This is a real Deja Vu post for a lot of you. YES, last year at this time I did a post about how I want cafe curtains in my kitchen and then did nothing about it. You see I really only want/need them during the winter when it’s so dark outside and at the time I didn’t have the time to think/shop for the right patterned fabric. But the longer we live here the more I really really want to have these curtains AND add pleated fabric patterned shades on all our sconces (stay tuned on that one). And I finally realized the type of fabric I wanted was a small print on a relatively thin fabric and I couldn’t find this in store at all.

So I started shopping for block print fabrics, mostly from India since that’s where the artisans typically specialize in this. They all sell via Etsy so I started ordering sample after sample.

But the problem with these is that there are thousands to choose from AND you can select what type of fabric you want – i.e. cotton, pure white linen, off-white linen, thick linen, Duck fabric, etc. And each color of “stamp’ on the fabric looks different depending on the base fabric. So therefore this has taken forever (months) to order all the options I want.

A lot of the samples had to be made and many only came in as small as a yard. So many of them I love up close, but then as you stand back in the back of the living room they don’t read as well (either too dark or too polka dotty). I also don’t want them to be too thick as they need to give off that airy casual vibe (not a forma creased pleating – I’m not opposed to pleating, but I don’t want thick fabric and pleating look for this space).

I wanted to bring in some warmer tones since the island has a lot of red/purple in it and it’s definitely my “accent” color. But I also don’t want it to be too jarring as when you look at the space as a whole (kitchen, living, nook, entry) a more cohesive color palette will, I think, be more calming and harmonize better.

I also can NOT decide between a more white background or the flaxier fabric. The white is fresh and the color pops off of it nicely, but the flax looks good with the wood and is certainly more warm.

At one point (the day we were shooting this) we narrowed it down to these two fabrics, but when we hung them up neither felt right. From a distance, the one on the left was so dark (when you are in the kitchen it’s so cozy) and while I love that burgundy floral one it actually looks a little stripey with the repeat from a distance and I think I want something that is more fluid to offset the rectangles of the windows and the tile.

So where I’ve landed right now is we all (including Brian and the kids) love this blue-green floral pattern, where the flowers are staggered (not in a line). But I can NOT decide between a brighter white fabric (looks so good with the walls and pops against the windows in a happy way) or the natural linen (warm and more casual, but will it look just dingy?).

Sadly, I don’t have a professional shot to show you – I ordered the bright white sample after we shot this, but here is an iPhone shot of it. I fear that I’m drawn to the white more because I like crisp colors, but is it too high contrast?

