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My Favorite “Household Basics” (Including The Bed Pillow I Travel With Because I Love It That Much)

photo by tessa neustadt | from: our modern english country kitchen

When you find yourself bringing your pillow to a nice hotel like Brian and I did on our overnight date, that must mean it’s GOOD. I get asked very, very, very often by my team/friends “What is your favorite (insert something totally unsexy/stylish)?” or “What do YOU use for (insert the boring but necessary basic)?” So I figured it was time to write about some of them. These aren’t reviews, it’s not like I’ve tried every duvet insert, but I do know the one (aka the favorite) that Brian and I both go on the hunt for when our cleaning crew accidentally switches it out. Here goes.

My Rug Pad

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: a quick update: the changes i’ve made to my la living room

With what feels like 1/2″ of memory foam, this rug pad (combined with this comfy rug) is SO COMFY. We originally bought it because our first Persian rug was pretty thin and I wanted concussion-free wrestling periods. It isn’t just non-slip, it adds at least 1/2″ of underfoot serious memory foam comfort. The only downside is that if you get it EXACTLY the size of your rug then you can see the edge of it, but if you get it too much smaller then you can see the line underneath where it ends. So I ended up cutting an inch or two off so the rug just slightly goes over it. Not everyone is as into comfort as I am but I think these little things are subconscious signals that say, “come in, sit, relax, stay awhile,” which is how I want us to feel in our home.

Our Duvet Cover

photo by veronica crawford | from: our bedroom update (also how I feel about having a tv in the bedroom)

I love our bed SO very, very much because of multiple factors – the duvet insert, duvet cover, sheets, and pillows. I’ve liked a lot of duvet covers in my day (some affordable, some expensive) but this is our current favorite and has been for a couple of months. It’s a very crisp, yet soft percale (which I think just a fancy word for tightly woven cotton – why google when you can guess!?). And while thread count is low, I can’t tell because it’s recently been discovered that thread count is total hogwash. I’ve been vocal about Brian’s “anti-linen duvet” platform, and admittedly percale is far less photogenic. However, there is a reason why linen is missing from most high-end hotel rooms – it can ruin your marriage (and a good night’s sleep) if you aren’t into that more, uh, linen-y feeling. Anyway, this duvet (and the percale sheets for that matter) stay so cool and soft. I have even – are you sitting down? – changed the duvet cover myself if my cleaning crew puts on one of our crappier backup duvet covers. I know, unnecessary “housework”?! It’s clearly a serious love affair.

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: the (new) bed in a bag with brooklinen

My Linen Comforter

Now that you’ve heard Brian is running on a “no linen duvet” platform in life, I still love this linen comforter as an extra layer mostly because it’s shockingly good for how affordable it is and styles in such a pretty way. So I like this lightweight one for us to layer during “winter” but also have used it in shoot after shoot because it’s so pretty (and affordable).

My Duvet Insert

I’m sure there are a lot of good duvet inserts out there and some likely even more affordable. But Brian and I much prefer this one and bought it for the mountain house as well. I crave it when I’m not in our bed because it’s so fluffy and yet we don’t overheat. I can squish it down between legs, under my armpit, in all my appropriate crevices and yet it is still big and fluffy. I think the key is good ingredients but since I’m not a bed scientist I don’t know what those ingredients are (real feathers are annoying, but synthetic can be hot and hold more heat). So whatever this is, it’s the perfect “fluffy but squishy” combo because we truly love it.

My Pillow Inserts

photo by veronica crawford | from: our bedroom update (also how I feel about having a tv in the bedroom)

My head also agrees with my body’s strong “fluffy but squishy” stance, and insists on one that can go big, but flatten down with cool comfort. I thought that I was sleeping on a Brooklinen pillow. But before this post, I opened it up and realized it was Fieldcrest from Target. I remember thinking “yay, that’s affordable.” But then I looked up my exact make and model and realized it was $70…not so affordable. However, when you will fumble around in the middle of the night and even search your kid’s room, threatening to wake them up, just in case it was moved in there, well, then it might be worth it. I apparently love real down (with no sharp feathers) and whatever this feather count is, it’s perfect.

