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The Best Skinny Jeans – A Review

A good pair of jeans can make your day. You know what I’m talking about. I remember when expensive jeans first came out and I was like $200 for a pair of jeans!!! But then I tried them on and I was like I’ll take five. 

Guide to Skinny Jeans_Fashion_Emily Henderson_Best Jeans_Affordable_composite_

So I decided to do a totally objective skinny jean review. At first I was soooo excited to do this post, but as I got the photos back I was like ‘oh man … ‘ But it’s all in the name of finding some flattering, comfortable and ultimately ‘worth it’ skinny jeans. Obviously jeans all depend on your body type, certainly, so what might be flattering on you might not be flattering on me, and vice versa. It’s just a guide because I LOVE a good pair of jeans and I’m constantly desperate to find them.

Ready to see my butt in 14 good and not so good skinny jeans?

H&M Skinny Shaping Jean_Emily Henderson

H&M Shaping Skinny Regular Jeans

I was shocked that a $49.95 pair of jeans were so form-fitting and yet comfortable. The mid-rise front is good for multiple body types. We debated whether or not we liked the length – to scrunch or to hem?

Comfort: Comfortable enough to sit in at work all day.

Flattering: Shockingly good for fifty bucks.

TOTAL SCORE: I liked these a lot. I bought these after the shoot. So I give them a 9. I’m pretty sure they would be a ’10’ if I were 5 pounds lighter.

JBrand High Rise Maria Jean_Emily Henderson

JBrand High Rise ‘Maria’

Comfort: Not terribly comfortable, so more on the flattering side.

Flattering: Dark washes make me feel skinny.

TOTAL SCORE: A good splurge if you don’t already have a good dark skinny. 7. I wish these were ankle length – just a little bit shorter.

H&M Skinny Regular Jean_Emily Henderson

H&M Skinny Regular  These have cute little zippers on the bottom that you might not have noticed.

Comfort: Not jeggings but not bad.

Flattering: I loved them from the front.

Verdict:  Solid 7. These would be an 8 without the worn spots on the back of the legs, but I still really like them and purchased them from the shoot. Win.

Hudson Nico Super Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

Hudson ‘Nico’ Super Skinny

Comfort: Don’t remember. Blocked from my memory.

Flattering: Really dark jeans are always kinda flattering but I felt they gave me a bit of mom butt.

Verdict: I own these left over from a shoot but I don’t opt for them when I’m desperate for jeans if that tells you anything.

Paige Verdugo Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

Paige ‘Verdugo’ Skinny  Size 27. YES.

Comfort: Super comfortable. The waist has a decent amount of give and doesn’t cut in.

Flattering: EVERYBODY agreed these were really flattering, even though that butt shot is not super awesome. It did a good thing for the butt from the side – it made it more ‘bubbly’ and less wide. Trust me.

Verdict: I bought these and they are VERY good.

Rag and Bone Jegging Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

Rag and Bone Jegging Jean

Comfort: Can’t breathe and my stomach feels cut in half. These could just be too small, though.

Flattering: I do feel kinda skinny In them.

Verdict: These could be good on the right person – they just weren’t worth the $190 splurge for me compared to some of the others.

Madewell The Skinny Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

Madewell The Skinny Skinny Jean

Comfort: Comfortable.

Flattering: For how light they are I found them pretty flattering from the front.

Verdict:  Good for a light toned jean. I always feel better in darker toned jeans, but I’m liking these for summer.

Old Navy Rockstar Jean_Emily Henderson

Old Navy Rockstar Jean

Comfort: VERY COMFORTABLE. I wrote down ‘really comfortable Saturday jeans’.

Flattering: Not the most flattering in the world but pretty darn great. For something that I would just throw on to go to the park with Charlie I LOVED them. Especially for $30.

Verdict: Win for comfort and price.

H&M Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

H&M Skinny Jean

Comfort: Don’t remember.

Flattering: Not.

Verdict: Meh.

H&M High Rise Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

H&M High-Rise Skinny Jean

Comfort: Fine.

Flattering: Not. Bad rise, bad butt. On me, anyway.

Verdict: Meh.

JCrew Toothpick Jean_Emily Henderson

JCrew Toothpick Black Jean

Comfort: They’ve got some stretch to them for sure. Pretty comfortable.

Flattering: The front was pretty flattering, but the back less so.

Verdict: Fine.

