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Our Round Top Flea Market Trip!

Left to Right: Brady, Emily, Ginny, Sara, Mel, Jess

The EHD crew went to the Round Top flea market last week and had a pretty much perfect Texan experience. You know how people come to LA in hopes to see Ryan Gosling walking his dog and Julia Roberts taking out her trash (Stars! They’re just like us!)? Well we city folk go to small town Texas to experience just this but in a different way. The scenery, the farm houses, the quaintness and authentic friendliness was the proverbial equivalent to getting VIP passes to the Academy Awards after party. We were freaking out.

In addition to this, we shopped the twice a year flea market and partnered with Chairish to curate a collection that will be for sale (come back on Thursday to see it all). But the goal of the trip wasn’t buying for the flea, this time. It was much bigger and more sentimental than that. I like to think that I run a fun company, and I try to be a ‘cool’ boss with my ‘you do you’ kinda nature and total 10am-6pm autonomy.

But with my insane schedule and double toddlers I actually don’t get to spend as much time with the talented, fun, wonderful people who are behind the scenes, making it all happen and making me look good. Most weeks involve shoots at client’s house, many meetings and calls, traveling and maybe a day and a half in the office. I can’t even write blog posts there anymore because I’m too distracted by them. Did you watch Big little Lies? Did you see the new line of Target home products? Do you think that Nick and Vanessa will be part of the 17% that get married? Just a few of our daily convos.

And while I know that all the stuff that keeps me from the office is part of my job, I feel so guilty that they are there, working so hard while I’m seemingly bopping around town or at my house building castle forts and leaving work early to ‘cuddle my babies’. It’s all work, I’m in survival mode, and they know that, but I still feel super guilty.


Instead of happy hours or parties, what I like to do is take my crew on inspiration/team building trips where we get some quality time – no distractions of kids, no other people and where I can focus on them (plus create content for you, obviously). And, yes, lucky us,  I typically get them sponsored to create content for a brand so I don’t feel guilty about leaving my family – IT’S WORK!!!

Two years ago we went to Palm Springs and last year we went to Vegas, but the team has grown and we were due for another trip. Enter my Round Top idea.

I went to Round Top 5 years ago and had such an incredible time – both at the flea markets and at night, so a few months ago I pitched the idea of a work trip to my crew and they obviously were into it. Taking the week ‘off’ to hang out, shop, and create some different content for y’all is a win/win for everybody, right?


We headed out last Monday (with our matching Birdling Bags), shopped Tuesday (with Chairish for the upcoming sale), Wednesday (by ourselves) and sadly came home on Thursday (back to the real world). While we didn’t have time to see every market, and do every single thing in Round Top I thought that I’d highlight the trip, tell you what we did, and what we loved.

First off, Round Top is in picturesque Texan country. It’s like, ‘Central Casting send in American countryside and genuinely – but seriously genuinely- friendly people’. This town got the part because they embody and are that, so authentically. There are beautiful streams, fields, cows and churches everywhere (we even saw some ‘Trump’ and ‘GUNS FOR SALE’ signs which for us LA folk is like seeing Paris Hilton throw up outside a night club – it’s like – NO WAY, but at the same time it kinda makes sense).

Driving in from Austin (which is about 1.5 hours away) we were all freaking out at how beautiful and perfect that area of Texas is.


I mean. Blow. that. photo. up, folks. It’s just stunning. Which reminds me to tell you that we, of course, brought Tessa, a photographer I’ve been working with for 6 years and although isn’t part of the full-time team, she certainly feels like one of us. I LOVE working with her because she is super talented and fast, but also because she is very curious about life and as someone who is 10 years older than her, I feel like by giving her advice I’m also working through my shit.


I mean, Come on…


We checked into our beautiful lodge (more on that below and tomorrow) and the next day took to the 17 miles of flea markets. Oh, you read that right – SEVENTEEN, and yes that is a lot of adrenaline and serotonin flooding through our collective bodies. We were vibrating the first morning.