The King Bed Blanket

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: 14 rules to follow to design and style the perfect bedroom

I have a few different king bed blankets that I shuffle between. The one above (from Schoolhouse) is splurgier, but it does make a room and totally shifts the vibe of that bed (hey now). This one from Target is what I go to for a more affordable version that we’ve used in many a bed project. But yes, I like a thin blanket to break up the fluffier duvet – which you can read all about in our “bed-making formula” post which I’ve referenced many times since we published it.

My Flatware

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: Inside all our (super organized) drawers & cabinets in the mountain house kitchen

I now have this flatware in both houses, but not just because it’s matte black and pretty, but because of how it feels. It’s weighty and heavy enough to feel like you can really cut that butter, but not hefty or clunky. I don’t know why that is an important distinction but it’s just true. You want weight in the handle, not in the tips and usually, that is in more expensive flatware. Luckily, this is more affordable.

My Drinking Glass

photo by tessa neustadt | from: our modern english country kitchen

Brian and I have had many heated debates about glassware where I always lose. I like the thin Marta (see below) but that man likes a thick glass that holds real big double-digit ounces. To be totally fair I do, too. I go to bed every night with a massive glass of ice water and yes, I’ve broken a few large Marta glasses in the middle of the night. And honestly, NO ONE is a fan of them at 3 am in the morning. These are thick, less breakable, and are affordable enough that if they do break, you aren’t bummed. PLUS they aren’t crazy thick glasses, they are just right and are clear enough to be nice looking in your cabinets (I suppose most big thick glass water glasses say “bad cheap diner” in a way that makes us feel less refined).

My Cocktail Glass

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: Inside all our (super organized) drawers & cabinets in the mountain house kitchen

The famous Marta glass. The most easy-to-break glass in America is somehow still my favorite cocktail glass. Use it for that, but not everyday water. Brian and I have very different opinions of this glass, I see it as an opportunity to put a delicious cocktail in my mouth via a thin chic vessel. He sees it as a shard of glass in his foot that he will inevitably walk on.

My Rags

photo by tessa neustadt | from: how our new laundry room came together

So boring, but our cleaning crew and I only love these particular rags. I’ll shove my hand down into the rag jar like one of those carnival pincher games to try to find one of these because they clean, absorb, scrub and last the best.

My Laundry Basket

photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: how we designed a family-friendly laundry room in the portland project

My laundry basket brings me an inordinate amount of joy. It’s super pretty (a bigger version of the ones above) and the reason I give a heck about it is that I have a tiny closet so it has to sit next to our dresser (as seen, kinda, below). I have to stare at it most days, so having it look nice is more important to me. If you have a big closet, go for a big hamper or plastic basket. But if you are like me and have to stare at it every time you walk into your room, consider this pretty basket that actually makes me happy when in view.

photo by veronica crawford | from: our bedroom update (also how I feel about having a tv in the bedroom)

The Towel??

Ok. I don’t have “a towel” and actually have a theory that very few towels last months and months. I’m also not crazy picky about towels and don’t expect them to last for a lifetime – they are super “hard-working”. I also can’t spend $60 a towel, unless you told me it would stay fluffy for 2 years. So what say you??? Please give any other basics (including towel) recommendations in the comments. I need your help 🙂

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4 years ago

We recently purchased these towels and they are incredible:

4 years ago

For towels — I go Costco. Can’t beat the price and they’re fluffy and last just asking as any other towel.

4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria

Oops. “Just as long” not “just asking.” Damn autocorrect.

4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria

Same! For the first time I bought a set of towels at Costco and they’re so luxe feeling & thick , soft AND fluffy… makes me happy every time I touch them. Been trying to muster an excuse to buy more just so I have back up!

Katherine Bailey
4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria

Yes love the Costco towels

4 years ago

It looks like the link to the duvet insert is wrong. It links to a mattress pad.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

It’s all fixed!!

