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Do You Need A New Podcast Rec?? We’ve Got You Covered

I was a very early podcast adopter (before anyone really uttered the word podcast). All through my 20s in New York I listened to “This American Life” and “Slate Political Gabfest” on the subway and walking to and from work. I have rarely missed an episode and would absolutely be starstruck if I ever met Ira Glass. But the last few years since I’ve lived super close to my office and had kids, I was unable to find the time, all while podcasts were blowing up. Well, this year I dove back in and now look for any excuse to run to the grocery store or clean the bathroom so I can catch up on my favorites.

If you can’t tell from our Sunday Link Up posts, I am not alone for my love of “cleaning bathrooms,” the entire office (along with the world) is in love with the podcast movement and we thought it was high time to just put all our team favorites in one place. I mean is there anything more tragic than the end of a podcast binge? You feel lost, confused, desperately searching for your next intellectual fix! To be honest, this post is for us, too. We wanted to know all of each other’s favorites so that when it was time for a new one, we had a whole list of trusted recommendations (including some really fun niche recs). Get ready to hit subscribe…


Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations: EVERY SINGLE EPISODE makes me want to be a better person/mom/writer/employer. The recent one with 17-year-old activist Amandla Stenberg was so inspiring. The one about Quantum Wellness made me stop (almost completely) buying any meat that wasn’t humanely pasture-raised. And Dr. Brené Brown’s (obsessed with her) episode about The Anatomy of Trust really helped me see things differently and become such a better boss.

Invisibilia: My two favorite episodes are ‘Fearless’ (Jan 16, 2015) and ‘How To Become A Batman’ (Jan 22, 2015)

The Goop Podcast: I love most of these podcasts because they are experts in their field, regardless of how you feel about the brand. A few have changed my life in a very good way, including:

How Soil Health is Reflected in the Gut: This is the one where I learned what pesticides are doing to the soil which affects all of us inadvertently. After this, I started only buying from organic farms near me, loading up at the farmers market on Sunday and even going to such lengths as to have my assistant find mid-week farmers markets or buying at stores such as CookBook who work with local organic farms (I even have someone drive it up to me in the mountains if they are coming up anyway so that I don’t have to buy vegetables from the local store). For me, it is not only showing support for the farms that have had to jump through an incredible amount of hoops to grow organically, but also to punish those that don’t by taking away my business. I’m still researching and learning but this guy is all about regenerative farming which I would LOVE to know more about and how I can find them near me. I’ve done a deep dive into trying to find local farms that use regenerative agriculture techniques but haven’t found any so if anyone knows of any PLEASE let me know.

How To Become Your Future Self: This one is incredibly fascinating and I have a cousin who has seen/felt the effect first hand of how meditation can help rewire your brain to help you heal physically or mentally. There is something very empowering knowing that your brain is plastic and that we have the power to heal ourselves in powerful ways. I do know that this is controversial but my thoughts and feelings are always to approach your body healing holistically in addition to western medicine. No one can argue that mediation is healing.

Armchair Expert: Dax is probably the most likable guy due to his incredible honesty and transparency. It’s absolutely refreshing and frankly the bravest thing you can be right now in media. I also love Monica, his co-host and former babysitter (I love that plot twist in their life). I was RIVETED by these two episodes in particular: Dr. Alexandra Katehakis and Esther Perel. Both of them are about our current (and historical) cultural approach to sex and addiction and it’s just so fascinating. Put them on and clean your house. To confirm it’s true brilliance Jess, Ryann, Julie and Veronica are obsessed. We also want to make sure that Monica (Dax’s cohost, producer and “soulmate”) is recognized because she is the secret sauce that makes this podcast perfect. Most Tuesdays and Thursdays, the first thing they ask each other is “Have you listened to Armchair yet??” Some of their favorite episodes are Johann Hari, Conan O’Brien, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Bell, Bill Nye, Jake Johnson, John Gottman, Todd Rose and Joy Bryant. Just to name a few.

I also love checking in with Young House Love, Goal Digger, The Liturgists (the one about how former evangelicals reflecting on their current LGBTQ lifestyle was so riveting and frankly sad)   Second Life, and yes Tony Robbins. I love some self-help.

Now, I will let the rest of my team take it away…

Arlyn 1

Don’t Keep Your Day Job: Emily is probably reading this like “wait, what Arlyn?!?” but I promise it’s not only for people who want to up and leave their jobs, haha. It’s really about finding your career passions as a creative and how to catapult yourself (whether that’s as an entrepreneur or working for someone else). Host Cathy Heller is so lovely to listen to and inspiring in many ways and her guests are varied but all great. Episodes range from topics as specific as How to Start an Etsy Shop (with Etsy’s General Manager of Seller Services Kruti Patel Goyal as the guest) to more open-ended but useful subjects like How to Get Unstuck. If you’re a creative with the heart of an entrepreneur, give it a listen. I think you’ll like it! Favorite Episodes: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome, The 3 Essential Steps to Grow Your Empathy Empire

Radiolab: Okay, if you’re a longtime podcast fan, Radiolab is NOT going to be news to you, but I couldn’t not include it mostly out of selfishness so anyone who listens can also recommend some of their favorite episodes that I can tune into. It used to cover pretty scientific topics in VERY approachable and engaging ways, but they’ve since pivoted a little to find the “science” in everyday subjects. It’s VERY well-produced and less grassroots then I feel a lot of podcasts are now, but basically it’s a whole heap of fun. Favorite Episodes: (WHERE TO START???) Dinopocalypse Redux (a new thrilling/compelling theory on what killed off the dinosaurs), Colors (I think this is one of their most popular episodes…for a reason!)