Gap Strech and Recovery Jean_Emily Henderson

Gap Stretch and Recovery Jean 

Comfort: Comfortable.

Flattering: They are pretty stretchy so its not going to hold in your pooch if you got one (I do).

Verdict: I liked these enough for sure. They feel like they could stretch out pretty fast, but they were comfortable and flattering enough for $80.

Gap Always Skinny Jean_Emily Henderson

Gap Always Skinny Jean

Comfort: Totally fine.

Flattering: Fine unless you consider jeans that give you cankles unflattering. (So no, not terribly flattering).

Verdict: Not my cut.

Gap Super Stretch Legging Jean_Emily Henderson

Gap Super Stretch Legging

Comfort: Tight but comfortable. They are the closest things to jeggings that i’d wear. I could tell that if I lost just a few pounds they would fit my waist so much better, but I was surprised at how much I liked them, being in the jegging family and all.

Flattering: Not bad at all considering they are so stretchy and malleable.

Verdict: Pleasantly surprised. I liked these a lot. I bought these after the shoot.

Now it’s your turn to weigh in. Which skinnys would you buy? Which ones would you like to see in your closet tomorrow? You can vote for as many pairs as you would like.

Oh, and in case you were wondering where my tops came from: the blue quilted sweatshirt, which I LOVE, is from JCrew, and that boxy chambray top that I wear all the time is from Madewell. Shoes were a big splurge by A Detacher, and my gold bangle bracelet is from Capwell.

*Photos by Jessica Isaac, denim shopping by Jordan Rudd. 

Skinny Jeans_grid_voting


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9 years ago

This is such a funny (“When he first met me I had a pretty sweet ass.”), useful, and overall GREAT post and you could totally be a fashion blogger sans photoshop-you look great. Thanks for a fantastic round-up!

9 years ago

Personally, I think jeans (and all clothes, really) are so individual to each person, depending on body type. When I have a little extra weight (as I do now, four months post partum), I need a high rise. But I have an exceptionally long torso and basically no hips. Also, 125 pounds isn’t super skinny? Maybe if you’re really short. Numbers on a scale are only meaningful when paired with height.

9 years ago

Emily – Can you tell us how tall you are? It would help for fit! And you look great in the light washed ones! Forget about those 5 pounds. They’ll come off eventually. You’ve got enough on your plate without stressing about your already beautiful figure! As long as you can run after that cute little blonde boy and love on your husband I say you’re doing great!
Love the blog.

9 years ago
Reply to  Grace

5′ 3″, just updated it. And most of these jeans were 27 or 28s.

9 years ago

I find it offensive that you seem to name 125 lbs the borderline “ok” weight for skinny jeans wearing.. This comment ” If you are over 125 pounds you should probably try them on to make sure they work with your body.” gives me bitter beer face. Isn’t finding the right jeans all about finding the right size for your body no matter your shape/size/weight?? Not about that style working for 125+ or not??

9 years ago
Reply to  emily

Oh dear. I was including myself in that number. There are just so many ‘good in theory’ jeans but just less good when they are on your body. Point is all jeans look good on 110 pound people, but many jeans are trickier if you carry any extra weight anywhere on your body at all – like I do. But I edited it because you are right, that totally came off offensive. Sorry!

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

btw i’m 140 and i wear skinnies like no ones’ business. majority of my work pants are skinnies — they actually make me feel a lot more comfortable than the flares (which i have discovered makes me look wider than i am) and i’m only 5’2″. but like most women — you really gotta try on a million jeans to find the ones that make you feel like a rock star, and when you do – buy it in MULTIPLES.

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Not necessarily…..I’m 110 pounds and struggle to find jeans in the worst way! And skinny jeans?! Forget it! Kudos to you!
I’d love to hear if any of the ones you kept stretched out or if they kept their shape. It’s so sad when you (finally) find jeans you love just to have them warp 30 minutes after cutting off the tags.
Consignment shops are a great place to look for jeans – they have all different brands and, since they are used, if they are going to change size, they have by then. And a lot of the expensive ones are already hemmed…

By the way…..I think the Gap ones give you the best butt 🙂

Camille W
9 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Try Paige jeans. I’m skinny, in a bad way… in an, need to gain 30 pounds way (health issues)…

The only jeans that fit me in a flattering way are paige! Straight and Bootcut are the winners for right now. 20+ pounds (would would put me at 110), their skinny jeans are great!