4 years ago

I’m a big fan of The Citizenry’s waffle towels. They have a lovely texture, are much more absorbent than Turkish towels, but still light and dry fast. That Japanese weave is IT. However they are constantly sold out of it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Merry

O I’ve always wanted to try those out!

4 years ago
Reply to  Merry

Ditto–these are amazing. We’ve been using for 9 months straight and they are still like new.

4 years ago

I tried to get in to using turkish towels for bath towels, but hate how thin they feel. I’ve been using a bath sheet I got from bed, bath, and beyond for a few years now and I can’t go back to using a dinky towel. Bath sheets all the way.

Also your Marta glasses are also known as Bormioli glassware. I have them for drinking and wine glasses and love them.

Lastly, I know people love linen for the summer. I absolutely love wearing linen year round. That being said I try to only use my linen sheets and duvet in the winter. It is so warm and snugly when you get in the bed during a cold winter night. I rarely use my linen bedding during the summer.

Mallory Wackerman
4 years ago
Reply to  StephanieZ

On turkish towels: I GET YOU. My mom has some and we’ve all decided they’re better beach/picnic blankets than they are bath towels. But while they’re not super functional for the bathroom, they sure do LOOK good.

Sarah Leslie
4 years ago

Could you please add the link to the rug pad? I love this post!! Thank you 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Leslie

Sorry you were having trouble! I double-checked the link and it was working on our end so maybe give it another go xx

Vicki Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Jess Bunge

I need a rug pad to use under an area rug that is going over a very low pile carpet, not totally flat. I am worried about it scrunching up. Do you have any recommendations? This was a great post. Thank you.

4 years ago

I love my swedish dish cloths! You know the ones that dry hard? They clean great, last a long time, you can wash them and when you are done with them they go right in the compost!!

I also like the almond shell scrubbies.

I’m forever looking for a good pillow, I’ll give your rec a try!

4 years ago
Reply to  Dena

Dena! thanks for the rec 🙂

4 years ago

Agree on towels. We splurged on nice ones from Serena and Lily during our bathroom remodel, and I’m super disappointed with how they’ve worn. The luxurious feeling was very short-lived and I feel like a chump for spending so much on meh towels.

4 years ago

Great post as always! Here are my new favorite towels –
They’re very affordable but feel high-end and come out of laundry spotless and fluffy! Every house guest loves them and asks me where I got them from.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rohini

These are also my favorite bath towels. I’ve had some for years and they still look/feel great. Highly recommend!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rohini

These are my fav too! Every guest I have comments on them and can’t believe they’re just Target towels.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rohini

thanks for the rec, Rohini!

4 years ago
Reply to  Rohini

Ok you ALL convinced me and I just spent $112 on new towels! LOL They’re on SALE so head to ASAP and get you some! ?

4 years ago
Reply to  Rohini

These are my favorite too!

4 years ago

I think the best towels are Charisma brand from Costco! Super affordable and super fluffy. We wash them once a week with baking soda/vinegar/essential oil and then dry them with a bunch of dryer balls. Our current set is only a year old (yay for wedding presents!) but the previous set I had for 4 years and they survived even the scariest of laundromat spin cycles. We actually still have them, they just hide at the bottom of the pile (you know… in case there is an apocalypse and we run out of towels…??!).

4 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

I really was impressed with the Costco Charisma towels at first, but after a year, they are very rough, neither soft nor fluffy any longer. Disappointed.

4 years ago

How do you get the edges of the rug to lay flat over such a thick pad – do you tape the rug to the floor? It sounds great but I’m not sure if it would be a tripping hazard.

4 years ago
Reply to  Grace

That rug pad company also makes thick pads that have a non-stick backing for hardwood floors. I have 2 of them under my vintage rugs as I have 2 Labrador Retrievers in the house and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Mallory Wackerman
4 years ago
Reply to  Grace

You cut the rug pad a little shorter than the rug so the rug can lay completely over it. It actually isn’t a tripping hazard, from our experience. The EHD team walks over that rug A LOT and so far, no one has gone down (only to lay on it since it’s SO comfortable).