Heavyweight: This is more a “when you’re bored for a minute and don’t want to be too invested” type podcast. I don’t necessarily tune in regularly, but a few of the episodes are VERY fun, particularly my favorite Gregor, which is all about a guy named Gregor who once upon a time lent an obscure album to his then-friend Moby (the musical artist) and then got super bitter because Moby went on to make an album heavily inspired by what Gregor shared with him and he never got credit…and thus begins the journey of him trying to get his album back and talking to Moby to settle this grief. I know it sounds a little nuts, but I promise it’s super entertaining. Favorite Episode: Episode 2: Gregor

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations: Oprah, have you heard of her? I didn’t drink the Oprah KoolAid until very recently and now I’m like…WHERE WAS I IN THIS LIFE WITHOUT HER? If I don’t interject here that my dear husband Charles introduced me to my favorite episode (mentioned in a sec), he might have a Gregor-sized grudge against me. THANK YOU CHARLES FOR CHANGING MY LIFE IN MANY WAYS INCLUDING SHARING THIS PODCAST (hopefully he heard that). I mean, just listening to Oprah’s interviewing skills alone speaks to my inner journalist, but she just has the star power to get the best people on to talk. This one leans heavily on the spiritual journey and finding your life’s purpose, so if that’s not your thing, look away. BUT IF IT IS, COME ON IN, THE WATER IS WARM AND WELCOMING. I will now stop speaking in all caps and just say if there is ever a day where I feel down, Oprah’s Super Soul Convos have never failed to turn things around and make me exciting about just life in general. Favorite Episodes: Your Own Truth (just Oprah talking in this one, no guest…SO INSANELY GOOD), Paulo Coelho Part 1: What If the Universe Conspired in Your Favor? & Paulo Coelho Part 2: Your Journey of Self-Discovery


British History Podcast: I LOVE history and will spend long stretches of time listening to this podcast. It’s one guy telling the history of Britain from literally start (before humans) to end (he’s not done yet). If you’re a history junkie like me this is a podcast for you. Favorite Episode: None, just start from the top.

Good Food with Evan Kleinman: This is the best food podcast I’ve come across and always inspires me to head to the farmers market or pull out my pasta maker. Favorite Episode: Jonathan Gold

The No Sleep Podcast: If you’re into storytelling, these episodes are horror-based short stories told by voice actors. I used to listen to a lot of true crime podcasts but eventually found them exploitative and depressing. These stories are creative, sometimes chilling, and 100% guilt-free while still hitting that addictive scary factor. Best listened to on late night drives or crisp fall days. Favorite Episode: No way I can actually pick one 

Nancy: This is a great, uplifting, and positive podcast all about queer topics and stories. It’s really helped me better understands subjects like the ins and outs of gender pronouns. It’s made me cry and laugh. Favorite Episode: Episode 5: There Are No Gay Wizards


Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey: If you don’t know already, I am fully indoctrinated and belong to the Bulletproof cult. When schlepping things around LA, I basically only listen to this podcast, talk to my fellow stylist friend Lauren, AND talk about this podcast to Lauren. Self helpy/health/biohacking is my jam so all I really need is this podcast. Longevity, sleep, light therapy, meditation, stem cell therapy and healing your gut are a few of the top topics. Dave will really get into anything that can make you perform better at your life in any area. Favorite episodes: (so many! But here’s some recent ones I’ve loved): Why Quality Meat Matters for You and the Planet – Michael Salguero #543, The Dark Side of EMFs – Peter Sullivan #605, Intuition is Not a Feeling – Joy Martina – #574

To Live and Die in LA: I listened to Neil Strauss’ episode on Bulletproof Radio (shocking) and have wanted to give this a listen. My husband and I just binged this in two days. It’s a story about a girl going missing in LA. Favorite Episodes: Just the one season, so start from the top 

Sleeping at Last Podcast: It’s an emo band from back in (my) day, Ryan O’Neal is Sleeping at Last. I was SO excited to learn a year+ ago that Ryan was making a song for each Enneagram type. Along with each song, he put out a podcast to go along with it where he interviewed Chris Heuertz (an author of a really wonderful Enneagram book called The Sacred Enneagram). He does a lot of podcasts and if you’re a music person, you will be into all of them. Favorite episodes: The whole Enneagram series


Pardon My Take: This podcast is a great way to catch up on sports without having to actually watch sports. Hosted by three very funny dudes who give you insight on what is happening in the sports world. The very best part of this podcast is hearing three sports guys recap The Bachelor or Bachelorette every Tuesday. This could be the only reason I listen to this podcast, but I also like listening to this so I can actually kind of know what my boyfriend is talking about when he talks about sports, without having to sit down and watch ESPN when I’m home from work. This is the ideal podcast for sporty gals who simply don’t have the time to watch sports. Of course, it’s also good for anyone looking for a good laugh and some quality entertainment. 