9 years ago
Reply to  Camille W

Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to check them out. I hope you’re feeling better soon!

9 years ago
Reply to  emily

I am most definitely over 125lbs, and honestly when I used to be 125lbs I think I could wear absolutely everything. Now it takes a lot of shopping to find a flattering fit. But I definitely can. Honestly I think I have a much better sense of style now that I’ve had to learn how to work at selecting clothing. I can’t go to any discount rack and buy five cheap things and not consider my whole wardrobe, or what my clothes say about me. I have to think about it and actually style myself. I have items I love now, not just a bunch of cheap junk.
I didn’t buy skinny jeans for forever because I felt they emphasized my disproportionate areas. But then I found WHBM skinny jeans. and I bought a pair, then I bought like 5 more and I wear them to work 3/5 days a week. I can’t say enough good things about them. They look awesome. They are super stretchy and extremely comfy. And I know I look good. (

9 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

Clicking on that link now. Great endorsement.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

I love WHBM skinny jeans! I’ve had my two pairs for more than a year. They have had a TON of wash and wear and still look awesome! My friend who has a totally different body type than mine also looks fantastic in them!

9 years ago

You know, in all the candid shots you post of yourself – in your house, or at the market, or on a shoot – you always look good. In real life we don’t stand face forward / ass forward to a camera (or critical eye). That’s why I don’t really like the overly polished style posts about clothing. I like to be comfortable and confident in what I’m wearing, but who has time to obsess over every curve or dimple or angle. Sounds like you were comfortable and confident in several of your choices – I’m sure you’ll wear them well.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kristin

It’s true about the face forward thing. I think i need to work on my modeling skills.

9 years ago

Very, very brave of you, Emily, to do this post! I personally find most skinny jeans to be too confining overall, although I do have a couple of pairs of colored jeans…and, good news, jeans with a ‘flare’ are back in a big way! How about a post on those? You look great in everything; talk about confidence. Shining through in all you do!

9 years ago
Reply to  Deb

Thanks, Deb. We did Flare jeans, too! Posting very soon and YES, i’m so excited they are back – skinny jeans are tricky on most people and rarely are they THAT comfortable. Wildly more flattering than skinny, on me at least.

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

This has been my favourite post in a long time, Emily! Thank you! And I’m so excited that you’re covering flares. I think that will be my denim purchase this year-a pair of awesome high-waisted flares. I purchase one pair of jeans every few years and like to make sure I purchase something good and versatile and that I can get loads of wear from-your review will help! And we’re the same height and have the same body type-please do more fashion reviews 🙂

9 years ago

Loved this post. You are so right, it’s hard to base buying decisions on fashion blogger posts. I think your 125 pound comment was to remind people that this is what you weigh and look like in the jeans-not that you need to weigh 125 pounds or less to where them;). Thanks for keeping it real. It feels good to remember that everyone has their own body and how one thing can look great on one person, it may not do the same for another.

9 years ago

Great roundup! I will have to try those H&M jeans, they look great for the price! For anybody thinking about the Old Navy Rockstars, I just want to say, make sure you try on the “super skinny stretch” rockstars (there are different varieties so I’m not sure which one Emily is wearing in #12). I’m an elementary school art teacher and last fall I was looking for some jeans to wear to school that look nice but that wouldn’t be the end of the world if paint got spilled on them or something. I am 5’1″ and weigh 125 and thought, “Oh, these super tight ones will never fit or be flattering” BUT thank heaven I tried them on because they are THE most comfortable jeans I’ve ever owned. I bought a few pairs and they are literally the only pants I’ve worn since September. They are so stretchy that it feels like I’m wearing leggings, but they look like jeans, they don’t look or feel too tight at all. Plus they are the only jeans I’ve never had to wear a belt with. Never before have I found jeans that fit me correctly in both the hips and the… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Hannah

I totally agree. I love them.

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Oh, I agree too! I used to never ever like Old Navy jeans but these rockstars having been carrying me around since I last gave birth (18 months ago). I have them in a 4 and an 8 (from just barely post partum) and they fit the SAME. Ha. I love them!

PS GAP jeans always look terrible on me but I love them on you!

Michelle C.
9 years ago
Reply to  Hannah

Hannah, next time you’re looking for cheap jeans, check out the Forever 21 jeans. They fit pretty darn well, and are $7.99. Certainly no fear of getting paint on those!

