautiful option, I still think you should go with the original message, understated, refined, cozy, neutral. Best of luck with your decision!

7 years ago
Reply to  Molly

We have considered a cactus, both being local SoCal natives…

7 years ago
Reply to  Sara Tramp

Yes, please! A cactus would be perfect for that corner. Beautiful, sculptural, easy to care for. Just watch the weather report & water it when it rains in Pheonix.

7 years ago
Reply to  Margaret

Seriously, is that how you keep a cactus alive? I’ve killed before and need to know!

7 years ago

Aesthetically my favorite is Option 6. But cozy bare feet would probably have me selecting Option 3. It’s my second choice is color and has the bonus of cozy softness. And I’d take Brady’s suggestion 😉

7 years ago

LOVE Option #1–I think the pattern adds dimension to the space and I like that it breaks up the blue/white/tan color palette with the warmth of the pink.

7 years ago

Options 1 and 6 are the best! put the tree in the corner. More greenery is always a good thing!

7 years ago

This is not an opinion on the rug (the room is lovely, and I can’t wait to see it pulled together and styled out), but just a comment that I have had in the back of my mind for a while. When there are posts written by other members of EHD staff, it would be nice to see pictures of them in the space (like we often see of Emily and her gorgeous family). I’m thinking of all the reveals of Ginny’s home, I would have like to see a picture of her in the home. Or even having a tab on your blog with pictures and write-ups of your staff. I feel like they always have to introduce themselves when the post is written by them, and it would be nice as readers to see their faces and understand who is all on the EHD team. Just my two cents! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

We do have a little about page with pictures and bios of the stuff, but we have grown so much in the last little while that it is not up to date, but we will have a new group photo and photos of everyone on the page soon! xx

7 years ago

Option 1 for sure – this room needs a little pattern and that rug is gorgeous and timeless and won’t show wear. It looks perfect with the sofa and you’ll have it forever. I agree with Brady as well – put a tree in the corner and the bar in a more convenient spot. Good luck! Thanks for sharing your space.

7 years ago

Yes, the tree goes in that corner.

As for the rug… Option 1, hands down, is the best looking. However, do you plan to have kids? Do you have pets? Kids and pets will ruin that thing, and if you are paying $15k or more for a rug, you are going to want to be in a life stage where people aren’t going to be mashing bananas into your investment or peeing on it or taking their explosive diaper off on it and making it into toilet paper. It’s too much money to have on the floor if you are planning on kids, in my opinion.

So, with that in mind, I vote for Option 2. Gorgeous, and you really want something that feels great on your feet!

7 years ago

I vote for rug #3 (#5 is in second place) and yes to Brady’s tree in the corner/credenza on left of fireplace suggestion!

7 years ago

Hi Sara! I LOVE the persian – it stood out to me 100% beyond the other options, as it lends such a nice, refined vibe to balance the more youthful, quirkier art pieces on that side of the room (which I also love!). It makes the room look perfect for a couple in their twenties and will absolutely grow with your styles forever! I get the $$$ investment, though, so I’d do the dhurrie with a thick rug pad. I’ve found mine softens with use, and the texture and tone it brings is unbeatable. Good luck! Designing with my husband has definitely expanded my style, but it’s SO much more fun to enjoy a space you’ve both invested in once it’s done!

And I’m SO happy you spell your name like mine, btw. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Sara’s without h’s are a rare breed! And so far Mac and I are having a lot of fun designing together.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sara Tramp

I’m with Sara….love the vintage Persian! I love print and color and Mid century design. I have an aztec inspired rug from Rejuvenation in my mid century living room and I LOVE it! I love that it acts as a neutral while still adding interest!

7 years ago

I am admittedly no designer but would choose #5. The blue options are nice and cozy, the patterned rug is unique… but I love the simplicity of the gray so you have options to make other changes to the room, and it’s slightly darker than the other color so should be more “livable” (i.e. hide stuff better). That’s my practical opinion! But I think you selected some great options, and there were none that made me think, “Ew, she’s only picking that one because she wants to prove her eye for design is unique.” haha

7 years ago
Reply to  tiffany

One of the plus sides of #5 being that it would hide all our white cat’s hair, which seems to permeate every aspect of our lives.

7 years ago

I like the last option, but if you’re looking for a thicker rug that is similar, I recommend this one:

It has various shades of blue that will coordinate well with the the pillows and art. I also have a cognac leather couch which coordinates perfectly with this rug in my living room. The online photos do not do it justice. Even though it appears bright online, it acts as a colorful neural in a white room. Have fun deciding!