Second Life: I just put this podcast in last week’s Link Up but that’s because it’s that good. Second Life inspires me on my way to work to give 110%! The conversations always feel natural and the interviews are honest and real. It is such a cool insight on the journey of some of the most creative women ever. I can also vouch for this podcast and says it’s for any kind of “life crisis” or just for daily motivation. 🙂 Favorite Episodes: Jen Atkin, Aimee Song, and (of course) the episode with Emily Henderson

How I Built This: This is my OG favorite podcast. The interviews are so inspiring that I find myself thinking of all these crazy ideas for a business I could start after hearing the stories of the entrepreneurs that are interviewed. None of my ideas are as good as the ones they have on the show but the point is, it really gets your creative juices flowing. Probably the podcast everyone should listen to on their Monday morning commute. This podcast is also a favorite of Arlyn, Mallory and Julie (her favorites coming up). Favorite Episodes: Chipotle, Spanx and Rent the Runway, Burt’s Bees, Peloton, Glossier and Yelp

Ryann 1

My Brother, My Brother, and Me: Justin (oldest brother), Travis (middle brother), and Griffin (sweet baby brother) Mcelroy are just about the cutest/funniest most charmingly nerdy brothers you ever will listen to. Their podcast is a hysterical, satirical “advice show” and I start almost every morning listening to them because they make me so happy (they have over 400 episodes, so binging is encouraged). The podcast is light-hearted and very self-aware and I promise you will fall in love with these three boys and want to invite them over for dinner and (perhaps) a game of Dungeons and Dragons if you are into that sort of thing—because they certainly are. Favorite Episodes: Ep 466: Food Train, Ep 435: The Pasta Poem, Ep 395: Diagnosis: Onions

Making Sense with Sam Harris: Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher and best-selling author…sooooo yes he is very smart. But he is also extremely humble and open-minded and talks about the most controversial issues with his guests in an informative and positive way. Favorite Episodes: #163: Ricky Gervais and #142: Addiction, Depression, and a Meaningful Life

Uhh Yeah Dude: Their tagline is “America through the eyes of two American Americans” so I probably don’t have to tell you this podcast is also satirical and VERY funny. Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Laroquette read articles and pop-culture tidbits and provide their hilarious commentary and insights for an hour of pure ridiculousness and sarcastic humor. They have been doing this podcast for 13 years, and are damn good at it. Favorite Episodes: Episode 507, Episode 631

Conan Needs A Friend: Conan O’Brien does the classic interview-style podcast, with a twist: He really needs a friend!! His format is to interview celebrities he has had on his show “Conan” to see if they could be friends in real life. It’s a little rawer and unplugged than what could be on network television so naturally, it is WAY more entertaining and funny. 10/10 would recommend. Favorite Episodes: Ep. 1 Will Ferrel, Ep. 16 Lisa Kudrow, Ep. 9 Adam Sandler, Ep. 33 Mila Kunis 


How I Built This: I was religiously listening to this podcast while hiking 20 miles a day on the PCT. Not only because the host, Guy Raz, is so entertaining but also because when you are so tired, your pack is heavier than ever, it’s hot as hell and your feet feel literally broken, nothing is a better antidote than listening to people talk about how they risked it all, made a major change in their lives because they believed in something so deeply. #inspired Favorite Episodes: Lyft and Airbnb 

Forever35: My sister begged me to listen to this podcast for years as she has been an avid follower and says, “Kate & Doree are like my best friends who give me the best beauty and life advice.” I could always use more life advice and especially beauty since I practically live under a rock when it comes to that, unlike Sara who is officially our resident skincare expert. Still waiting for our EHD team sleepover included with a full nighttime regiment demo (winky face). Favorite Episodes: Mini-Ep 56: Flex Your Joy Muscle and Ep #57: Skincare Enthusiast with Ann Shen (full details on morning & nighttime skincare routines)

The Anxiety Coaches: This is another great recommendation from my sister (do you see a pattern here?). Anxiety has always been an issue for me but typically in social settings with large groups of people I don’t know. It had never affected my day to day life until the past couple of months. Two weeks ago, I started listening to Gina Ryan whose voice will make you instantly relaxed. She covers all the basics of what anxiety is and the tools we can use to conquer it. So draw yourself a bath and take a listen. Favorite Episodes: #525 Calm Anxiety by Building Adaptability, #521: Situational Anxiety, and #513: Belated Grief & Anxiety 


Blackout: This apocalyptic thriller follows the story of a small-town in New Hampshire that experiences a rolling blackout. Starring Rami Malek as the main character, he plays a radio DJ and has dedicated the time to figure out what has caused this blackout. It gets weird real quick, but keeps you on your toes. Favorite Episodes: Only one season, so start from the beginning 

Harry Potter and the Half-Drunk Podcast: I recently started reading the Harry Potter books for the first time this year hence, my obsession. This podcast is really fun! Narrated by two best friends, Sam and Emily talk everything Harry Potter, while having a glass of their favorite drinks. They discuss their favorite characters, talk about all the badass women of Harry Potter and what makes them so, talk about their least favorite deaths, and much more. Favorite Episodes: Chapter 3: Gone Too Soon and Chapter 5: Yass Queen

Dirty John: The real-life story of Debra Newell, an interior designer located in Southern California, meets John Meehan on an over-50 dating site. She is immediately excited by him and falls for him quickly. Her children dislike and do not trust him, and even warn Debra about him, but she does not listen. The story is thrilling and escalates quickly. Favorite Episodes: Only one season, start from the top

Reply All: This podcast started in 2014, but I just discovered it a month or so ago. It’s a podcast all about the internet with episodes discussing crazy stories like an Instagram-like app called Figure One that is used by doctors only where they post gruesome photos of their patients for other doctors to see, to an app where you can send text messages, but they are delivered live and in-person by a stranger. For all you One Directioners out there, there’s also an episode about the famously alleged romance between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson that’s a funny, good listen. Sara and Caitlin are also MASSIVE fans and say it’s a must-listen. If you’ve ever wondered about an internet mystery, this podcast probably has an answer. Favorite Episodes: #1 A Stranger Says I Love You, #6 This Proves Everything, #136 The Founder, #130 The Snapchat Thief and #117 The World’s Most Expensive Free Watch.