Anyway, I SWEAR I’m on it this time. I love so many of these and I’m unsure if I’m going to DIY this or hire out. And I’m happy to say I think one of these will also be our pleated lampshade fabric (which we are going to DIY here since they are going to cost $115 EACH to do – and I have 9 of them, so…)
A fun process post for you today:) The holidays are nuts and even I get sick of looking at holiday stuff all December, so I hope you love a quick design update post 🙂
*Photos by Kaitlin Green
I like the white, it feels airier. But also…what about the print to the left of the frontrunner, the one that has allover sprays of greenery? That feels like the least polka-dotty or stripey to me, and also the least likely to feel busy when you have them across the whole space. I’m sure things look different in person but that one jumped out to me immediately in the pic with all the swatches.
I think so too.
Agree! I think that one would look lovely
Hard to picture the bigger print w/ the Japanese Boro patchwork in dining/living area that is open to kitchen. Maybe use bigger print for lamp only.
I love the pattern you chose, and I suspect the less-crisp white would have bugged you next to the white grout and marble countertops. Looking forward to seeing the final product!
I love a design post in the middle of Christmas chaos! Thank you! I also can’t wait to see what you’re going to go with. Exciting!
I always make a choice right away when you show samples. That’s the one I chose!
me too. I think the bright white was a good choice. As a poster above said, you may enjoy the white next to your grout and countertops. I thought that was a good point. I’m quitting christmas so bring on the design content (mostly the consumerism of it all. tree, fine. family activities and crafts and cookies, great. presents and lines and shipping, i’m saying NO MAS! happy winter solstice! p.s. I’m still thinking about all that lovely burl wood action from the other day. So beautiful.
I am also doing a. Eye low-key holiday season this year. Decorating for winter here in Maine to get myself through the long, dark months and leaning hard into cozy activities instead of going bananas with shopping and chaos.
I’m always up for a design process post, and grateful for them during this season. I’m currently awaiting round 2 of cafe curtains for my bathroom, my MIL is a talented seamstress and likes projects. The first fabric I chose was so sweet; but pattern and colors weren’t quite right with the rug, even though I was thoughtful about color and scale since I read a design blog every day : ). I’ve been using version 1, and have been smitten. Somehow, they look so much better than the random sheer fabric I doubled over and clipped on in a quick fix attempt after moving in following a renovation. It will be fun to see my cafe curtains and yours! The crisp white verses softer background is a real conundrum!
Emily, I love update posts like this. And may I just say, when I saw the photo of all the samples up on the window, I thought to myself, “Which one is the best fit for Emily and her kitchen right now?” and it took me 0.25 seconds to choose it. And presto! It was the exact one you chose. Maybe that’s reassuring? 🙂 FWIW, I think the white background is best because it provides just enough contrast with the tile walls. The blue & green pattern picks up the blue tile color. The flax background picks up the wood windowframe color, which is too much sameness. You need a bit of contrast there. Just my two cents! Can’t wait to see how whatever you choose turns out.
I never ever get tired of a crisp white background… they will be beautiful!
White all the way! The flax seems, as you said, dingy, at least in this picture
Personally I prefer the white because I feel it’s fresher and happier. But I’m not into moody colours at the best of times and don’t find them cosy to live with though I can enjoy looking at them.
Look forward to the reveal!!
On the topic of reveals, any chance we’ll see Jess and Caitlin’s bedroom MOTOs this year? I didn’t miss them, did I?
I think you want the white! Not that you really asked. But I think you’ll be better off with it coordinating better with the countertop etc, and the contrast differential isn’t *that* big, AND plain flax usually has kind of a pinkish undertone, which isn’t the same warm accent as your wood so it’s more likely to look disjointed/dingy than related and designed. I know it’s a casual vibe and space, but still, the coordination will be better IMO.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t get the need for these? Seems like you really don’t need the privacy, and they will just compete with the tile wall which is already very busy looking!?
In her original post, months ago, Emily said she feels exposed in the kitchen at night – especially when Brian is gone – and wants more privacy.
It’s more for at night, when it gets dark out so early, and the windows read as black reflective mirrors. Not that cozy winter vibe.
I live in a small house with no curtains and two full walls of windows (in the middle of the woods—no neighbors and beautiful during the day but) YEAH I feel you Emily. Especially when it gets dark at 3:45 pm and with a dog that barks at nothing, I have to convince myself often that there is not an axe murderer outside. Luckily there never is : ) Cafe curtains for the win! I love the one you chose, and the white fabric fits beautifully with the vibe of the kitchen.
Gee, the fabric I selected from your swatches wasnʻt even close to what you picked, Emily. My choice was bottom row far right, the dense green with blue flowers. I selected it because it would read as more solid color from far away, and would be cute close up. Itʻs density would be non-pockadotty, and thatʻs what drew me to it. Go fig, different strokes. I know whatever you end up with it will be perfect!