Sharon Warren
7 years ago

Option #6 on the rug gets my vote. Grounds the room, should hold up to everyday life, eating and drinking, and spilling that comes with it. The artwork and your sculptural furniture will stand out with this base, and your accessories can be any color. Can’t wait to see what the other readers think.

7 years ago

#6 or something that looks similar but is softer

Sarah D.
7 years ago

I used to remind my boyfriend that the carat size of my engagement ring goes up every year we lovingly “live in sin”. It could have been a string on my finger when we were 20, but it ended up being a beautiful rock at 30. Please feel free this share this concept with Mac:)

My vote is to rug 1 of 2 in a larger size. Wrap a fun textural fabric on sofa seat. Plant in the corner. A couple floor pillows.

Hope you two are enjoying the process!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah D.

HA! I know 100% that he’s read all these comments, and I’m sure this one stuck out to him.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sara Tramp

She’s not wrong… And seems like sound advice 😉

7 years ago

I really like all of your rug options for different reasons. If it was my room it would be rug #6 with a pad. That shade of blue is perfect to compliment the rest of your furniture and it has just enough variation in color to be interesting without pulling focus from the overall design.

That said, after reading through the post I think you and Mac will be happiest with option #5. Like #6 it has a little variation in color, but not so much pattern it will be distracting. It’s more cozy and neutral. Looking at the four words you each chose for what you wanted, #5 fits the best.

And I know I’m in the minority, but I like the credenza with the small hanging plants more than the tree.

Side note: I love the Vintage Persian in Option #1, but it’s drawing all attention in the room, and it fights with the rest of the design.

7 years ago

I love #1 and 6. Visually they both make the room very cozy. I don’t know what it is about Persian rugs, they are busy and crazy but make my heart sing!

7 years ago
Reply to  Suzanne

Yes! Number 1 or 6 and the big plant in the corner!

7 years ago

I”m on #teamvintagepersianrug all the way. Although I love the simplicity of some of the others they just lack something compared to this beauty. I think Brady’s idea of the tree is brilliant. Do it.

7 years ago

If I were in your shoes, I think I’d go with #5, the gray Article rug, or something similar. I love the rug in Option #1, but the color does not seem right for this space currently (too pink, not enough blue). It could work if you re-accessorized though. The rugs in Options #2 & 3 look cheap to my eye. Option #4 looks nice but I’ve been there and done that, and staining was a problem. Option #6 looks nice, but it’s troubling to me that your partner isn’t feeling it despite your mutual previously expressed interest in having a space that works for both of you. As for the tree, I wouldn’t do it. In addition to being expensive and high-risk (tree could die, or leak sap onto your floor / furnishings, and if you have little visitors, kids might tip it over), I just don’t think it’s what this space needs. One other thought I had is that your coffee table seems a little off for this space. I understand that it’s circular and you want some curves to break up the boxiness of the sofa, but the coffee table’s legs are very rectilinear so I’m not… Read more »

Diann S.
7 years ago

First, I really like the tree in the corner. I know you need to live in this room and have places to store things, but the credenza was bringing that corner down. Love the hanging planters, though. Hopefully you’ll find somewhere for them.

My initial reaction to the antique rug was that it was wonderful and I do think it looks good in the room but I love the Caline more. After watching the GIF scroll through the options, I realized that all of the darker rugs look better than the lighter rugs. They make the whole space warmer and more interesting. Maybe look for something similar to the Caline, but softer?

7 years ago
Reply to  Diann S.

Yes! darker rugs. That’s why we all like the dark blue one.

Seems to me the tree and the hanging plants accomplish the same thing – could of green around eye-level.

7 years ago

I don’t want your tree to die, but I like the bar-cart nook where you originally had it. And all the rugs are sweet, but I favor the Persian & the Zander.

AND…why I really came to comment is: once your polaroid project is framed & up, will you tell us how you did it? I suspect it’s more than taping polaroids to white canvas. I love the idea because it seems an easy way to get a large scale piece affordably…and have it be personal too!