Jess 1

Sooo Many White Guys: Comedian Phoebe Robinson decided she was sick of being the token black female comedian so she decided to host an extremely funny but thoughtful interview-style podcast full of interesting people that aren’t just white guys. There is however a “token white guy” episode every season…including America’s white guy sweetheart, Tom Hanks. Favorite Episodes: Gina Rodriguez, DeRay McKesson, Buck Angel, Padma Lakshmi…honestly all of them.

Adulting: A hilarious interview-style comedy show (like in front of an audience) hosted by comedians Michelle Buteau and Jordan Carlos about the trials and tribulations of becoming an adult. It’s really so funny, no BS and full of heart. Favorite Episode: Sock, Sock, Shoe, Shoe OR Sock, Shoe, Sock, Shoe? feat. Sasheer Zamata and Kate Walsh

WTF with Marc MaronThe OG of podcasts but still one of my’ favs/the one I’ve been listening to the longest. Surprise, surprise it’s another interview-style show with a good dose of humor as Marc is a professional comic. BUT superior in its deep introspection into the lives of Marc and his guests. Favorite Episodes: Barack Obama (duh), Mandy Moore and Billy Crystal.

Up and Vanished: No words for how good this REAL LIFE cold case podcast is. Jess knows she was late to the game on finding this one but she wants to make sure the world knows about it. Amateur “detective,” Payne Lindsey, sets out to solve the mysterious disappearance of Tara Grinstead in 2005 and DOES. You will be riveted the entire season. Favorite Episodes: Season 1 (feel free to skip the mini episodes between episodes whick didn’t really add anything for me)


Axios Pro Rata: When it comes to news, I’m generally an Axios loyalist. Every day, Dan Primarck breaks down a major issue in the intersection of tech, business, and politics. Honorable daily news mentions here have to go to NPR’s “Up First” and “The Daily” from the New York Times, but Pro Rata is my favorite for actually contextualizing current events quickly. Like, yes, the tagline is true—it will actually make you smarter, faster! 

Everything is Alive: OMG, y’all are NOT READY for how TENDER this show is. Everything Is Alive is an interview podcast with a little surprise twist: all the subjects are inanimate objects. It’s unscripted (which is shocking, because it’s absolutely hilarious and earnest and endearing) and you can hear firsthand from “items” like Emmy, a pregnancy test (spoiler alert: she’s just trying to stay positive), and Scott, a Stethoscope (he’s always listening). The show’s host, Ian, worked at NPR and was formerly a producer for Terry Gross so yeah, the work put into each episode is top-notch. Favorite Episodes: Louis, Can of Cola and Sebastian, Alex, and Alex, Russian Dolls

Product Hunt Radio: First step: watch and enjoy Shark Tank. Second step: decide to join a startup. Third step: get a crash course in all things entrepreneur via Product Hunt Radio. Prior to joining Team EHD, I spent a few years building an eCommerce business and this podcast was an invaluable resource! If you’re interested in hearing from both founders and investors on their failures, trends they’ve noticed, and the future of tech/retail/education/finance/everything else, this is the show for you. Favorite Episodes: The Future of Direct-to-Consumer and Ecommerce and Rethinking the Traditional VC Model


Sex with Emily: I love Emily’s mission to educate listeners about a topic of which our schools failed us severely—sex. And, she’s working hard to fill the orgasm gap! It’s so fascinating to discover through callers what sexual or relationship experiences are super common and what very niche issues couples are needing help with. Bonus, it’s a resource of great things to try, for the explorers out there. Emily is a doctor with a gentle, tolerant approach. Favorite Episode: Orgasm Blockers & Sex Myth Stoppers

The Savage Lovecast: Dan Savage is on a similar mission, he’s just pushier about it. Favorite Episode: Episode 637: Bad ‘Stache’

Crime Junkie: I’m on another heavy, true crime binge currently and given I’ve gone through similar phases since childhood, it can be hard to find untold stories. Crime Junkies offered exactly that. Plus, they’re raising funds for organizations actively working to solve cold cases (DNA advancements—whoa…) Favorite Episode: Serial Killer: Israel Keyes

Casefile: I binged Crime Junkie too fast (long stints in traffic), so recently turned to Casefile. Given it’s an Australian broadcast, there are a lot of tales that didn’t widely spread here in the US to digest. Favorite Episode: Case 15: The Weepy Voiced Killer


This American Life: I’ve talked about my love for this before and though I haven’t been as long of a listener as Emily, I think this one’s a classic and I can always go back to their channel and find a curious and interesting topic. (ALSO: I think I keep coming back because I love Ira Glass’ voice??) Velinda is also a HUGE fan and has been listening to this one forever (as has Arlyn). Favorite Episodes: Ep. 489 No Coincidence, No Story; Ep. 597 One Last Thing Before I Go