These booths are spread over a few different towns, some inside tents and buildings and many out in the field. There are some that are really curated by dealers and are expensive and others that are super garage-saley. Both are fun, for different reasons obviously.


We started out on Tuesday at Marburger, which was just opening that morning – with a huge line waiting for the cowbell to ring and the tape to get cut. It was definitely the most curated and had so many wonderful items. This is where we shopped with Chairish and I regrettably passed up on so much stuff thinking ‘we have two days! don’t spend it all here!’ not knowing that it was really the best stuff.


Marburger consists of 5 tents and some old barns, full of booth after booth of curated finds – mostly of the traditional/European/country/industrial vibe. There are a lot of dealers who shop abroad and bring containers back, making their prices not cheap, but the inventory is special (and cheaper than shopping in a store on La Cienega Blvd. in Los Angeles).


As someone who loves the country vibe, and is currently furnishing an English country house, I was in HEAVEN. Do I wish that I had waited to buy so many pieces for our new house? ABSOLUTELY.

GEESH. The amount of farm style dining tables were insane and forget about it with the English pine, it was all so beautiful and I wanted to hoard so much. And yet, I needed very little.


If we had driven to Texas from LA I would have bought WAY too much (and on Friday we’ll share everything that we bought for ourselves, so stay tuned) because the amount of beautiful tabletop, lighting and textiles were next level.



Early Tuesday morning I met up with Anna Brockway, the founder of Chairish (who I’ve worked with before and LOVE), and we spent 5 diligent hours sifting and shopping through what the market had to offer for a special collection they are launching on Thursday. We will also be showcasing it all here Thursday morning so be sure to come back first thing to see what we found together and click through to purchase some of our vintage finds.


Anna is such a lovely person, entrepreneur, mom and of course has a very good eye for vintage furniture (thus the idea to start a website for curated vintage and used pieces, combatting the Craigslist problem and far less expensive than 1st dibs). When I came up with the Round Top trip idea I knew it was going to be expensive to get everyone there, housed, fed, etc. so I reached out and proposed a partnership. They were going to be there anyway so they jumped on board to sponsor part of the trip, and create our Round Top collection which would then be shoppable to you. Win, win. (yes, I know we are lucky people and are super grateful for these types of opportunities).


UGH. There are so many things that we bought for the sale that I’m tempted to purchase back myself from the site. That lacquer and wood ice bucket, for instance is the perfect combination of simple and special (and would modernize my bar in such a great way).


There was no shortage of landscape and seascape paintings but I promised myself that I wouldn’t buy any for our house as we have WAY too many and I’m more in need of less serious modern art. We did however, get some awesome flags – I can’t seem to stay away from vintage flags as art.


We shopped for hours, took a million photos, and had a blast.

After Marburger we hit Warrenton (which is super similar) but so, so good.


We loved The Compound – which housed Eneby Home, a Midcentury Scandinavian dealer with insanely good things (I bought a beautiful old mirror there and some paintings, Brady came home with three studio sketches, and Sara grabbed two flags).




We went to Market Hill where my friend Big Daddy’s was located:


Tessa thought she needed that horse. I encouraged the purchase because I love witnessing insane experimentation. It’s like the time when my friend vowed to do ‘elimination communication’ with their newborn – you know, potty training from infancy with no diapers ever and you just sense when they are going to pee and poo. I was their #1 cheerleader –  like GO FOR IT!!!! You can do it!!! Witnessing harmless insanity can be so very fun, so I was like TESSA YOU HAVE TO BUY THAT 7′ CEMENT HORSE FOR YOUR APARTMENT!!! (so I can come visit).

Much to all of our dismay she didn’t buy the horse (and I’m pretty sure that the EC method works as well as the “painless birth method” – very rarely, for like .0012 percent of the population. But I’m still DYING to witness it!)


After the horse debate we headed to Excess I and II – which is more about sifting through a lot of junk and less curated than the others, but had some great shops, too.


We met this lovely couple who sold great vintage Moroccan rugs down the street as well.