Lauren R
4 years ago

the link to the duvet insert (I’m on the market for a new one) takes you to a mattress topper – is the insert also brooklinen?
Pendleton towels are the absolute best. So fluffy and soft and last forever. They’re not cheap but they have sales pretty regularly. They’d be great for the mountain house!

4 years ago
Reply to  Lauren R

The duvet insert is all fixed! Sorry for the mix up xx

4 years ago

I have also loved and lost many a Marta glass. I’ve started to replace them with the Bodega glasses from C&B, which have a a similar profile but are much sturdier (and glass!). The teeny ones are so cute and are perfect for wine, ice cream, berries, or making salad dressing.


4 years ago
Reply to  DS

I had the exact same thought! I replaced my Marta glasses with the Bodega glasses too, and life is just so much simpler with a sturdier dishwasher-safe glass 🙂

4 years ago

We bought Egyptian cotton towels from Target (Australia – not the same as USA) and had to wash them on long cycle x5 before they stopped shedding like crazy!!! Not kidding! Never again! We recently bought some expensive, Sheridan, towels because they were 40% off … ooooh, luverly! And they’ll last coz we have the same brand hand towels and they’re still going strong for a long time. I would never, ever have a down anything! I wouldn’t want to ‘snuggle ‘ under the feathers plucked from a teenage duck/ling. How absolutely awful and unnecessary. Yuck! Wool-filled duvet (“doona” in Australia) inserts are fabulous. Nothing dies to provide the fibre, truly sustainable with no sentient being dying for our comfort, and they’re really warm and cool, depending on the season. They kinda moderate your body temperature so you’re just right! That’s why those woolen underlay gizmos are so fab. I’m lost with pillows. We’ve tried everything at all price points, technology-induced babble, you name it. I’m all but given up on pillows. Sheets! Ooooh, finally the magic sheets ….. BAMBOO! Soooo cool for hot Aussie summers. For winter, we switch to very tight weave, 100% cotton (also high thread count,… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

Hey Rusty! So we accidentally credited Veronica but Sara took those living room photos. I love that light too:) Veronica did however take the beautiful new photos of Emily’s master bedroom!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jess Bunge

Aaah, I wondered if Sara was changing roles or something.
The photos are gorgeous and show the living room in a different way. It seems more livable and cozy, with the scale of furniture being more realistic and relatable (the coffee table doesn’t seem so ‘lonely ‘ in the middle of the room in these pics).
Thanks for the correction.
I wanted to say that I’d noticed a difference…a gooooood difference. 🙂

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your favorites! I couldn’t find a link for the rug pag, though. Did I miss that? Also, I love my new Fieldcrest towels from Target. I haven’t had them more than a year, though, so I might be speaking too soon.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jesseca

I’ve had those same towels for more than a year. I still love them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jesseca

hey Jesseca, you can find the link to the rug pad here: 🙂

4 years ago

The link for your duvet insert takes you to a Brooklinen mattress topper? I am looking for a new duvet insert and would love to know where you got yours 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

hey Ashley, here you are! 🙂

4 years ago

My favorite towel is dri soft plus from bed bath and beyond. I bought it because it was the most affordable option to put in our 2 extra bathrooms but it became my favorite because it doesn’t have that band across each end that shrinks while the rest of the towel does not shrink which most other towels do that causes most other towels to misshapen after a few washes. It dries so fast so it never has that musty smell. does not overwhelm my toddlers with weight and size. My mom and mother-in-law replaced their towels with these too.

4 years ago

Do you have a link to the xo prints from the Instagram post associated with this link? I’m obsessed!

4 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

They are actually woven pieces by one of Emily’s (and the team’s) favorite artists, Jane Denton. Here is a link to her site:

4 years ago
Reply to  Jess Bunge

Thanks so much, her work is beautiful.

4 years ago

THIS TOWEL!!! especially in bath sheet size…. it’s the best. And it’s from Target 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Christina

oooooO! looks very fluffy and soft! thanks Christina 🙂

4 years ago

We are a big fan of towels, hand towels, and wash cloth. They’re thick and fluffy and hold up well.