9 years ago

Can I add a totally affordable pair to the list? J crew factory midrise skinnies. You can get them for under $30 on sale and they’re all I wear. And we could be twins: 5’3 120-ish pounds, post baby body (and an aversion to working out, if you don’t count moving furniture)…
To me, as a new mom, the word midrise means everything! Also, getting the right size (I wear a 24 in those-vanity sizing indeed), as you want them to suck you in but at the same be comfy once they stretch out (I used to have some beef with my butt, but then I realized the issue was the sagging denim).

9 years ago

Oh to weigh 125 pounds. Or even 150 pounds (I’m 5’6″). I don’t mind a post about skinny jeans (something I would never be able to wear for a variety of reasons) but it’s hard to read the comments about how they look good on anyone who is 100 or 110 pounds. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I just wish I was more self-confident because this post has me feeling very self-conscious now. Wish I hadn’t read it before I got dressed for work! 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Karen, ugh, i’m so sorry!!! No one is ACTUALLY 110 pounds. Well, models are, which is why i’m so frustrated by the fashion industry. Everything looks good on 110 pound people but there are no actual 110 pound people so we have to try and fail constantly to find clothes that work. I edited the post, but please know that the intention was for people to know that 110 isn’t an actual goal or realistic weight for 99 percent of the world, so this review is more for actual people. Definitely walking on glass here, I guess. I’m so so so sorry if it left you feeling icky.

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I got over it. Probably because I got my hair done after work. Ha!

9 years ago
Reply to  Karen

You go @Karen! Bet your hair looks fab.

@Emily– I cannot WAIT for the flares post. Please hurry! Trying to figure out which pair I want to invest in. Free people has some great super flares for around 78 which I will probably go with but @happilygrey ‘s instagram of those 245$ ones having me dreaming… she’s wearing them with a white tank if you’re looking. haha love you and your blog!

9 years ago

i have a couple of the old navy rock stars — in colors and they’re pretty good but definitely not like forever ever jeans.

now i have to do a plug – the limited has a pair of cuffed skinny jeans 678 – OMG it is so soft and comfortable. HUGE fan of them. I wish they had a pair that was not cuffed in that exact same. makes me sad that i can’t get another pair that’s not cuffed.

9 years ago
Reply to  erin

I have some of the color rockstars too, and yeah they are not the greatest. But Old Navy has changed something because last fall’s denim rockstars are soooo much better. They are so stretchy and comfy and flattering! So if you’re looking for a not-cuffed skinny, give Old Navy another try and see if the super skinny stretch rockstars work for you. I seriously can’t go back to wearing any of my other pairs of jeans, colored or not, because they are so much more comfy and flattering!

9 years ago

Emily, please please please be kinder to yourself and your body.I know you aren’t trying to make anyone feel bad and you’re trying to be funny, but it makes me feel sad to read that you feel your 126-lb body isn’t skinny enough. I get what you are saying about style bloggers being tiny and everything will look good on them and appreciate that, but as someone who has never weighed 126 lbs my entire adult life, and barring some devastating illness or something probably never will (and do’t want to), I hope you can please take a step back and get some perspective. You look great!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Oh, believe me. I’m doing that right now. Thanks, Jen. Going to edit to be way less, oh I don’t know, that. 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

It can be difficult to have perspective when the people you live around are all your size or smaller. It could make you feel 125lbs is unacceptable in some way. My weight is 215lbs and I rock those Old Navy Super Skinny Rock Star jeans, hard! (and they go on sale! just sayin’…last year scored some for $9!) You rocked all those jeans, Mrs. Henderson! You can’t be taking care of everyone else’s self esteem. It’s up to them. It’s up to you, people, to work on accepting yourself. It’s difficult in this image based society, but work on it a little bit every day! The affect is cumulative! <3

9 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Beautiful comment, Jessica!

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

And I didn’t mean that in a troll-y way–just you always look great and I cannot even look at myself in videos, so totally admire that you can put yourself out there. Not asking you to bolster my self esteem or stop doing fashion posts either–I know that I don’t have to come to your blog if I don’t want to, and don’t want you to feel like you need to self edit to make anyone feel better.

9 years ago

I’m a big fan of this post, mostly because you’re so transparent and I’ve been waiting for a professional blogger to acknowledge that 200 dollar jeans are a splurge!
Love your awesome original content!