Caliphate: This journalist from The New York Times wanted to get a better understanding of who we, as a country, are really fighting in this war of terror that we’ve been in for the last two decades, so she goes on a quest of tracking down and interviewing ISIS members (“repentant” ISIS members?) and what it was like becoming a member. One of her main interviewees is a Canadian-Pakistani guy who got recruited into ISIS but eventually got out and left, saying it wasn’t for him after all. But at one point in the whole series, I even questioned if the journalist got scammed and the guy was still literally in ISIS and the story he told was all a fabrication. Probably a little on the heavier side, but I found this very informational and eye-opening and it had me very engrossed in the whole story during my drive. Favorite Episodes: Season 1

Lady Gang: Apparently, I love a good girl talk type of podcast and am subscribed to a few different ones. It also just feels like you’re listening in on some private gossipy conversation between friends. It’s just fun, usually light, content that you can listen to while in traffic. They talk about everything from waxing to boys to Enneagrams and just what it’s like being a 30-year-old adult trying to adult in this world. It’s VERY entertaining. I don’t have a favorite episode, but they do this LG Quickie thing on Thursdays and I love them. “We’re not here for a long time, but we’re here for a good time!” Favorite Episodes: All of them!

CTRL ALT DELETE: I like listening to these because they have guests who are entrepreneurs and influencers and they talk about real things like how it’s okay to be moody and have anxiety and how to be a grownup and also a lot of episodes about social media. Favorite Episodes: #30 Lucy Lendrem (Gleam) – On Managing The UK’s Biggest Social Talent


Lauren Conrad: Asking For a Friend: This one is fairly new so I just started listening and so far I think it’s great. It’s basically just Lauren Conrad talking about anything and everything you want Lauren Conrad to talk about (beauty, fashion, home, and lifestyle). 10/10 will continue listening. Favorite Episode: Still Deciding…

Goop: I also second this podcast along with Emily. It’s so so good.  Favorite Episode: How Food Affects Our Mood

Girlboss Radio With Sophia Amoruso: Just another podcast spotlighting inspiring women’s careers and hosted by NastyGal and Girlboss founder, Sophia Amoruso. As Jess said in the office the other day, I’m also a sucker for a good interview. Favorite Episodes: Gwyneth Paltrow and The story behind the Naked Palette with Urban Decay founder Wende Zomnir

Hope that’s enough for you to start with. ::Wink:: We REALLY love recommending things we are super into and we hope you are as pumped into reading about them.
Also, we want to hear from YOU. If anyone has a genius idea of a podcast for me (and a crew) let me know. It’s very hard to talk about design without seeing because it’s just so visual. There are times when I just want to tape my conversations with my best friends because frankly, they are hilarious and quite entertaining. Maybe a podcast is in my future…but until then have a great weekend and happy listening. xx
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5 years ago

Highly recommend “This podcast will kill you”. It’s a really well informed but also lighthearted look at diseases like Ebola, diphtheria, etc., their history, transmission, how they affect the body, etc. There’s also drinking involved 😉

5 years ago

this is a great list with lots of new ones for me to check out. i am a HUGE fan of tim ferriss’ podcast and was surprised to not see it here, so i think it’s a must check out! he interviews people who are exceptional in their fields and i just love listening to their routines, how they became who they are, how they overcame struggles, etc… that podcast inspires me to be a better person and to be who i am meant to be. i highly recommend starting with the seth godin episode! another i love is masters of scale which is similar to how i built this, about taking businesses to scale and it’s really intriguing as well.

5 years ago

Cassie, I LOVE TIMMY F (common nickname for him in our home). I actually do listen to his podcasts on the reg and love his books, I actually meant to include his podcasts it’s just that I wrote my choices up while on set and was a little sidetracked 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Emily Bowser

Ha! No worries! I forgot to mention another, too… the moth! Amazing true stories about anything and everything… they always make me feel something

Katy DeBardelaben
5 years ago

I miss home decor content…..

5 years ago

Me too.

5 years ago

Absolutely agree

5 years ago

Me too!
Besides younghouselove nothing mentioned!

Shannon palmer
5 years ago

Well I don’t!

5 years ago

I second that, please !

5 years ago

I also am missing the home decor content. It is nice to know the team has other interests but I am coming here for Emily’s decor expertise!!! Emily, please post more on decor !!

5 years ago

Yes, please!! Really disappointed in the posts lately!

5 years ago

Yes, please!!! More home decor content and much less of all the other content posts of late!!!!!!

5 years ago

Ologies is a current favorite and totally binge worthy. The host, Alie Ward, interviews expert scientists in a wide variety of niches in a very funny and approachable way. LOVE it.

5 years ago

Forever 35 is the best!

5 years ago

I expected more home-focused podcasts from this crew.

You didn’t name too many (or any?) current affairs/news or politics podcasts. I suggest The Daily (from NYT) and Stay Tuned with Preet, from the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern Distrtict of NY. Preet looks at things through a legal lens in a way that I find very interesting.

5 years ago
Reply to  V

You know, I just don’t find that there are many great home-focused podcasts, so if anyone knows (besides YHL), please chime in. Also, so much of my day with work is taken up with thinking about the home that it’s nice to dig into other subjects. It would be like working at a restaurant all day/week, and then only eating their food on your day off. Variety is the spice of life!