Lisa Hamel
4 years ago

We have Threshold towels that I love. They are reasonably priced and hold their color, shape and fluffiness reasonably well. I use the bath towel size and my husband uses the bath sheet. Works pretty well for us.

Kristy Hicks
4 years ago

I love that matte black flatware!! But in the when I purchased Target’s “gold-finished” flatware, which is similar to this matte black finish, sadly the gold finish rubbed off in the dishwasher. I’d love to try the matte black finish, but I’m afraid the finish will somehow rub off in the dishwasher also. Are you strictly hand washing the flatware, or is the matte black a finish that won’t rub off? Anyone know?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristy Hicks

I bought the matte black a while ago – it’s *terrible*. Maybe Emily hand-washes all of it, but after one month of use (including putting it in the dishwasher), it looks super dingy and scratched-up and horrible. I ended up complaining to Target and they let me return it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristy Hicks

The reviews on Target indicate that the finish will quickly come off.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristy Hicks

I wanted it, but the reviews are so bad that I didn’t buy it. Wonder how Emily’s is holding up at both houses.

Kristy Hicks
4 years ago
Reply to  Leslie

I appreciate the feedback! I took my “gold-finished” flatware back to Target, and they gave me a full return because there was just no denying that the finish was completely coming off. Too bad! I really like the black matte, too, but I don’t have time for returns.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leslie

I’m wondering the same thing….I love the look of that flatware too, but the reviews are horrible and from the testimonials here, the problems are the same…finish rubs off. Who needs that?? Emily promotes for Target, so maybe it’s a marketing thing…she needs to get the plugs in. Good thing we’re not fooled.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristy Hicks

I chose not to buy that flatware because of the reviews and went with the “pin tumbled black” set from CB2. I always wash in the dishwasher and haven’t had any problems!

Kristy Hicks
4 years ago
Reply to  Danni

Thanks, Danni! I’ll look into that option.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kristy Hicks

This looks more like the Kayden ( to me. I bought a short run of flatware about 15 years ago, and discovered it was discontinued when I went to replace some smaller forks an old roommate lost. Was thrilled to discover a look-a-like in Kayden. It’s almost identical, and I haven’t had any issues with the stainless version. I sadly can’t speak to the colored finishes.

4 years ago

A word on linen…patience. I purchased a linen sheet sheet several years ago and boy did I I hear about it. My boyfriend complained about them constantly for being too scratchy. But here we are several years later and they are now his favorite! He’s the cold one, I’m the hot one (is there a couple out there that doesn’t have temperature disputes?? Jeez it’s tiresome). Anyway, after many washes, these are almost flannel-like fuzzy but without the heat of flannel.
I’m really interested in the Brooklinen sheets and duvet. As a hot sleeper, percale is my fav.

We definitely need to replace our bath towels. It always feel like such a gamble because what starts out great could not hold up over time. And reviews are iffy because some companies will eventually cheapen their manufacturing over time and ruin a good product. Oh well, first world problems.

4 years ago
Reply to  Melissa

YES you gotta give linen just a little bit of time. “scratchy” complaints are honestly perplexing to me if you have had said linen item for more than like 2 months. I love my linen sheets so much and they are super soft while having some heft to them, like they feel a little textured and sturdy but not in a scratchy way at all.

4 years ago

I love Pottery Barn’s Classic Organic Towels. Come in a variety of colors, thick, fluffy, and stay soft wash after wash. I stock up when they are on sale and love that the PBKids towels come in fun color sets (towel, hand towel, wash cloth) for a great price! Thanks for the tips, needed a new duvet insert.

4 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

I have pottery barn towels and they are definitely better than they used to be. They wash and wear well. And a sale…? Almost once a mont is a bit more save more.

If I want to splurge, I go for restoration hardware towels. Their towels are so big you don’t really need the bath sheet. I haven’t had any issues with rh, except maybe a cotton-linen blend ribbed towel. It’s super absorbent, but the white got a bit rough/dingy after a few weeks. There’s the aero cotton rubbed that’s better. And the classic have been my go-to.

