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The Affordable Bathroom 2024 Decor Trend That We Are Loving Right Now

I feel like I’m always behind on trends compared to other people. As you know I’m a bit risk-averse when it comes to hard finishes (tile, flooring, etc). But the other day I was looking at World of Interiors (an awesome European magazine that always has fresh and cool trend ideas) and I saw a shot/idea of a beautiful bathroom with a pillow on the toilet. I was intrigued and wondered if this is the next big trend. Part of me felt like it was a bit silly, but then I realized that it could be a great affordable way to bring in texture and softness in an otherwise hard seat. But what makes a pillow right for a toilet? While there seems to be a big toilet-specific pillow hole in the market I went on the hunt. Today I’ll show you what “toilet pillows” I’m into with the rules around what really works as your official “toilet pillow” should you want to dabble in this trend.

Toilet Pillows: Things To Consider/Good To Knows

The shape and style are important of course, but also consider the size of the person’s behind, their bathroom habits (length of stay, specific back problems that might need a special foam firmness), and definitely get wipeable fabric – Sunbrella is great, but skip velvet, boucle or knits with a chunky open weave. Leather might have a nice patina as rogue liquids splash onto it over time but might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

The Simple Square Or Rectangle Pillow (In Durable Outdoor Fabric)

Here’s my case: The bowl is round and the shape of the toilet is more sculptural, so I thought that a square pillow would pop off it nicely and add dimension and contrast, but in a simple way. The shape of the toilet is more detailed, so a square balances it, with its clean lines. I love the subtle stripe against the floral wallpaper.

A smaller rectangle was maybe a better scale for our toilet – helping it feel more balanced. Bonus points for these two because they are Sunbrella, so again, should there be any toilet accidents near the fabric it could easily be wiped or washed. I like how these recede and don’t call attention away from the pretty wallpaper and tile.

Striped Lumbars

I actually really love these – the pattern pops and the longer lower shape of these lumbar pillows could in fact be really supportive to your guests (especially for older folks who need more back support). This feels more fun and eclectic but still something you could use in other rooms should you like to move your pillows around like I do (you also might want a dedicated toilet pillow if you have kids, specifically boys with their toilet habits that might be a bit unpredictable). A busy pattern could also be more forgiving over time.

Make It Playful And Round?

I wanted to lean into the roundness of the bowl and combine another big pillow trend (round or sphere pillows). I think this is actually super fun – the pom poms are so playful and pick up on the other round elements in the room (the toilet paper, the shape of the shower head, etc). If this white scares you (I get that) I’d go for a more earthy color and lean into the colors that might “go” better with toilet-related things.

I loved this one because it picked up on the gold in the vintage frame/painting above the toilet. I like how tailored this pillow is, with the piping and the single-button tuft in the middle. This just looks like a pillow you are supposed to sit on (of course you need to remove the pillows before you actually go) and the seriousness of it makes me smile.

The Perfect Sphere

I bought this pillow from Lulu and Georgia for our bedroom, but I think I like it up here just as much. The smaller scale lets the shape of the toilet shine, it helps your eye dance around while it moves over the curves. It also feels like a nice pillow to hold, should you need something to squeeze during the more intense morning routines.

A Bohemian Fringed Lady

While I love this pillow, it doesn’t feel right here as the toilet pillow. I think something about the longer fringed tassels feels gross to me, could pick up on germs, rogue splashes, etc. While some of these pillows really elevate the room, this feels like a big messy miss to me.

A Semi-Circle Rainbow

I LOVE the shape of this 1/2 circle on the toilet. It clearly rests easily, and the lines of the rainbow seem to really mimic the base of the toilet (the bowl shape almost finishes the circle). If this one came in a more muted color palette I could see it really selling the idea (and selling out, pillow designers please take note). Now that I think about it, I think a leather strapped back cushion, actually attached to the toilet could be a super chic way to explore this trend.

Make It Personal

As you know, I’m a memory hoarder so putting our wedding photo on a pillow was something I did years ago and makes me smile every time I see it. Admittedly, it’s been hard to work this pillow into many of our rooms because it’s rather specific (I think it might embarrass Brian TBH). But up here in the guest bath, on this toilet, it feels like the perfect way to celebrate our love and marriage with our guests. Hopefully, it will make Bob and Suz smile the next time they are up and adding that personal touch certainly makes this trend feel more sentimental and custom.

Like all decor, this trend isn’t for everyone, but to me, it just seemed like a big “why not” and now that we have this toilet pillow I’ll be bringing them into each of our bathroom designs, making sure that the pillow works with the style of the bathroom, the shape of the toilet, the scale of the bowl and considering daily habits. I’m very curious if this trend is going to take off (Europe is always first to these things) and if yes, then perhaps companies should start adding toilet-specific pillows into their inventory. I’m pretty into it.

