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DIY: 1 Curtain 3 Ways

Curtains are one of those things that can definitely break the bank and make you wonder how 1 curtain panel can cost upwards of $300. But there are some pretty inexpensive, simple readymade curtains out there, they just needed a little bit of help. So we wanted to save a few pennies and have some fun by taking a simple white curtain panel and DIYing it 3 different ways for your viewing pleasure. Whether you’re into simple black and white graphic stripes, girly and fun pom poms, or boho stamped curtains we have got something to fit every taste and style. Also THERE IS A REALLY CUTE TODDLER MODELING THESE CURTAINS. Click through to see the most adorable gif of your life. Although i’m insanely biased. But it’s my birthday today so you kinda have to look at the pictures of my baby. Now let’s get into it.

Pom Pom Tassle Trimmed Curtain:

Here is what you need:

Pom Pom Tassle Trim: we sourced ours from JoAnns. You will need to decide how many rows of trim you want and then calculate the yardage from there. We ended up doing 8 rows of trim and spaced them pretty close together.

Fabric Glue


Curtain (similar)

DIY_Redbook_Emily Henderson_Curtains_Affordable_Red Tassle Trim 2

1. You will want to start by measuring out the width of your curtain, and then precutting strips of the pom pom fringe to that same length. We did 8 rows of pom poms, but you could do more or less depending on what you want it to look like.

2. Using your fabric glue work in 3 inch sections and begin gluing down the trim to the curtain, leave a bit of space in between each row of trim so that it doesn’t look too overcrowded. 8 rows later and you have yourself a brand new curtain panel.

Ribbon Trimmed Curtain:

Here is what you need:

Ribbon: we used black grosgrain ribbon that was 2″ thick.

Fabric Glue


Curtain (similar)

DIY_Redbook_Emily Henderson_Curtains_Affordable_Ribbon Trim 2

1. You will want to start by measuring 12 inches up from the bottom of your curtain and marking on either end and in the middle to help you keep your ribbon straight. If it helps you could even through down a piece of painters tape to create a line along those marks so you have a guide to glue your ribbon against. You will then cut 4 pieces of 2″ grosgrain ribbon slightly longer than the width of your curtain as you will need the extra to fold behind and glue down so that you have a clean edge.

2. Once you have your pieces of ribbon cut, following your marks glue the first piece of ribbon down working in 6″ sections so that you keep it straight. Once you finish your first row you will measure 4″ up and repeat the process for the second, third and 4th row (or more if you want). After your glue has dried flip over the curtain and glue down ends of the ribbon to create a clean edge.

Stenciled Curtain:

Here is what you need:

Stencils: We used a combo of two different stencils to create our pattern, the Daisy Chain and the Moroccan Lace

Blue Painters Tape

Paint and small roller set


Curtain (similar)

DIY_Redbook_Emily Henderson_Curtains_Affordable_Stencil Curtain 2

1. You will start by laying down your stencils in the pattern and placement that you want and securing them down on either end with some painters tape.

2. Using your paint (either acrylic or house paint works), you will want to lightly roll on the paint over the stencil. Be sure to go slowly and lightly, too much paint and it will seep through under the stencil. You may want to even hold down the stencil with your hand as you roll to insure that it doesn’t move. Once you finish your first section move the stencils over and line them up with the last stencil and continue the process until you reach the end of the panel. Let it dry for at least 24 hours before you hang it up.

There you go folks, three different ways to fancy up any ordinary pair of white curtains, and now.. for the reason we are all here… a GIF of this little guy (that is not so little anymore)


Redbook kinda hinted at the idea of Charlie being in a shot, so I checked with his agents to see his availability and it turned out he hadn’t booked a post nap playdate yet, so I brought him in mainly so I could have an excuse to bring him to work. He really knows how to work a curtain. You should hear him right now when he says that he’s going to be a ‘beeg broda’. I’m not sure if he knows what that means (translation: big brother), but man it fills my heart with warm gel to hear him say those words.

Back to the curtains …


*Photography by David Tsay, styled by Scott Horne, DIY projects produced by Brady Tolbert for EHD (art directed by me).

Want more DIYs? Check out our other recent Redbook projects: 1 Lamp 3 WaysDIY Upholstered HeadboardDIY Wooden Dowel Coat Rack | DIY Mod Podge Chair | DIY Side Table Ikea Hack.

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9 years ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are awesome and I hope you have a wonderful day Emily.

9 years ago

Happy Birthday! Super cute curtains and child 🙂 Btw strange but true you share a birthday with my mom and wedding anniversary with my mom and dad… a bit bizarre but hopefully a good omen… they celebrated 41 yrs yesterday (and if they can make it… sure as hell you guys can!!)

9 years ago

No working on your birthday! I like the stenciled ones the best.
I’m dying to see your new living room, just dying!!

9 years ago

Happy birthday! I want all of these in my house.

And, for the record, that gif did actually melt my heart. <3

Your son is so cute! Love the overalls!
And thanks for making these DIY projects fairly easy!

XX Analog House

9 years ago

Happy birthday, lady! Hope it’s as fabulous as you are!

