This summer is offically starting out amazing. Here are the announcements, mixed in with some new artwork that i’m obsessed with:
1. Design Star is starting july 11th, and the changes they made to the show make it sound like its going to be super, super good (more time, more individual challenges, less constraints, David Bromstad is the Tim Gunn, Mark Burnett is NOT producing it…etc). Their portfolio’s are up on HGTV’s website now so i’ll be doing a big ‘who i think will win’ post on monday.
i don’t know how to make it not sideways, sorry. but its a rad oil painting that i got at the flea market, i forget for how much, i think $80. it now sits by peacock and Dolores got moved to other wall.
And yes i’m too afraid of commitment to hang anything. Next apartment, i keep telling myself. Or dare i say house? meanwhile, i’m a leaner.
2. My blog is getting all organized. I’ll be doing giveaways and way more posts. I’ve finally got help on the business side so i can focus on new content. Don’t worry it will remain the same, except better. So if you want to sponsor email Thats right Lana from Joey and Lana Make a House a Home blog is managing my blog now. And doing so much more. I’m ecstatic. And we are off to such a good start.
Yes, i know. creepy. But i love her. Now she lives here:
Yes i just took this and yes my office/dining room is messy and those flowers are too short for that vase. Dear America, Emily Von Henderson is kinda messy and she’s kinda ok with it.
3. SFAS starts back up airing July 9th, officially. There are a lot of changes to the second season. I haven’t seen any of the episodes yet, but design wise there are some rooms that i honestly miss so much because i loved how they turned out. 1 reveal, still mixing styles with more tips/secrets, less voice over, more Orlando…all such good changes.
Dolores moved over here above my office. I can’t wait to move into a bigger place, i’ve got loads and loads of art waiting for wall space (art, animal sculptures and busts are the three things that i kinda hoard….my head sculpture collection is getting out of control and brian is seriously considering some sort of intervention). I just got that middle painting on ETSY By Linda Donohue, link here. and the needlepoint vespa is by MoxieDoll on Etsy, and i simply love it. buy her stuff here. It was supposed to go to a client, but it didn’t work out and whoops ended up here instead.
Anyhoo. here’s the master life plan: I start doing giveaways, start getting some sponsors and then I can move to a bigger place (we are still in a one bedroom) and style the mother loving eff out of it, take loads of pictures and blog blog blog all day long about decorating and style (and fashion and Design Star). Whilst shooting 3rd season of SFAS of course….cross your fingers we’ll find out in a couple months whether we are back for a third. We are finishing episode 22 today, which means only 4 left. Insane. Although i’m doing a one hour SFAS holiday special that we film immediately after. But its gone so fast. We started in October, when i was a little baby host. And now 22 episodes in, i feel grownsed up. I’m used to the job in a good way. And I still love it, just don’t really want it to end….although having some time off to leave the country sounds pretty amazing…. Cuba or Panama or Guatemala. Anywhere totally foreign where i don’t know how order the food or cross the street, and where hotels are under $20 a night. Suggestions? (We already did SE Asia)
Shoot, gotta run and box before the reveal. S’right, i box now. And if anyone in LA needs a personal trainer that is affordable and so amazingly fun and makes the ends of my hair drip in sweat, email me and i’ll hook you up. I look forward to the workouts. (and yes, i know how bougie that sounds, but man its a splurge i can’t give up….) Cause i’m a fist machine. huh, that sounded weird.