5 years ago

I was going to say the same thing 🙂 I’m inundated with design all day (and sometimes night 🙂 ) and thinking about other things actually ups my creativity when working in design. Variety!

5 years ago
Reply to  Emily Bowser

Yessss so agree! People always assume I’ll like home podcasts but nope… give me inspiring people from all walks any day!

5 years ago
Reply to  V

Love The Daily!!! Have you heard the Song Exploder podcast about the origin of The Daily’s theme music? So good and interesting.

I listened to Preet as a guest on an episode of Pod Save America a few months back and had been meaning to check out his podcast — this is the reminder I needed 🙂

5 years ago

The Great Indoors is a fun British podcast about home desogn… highly recommended, esp as a new perspective for Americans! I love YHL and also loved the Chris Loves Julia podcast before they called it quits

5 years ago

How did no one mention Stuff You Should Know?? It’s been around for 11 YEARS and has over 1,000 episodes. They go over topics about anything, from The Coconut Cult to Sand Dunes to Cleopatra to Sloths. And those are all just in the last week!

5 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

If it’s the same podcast I’m thinking of, I used to listen to that while back and honestly forgot all about it until this comment. I might hop back into it!

5 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

I love SYSK!! I don’t listen as much as I used to anymore, but they have some really quality episodes! Definitely a great recommendation.

5 years ago

Pod save America and Unladylike are great podcasts. Also modern love.

5 years ago

Loved “Up and Vanished”!

“My Dad Wrote a Porno” is hilarious!!!

5 years ago

If you’re into true crime, I totally second Casefile – it is THE BEST. If you’re into true crime and comedy, I reallllllly recommend RedHanded – these ladies do a well-researched, succinct podcast with humor peppered in in posh British accents. If you like Bravo, you cannot go wrong with Watch What Crappens or Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino.

5 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

So good! So glad I just discovered it and have sooooo many episodes to catch up on.

5 years ago

Pleasantly surprised to see The Making Sense podcast listed. Yay, Ryann! I feel like if the whole world would just listen to Sam Harris we would be in a much better place. Love his sound reasoning. His waking app is a great meditation tool.

5 years ago

My current obsessions: Girls Gotta Eat, U Up? (by Betches media, not the Nikki Glaser one with a similar name) and J Train. All hilarious, but spot on, honest life, dating and relationship advice, sprinkled with enough funny stuff and nonsense to make a commute or run in the humidity bearable!
Marriage and Martinis offers a great, real-world example of the struggles of marriage.
Sex with Emily literally changed my life. So glad to see it on the list! How Cum is another sex podcast that is fantastic.

5 years ago


5 years ago

How did My Favorite Murder not make it on here for all you crime junkies? It’s probably my go-to podcast. I can second the love for My Dad Wrote a Porno too, it sends me into belly laughs on my drive home. I love the Dollop for history and humor, and literally all of the In the Dark seasons have been fascinating for more true crime.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

My Favorite Murder is absolutely in my top 5. I SWORE other people were going to include it on their lists, so I didn’t and now I’m like DANGIT I SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED IT.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

I was also surprised that My Favorite Murder wasn’t mentioned. It’s the best!!
I also recommend Criminal. Great stories.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

I want to also recommend The Dollop, an American history (not always) podcast where one guy reads a piece of history to another guy, who has never heard the history before. Often funny, often information, absolutely ridiculous, and fairly bawdy.

Recommend you start with “Ben Reitman”, because I laughed until I cried, and this one episode is a real showcase for the hosts’ incredible talents.

5 years ago

I’m deaf and am super bummed that it’s so hard to find transcripts for podcasts. If anyone has recs for podcasts with transcripts, I’d love to hear them!

I really love gardening, so my favorite podcast with transcripts is Margaret Roach’s A Way To Garden radio show, where she interviews all kinds of horticulture experts on various topics:

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I am pretty sure Young House Love Has A Podcast (recommended above) has at least some transcripts of episodes.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I’m not deaf, but am also bummed (and kind of shocked) at the lack of transcripts available for podcasts. Accessibility benefits everyone!

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I know Bulletproof Radio has transcripts!

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

This American Life provides transcripts for all their episodes! Link here:

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

Spirits podcast (mythology from all over the world) is super fun and they do transcripts. Just google spirits podcast and they come right up.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I love The Lazy Genius and she does have transcripts. I highly recommend. 🙂

5 years ago

My two favorites are:

NPR’s Up First (10-minute rundown of the day’s top news, every weekday at 6 am. I listen to it while I’m getting ready for work and it’s been super useful and informative.)

and Bitch Fest (discussion of Bravo reality TV. It’s pure escapism and I’m obsessed.)
5 years ago

“Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness” — I’m a liiiiittle bit obsessed with JVN. He covers a wide-range of topics in such an endearing and approachable manner.

“Awesome with Alison” — It’s like getting solid life and business advice from a big sister with an extra dose of sass and FUN.

“Britney’s Gram” — Because I’m trying to stay on top of the #FREEBRITNEY movement (and you all should, too!).

5 years ago

OMG my husband is SO invested in #FREEBRITNEY and he keeps me updated 🙂

Cici Haus
5 years ago

Ladies We Need to Talk is an Australian podcast that covers issues from early menopause to what if I don’t want kids. It’s great!

5 years ago
Reply to  Cici Haus

Ooooo, that sounds right up my alley! Thanks.