9 years ago

the pom pom ones are my favorite! I didn’t realized they were considered boho. I love them! Anthro has some pom pom ones on the side that won me over a long time ago.

9 years ago

happy birthday emily! (fellow virgo – now it all makes sense!)

Jessica D
9 years ago

Happy birthday Emily! Your blog is my favorite design blog to follow. All the best on your special day!

9 years ago

Happy Birthday, Emily. I could watch that gif over and over, oh wait I already did. Charley reminds me of my son, only he wore bib overalls and will be 45 on Thursday.
What cute curtain ideas and you don’t even need a sewing machine or know how to sew a straight line if you did.

That stenciled curtain though.. never in a million years would I have guessed that it was done with just a stencil. Great work, as always!

Josh | The Kentucky Gent

9 years ago

Hi, happy birthday! So I just checked the link for the white curtains and it looks like they are sold out.

Any other suggestions for where I could find affordable white (read not beige, lol) curtains that are similar. Thanks! Enjoy your day!

9 years ago
Reply to  Kaisse

Ikea has good, cheap white curtains that can be bought online. I think I have the Ritva, but not sure (I purchased mine a couple of years ago). I actually think the material is a bit thicker and fancier than the Target ones.

Rochelle Leigh
9 years ago

Happy happy Birthday, Emily! Hope you’re spoiled today.

Love these projects. The pom-poms are my favorite, and Charlie?! To die for. He’s a precious ham. Can’t get over how big he is.

(Am I the only one seeing the wonky paint job on the baseboard!? Shocking.)

9 years ago
Reply to  Rochelle Leigh

Yes, I can’t stop looking at the messy paint!

9 years ago

These ideas are great for adding a little something-something to white panels! I think even I could do these DIYs. The Charlie GIF is the best….he’s ready to take your job!
Happy Birthday!

9 years ago

Happy birthday, pretty mommy. LOVE the curtains, but love that peek a boo of Charlie even more!

9 years ago

Happy Birthday! I love the pom pom curtain and naturally the Charlie gif is AD-orable!

9 years ago

Hey, logistical issue with the blog… not sure if this is only happening to me but when I go to your main page, the last two blog posts aren’t showing up there. I accessed this one through feedly. Just a heads up!

9 years ago

Happy Birthday!!! Charlie is most adorable.
Blog issues: I wanted to let you know that I’m having the same issue as the person who commented just before me. I can access your blog but one time I just thought you weren’t posting for a really long time, when all of a sudden I got six or seven in a row. It happened again but with just one or two. Weird.

9 years ago

Happy Birthday Emily! Thank you for the great inspiration! Have a fab day!

9 years ago

Happy birthday! I LOVE your blog so much! You are awesome! And that is one stinking unbelievably cute toddler!

9 years ago

Happy Birthday! I literally stared at that GIF for a solid 5 mins. He’s very very adorable.

9 years ago

So, so cute! All of them, but the stamped ones turned out especially nice! A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you have an adorable son!!

Paula Lusk
9 years ago

Like Charlie best…but, all of the drapes are great, just different. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! love your decorating

9 years ago

Happy Birthday! And yes, that is the best gif ever. 🙂

Sarah W
9 years ago

Happy Birthday! My birthday is on Friday. I love it when people I admire have a birthday close to mine. I don’t know why. I think it’s because I feel like it means we could be friends. Similar birthday = similar personality = BFF’s? Crazy, I know. Also, I love all the curtains! The stenciled ones remind me of ones I’ve seen from Anthropologie so big win there! And Charlie is the most adorable!

9 years ago

Happy birthday, Emily!! Thanks for all the great content and inspiration!!

9 years ago

Happy bday Emily! Wonderful ideas for curtains.
PS. Charlie is such a cutie

9 years ago

what an excellent model you have there! love the mix of stenciled patterns. Happy birthday Emily!!! (and I have the same bday as you so that’s making me extra happy today!)

9 years ago

Love the stenciled ones!

Charlene Wyenberg
9 years ago

Such a cool idea! Love the stencil look!

9 years ago

Happy Birthday!
What a great idea for simple white curtains! I love all 3 ways, but mostly the black and white stripes.

9 years ago

Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! Your son is too cute! and What color is on the wall please? (love all the curtains)

9 years ago

Cool post! I made my own curtains too – it is crazy how expensive they can be! Thanks, I guess I could share my own curtain DIY project at some point to 😉
x M.

9 years ago

I adore these ideas! Pom poms, ribbons, and stencils are absolutely awesome ideas to gussy up some plain old white curtains. I enjoyed this post a lot.

9 years ago

The curtains are cute, but the boy is the cutest! I am super biased and make no excuses! I do love the curtains, though! Mary try this in the girl’s room that I’m working on! I think even I can figure this one out! XXOO

9 years ago

this is the webpage for online gift cards codes generator at online.

I love all of these, but I think the red trim is my favorite! Awesome tutorial, thanks for sharing!

9 years ago

These are all amazing and Charlie is adorable! Bookmarking for future use!