I love all the samples, but Im worried the one you chose looks like broccoli from a distance. Am I wrong? Maybe that doesnt matter?
That’s what my eye immediately saw, too, ha. But maybe that’ll feel a wee bit fun/whimsical.
I usually prefer an off white base but I think that’s due to the way light shines through so warmly; because this is for darkness, and you want things to be cheery, I like the white! Crisp clean bright not depressing white.
Side bar, I live in Oakland CA and still manage to get SAD, so I am for all the cheer and all the hygge and also bought light glasses this year and I think they’ve really helped my energy.
Happy almost Solstice to us all! The days will be getting longer soon.
If anyone is looking for something in a similar vibe; and is okay with mass-produced, I got these at UO for our breakfast room and they are lovely!
Oh my, those are lovely!
Thank you for this! We are wrapping up a major home renovation and while all the big stuff is done and decided, I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one leaving some of these smaller things for the future… And I love love love the idea of doing some of the smaller patterned fabrics on the windows and on the sconces – will bring in some of the farmhouse whimsy
HI…Can you please list the sources of your samples . I love the row of three where your final sample came from …and would love to to order samples of those three! Also love the sample of the one you held in your hand. I spent hours on etsy trying to find them and had no luck. If you do not want to go back and name the source for each of the samples can you give me a hint on what word I should put into my search? Thanks…
No worries if you’d rather not go this route, but have you done a reverse image search on Google with the image cropped down to the swatches you most liked?
No! I have never tried this technique! I really appreciate the tip! I admit, I am not very techie! Thank you!
Cute top! Looks like it’s “Rose Long Sleeve Saylor Shirt by The Shirt by Rochelle Behrens from Tuckernuck”.
I just added cafe curtains in both of the street-facing rooms in our house and was shocked at much cozier and safe?/contained?/enclosed? -Bubbled! – it now feels to be in these spaces. Also, its as if all the other design elements in the room are finally singing in harmony -if that makes sense?
As far as flax or white background: the winter light here is dull/muted -dreary!- which brings to mind your rule of not painting a dimly lit room white so I’d say flax for sure (though it’s a lovely pattern I’m sure you would find other spots for so maybe ordering both would be the more comfortable choice..?).
I love this post! The gift guides are great, but it’s fun to get back to design. I love the option you picked for your curtains, but next time you are shopping for fabric, be sure to check out I have no affiliation with them whatsoever. I purchased organic fabric from them (made in the USA! And they use low impact dyes!) for my bathroom curtains and I love the fabric so much. Just passing along their link because they match your vibe, both design-wise and eco-friendly-wise.
Since someone asked about sources, I want to shout out Walter G, which has well edited block print fabrics and wallpapers ( and pillows etc). I believe it was founded by two Australian women, but I’ve seen their pillows for sale in the states, and their website is excellent and facilitates global shipping.
I am shocked at all the votes for white. I thought the flax was a slam dunk winner, but apparently that’s not the obvious choice to everyone else. I don’t think the curtains should be a loud statement, and I think the white has a lot of contrast, so the draperies will be more ‘look at me’!’ I also think a softer color looks better with natural stone and vintage materials and won’t be as likely to lean grey in the dark.
(To be honest, I think the white paint is a little too bright in here too, so this vote may illustrate my overall bias.)
I love the pattern you chose. Also can’t decide on flax vs white! But there is a chance the flax could lean yellowy in contrast to the white walls and countertop, so maybe white is best.
Will we get to see your Christmas tree etc this year? Or maybe I missed it…
I’m so happy you came back to this idea! It’s going to look so cozy and happy and it’ll bring together the cafe curtains you have in the banquette area.
I like the floral pattern in green, although I like the one on the far left top tow that’s more of a central plant motif too. I prefer the warmth of the natural flax base fabric for the neutral color and because it may look slightly vintage, which again, would relate to the antique boro fabrics in the adjacent room, whereas pure white would be higher contrast and maybe too brand new. I look forward to seeing these installed (and the sconce shades too!).
But it looks like most say white. I’m sure that will be nice too.
Yes! This was my pick when I first saw your options! I like the softness of the flowers and like both backgrounds (though the white does read more crisp and cheerful to me). And as a fellow blue-green person, I think it captures the beauty of nature (sky and trees) and draws it indoors. So lovely!
If you still aren’t 100% on the pattern, check out the fabric Filling Spaces has. They make beautiful block print fabrics in India. They’re a Portland based company.
fabric links please!!!!!!
I like the white!
The patterns are all cute, but I was hoping for links or at least vendor recommendations for Etsy? That would be helpful and lovely for both them and us. Thank you!
White! Goes nicely with the grout.
I’m surprised nobody likes the two on the bottom left with the small orange flowers. I think they pick up the wood tone in your cabinets very well and provide contrast to all the blue.