9 years ago
Reply to  Loribeth

Also, may I add a note? I’m definitely above your weight/height range but I didn’t think that your wording regarding fit or your size was offensive. You can’t pretend to be anything other than your body type and you were talking about how the clothes fit your body and how they made you feel.

9 years ago
Reply to  Loribeth

Thank you. I’ve felt nauseous all morning. Maybe i’ll stick to design/style or just the clothes that I really really love and stay away from any sort of ‘reviews’ of ones that don’t look good.

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I loved this review post. Please don’t stop them. You’ll never get the wording of every post right. I’m sure you feel a responsibility to your audience, but I like that you can just be yourself in your writing and not be an edited version. I think the fact that you responded so quickly to your comments speaks volumes and I’m glad this post got to showcase that. As long as you do that, we’ll know your intentions!

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Emily!!! You are brave and wonderful! Please don’t beat yourself up for the negative comments on here! XOXOX

Angela N
9 years ago

I LOVE my J Crew Toothpick jeans and also mix in the Matchstick ones. I have a few pairs of the others you showed but always choose these ones first. I didn’t take any offense to your post and I have a few lbs to lose at 5″6″ and 140. Not sure how this was read as body shaming post. I think some people are extra sensitive to the issue of body weight.

9 years ago

Just a shout out for Genetic! They are THE most comfortable jeans I have ever worn–I travel in nothing else because they look like jeans but feel like PJs. I’m on the petite side, so I have to have mine taken up, which means the calf part of the leg on me is meant to be higher up on the leg (if you had longer legs) so they’re not as “skinny” on me as they would be on a taller person. But if you don’t mind a slightly more relaxed look through the leg or you’re taller than my 5′ 2″ you should check them out! Made in LA, too, but available nationally through Bloomingdales and Nordstrom, I believe, or online. I’m a big fan.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sara

OOh, i’ve never heard of these. Will check out now.

9 years ago

Thank you for a funny tour of the big bad world of buying jeans. Jeans, clothes in general, are such a personal thing. i appreciated your jean tour, especially the price tag and material. I always think more expensive is better, but it is not the case if it does not fit correctly. Thank you for making me smile this morning Emily!

9 years ago

I loved this post! So helpful. I’m the same size as you, Emily, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the AG Stevie Ankle jeans from Anthro. I usually get a 27 or 28. They shape nicely, have a decent amount of stretch, but don’t get baggy over time. I just bought these (on sale!) and they’re amazing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tracey

Haha – I am the same size too, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the Stevies (and AG in general) as well as Madewell (good waist height) and like Emily, just discovered Paige (cheap at Nordstrom Rack.)

9 years ago
Reply to  kelly

I also love the AG skinnies – they are well worth the investment for how good they feel on and how great I think they look (on me, at least). I’m in the 28/29 range.

Courtney F
9 years ago

You are adorable in everything you wear, but I don’t feel like this post is very applicable to your greater readership. It really depends on a person’s body shape which jeans will look good on them. Some of your favorites could look unflattering on lots of people and vice versa.

9 years ago

Rolling hems is in right now if you like a pair that is too long. Scrunching kind of ends up looking sloppy or too big sometimes. I’m going to try some Old Navy Rockstars. I’m at a point where I don’t want to spend a ton on clothes but still want comfort and style.

9 years ago

I’m so glad you did this post! I have a similar body type, I’m petite but not super duper skinny. I definitely have a butt and thighs. I’ve always found it’s hard to find good skinny jeans.. I have had luck with H&M, Paige, and Old Navy as well. But seriously, you know whats my favorite..? Abercrombie! Their jeans have a great amount of stretch and perfect for ladies on the more petite side. My mom even started wearing them, she is much more curvy than myself and wears about a size 10/12.

Hannah Rose
9 years ago

Quick question: I LOVE that dark blue top! Where did you get it?

9 years ago

I personally just bought 3 pairs of the GAP always skinny jean in multiple colors.
Even though I’m fairly thin, I find it SUPER hard to find flattering jeans because i hold a bit of weight around my stomach (unfortunately).

The GAP always skinnies fit so effing well and come up to the perfect stomach height. They have stretched out a tad so I would recommend buying them on the snug side, but HIGHLY RECOMMEND

Emily Kazmierzak
9 years ago

The Loft Modern Skinny jeans. I am built very similarly to you and both the blue and white fit awesome. I think they run about $80 but can usually be found on sale for almost half at some point.

