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Styling your entrance and some more organizing products …

Hey guys, for my second post with 3M I played around with the Home Collection and styled up my studio entryway with the product and of course some of my vintage props that i’ve been hoarding, just waiting for their blog debut. The whole idea is to clean off your surfaces and get things up on the wall – visible and yet accessible. For me (being the worst at anything organizational) I have to be able to see it to deal with it because this brain be SCATTERED, and I need all the help I can get.  (See my first post about getting things off my desk, here)

So here’s what you need to style your entry/exit perfectly: 

1. A beautiful vintage modern brass hat and scarf holder. Duh.  (From the flea market and I’m obsessed with it). But seriously, something to hang your hat on – literally. Especially since hats are back. I thought it was just me because i’m a but mom now and doing my hair is a fete reserved for special occasions like when Chris HArrison invites me and my friends to Men Tell All – BECAUSE ITS GOING TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR, I PROMISE!!!!! Meanwhile, until that night i’m seriously wearing a lot of hats these days and having somewhere to put them keeps with my ‘off the surfaces onto the wall’ rule. Also if you aren’t into hats, jackets apply. And if you aren’t into hats or jackets then you could hang your judgement about people that wear hats and jackets here.

2. An adorable little console or piece of furniture to put your pretty books and flowers on (we like that Target piece from the Room Essentials line).  Ideally its something with storage because you’ll need somewhere to shove the one million lip glosses and catalogs that you can’t throw away because you haven’t properly combed them yet, but you can’t really leave them on the coffee table because they are catalogs and not magazines and you don’t want to look like a hoarder that just keeps every piece of mail you get (you are, me too, its fine).

3. A lamp that is the perfect height to turn on/off as you are sneaking in or out to meet your secret boyfriend. I’m actually installing an outlet in my entrance (in my house not the studio) because I want to be able to put a pretty lamp there. Its just so nice to walk in and throw on a lamp instead of a huge overhead light and that way you can leave it on for anybody that has yet to come home.

Cute lamp

3. Something that smells nice like candles or a perfect $80 Tom Dixon brass encased candle (it was a gift! do you think I would buy a 90$ candle? … but MY GOD it smells amazing). But seriously, something that smells nice is never a bad idea to have greet you as you come home from work or to mask the smell of kids and cats that you may or may not have. (I do)

4. The most adorable little tray to hold your assistant Brady’s most amazing steam-punk inspired glasses.  Shame on you for having such boring glasses, world. A tray will also hold such things as coins, keys, and general garbage that you will undoubtedly accumulate. You know how I feel about trays – we all need them A LOT. They are the character actor in our blockbuster – under-rated but relied upon greatly. That metaphor might have been a stretch but I live in LA, so what can you expect?

3m home collection

5. Some things to make your chaotic life a little easier. This could include items that help you remember to take the mail with you, like this Post-it Dry Erase Grip Tile or the Reminder Tile, or shopping list/reminders, etc. Now this is sponsored content, clearly, but these things are STRANGELY useful. I suggest you use it in your back door/mudroom not your front door because they are very utilitarian, but having something right by the door that I can shove things into is extremely useful. I actually put things for Brian in here – mainly mail that needs to get dropped off and it works. Again, its off the surfaces and onto the walls – and the less I have on my surfaces, the less chaotic my life feels.


This little lucite holder can hold one million things – not at a time, clearly, but it could hold your keys and phone, that lip gloss that you are constantly looking for, or in this case dry erase markers for the reminder tile. 

entry console




One more thing.

Now these things below are called the View and Go Pockets and basically they are pockets that are adhesive on the back so that you can constantly see what you need to deal with – its in your face. For me this is best for invoices, bills, or things that I need to deal with – like canceling a credit card or transferring health insurance.


You can put these on front of your cabinets if you really need them to be in your face, but I do like them on the inside so i’m forced to see them often but not all the time.  Kinda like your relatives that live an hour away – its good to have them close by but you don’t want Aunt Flossie checking up on Charlie in the middle of the Bachelorette. No you don’t.

Alright folks, the items featured in the post are the Post-it Reminder Tile, Dry Erase Grip Tile,  View and Go Pockets,  and more  and check out for the rest of the Home Collection by Post-it Brand, Scotch Brand and Command Brand.

*This post was in partnership with the Home Collection but all the words, pictures, and ideas are mine. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep me/us creating original content. 

Photos by the always lovely and talented Zeke Ruelas, styled by me. 


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