5 years ago

Armchair expert has actually changed my life. Highly recommend listening…be prepared, it causes some deep introspection.
Also, to lighten the mood..if you are a bravo watcher check out ‘Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino,’ There hasn’t been one episode where I haven’t laughed out loud. He recaps the episodes, interviews “bravolebrities” and intertwines humor and stories of his life and childhood. It feels like an old friend is chatting with you.

Natasha Schue
5 years ago

Just finishing up S-Town! SO good and crazy!

5 years ago
Reply to  Natasha Schue

Yes!! S-Town is one of a kind!

Also ‘Having Funlessness with Jen Kirkman’ is great for a not serious, comedic pick me up. It’s basically stream of consciousness by Jen on a couple topics each episode . So relatable and funny.

5 years ago
Reply to  Natasha Schue

OH yes that was so great!

5 years ago

Current favorite is “Planet Money” by NPR. It’s kind of like This American Life but with an economic bent. I just listened to a two part series on how recycling came to be in America (based on one guy and the mob) and how it might be a dying practice here. It’s really engaging and informative!

5 years ago

Hi EH,
Have you tried podcasts with your kids? It’s totally transformed our car rides. The Pinna app is packed with podcasts, audiobooks, and music all curated for little listeners. You can check it out with a free trial at

5 years ago

Rollin With the Mommies Podcast about two SF moms is hilarious and heartwarming.

Also I can’t believe Joe Rogans podcast didn’t make the list. Other favs: Stuff You Should Know, 99% Invisible (background on design), Jordan Peterson’s podcast.

5 years ago

My Favorite Murder!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

Love that one!

Tray Hagan
5 years ago

So glad that Heavyweight podcast was mentioned!! I love Gregor too which is one of the reasons Episode 19: Joey, is my favorite! And a quote from Jonathan Goldstein at the end of the episode, I carry around with me and read it regularly,
“Awkwardness is just a step along the way to vulnerability.
Being vulnerable,
allowing yourself to be seen,
is the only soil from which friendship can grow.”

-Jonathan Goldstein, Heavyweight podcast, Season 3, Episode 19 Joey

5 years ago
Reply to  Tray Hagan

YAY another Gregor fan! I haven’t heard Joey but now I know what I’ll listen to on my commute home. Thank you for sharing!

5 years ago

Since his podcast was mentioned and people might be tempted to listen to it, it’s worth pointing out that Tony Robbins is….not great.

It’s a five part series. That’s the first story and there are links to the other articles inside. To put it mildly, he’s abusive to followers and employees. He should not be anyone’s self-help guru. He’s a terrible human being.

5 years ago
Reply to  katie

Agreed. And I thought it was a great idea to spend my 30th birthday at one of his events! This was decades ago, but ugh, he’s horrid.

Shannon palmer
5 years ago

Emily, make a podcast!!! All of my dreams would come true!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Shannon palmer

It’s been thrown around 🙂 keep pressuring her! What would you want to hear about?

5 years ago
Reply to  Emily Bowser

Design and styling!

5 years ago
Reply to  Shannon palmer

I love this idea!

5 years ago

You Must Remember This is an incredible podcast about Hollywood history! All the guilty pleasure of a tabloid but with way more fact checking. Start with the MGM series if you check it out!

5 years ago

Not a podcast, but Biggest Little Farm is a must see if you’re interested in how our soil affects our food. If you haven’t already seen it, run, don’t walk. It’s that good.

5 years ago
Reply to  Misha

On it!

5 years ago

Em, know your roots and listen to Year of Polygamy podcast

5 years ago

Young house love is my #1! Seconded by several christian (topic and/or host). And I’m so surprised no one mentioned the popcast!! then the popcast. I’m not up to speed on pop culture AT ALL, not by choice really, but just because I can’t make time to watch movies, etc and I prefer all my media to be PG or less anyway, so the popcast at least keeps me in the know with out having to consume all the movies and music etc! They’re hilarious. Also, arc stories. (Celebrating the southern tradition of storytelling) Is SO AMAZING.

5 years ago

Everything is alive it truly tender. It’s just like amazingly precious and I recommend it to everyone.

5 years ago

Try Backstory Radio. Hosted by prominent historians, this show is about American history. It’s one of my absolute favorites and a good way to learn history from people who actually know what they’re talking about.

5 years ago

BBC Soul Music – It’s a podcast where they take the history of one song and weave it together with several personal stories of everyday people whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the song. For example – you might hear from a couple who met while listening to a certain song but also a bus driver who ran off the road and injured people while it was playing. It’s got so much heart – I’ve laughed, I’ve cried and I’ve gotten a deeper appreciation for how music is a great uniter.

5 years ago

Everyone should listen to KERA’s Think with Kris Boyd. She’s such a great interviewer with interesting conversations covering a wide variety of culture, health, science and technology topics.
5 years ago

Yay, I LOVE podcasts and really feel the void when’s finishing a series! I feel like there are some core podcasts missing though, so here ya go:

1. Serial – season 1 & 3 were my favorites (season 2 was about a topic that I couldn’t get behind)

2. S – Town – aka Shit Town. Get through the first two episodes before you make an opinion about the whole series. It is a fascinating and extremely strange real life scenario and it’s not one to miss.

