Design books (or style/decor, architecture books) are the new magazines. Since there are fewer magazines for me to hoard (although Europe and Australia are still killing it these days) I’ve been collecting, nay hoarding, pretty books for me to flip through, tag and style with.
They can be expensive I know, which is why they are such good gifts to give. But ultimately you are supporting the publishing industry, designers, art directors, and photographers and those people need support.
Plus, they make you look very smart and interesting and that’s really what reading is all about.
First, there are the books of more attainable lifestyles, with furniture and accessories that i can afford and done in beautiful ways that people can be inspired by. You probably have these, but if you don’t, get them already.
Decorate, Details, Domino, Undecorate,
Flea Market Style, Etcetera, Design Sponge at Home, The Find
The Find is the only one that I don’t personally own (and yes, I still purchase these books, I haven’t figured out how to get free ones yet…)
Then there is the ‘when I can’t travel but want to feel exported to somewhere foreign and exotic, ‘ I go for these books, books that are, yes, global.
Survival Kit: Design, Living Architecture, The Palais Bulles, Marrakesh by Design,
Simply Scandanavian, Apartments de Garcons, African Interiors, The Splendor of Cuba
Some of these aren’t even out yet, but i’m gonna go ahead and pre-order them because they look that good. I have African Interiors (which I love so much for so many different reasons) and the Cuban book, but I’m dying to buy all these Japanese design books that look kinda amazing online, but i haven’t actually seen them in person.
In case you want to see how the other half lives. And by ‘half’ i mean 1/2 of one percent of the population. But it satisfies my inner fantasy needs…..what am I talking about, it makes me want to be super rich. Filthy rich. Swimming in money a la Scrooge McDuck. But until then, at least I have these books:
Domestic Art, More is More, The Well-Lived Life, Vogue Living,
American Fashion Designers at Home, Creating a Home, Hue, Live, Love, & Decorate
They are all over the top, totally unattainable and absolutely beautiful.