You may have seen on my FB live the house that we stayed in which was just so amazing. Paige and Smoot who designed/built and ran it were incredibly generous hosts (we’ll give you a full tour tomorrow).

Processed with VSCO with c3 preset

It was such a lovely place to relax and work and stay up REAL late.

The days were full of shopping and the nights were full of Texas-ing. We went to a huge dinner at Rancho Pillow that had the most delicious food and amazing atmosphere. They had a dinner every night during the market that hosted 100 people, on one long table, with 6 courses and pure deliciousness (5 of those courses being meat!!).



The whole property was pretty magical and the food was delicious. Definitely a night we’ll all remember.





The second night we ate at Royers which is quite the established establishment.


It’s family owned and run, where literally the owner, Bud, is the host, with all the kids being cooks or servers. And they are not hesitant to staple stuff on the walls. It’s incredible and inspiring.


Speaking of conversation – we talked a lot. Till like 1am both nights.



We gabbed and gossiped and I told them stories that I typically reserve for REALLY close friends, like those stories where the next day you are like ‘why? why the F*&^ would you tell all of your employees that story?????’ I’m an over-sharer in general, thus having a blog/daily journal, but I may have crossed that line. HA!

When in Texas, right?

Round Top was amazing. Our team feels stronger because we know each other so much more (some due to those late night chats where we ALL overshared) but we all had such an amazing time and regret nothing. Come back tomorrow to see where we stayed and meet our lovely hosts (then Thursday we are launching and showing off all of our Chairish picks that are on sale on their site, and Friday you’ll see what we all bought for ourselves).

In the meantime, check out this video of our trip to get a better idea of just how big some of these shows were:

If anyone has any great Round Top recommendations please leave them in the comments, so that future visitors can come back to the post before their visit. We wish we had more time to do a proper tour, so the more info for others, the better, until then we are all back to the real world in LA and wishing we were still lost in the countryside of beautiful Round Top, Texas. A big thanks to Anna and Mugs from Chairish for making this all come to fruition and for being so wonderful (as always) to work with.

***Photography by Tessa Neustadt

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7 years ago

I would have bought that horse in a heartbeat! I must be insane… 😉
Looks like it was a fun trip!

7 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

I wish Tessa had bought it. I could’ve been so magical to own! And for EH staff to borrow whenever a room needed a little something for oomph.

7 years ago

This market looks like pure heaven, loved your insta stories about the trip too!

7 years ago

oh my goodness. is there a word for the condition of wanting to just burst into tears at the sight of so many pretty things? and cows in a field? That’s how i felt every time i looked at a photo (and how i feel when i see such things in person). I am overwhelmingly THANKFUL for beautiful things in the world.

also-can you add a caption to just one of the photos with everyone’s names in order, so i can get them all straight?

also-did you guys plan your outfits so that you look like an amazing well-coordinated squad (my kids tell me this is a word now. i’m not quite sure of usage yet. i hope that’s right)? love the denim, love the plaid, love the hats.

I can’t wait to take in all the rest of the posts! great team-building activity, boss!

7 years ago

I don’t know how you all managed to look so fresh and beautiful in your photos!!! I was there Tuesday-Wednesday and was so hot and sweaty that I just about took scissors to my jeans to turn them into shorts! Texas in the spring is spectacular…but your post is missing something Texas-iconic. Where is the group shot of y’all in the bluebonnets?! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Geraldine

Ha! Last year I was so hot I stopped and bought a sleeveless linen short dress and put my jeans and shirt in a bag and carried them.

7 years ago

Umm, can I come work for you? 🙂 Having just been to Waco, that Texas hospitality is the real deal! Looks like an amazing trip!

Karen T.
7 years ago

Amazing! I’ve always wanted to go to Round Top. One day…. (And btw EHD, you are looking very tiny! Fit Mama for the win!)

7 years ago

First, LOVE the bandanas #teambandana. Second, I’m really hoping to make it in September. Bookmarking your post and dreaming for now!