9 years ago

Yes! I’m very close to Emily’s height/wight and they are perfect on me. I bought them in both the black and distressed wash. They’re my (hot) mom jeans! 🙂

9 years ago

I agree! I love the fit of loft modern skinny jeans. They fit just like my Joe’s and AG’s, and I can usually get them for under $40. Loft cords (modern skinny) last forever, are soft, and are so flattering

9 years ago

This was a very, very brave post, Emily. I see this post was just about finding flattering skinny jeans. Inevitably, women’s clothes and their fit and body weight transfer over to the tenuous territory of women and weight and body image in our culture. It is crazy that marketers of women’s clothing do it to a phantom audience, i.e. hardly any of us actually has a model’s body weighing 100 lbs, and the fact that air brushing is a standard practice in the fashion industry seems criminal to me. Kudos for your courage as it opened up a dialogue on a very controversial topic. Super important for women to remember and keep perspective on this fallacy of weight and body image in our culture and to educate our daughters about this weirdness so their fragile and forming self body images are not harmed by this.

9 years ago

You didn’t try Target! My LA fashionista daughter-in-law who has always worn high end jeans, but then discovered Target jeans, so introduced me to them. They are fabulous…I have skinny, jeggings (really flattering and comfortable) and boyfriend. I love them all. Try then sometime and only $29.00 or frequent sales you get the 2nd for 50% off.

9 years ago

Love this post! Short girls rock! We’re similar size, so very helpful.

Andra G
9 years ago

Hi Emily!!
Ok you’ve tried the rest now try the best!
I am not kidding you, these jeans are legit. GAP revolution skinny jeans. it looks like you tried some of the gap jeans but not those. they are relatively new. I am the same size as you, have a 14 month old and bought these jeans in EVERY color they make. and if you wait til they offer 40% off, which is frequently. you can get them for 50 bucks a pair. for sure get the short version. hits at the ankle perfectly. perfect rise. you feel solid and sexy. i could go on, but you get the idea!! tell me if you do it, seriously everyone. I’ve tried them all, these rock.

9 years ago

This was a great post. I love and appreciate your honesty. I am a big fan of the Gap Always Skinny (and Always Straight) line. I am 5’2.5″ and I love that they have an inseam for me. Also as a teacher, the $150-$200 price point is just not accessible and really I do not want it to be.

9 years ago

Thanks for posting this! Super useful resource for someone with the same-ish weight/body type. I’m a little confused by the negativity of some of these comments…for those who have a different weight/body type, they can look elsewhere for inspo! No blog is a one-stop shop 🙂

9 years ago

I also agree with the AG stevie from anthro–those are SO GOOD!

My fav jeans that I keep buying again and again are randomly from express. They feel like a hug. They’re the best, really.

9 years ago

I used to looove Gap jeans. Then suddenly one day all jeans had so much spandex that they stretch out and start falling down a few hours in. I have learned to buy jeans in a size smaller because of that issue. That being said if you like the Gap jeans they go on sale around summer time and you can get them super cheap, like $10-$30 a pair, which is great. I’m 5’5 and buy the ankle length beause they make them so long. A friend of mine pointed me back toward good old Levi’s and they are great as well. Paige denim is great, but because it’s expensive I actually find them on ebay 😉

9 years ago

Love this fun little post and will say that Express has some Skinny jeans (Stella I think?) that will knock your socks off. Dark wash, stretchy, perfect!

9 years ago

I also share the curse of the shortness (5’2″) and never being able to find jeans that don’t have to be hemmed or altered in some way. I buy the Gap Always Skinny dark wash in ankle length again and again and they always look great (weirdly, I’ve tried other colors and the fabric stretches like CRAZY and none of them fit the same). This piece gives me hope that it MIGHT be possible to branch out and find a great-fitting skinny with more structure. I feel like that’s not too much to ask, right society?! Also, yes please do some flares!

9 years ago

The most flattering skinny jeans on me are the AG Farrah jeans: These are SO SO comfortable and they hide my post-baby belly really well. The best part is, because of the high waist, I can get down on the floor and play with my kids without risking showing too much!

9 years ago

Loved this! Especially because I am also 5’3 and wear a 27 or 28 jeans…so, thanks for trying all these on for me! So good to know about the cheap-o’s from H&M!

Also, somewhat unrelated: I love how you rock the boxy top/skinny jeans look. I LOVE that look and always feel like it comes across super boxy on me. But, considering we have very similar sizes/shapes, I’m interested in trying again!


