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5 Flattering Dresses, 1 Cute Matching Set, And A Romper That’s Actually Comfortable: Emily’s Warm Weather Wardrobe Review

I was slow to the dress and sandal train this year (since I’ve left LA actually) because April RAIN tricks you into thinking summer will never come, but then all of a sudden it was 90 degrees and I was wearing constricting jeans and full toed shoes and these baby sausages were hot. But I can’t with the constricting anymore, I need loose, comfort, which I know is a behavioral result from the “covid comfort years” and some weight fluctuation. So right now, my summer outfit game needs to be lightweight, comfortable, loose (in the places I want it to be loose) yet flattering. I don’t think any of these are going to get me laid, but there is some cleavage involved so, maybe? Ha.

Dress | Shirt | Sandals

I hate to start with the most expensive, but I wore this dress three times last week because it’s just so good and I feel so great wearing it. I bought it last spring (or the spring before, it’s all a blur) but it’s always available as a staple (and yes a gold-plated staple, she is expensive). It’s a perfectly cut, perfectly distressed layerable piece that can span all four seasons and handles all my fluctuations. I wish it were shorter, but once I tie something around the waste it creeps up and everyone is happy. That shirt is super cute (wearing it right now as I type), and while I’d wait for a sale (it’s $88 full price) I think it’s excellent (I’m wearing it over biker shorts currently).

Dress | Shirt | Sandals

Back to this. I have a lot of denim dresses, and this one is not the most flattering of them all, but it is the one I want to wear and do wear the most. It’s my favorite. Full stop. Besides, all you have to do is pair it with some tanning foam and Arizona Birkenstocks and you look like a stealth wealth lady of leisure. Please don’t look closely at those pedicure-less toes (although I love how the Birkenstocks mask my bunion – that should be a whole post – open-toe shoes even bunioned people can wear without shame! My dad could make a cameo).

Dress | Heels (similar)

Here she is ready to attend literally any daytime event that includes champagne, ladies, Jesus, or tea (it’s also the perfect wedding guest dress). So lightweight (poplin cotton), and busy enough with the alternating stripes to give all the guests eye enjoyment with no judgment and full modesty. I felt GREAT in this dress – she’s pretty and pulled together.

Dress | Swimsuit | Sandals

I bought this as a swimsuit coverup and yet I wore it on a really hot day to clean the house and again to run errands. It’s so lightweight (gauzy), flowy, and drapes perfectly with so much volume (but really short). We found it hilarious that I was trying to strip-tease a sexy shoulder as if I had some sort of “come hither” swimsuit underneath when it’s literally a gingham high-necked full but coverage one piece (hey felllllllaaasss!!!). The suit is GREAT though, (the new Andie Malibu in Gingham). The sandals are Reef and have a cork bottom that is super comfortable. If I’m being honest they are more comfortable than the Birkenstocks that take a while to form (what with the bunion and all). These babies really highlight my spray tan/orange toes.

Dress | Sandals

I’m unsure if this dress is “sexy summer date night” or “Renaissance Faire”. Is it flattering? Yes. A little cheezy? I think so. I’m going to let Brian decide if this dress is a yes or no (not because he owns me, no need to be offended by the patriarchy this time, but I really like when Brian thinks I’m hot and this low coverage would be to specifically attract my own husband, not other guys. So if he’s not into this dress, then I’d rather not have, let’s say a waiter, trying to locate my areola while refilling my water).

Matching Set (Top + Shorts) | Sandals

All my lady friends freaked over this outfit when I debuted it. I think it looks like cute pajamas but I guess that’s in and the level of enthusiasm was high with my team who is all far younger and cooler than I am. So yes, this is an extremely comfortable, cute, and casual outfit that I will be wearing a LOT this summer. I would buy the top on its own TBH and wear it with Levi’s shorts which is more my jam, but obviously, these cotton boxer-looking things are far more comfortable and I guess more on trend so win/win. She’s comfortable and cool!!