7 years ago
Reply to  Karen

It’s actually just kind of like taping polaroids to canvas, haha. Except that I used small double sided foam squares I got in the scrapbook section of a craft store, to give the polaroids a float-mounted look, and a 32×40 piece of white poster board I bought for $7. The framing was the most expensive part, but still cost less than buy an original piece of art for that size. In total it took me about 4 hours to put together the whole thing (minus the actual collecting of the polaroids, which took years). We’ll see how it looks once it’s up!

7 years ago

#5, and tree in the corner FTW!

7 years ago

Be still my heart, that apartment is amazing!!
*phew, okay. I had to get that out. Now down to business.
Firstly, your photoshop skills are dabombdotcom.
Second, I love all your art especially the dining room.
And I feel strongly that you need a rug with a little pattern to bring dimension. The solid rugs aren’t enveloping my eye they way I want them too. But I also think option #1 vintage parisian isn’t the right style for what you’re aiming for. These two rugs or something like them come to mind if you want a color and less busyness: And, (the pink in this one references those adorable Dave Eggers prints) Something geometric with color.
Of course I could know nothing so If you absolutely need a solid rug I vote option #5. It has the most movement and the color is balanced with everything else in the room.
And finally go with the credenza on the other side. The tree works there and the pigs would be cute with some alcohol beneath 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Katie

Who are you Katie – with that Press Indigo Rug? I need someone with your eye and shopping abilities in my life. I am ALL about your suggestions and for the same reasons you are!!
This room is killing it so well, just needs a little pattern, a little interest on the floor to tie it all together!

Basically, I want to live there.

For a solid, I do like #5 or #6. Credenza. Tree. All good suggestions. So excited to see how this all turns out. Good luck Sara!

7 years ago

Predictably, my favorite is the vintage Persian with the tree in the corner. The credenza looks nice, but the tree really bumps the whole room up to another level.
My second choice would be the Caline rug with the tree. I just think having some color on the floor grounds the room in a really cozy way.
I also think it would be best to ditch the credenza. It makes the room feel a bit crowded on the other side of the mantel.

7 years ago

Rugs 1, 2, or 3 – for sure. So much more depth and interest! (Although 1 is my absolute fave). It’s looking great!

7 years ago

100% the Persian rug. You won’t regret it or get tired of it in a year. And if you decide to go with something else, you could always sell it to me 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Kim

If we don’t end up with the Persian we’ll be sure to post a link to it in the final reveal, so it has the chance to find a forever home!

7 years ago

#6 for sure. With the plant in the corner. And I’m completely jealous of your dining table/chairs!!!

7 years ago

Without seeing prices, #1 wins for me, hands down! But I also love #4 and #5. If #1 isn’t the aesthetic you are going for, it is definitely out, since the price is high. However, if you do decide to commit to it, it would outlast anything else on your list.

I’m currently trying to finish my living room and am completely stalled on rug choice. I haven’t ordered a sofa yet, since I wanted to finalize rug first, but my top choice is the sven in tan leather. Is it comfortable? I’d love your input on you’ve liked it.

And I love the tree in the corner, but don’t think I can get the full impact of how moving the credenza influences the room without being there.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Just kidding, I meant 5 and 6 (not 4 and 5). Also, number 1 would hold it’s value beyond any of the others, if you did decide you wanted to part with it down the road.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Seconding the sofa review!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

The sofa is AWESOME. It’s so comfortable, and it comes in a sectional if you need something a little bigger. We couldn’t be happier with our sofa choice.

7 years ago

Tree looks great can’t invision a bar being a focal point. Round chair with round table feel awkward in front of fireplace. If the round chair moved to the opposite end of the sofa. The credenza might work at that end of the room. The Persian rug adds an all over balance to the space and breaks up the blocks of common colored furniture. Great space, it will be easy to enjoy and decorate! Enjoy

emily jane
7 years ago

Option #5 – Texa Rug in Fog, Article -absolutely, positively! What a good suggestion from Brady. From this angle, a tree in the corner creates better visual flow around the room while the credenza on the other side of the mantle better balances visual weight in the room. Though now as you round that corner there is a bit of a bottle-neck -buuuut if you switched out the credenza for something white, it wouldn’t compete with the media cabinet any more (and, your eye could travel the room more evenly). I loooove the dining table, chairs and art by Anna Ullman (obsessed with her work : ) you’ve got going on in the dining nook as well as your Polaroid piece. Looking forward to seeing your final decisions. Thanks for sharing.

7 years ago
Reply to  emily jane

Your conviction is very persuasive, haha. Thanks for the art love! We’re very excited to get those pieces up.