9 years ago

I’m AG brand crazed. They are pricey, but I always buy them on sale at Anthro.

You are getting a lot of mixed feedback, but I love that you are taking risks with your posts. Thanks for such great content in 2015.

9 years ago

Thought you might like this article by another mom who explains why Gap and Old Navy are gateway “mom jeans” she has great denim advice and explains why large pockets on the tooschie are not flattering – it’s funny and informative:

9 years ago

Yes! Emily, I OFTEN wish I knew where you sourced your clothes, so this post was super fun to me. I’ll echo the previous comments that you are a total goddess and would encourage you to OWN that (powerful role modeling for Charlie, no?), but I also totally understand not feeling quite at home in your body as it changes. There’s some life-work for ya: accepting, embracing and celebrating that change. Anyhow, you always look adorable, & obviously you are able to successfully turn your design eye on your wardrobe, and now I fully expect you to tell us where ALL of your clothes come from. Part of why your blog is so addictive is that you do a great job of bridging that gap of fantasy & reality. Would I do a fashion shoot for thousands of people to read if I had the resources (& the audience)? HELL yeah! And my bod is far from “perfect.” It’s just fun, like dress up, and it’s supposed to be fun, right? Roc k on mama!

9 years ago

I appreciate that you did not want to make anyone feel bad about herself. I hope you can do the same for yourself! Here is what worked for me: Having a baby girl. I was forced to deal with lingering body issues, because it hurt my heart to think of my daughter having such critical thoughts of her own body one day.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lesley

Lesley, same for me!! Having a daughter and realizing that even as a toddler, she was carefully watching and mimicking everything i did, made me take a close eye to how I loved myself. Now instead of beating myself up and being critical, I show her that eating well and staying active are more important than fitting a certain pant size. It’s a work in progress, but it’s hard a huge effect.

9 years ago

Fun post 🙂

9 years ago

Totally enjoyed this post. And, for what it’s worth, my opinion is that super curvy girls (like me) don’t look as good in skinny jeans because of the tapered leg. I’ve tried plenty on and just don’t like the way they look. I’m more of a straight-leg jeans kind of a girl, which I think makes me sleek AND curvy in the best way. It’s kind of freeing not feeling like you have to go for every trend or style out there, just because it’s popular.

9 years ago

I’m 5’4 and like high-rise skinnies that hold in my tummy. Faves are Topshop “Jamie” jeans ($70) and the new Gap resolution-denim high rise skinnies (I previously was not a fan of Gap jeans, but I really like these, and on sale they were $40)!

9 years ago

Rag & Bone!

9 years ago

All I can say is that you are awesome and hilarious. Love this! 🙂

9 years ago

Love this post! Can you please indicate which numbers correlate to the descriptions above? It doesn’t seem like they match up? (i.e. #13 is not the 2nd to last pair in your original list).

9 years ago

I too am tired of skinny jeans, not being so twiggy myself. Plus it’s all those years of Stacy London telling us that if you want slimming you NEED straight or boot cut jeans, period.

But I loved this post and am looking forward to more, but in other cuts/styles!

9 years ago

You’ve made my day with this brave, lighthearted post :)) !

9 years ago

Loved this post Emily. You are so genuine and adorable! BTW, I am 5’4 and 115 lbs and I hate the way skinny jeans look on me -give me flare or boot cut any day!

9 years ago

I never comment but I just wanted to say that I think that you are so wonderful and I love these honest pictures and reviews! The content about weight etc. was edited by the time I read this, but just glanced through a couple of your responses and wanted to say that I think you have responded so graciously and as a loyal reader I totally trust that you didn’t intend to hurt anyone re: body image. Body image is such such such a personal and touchy subject and I so appreciate your honesty!

9 years ago

love the post and your honesty! I’m a tall girl (5′ 11″) with hips and thighs and all sorts of things that make the perfect jeans a challenge. My big discovery was American Eagle’s sky high jeggings. I know, jeggings, it’s horrible. But they actually look pretty jean like, they have a zip fly instead of elastic waistband, and they are soooooo high waisted it holds everything in the tummy region in perfectly. They are the only skinny jeans I buy now.

9 years ago
Reply to  Max

I also LOVE AE sky high jeggings and high rise jeggings. That is all we buy here for myself (37) size 6/8 and my daughters (16 and 14) size 2 and 4 and we all love them.