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The Link Up: The Big Bag Emily’s Friends Told Her She Needed, Jess Perfect Lululemon Ankle Sock Dupes, And Some COZY Recs

Happy Sunday everyone! But most importantly HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY HENDERSON!!!! We’ve proclaimed our endless love and gratitude for our boss many times over the years but it bears repeating. She is kind, generous, supportive, and A LOT of fun. We are so grateful to get to work for someone who truly cares about people. Hope this next trip around the sun is filled with love, adventure, happiness, and really fun design:) Happy birthday Em! Now onto the links.

This week’s house tour is going to get you ready and excited for the cooler season. It’s an Australian chalet in Victoria’s Mount Hotham that’s been plucked from a dream. It’s a not boring neutral retreat that has a beautiful soft modern traditional style. Come see it all for yourself!

From Emily: I finally caved and bought the schlepping bag that everybody was telling me to get. It’s basically like having a bag that looks like a big Croc. It’s super lightweight made of plastic very structural and can seemingly carry anything. I use it for all of my props and tons of fabric samples and paint swatches, but I know a lot of people use it for camping, for groceries, for anything. We just want to take stuff from one place to another and not have to deal with a big wobbly cloth bag. It’s pretty rad.

From Arlyn: Look, I love my 32 oz Hydroflask and it’s my shadow. It comes with me everywhere, and when I leave it around the house, my toddler (also my shadow) chases me down with it saying “Mama, your water!” The problem with it, however, is that it doesn’t fit in my car cup holder very well. Plus, it’s not really iced coffee- (or hot coffee-) friendly in my opinion. I’m about to enter a season that includes preschool drop-offs (lord how did that happen so fast?) as well as days where I’ll be volunteering at said preschool and going to board meetings (I guess I’m that person now??), and I find that I can’t always get to my caffeine fix in the morning and need a way to transport it. We’re a Hydroflask and Yeti family (don’t even say that other “S” word to me) so I bit the bullet and picked up this 20oz “rambler” whatever that is. It has a handle so it won’t slip, fits great in my cup holder, and holds my perfect amount of coffee beverage.

From: Caitlin: I’m 8 months removed from my life-changing trip to Antarctica and happy to report that the lessons I took back REALLY sunk in. To that end – and in light of the recent discovery that all of our brains have microplastics in them! – I’d like to recommend this book on the plastic industry. It’s educational without being abstruse (read: you can understand it even if your last science class was decades ago, like me!) and it’s pretty jarring! (PS. A plea for help: I’ve eliminated pretty much all of the single-use plastics in my home, but I’m struggling to find good, well-vetted, plastic-free alternatives for some other daily-use pieces, like our Brita pitcher. Does anyone have any water filtration recs that are totally plastic-free? Maybe I can write a post about all of our swaps once we’ve lived with them a bit!)

Curious what the best Labor Day sales are? Click right this way!

From Mallory: Need better, more calming lighting?? I was tired of the big light (sorry Arlyn) so I snagged this $20 candelabra which totally looks vintage and cool but surprise it’s from Target! It’s an antique brass and looks like a real patina (they nailed it) plus I love that it has 3 lil candle stick holders for ample lighting without taking up too much space. I lit it for the first time when I flipped on The Bachelorette (I love this season) and the cozy vibes were through the roof, my dudes.

From Jess: Guess who bought expensive Lululemon no-show ankle socks and somehow lost all three pairs?? That would be me. Clearly, I wasn’t going to spend that kind of money again so I searched for the best dupes and y’all these are them! They are $14 for 6 pairs so I bought 2 packs and couldn’t be happier. They are slightly thicker than the Lululemon ones but not in a bad way and they have that anti-slide patch on the back heel to keep them from sliding down. I love them, have worn them for a few weeks, and highly recommend them.

From Gretchen: I popped into Target to drop off some returns and like clockwork, left with some new finds! That place just gets me, I can’t help it. The best thing I snagged was a black, oversized cardigan that is sooo soft I could cry. It’s perfectly slouchy and pretty lightweight, making it a great transition piece heading into fall. I really appreciate that the buttons are solid black, too, instead of the splotchy brown ones I usually see on cardigans like this. Just makes it look nicer overall. The sweaters also came in cream and brown, complete with matching cream and brown buttons–both were so cute, but I feel like the black will be more of a staple for me. Can’t wait to cozy up in this!