4 years ago

My favorite drinking glasses are similar but much sturdier. They’re not as thin but have a similar silhouette and I have never broken one! (And cheaper!)
I find the large is perfect for a water glass or SodaStream if you’re into that thing. The middle glass is great for wine (and very European in style). The smallest glass is a workhorse that does everything from being the perfect milk portion for a late-night-cookie-and-milk to melting butter in the microwave. AND THEY STACK.

4 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Ohh stacking glasses is absolutely essential for my tiny kitchen cabinets. thank you for this xx

4 years ago

We bought the rug pad for our teen’s room, and it made a huge difference for a cheap rug (she wanted bright green shag, so I didn’t want to invest in a nice one). We did have to cut the pad, which is really difficult. And we put heavy books on the edges of the rug for a day so the lip would sink down.

As for towels, we have Restoration Hardware towels. They are still soft, fluffy and absorbent after 10 years. The edges are starting to fray, so it’s time for new ones. It’s important not to use bleach or fabric softener to extend the life of towels. Also, washing the towels for the first time with vinegar added to the wash helps set the color, because the Restoration Hardware towels will fade fast otherwise. I’ve been looking at the Pottery Barn ones, because they look like the same quality and different color choices, so it was nice to see someone recommend them here.

4 years ago
Reply to  Suzanne

I like Restoration Hardware towels also!! Just don’t use products with any kind of acne treatment on towels with any color or they will bleach out (true for almost all towels, not just RH).

4 years ago
Reply to  Suzanne

I love rh towels too. I was impressed with PB ones. They are better than they used to be. RH are still slightly better though, just pricier.

4 years ago
Reply to  Suzanne

I found them too absorbent. They would never dry, so stayed wet and smelled soggy all the time.

Lacey M
4 years ago

We LOVE our costco towels – so affordable and still fluffy 1.5 years later.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lacey M

I used to work at Costco and subsequently became a fan of most things they sell – especially because you can’t beat the price and I was a broke college student haha

4 years ago

we have had our Hotel Collection bath sheets from Macy’s for 11 years now (thank you, wedding registry!) and though they have faded somewhat, they are still plush and comfy. i’ve read great things about Coyuchi’s towels, but i can’t bring myself to spend nearly $60/each. we are now firmly “bath sheet” people now!

4 years ago

I actually love our Threshold brand towels from Target! We’ve had them for almost 5 years and they are still super soft and fluffy. We don’t use dryer sheets – I really believe this makes a difference!

Curious about flatware – I always loved heavy flatware and that is what we registered for when we got married (a nice set from C+B). BUT they always fall and flip off of plates/bowls/etc and it has become a MAJOR source of contention in our house because they are not weighted equally throughout. We are coming up on our 10 year anniversary and I’m ready to buy more – does this happen to anyone else with heavier weighted flatware??

Sarah C
4 years ago

What about mattresses? I know that no one mattress will please everybody, but I’m wondering if you have a go-to for yourself or for guest/kids rooms.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sarah C

A bunch of us have Tuft & Needle mattresses (and a few of us are in the process of getting one, haha). I think both Julie and Bowser wrote more detailed reviews in their MOTOs! I’d say that they’re definitely our go-to mattress in office 🙂

4 years ago

Restoration hardware Turkish towels are my absolute favorite. Expensive but so worth it. They absorb so well and last forever.

4 years ago

I got Land’s End Supima towels from my wedding registry 10 years ago and they are still going strong–fluffy, and not a single stray tread.

4 years ago
Reply to  Laura

Agreed! None of our other towels compare to how the Lands End towels feel or look over time.

4 years ago

Parachute makes the BEST towels. I have the entire set. So soft and durable, and they come in beautiful neutral colors.

4 years ago

We registered for these Hudson Park bath sheets for our wedding and they are still my very favorite fluffy delights after 5 years of use!

Kay S
4 years ago

I have always felt like I needed a down comforter to have one that feels fluffy, but they’ve always at the same time felt super warm – I don’t know why I haven’t just tried a down alternative. I’m curious if you use the All-Season or Lightweight?

4 years ago

Charisma towels from Costco! Mine have stayed soft and fluffy for two years and you can’t beat the price.