Left: Dress + Purse (similar) + Slides | Right: Dress + Sandals

None of us are sure that a purple bubble dress should be a thing, yet all of us were into it! And as the person embodying this dress, I was very pleased with how free I felt. It’s short and voluminous, thus making your legs look long and tiny if you are into that. I actually thought I bought the white one, but this one arrived and I think maybe the statement is better. We all decided that if I lived in New York and had a job at a magazine (a la Devil Wears Prada – I would be Emily Blunt, not Meryl or Anne). I would wear this in the summer because it’s so cool and comfortable, but this has a lot of style and is kinda editorial (this girl isn’t basic). But since I live on a farm and I throw on lace dickies for Zoom calls methinks this isn’t for me. Those mules though, always and forever.

Jumper | Sandals

Now THAT’S ME. I hate to bookend this post with another splurge from the same company (and no, I have no affiliation and #ipaidforthis), but it’s the best short jumper I’ve tried yet (and I have a few more coming from other brands, stay tuned). This is flattering on any day and I always feel pulled together. I have a decent-sized beef with fashion designers for thinking that we want these jumpsuits to be fitted and all body con. We do not wear these to show off sexy curves. No, these are cool and utilitarian. We want jumpers to have a structured shoulder, be fitted in the armpits (to show our frame), but roomy around our waist. And then again more fitted in the inside of the crotch but then flair out in the leg. I know that sounds specific (and I’m giving away my future million-dollar fashion line), but all my favorite ones are expensive and have that all in common – the perfect flattering cut. I should probably start a fashion line but like many a lady before me, I’m sure I’d find that in order to get those cuts they have to cost what that one does. But I bought the linen version of this last year and I wore it 3-4 times a week all spring/summer and fall and already have worn it a ton this year. So I splurged on the denim one.

Thanks for coming and staying 🙂

*Photos by Kaitlin Green

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1 year ago

Jumping in as the first comment, I’m not up at weird o’clock, I just live in Dubai so I always see your posts hot off the press. Truth told I don’t really care about fashion posts, but I really enjoyed reading this one because of your tone. I feel like we could be drinking wine together while you do a little fashion parade for us ❤️

Keep writing this way! I’m so bored with careful writing, it’s nice to read something borderline shocking 👏 👏

1 year ago

Oops, it’s ‘waist’ not ‘waste’

1 year ago

I do not understand rompers. This lady has to pee! If I have to undo a million buttons and try to manage the whole top half of my outfit to keep it from falling in the toilet, thats a nope for me. Please help me understand what I’m missing. Am I doing it wrong?

🥰 Rusty
1 year ago
Reply to  susan

I’m the same….I wouldn’t buy one for that reason…peeing, but I wear them in my mind, staying clean while I deadhead my roses and not shredding my forearms on the thorny bushes. Entire fantasy for me.🤣

1 year ago
Reply to  susan

I love rompers and I always feel super put together when I wear mine! I think it depends on the style – usually I find I don’t pee enough where it bothers me and my rompers usually have just one button and a zip for the long ones, and for the shorter ones if the “leg hole” is wide enough I can just shove the material and my underwear to one side and pee through the hole if it makes sense…

1 year ago
Reply to  susan

I had a maternity one to wear at home. It was actually easy to take off, but I was cold going to the bathroom. I wore a cami under but it was not enough to keep me warm. So I didn’t wear it more than a couple of times. Wearing something under would be a must for me. I wear two layers most times anyway as that makes blouses and shirts look better.
Most of the time they are very flattering. I’d love if someone could come up with separates sets that look just as good as rompers.

🥰 Rusty
1 year ago

Gosh! You’re lookin’ stunning, relaxed and fundamentally content, in those outfits!