7 years ago

Fun trip indeed. You fit in Texas really well with those hats.
EC works in warm climates, where you carry a baby undressed and where you can immediately squat a baby on some dirt. Other wise it’s difficult. But you can observe and use potty from 1 year if you have enough time and patience. That’s what parents did in the past in order not to wash diapers all the time. Disposable ones just cause everyone to be too comfortable around that subject.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lane

Newborns can be “potty trained ” straight out of the womb — my sister was able to get meconium into the toilet and I had success with my daughter starting 10 days. Somehow she’d know and start pushing when you’d hold her over the toilet.

7 years ago

This looks like such an amazing trip! It wold be a dream come true to go there one day!


7 years ago

First of all I never knew this place existed but it looks amazing and can’t wait to see even more of your purchases!

Secondly, that Moroccan rug place is also at Brimfield (which I often go to – it’s 3x a year in MA – and looks like basically the slightly smaller, east coast equivalent) and their rugs are amazing!

Thirdly, this post made me laugh so much because I just got back from India and reserved a good chunk of time in Jaipur for shopping. Toward the end of a very successful day my friend fell in love with a big painted mosaic-style horse sculpture – not quite as giant as this one, but at least 3-4 feet high and very colorful. Like Emily, I told her I could NEVER discourage anyone from buying a giant horse….it’s currently on its way to her in England.

7 years ago
Reply to  lauren

Thanks Lauren! Yay for another Brimfield groupie! Round Top is a ton of fun and a total different vibe than Brim…lots of night time parties and super spread out…definitely worth the trip.
Hope to see you this May at Brim, we’ll have a whole new batch of Moroccan rugs and some cool furniture…be sure and say hello!

7 years ago

This trip looks so fun! My burning question after seeing it here and on Insta–where is Ginny’s black and white striped dress from?? It’s so cute and flattering.

7 years ago

Gosh that sounds just like the best weekend ever! Only downsides include being worried that I wont see absolutely everything I want, that I wont eat absolutely everywhere cool, and being sad that I can’t buy absolutely everything!

7 years ago
Reply to  Katie

This event has to be conquered in stages, a few places each year. It’s way too big to cover even half of it in one year. But it’s worth the effort! Amazingly fun, gorgeous, friendly. It’s a treasure.

7 years ago

As a Texan I can’t help but cringe a little at your “Texan” outfits. Ha. Also, I spy several Texas beers in that Royers picture, but you’re drinking Blue Moon?!? For shame! My final criticism is your complete and total lack of bluebonnet photographs. That’s a total Texas-in-the-springtime fail!

In all seriousness though, I’m glad you had fun. I spent part of my childhood in rural Texas and I can’t argue with you that it is absolutely beautiful. There really isn’t anything like it! I am truly happy to call Houston home though…far fewer Trump signs (my county votes straight blue!). I haven’t actually made the trip from Houston to Round Top…my own Texan shame that I must carry! Perhaps I’ll remedy that major fail on the next go around 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

The bluebonnet is the state flower. Google “kids bluebonnet pictures”…if you grew up in Texas, you most definitely have bluebonnet pictures. In the springtime, you’ll be driving down the highway and see people out there WAY TOO CLOSE to the side of the highway with their kids taking pictures, but you gotta do what you gotta.

7 years ago
Reply to  MelTown

As a San Antonian, I second this! It cracks me up seeing yall’s bandanas, haha. Definitely check out the Hill Country next time, it’s magical. Too bad you didn’t see Chip and Jo at Round Top!!

7 years ago

Even us Texans think Round Top is quintessential Texas. I love it there, but still have not made it to the flea market. I have been to many retreats in the town though. I see you already made it to Royers. I hope you had some of the berry pie. It’s the best. My other recommendation is to check out the multiple little art galleries in the square in downtown Round Top.

7 years ago
Reply to  Allison

Haha, same! I’ve lived in Texas all my life and never been to the antique fair. I do have a few pieces that my mom purchased there years ago. Is it a locals thing? Like Austinites never go to SXSW/ACL?