3. Embedded – another great NPR produced podcast brute know what’s up 🙂

4. Where Should We Begin with Ester Perel – Fascinating couples therapy sessions that have an interesting way of giving you insight within your own relationships.

I would love if you guys periodically do these round ups for podcasts because you know the pain of going through all the ones on your list and needing more!!

5 years ago

yes! Julie hasn’t listened to the first season of Serial (HOW WHAT??) and I am SO EXCITED FOR HER TO LISTEN!

5 years ago

I felt really conflicted after finishing S-town. It was a fascinating story about a fascinating man, but in the end it felt exploitative to me. It seemed that they didn’t really have the man’s permission to share all that they did. He asked for research on one particular topic and after he died they dug up all this other crazy sh*t about him. Interesting story for sure, but I just didn’t feel good about the way it was done.

5 years ago

Love seeing all these recs! I also love Marc Maron, How I Built This, and others on your lists. Recommending: Strangers, Rich Roll (I’m not remotely a super triathlete, just love these long convos!), Michael Lewis’s new series called Against The Rules, and The Dream, a limited series exploring multi-level marketing: history, behind-the-scenes operations, gender stuff, law, and more. SO well done.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I second The Dream it was so fascinating and so well done!

Robin Brandt
5 years ago

You missed a few really great ones! 99% Invisible is about invisable design and architecture in our lives, Ear Hustle is produced by inmates at San Quintin where they talk about incarcerated life and life after getting out. The Shrink Next Door is a true story about a man and his manipulative shrink.

5 years ago

I’m not arguing for or against organic foods but I think misinformation that organic farms don’t use pesticides or that GMO foods aren’t as good for you can be harmful.

This article is from 2011 but it covers a lot of good information

5 years ago

The Popcast with Knox and Jamie. Always a great laugh.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nichole

Yes! Love it! The Popcast, The Lazy Genius, What Should I Read Next, From the Front Porch, 10 Things to Tell You…my top 5 right now. 🙂

5 years ago

Terrible, Thanks for Asking. All time favorite. Sooooo good!!!

5 years ago

Thank you for the list. Heavyweight is one of my favorites, so many good episodes.

Must listen “Conviction” podcast—wonderful writing and reporting on detective Manny Gomez and criminal justice. One season, start from the beginning.
I may have read too fast but was Serial on here? This was the first podcast I ever listened to and all 3 seasons are so addicting.

5 years ago

Bummed to see Jenna Kutcher on your list as I think she’s a hard core scammer and I have first hand experience with her fake persona (she hates her audience and thinks they’re suckers) due to me accidentally being copied on a nasty reply to a simple question I submitted on one of her offerings for clarity with “good lord, this f*cking idiot”. It’s a slippery slope out there with these “experts”. Listeners beware.

Tina Schrader
5 years ago

I love Skimm This, Pod Save America, The Daily, Up First and Here and Now from NPR, The Ezra Klein Show, NPR Politics, Future Perfect (theme sensed, I’m sure), and Sorry Not Sorry with Alyssa Milano. Non-political favorites include Lore, The Vanished, Someone Knows Something, The Examen with Fr. James Martin, S.J., and History Chicks — and TED Talks Daily! The last is one of my favorites. I’ll check your recommendations out; thanks!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tina Schrader

I am so glad you mentioned the History Chicks, they are my favorite! Thanks everyone for such good recommendations, it seems I will need to make more time for podcasts in my life.

Christine Schwalm Design
5 years ago

I recommend “Death, Sex and Money” on WNYC. Anna’s interview style is great and they are an excellent length for a commute or around the house. I listen to NY Times “The Daily” every morning and listen to “Marketplace” most late afternoons.

5 years ago

I hope it’s ok to recommend my own podcast, That Book! It’s an irreverent chat about the books you see everyone reading on the subway, and it’s hosted by me (an academic) and my childhood friend (an actor). Try the episode “Instapoetry” or “The Devil Wears Prada” to get started! 🙂

5 years ago

I know you are in LA but there is a farm in British Columbia using regenerative techniques called Spray Creek Ranch. Check out their website

5 years ago

Great list! Have you listened to “The Great Indoors” ?! It’s a podcast all about interiors, and how to make things work in your own home. We cover trends, celebrity house tours, how to’s and hot topics on the interior design front. Better still me and Kate, rarely agree so you can rest assured that there is not always a rigt and wrong way to decorate your home. We’d love to know the EH design crimes!

Lauren Landis
5 years ago

Great list! Second votes for:

1. You Must Remember This — the host’s voice is addictive and it will lead you on a in-depth dive through your local library for all the books on Old Hollywood.
2. Ear Hustle — an insightful perspective on incarceration that makes inmates’ voices and stories the central focus. They cover topics like pets in prison, how people cook in their cells, and look at the lives of recently-released individuals.
3. Forever35 — the convo between friends that you need in your car or during grocery shopping when all of your own friends are still at work :).

And some new ones!
4. Code Switch — looking at behaviors and language with the topic of race in mind
5. White Lies — an amazing investigation by two journalists into the murder of a civil rights activist. I’ve never binge-listened to a podcast until this!
6. Mothers of Invention — cohosted by the climate activist and former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson; a climate action podcast with a feminist focus.

5 years ago

I’m already like 15 hours behind on my podcasts and this post is going to push me over the edge! LOL! I don’t watch TV because I have a full-time job and literally 100+ animals to take care of in my free time so I adore podcasts. Thank you for this post!