The jumpsuit is my fantasy outfit for demuee gardening tasks…reality is I look at dirt and I gave it on me, my clothes, everywhere! Samewith paint. It just is!🤣
(Fun fact : “jumper” mesns sweater in Australia and New Zealand and a few other places)

My fav is the expensive distressed denim dress (of course it is!🤑). It looks uber-comfy, cool and chill.

The buxom, booby dress is a bit too out there (literally) for me. I’d worry I might take someone’s eye out!!🤣🤣

The Birkenstocks look fab-u-lous on you and, I promise you, they’ll mold to your feet in no time.
Nice bunch of gear, Emily.🤗

1 year ago

Brb buying those Reef sandals right now! You look great in all of these, and I think the Ren Faire dress is fun and cool!

1 year ago

Oh, I wld love a bunion-centric post. The struggle is real. 😄

1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

Yes! I have been wearing Birkenstocks for about 7 years because they are the best summer shoe for hiding them!

1 year ago

Dying re: your comment about Brian 😂 – you channeled my feelings on looking sexy for my husband, but in a much funnier way.

1 year ago

I know you’re sensitive to readers and providing a diversity of price points (which I totally support), but just wanted you to know I always really appreciate knowing about the not-fast-fashion-better-quality-items even if I can’t budget the purchase at this precise moment. I bookmark it for later when my budget can swing it, and/or I stalk Poshmark for the thing. I want better, fewer clothes and I appreciate you sharing what you’ve found worth the splurge!

1 year ago
Reply to  BeckyB

BeckyB, I totally stalk Poshmark for the high priced brands. After seeing all the cute Ulla Johnson clothes Emily wears, I took a leap and bought an Ulla Johnson top on Poshmark. I’ve since bought a few more tops, knowing what’s going to fit, and I’ve loved wearing them!

1 year ago
Reply to  BeckyB

Same here! The higher-price items aren’t always in my budget, but I save them to my wishlist or might even discover a new brand. Definitely looking for more sustainable, fair-wage, and well-made brands these days!

1 year ago

I snort-laughed through this whole post. Thank you Emily!!

1 year ago

I really like the purple FP bubble dress! It looks so comfortable yet it definitely has its own style point of view. I can think of many places one could wear this dress paired w some cute sandals, cool loafers or even booties – and the lavender color is especially good!

1 year ago

Always love an Emily fashion post! And I guffawed at the ren faire/sexy dress commentary. If Brian likes it (and you think you’ll wear it), definitely keep that denim dress as you looked STUNNING in it. Also, now I want literally everything from Frank and Eileen – sigh.

1 year ago

Emily: please start a fashion line. Jumpsuit, denim dress, matching set, clogs, and sandals: give the people what we want!!

1 year ago

Thanks for being you… love that and need to see people just doing their thing. Get so tired of all the performing that has come along with the great social media takeover – it’s weird and really hard to avoid. Thanks for putting something simple and good out into the world!

1 year ago

Love your voice in this piece! I actually don’t usually read the fashion posts and stick to the design but I had to weigh in on the denim sexy summer date night dress: unless Brian says it’s not serving its purpose (brilliantly funny explanation and totally relatable) it’s a hell yes! I checked, and seriously considered shipping it overseas – the dress is sold out in a bunch of sizes, so if you can pull a few strings… 🙂

1 year ago

So many lols. Love this. I also love time with ladies, champagne, Jesus, and tea 😄

1 year ago

And congrats on being able to take pics outside your home!!! Can’t believe this house is really real and here after all your team’s work.

1 year ago

My gosh I love the house with the windows repainted white! Maybe I missed house views posted before, but it REALLY shows off the fancy window patterns and looks so much more classy. Yay!

1 year ago

Em, your candidness 🙌🏾👌🏾😂 keep it coming! I’ve added Frank and Elieen to my dream list. Such good recs. Thanks!

1 year ago

Hi Emily! I’ve been eyeing Frank & Eileen for a bit now. Would you mind sharing how tall you are & what size you ordered in the dress? I’m 5’ 3”” & undecided which size…