Hope you have a wonderful first day of September, a great long weekend, happy birthday to Emily, and see y’all tomorrow! xx

Opening Image Credits: Design and Styled by Rebekah Poppen | Photo courtesy Creekwoodhill | From: A Gender Neutral Nursery Reveal Filled With Vintage And A Bold DIY You’ll LOVE

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5 months ago

For Caitlin: you should check out the water filter pitchers from Finnish company Aarke: the smaller one is all glass and steel, and the larger one just has a plastic handle. I have their larger version, which is a workout for the arms (and alas, still not as big as the old Brita one I had). But it cleans up like a dream, and doesn’t get grot in the cracks like the plastic Brita one did. I think they also look way better than any plastic pitcher I’ve seen.

Sarah H
5 months ago
Reply to  Awfulknitter

Yes, I second the Aarke recommendation. Plastic free if you go for the smaller one and they can go in the dishwasher too.

5 months ago
Reply to  Awfulknitter

I’ll check your recommendation out too! And spot on about how challenging it is to get all the Brita components fully clean.

Gina A
5 months ago
Reply to  Awfulknitter

Great reco! Just purchased!! 🙏

another Emily
5 months ago

Caitlin: Berkey countertop water filter is the classic:

another Emily
5 months ago

shoot, that wasn’t the official website! I think this one is:

5 months ago
Reply to  another Emily

That’s what I was gonna recommend! Have had it three years and looooove it. Works with well water too, if anyone is dealing with that particular challenge.

Donna J
5 months ago

Those Bogg bags are made from EVA foam and have a lot more environmental impact than a canvas tote.

5 months ago
Reply to  Donna J

Yep, I see these plastic ones everywhere now. I love my woven farmer’s market basket for this schlepping purpose. Much nicer to look at and no plastic, but functions basically the same.

5 months ago

Yes x 100000 for plastic free recs!!!

5 months ago

Hillary Kerr just proclaimed this the best glass water filter pitcher.

5 months ago
Reply to  NW

it looks like the filter is still encased in plastic, so doesn’t get rid of the microplastics issue?

5 months ago

The plastic-free stuff is so tricky! Especially because if you already have the plastic thing, is it actually better to throw it away or use it until its end of life and then replace with non-plastic alternative…? Perhaps in the kitchen it makes sense to replace from a health perspective. But I’m trying not to just toss things out because I already bought a plastic version. And don’t even get me started on clothing—hate to break it to you, but all that fast/cheap fashion (Target, Old Navy, etc.) you guys link to is full of microplastics. I have been able to buy 100% cotton or other natural fabrics for many things. But workout wear?! I cannot manage it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Sara

I feel you! I was rocking linen shorts for my walks, but then I tried to take it up a notch with some running & the chafing! So I’m being really judicious with my plastic-only for work out shorts & sports bras (usually contain some kind of plastic derivative). But on top-cotton or merino wool. (Although on top the merino wool blends have a little plastic.)

5 months ago

I would be wary of berkey. The NYTimes has a great article on it

5 months ago

caitlin, another vote for the big berkey here! though i do think it’s hilarious that i grew up drinking from something similar in my grandmother’s house in india and decades later it’s now fashionable here.

5 months ago

Regarding the whole plastic-accumulation issue… Happened upon Remix Materials at the farmer’s market (they’re local here in Boise): I talked to the guy who started it, he’s a materials science professor who’s now focusing on using plastic waste in totally new ways. He’s making furniture and other stuff–in combination with wood–and it looks amazing. Nothing like what you’re picturing right now when you think “plastic furniture”. This stuff is sleek and modern, and ultimately recyclable. The company is pretty new, so there’s only a little bit on the website, but he said there’s a lot more in the works that will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

5 months ago

I’ve had a berkey water tank for years. I just fill up two glass pitchers with lids from Target to put in my refrigerator. Berkeys replacement filters are kind of a pain, but you can get filters from Radiant Life that work great in Berkey but don’t have to be primed first.

5 months ago

Funny, Caitlin, because I just mentioned your trip to someone yesterday, re: the very challenging trip to get there.

5 months ago

Caitlin, I would really appreciate a detailed series of posts about how you’ve eliminated single use plastics from your home and any other lifestyle changes you’ve made. Thanks for considering!

5 months ago

would love a post from caitlin about all her plastic swaps!

5 months ago

My next door neighbours use old glass milk or apple juice bottles, fill with topwater, and have this funny cool charcoal stick that gets inserted and just sits in there and purifies it. It looks cool, is free from plastic and weird chemicals, and is a super affordable and upcyle-y way to do things. This is a UK link but it’s something like this.

5 months ago
Reply to  Virginia

Ah the blog moderation won’t let me post a link (makes sense) but Google “charcoal wire water filter” and you’ll likely find what I mean!