4 years ago

I shopped a lot of major retailers for towels a few weeks ago and ended up coming back to the Threshold towels at Target. Soft, fluffy, but not too thick so they still dry easily in the dryer.

4 years ago

All of our towels are the now-discontinued Ikea FRÄJEN, but we also have one of their FLODALEN towels that we love. We tried both and went with the cheaper version at the time.

4 years ago

My favorite towels are Pottery Barn! We have some that have lasted almost 15 years. Every time I try something different, I go back to these. And my go-to drinking glasses are the Ikea cafe-looking ones. They have a timeless look and (almost) never break.

Paige Cassandra Flamm
4 years ago

These pieces look amazing! I’m totally going to have to add some to our house!


4 years ago

so glad you found it helpful 🙂 🙂

Vicki Williams
4 years ago

So interesting, thanks for this post. What is interesting I have had the Marta glasses for 2 years. I got 2 sets of the coolers, so 16 glasses. I have knocked them off the counter several times and they have bounced-hard actually, and nary a break. One I found broken in the dishwasher a couple months ago which was mysterious but that has been the only one. We have been marveling at their sturdiness. I found them originally at Target. I love drinking out of them.

4 years ago

Let me tell you ’bout towels. I bought the Hawkins New York Simple Waffle Towels from this bathroom accessories roundup that you guys did two years ago ( They were $60 each, and they are the best bathroom investment ever. They actually get better with age. My husband and I are obsessed, and I can never go back to regular towels again.

Also, I miss those budget kitchen and bathroom posts. Please bring those back!

4 years ago

Re: towels
I read some review when I was registering for our wedding (4 years ago) that said the Pottery Barn “PB Classic Towel” was the best. So I added it to our registry, we got them, and I have to say, we love them. They’re about $30/towel, which is a lot but not A LOT, and other than a brush with a guest’s peroxide skin products, they look just as good now as they did in 2016. I didn’t really expect them to last this long, but they’re still fluffy and super plush.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alyssa

4 years is impressive! I’m gonna check these out x

Jess Jamison
4 years ago

Pendleton Towels are the best! They have beach & bath – we use both and they are legit fluffy, luxurious & don’t fade. And the patterns look so good in a neutral/white bathroom –

4 years ago
Reply to  Jess Jamison

I second this!!!!! Mine still look and feel brand new after 5 years of use at home, at the beach/lake, toweling off muddy dogs, etc. The beach towels also make great picnic blankets.

Lynn W
4 years ago

Costco and Sams Club both sell good quality and decently priced bath towels. Check them out 🙂

4 years ago

We’re both tall so one day I realized instead of boring bath sheets I could get a set of our favorite Pendleton beach towels to use in the master bath. We love them – they are fluffy, absorbent, wash well in cold water and go with whatever styling changes I make during the different seasons.

($50 ea, got mine on sale):

4 years ago

Hi friends! I don’t want to be that super dramatic comment, but here I am. The new side bar ads making reading on an iPad truly unbearable. I read via Bloglovin’ reader and the ad takes up more than half the screen. Last week I was thrilled because text went side to side with no side bar ads but it looks like that quickly changed 🙁 Please reconsider, I look forward to reading your blog outside on my lunch break!

4 years ago

Have you tried parachute home? Curious if you have an opinion of their linen bedding/duvets? I was looking at buying there but it’s pricy for sure.

4 years ago
Reply to  Julia

I have their linen quilt, and it is the best thing that happened to my bed. I sleep with two (very small) dogs who like to “arrange” the covers, and you can’t tell at all. Usually they ruin the stitching or the fabric pills. And… it is machine washable.

I also have a set of their linen sheets. They are very soft and broken in feeling, but they are on the thinner side of that matters to you.

4 years ago

I have broken many glasses in the middle of the night!! Not fun… but the solution was a smart night table lamp, that knows when it’s the middle of the night and when I turn it on, it gives the perfect super dimmed light so I can safely grab my beautiful thin glass ?

4 years ago

Fieldcrest Reserve towels at Target are my favorite- absorbent, thick, and soft. They feel very luxurious for the price.