So how do you feel about this toilet trend??? Are you into it???

xx Emily (…And Happy April Fools’ Day :))

*Photos by Kaitlin Green

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10 months ago

I was so confused by this content until I looked at the calendar. Hahaha! Good one. I’ve been reading for many years and love the diversity of content you and your team post. Thank you for this little corner of blogland. Cheers!

10 months ago

Emily, you really had me going there for a second. I was like WHAT in the world

Kirsten Bell
10 months ago

Before registering today’s date and your PS, I actually gave this topic serious consideration – the perils of being an anthropologist intensely interested in toiletry habits, I suppose! Actually, I’d be surprised if pillows on toilets weren’t a ‘thing’ at some point. The German sociologist, Norbert Elias, has written extensively about the ‘civilising process’ – and the growing European obsession from the 14th century onwards with overcoming our natural bodily impulses (and the intensifying threshold of repugnance around them). Inspired in large part by Elias’s work, the sociologist David Inglis has written a book (‘A Sociological History of Excretory Experience’) devoted to changing excretory mores (a.k.a. shitting habits) and what he calls the ‘bourgeois faecal habitus’ – our physical, symbolic and linguistic efforts to pretend that we do not shit. I can’t think of a better illustration of the bourgeois faecal habitus than toilet pillows, so you may well have inadvertently started a trend!

10 months ago

Ha! I kept thinking “Nope! Gross! Has Emily lost her mind?” as I was skimming this. Glad I didn’t skip over the last line! 😂

Mary B.
10 months ago

Oh thank goodness I read to the end! So many mentions of rogue splashes and I was just over here cringing the entire time. This is my reminder to approach the internet with caution today!

10 months ago

Ha ha ha, you got me! Happy April Fool’s Day!

Okay, at first, i thought this was serious, and i was seriously grossed out! Now that i know it’s a joke (phew!) can you tell us where that half moon circle is from? i love that one!

10 months ago

The Warm Rainbow Velvet Corduroy Throw Pillow from World Market.

10 months ago

Not the wedding pillow grand finale xD

Erin Dae
10 months ago

Haha, I thought you all had really lost your marbles until I glanced at my calendar! Time to have some coffee and readjust my expectations for the day. PS, if this ever does become a trend for real, I will gladly consider myself the least trendy person on the planet!!

emily jane
10 months ago


10 months ago

Happy April Fools day! 🙂
Hope you had a great holiday!

10 months ago

About half-way through the article, I spotted the date on my laptop… April 1st, and I started laughing!! You totally got me and I wondered if you had gone off your rocker for good, Emily. Really funny, thanks for the laugh. 😀

another Emily
10 months ago

I am embarrassed to admit how far I got into this before remembering what day it is. and I was literally reading it on the toilet.

Mary Evers
10 months ago

Good one, Emily! 😂🤣

10 months ago

🙂 It took me a few seconds. That’s a good one!!!

10 months ago

A hard no!

10 months ago
Reply to  Ann

Okay, you got me. Good one!

10 months ago

Happy April Fools! For roughly three seconds I thought you were serious and also really struggling for new content. Ha, job well done.

10 months ago

Ha! You got me, until pic No 2, then recalled what day it was! But, um, great pillows! I don’t recall ever seeing the green broken stripe anywhere, and I bet you’ll be asked for the link to it! Happy April fools!

10 months ago

Good one, ladies! 🙂 Happy April Fool’s!!

Shona Dockter
10 months ago

Yup. You got me. 😂

10 months ago

Me: I wonder what joke this team will come up with. WHAT! Toilet pillows is insane and the need for it to be ‘wipable’ is understatement of the year…
Me: Oh, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Even when I know the joke is coming I can’t help but bite. Thankfully I learned to chew before I swallow.
Well done kids. That first image is (shockingly) believable. But the “couple” pillow made me hoot out loud. Happy April Fools to you too!

10 months ago

Such a clever idea to bring in the month of April! 😉

10 months ago

Hahaha, the dedication on this post is so good. You had me until “toilet-specific pillow hole on the market,” to which I was like, what is this?! Lol, y’all thanks for the laugh!

10 months ago

This is incredible, THANK YOU for keeping us up to date on the trendz and a good chuckle on this 1st of the month.

10 months ago

Took me TOO LONG to figure this one out. I was like “OMG Emily has CLEARLY sold out to Big Pillow (TM)!”

10 months ago

Hahahaha!! Yes!!!

10 months ago

Company coming this weekend and I’m totally trying this!

10 months ago

No you didn’t! Wink 😜

Annie K
10 months ago

Bwahahahahahaha! Nice work, and thank you for reminding me first thing that it’s April 1st, and deserves to be celebrated. What am I going to tell my husband…last year I told him I put a $800 down payment on a golden doodle 🙂 (Two months later we actually got our border collie mix puppy who is now his best friend).

10 months ago

Hahahahahhahaahahahaahaa! You had me for about two seconds. GOOD ONE!

10 months ago

Leather might have a nice patina as rogue liquids splash onto it over time but might not be everyone’s cup of tea.” I am dying LOLLL

10 months ago

Emily, I know I have had only had one cup of coffee this morning, but I was like has this lady lost her gourd? Ya had me fooled for a good third of the post. It then dawned on me it was April Fool’s day, and I was like, duh. She got me AGAIN.

Roberta Davis
10 months ago

omg! You got me!

10 months ago

LOL ROFL because damn, toilets are untouched spaces and thus — uh — for decor and accessories. Thanks for the laugh and maybe a little self-reflection on this obsession of ours. KUDOS!

10 months ago

I do really believe in folks doing what works for them in their own home. But…it’s gonna be a no from me, dawg. I’ve read too much microbiologist talk about aerosolized fecal particles, overspray, and how long microbes can survive being dried out on fabrics. And it really doesn’t matter whether one is a clean, tidy person or not so this is no slam on males or kids or anyone else who get stereotyped. I especially would not want a pillow that gets moved around the house even if I lived alone. Magazines are partly fun bc those folks will really put just about anything in their editorial photos to see what happens. World of Interiors gets an indulgent smile from me before I move on.

10 months ago
Reply to  Emily

WHAT. I did not even realize for one second! I’m glad this is the internet and not in person, my cheeks are a little warm. I’m checking this today to see if any good conversation happened that would make me rethink anything I typed yesterday. Lol, you guys really got me I can’t believe it’s 24 hours later and I’m still this dumb.

10 months ago
Reply to  DeniseGK

I followed a link here so I read it knowing it was a prank and laughing my head off the entire time. What made it even funnier for me was knowing that I definitely would have fallen for this prank as I didn’t even remember it was April fools this year! (And I probably would have felt the need to comment before I got to the last paragraph!) hahahaha

Christine Farber
10 months ago

I hope some of my fellow blog-readers read this. I’m in a hospital room right now using a commode and I need a pillow behind my back for cushion and support. I also need something at home to push me further up on the toilet seat toward the front of it. This is due to this disability. I actually thought this was a fad and got so happy thinking my own accessible accommodation might be on trend instead of just gross. There is a cushion that is washable and sticks to the back of the toilet, which I have bought from Amazon. But I like the idea of a sunbrella fabric on a “regular “ throw pillow! So I am going to pretend this is real and say thx! I am also about to remodel my bathroom to make it more accessible and I think I will add this detail in my reveal photo! Happy April one to everybody.

10 months ago

Wishing you well, Christine!

Christine Farber
10 months ago
Reply to  Stephanie


Jennifer C.
10 months ago

Count me in! I like to fashion my toilet pillow with a coordinating shag toilet rug. it really completes the look.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jennifer C.

And the crochet doll toilet paper holder on the toilet tank

Elicia Schneider
10 months ago

OMG…I don’t think I have ever commented on anything in my life but this was hilarious…. You go girl❤️

Lisa H
10 months ago

Hahah! I was appalled for a few moments! April Fools Day indeed.

Suzanne Baumann
10 months ago

So good! I wish you could’ve heard my snort when I got to your memory pillow. Thank you for the laugh!

10 months ago

I thought this was real! Crazy. Like the rest of the bathroom, though.

10 months ago

I was OUTRAGED at the first image then quickly remembered what day it was. Nice one, EHD team 🙂

10 months ago

I was so grossed out until I got to the end. PHEW.

Kay Ess
10 months ago

What is most important to me in choosing a toilet pillow is a fabricate that is soft and delicate enough to be labeled “spot clean only.” Something that can be easily washed is just never right for this kind of space

10 months ago

Ok, you almost got me. I was like that is a terrible idea thinking you were going to move on to other trends and then when I saw pillow after pillow I KNEW you were pulling an April Fool’s joke, thank god!!! 😱🤯🫣

Judi Hume
10 months ago

OMG! I am sitting here LAUGHING OUT LOUD! What a fabulous April Fool’s Day post. Thank you!

10 months ago

Ha! The amount of effort that went into this – I was laughing so hard the whole time

10 months ago

You had me until the “wipeable” Sunbrella fabric – this was so good and I appreciate the effort that went into making all of us laugh SO MUCH. Needed this today!!!

Karyn Meadows
10 months ago

This is just Pil-arious!!! Thank you for the involved toilet content today!!

Trish Aquino
10 months ago

You totally had me! I was beyond grossed out and it wasn’t until I read the comments here that I realized it’s April 1st! Thank you for the laugh! 😀