7 years ago

Love Round top. I took my husband and the kids on Saturday. So much to see and do. Did you guys go to the Roundtop square and eat pie? I love the square. It’s a throw back to life 100 years ago and great for pictures. They brought in old buildings and a church and put them in a huge circular area with picnic tables around. I do have to agree, Roundtop, Austin and the surrounding areas are some of the prettiest landscape in all of Texas. Next time, get a group bluebonnet picture.

7 years ago

Was there on Thursday, looking for a farmhouse table for our LA mountain home. I was too late…! The two I loved were sold (Marburger). Ate again at Royer’s (they were our source for mini chocolate chip pies for our daughter’s out of town wedding guests six years ago…part of a “Texas” welcome gift basket). Bud (Royer’s) was on his perch, and was kind enough to gift us a pecan pie. We are so lucky to have our full time home only 90 minutes away, but I rarely am able to make the trip. At least I got a whole four hours there this year! Great photos!

7 years ago

I have a question:
Can you please help me understand the difference between shabby chic and English country?
I mean no disrespect, buy it feels like it’s going shabby chic.
And you, Ehendo can do no wrong, so I just want to understand.

7 years ago

“Witnessing harmless insanity can be so very fun.” LOLOL

7 years ago

This was my first Round Top experience and I loved it! Can’t wait to get to work incorporating a few items I picked up. One tip I would throw out there: work backwards! The traffic was super busy coming from the north and driving south, so I would plan your day driving from south to north to avoid traffic.

7 years ago

As someone who has hauled a full size metal carousel horse around the county for the last 15 years….Should have bought the horse!

Round Top is SO FUN. We went on Saturday and had the best time. Warrenton is our favorite place to go if you’re just going for a day – it’s large enough that you can park in one spot and not need to move your car all day (and you still won’t see everything!) and it has a really good mix of more curated booths and more “garage sale”-y booths.

Emily K
7 years ago

Well now you need to tell us this story. I’m so very intrigued.

I assume there’s got to be some good golf nearby. I need to get on the BF to plan a trip to either here or palm springs. I can go junking all day while he golfs. Then we meet up for good food in the evening. <3

7 years ago

I live in Dallas and Round Top is my highly anticipated twice a year Super Bowl. I live for it!
Ya’ll are killing me with the bandannas. You know we don’t run around wearing those down here right? 🙂
Glad you guys had fun!

7 years ago

Thank you for the kind words, Emily. We love working with you and your team. xo Mugs

7 years ago

Sigh. A work trip that dreams are made of. Please hire! Soon!

7 years ago

Nice guide! Sounds like y’all had a blast!

The bluebonnet thing…just know that there are snakes. It’s best to pose in front of the flowers rather than to wade in.

7 years ago

I used to feel super awkward and weird the morning after an overshare but then I let that go and embraced the humanity of it. I feel the same way about tripping.

7 years ago
Reply to  Teresa

I love that thought, Teresa. I’ve had similar. Like, “WHY did I share that?” Then I come back to, “If we are all an island and never share anything of importance, what is the purpose of life? Take a risk!” Like… What’s it going to hurt me? When I’m 85 years old, will I regret sharing or wish I had shared more? I assume that I will wish I had shared and connected more.

7 years ago

Wow! Looks like an amazing trip. I’ve been to Austin, but didn’t venture beyond the city limits 🙂 Really looking forward to seeing the tour of your accommodations tomorrow!

7 years ago

LOVED this! I’m a Texan, but have always been overwhelmed by Round Top when the big flea markets are going on. You’ve inspired me!! Emily, would you mind telling me where you got your gingham dress? Or does anyone else know? Navy gingham happens to be my middle name 😉

7 years ago

I love Round Top! I decorated a second home almost completely with items purchased there. Marburger’s is definitely the place to go on opening morning But worth going on the last two days as well. They do bring out new items but also mark down pieces they do not want to take home with them.
I enjoy the Excess Field’s as well as The Compund. The North Field is a lot of junk mixed in with some great finds. I have come out of there feeling like I had found the needle in the haystack. There are great finds to be found. This year I visited Blue Hills for the first time. I was very impressed with the French Country pieces. Worth going and checking it out & it’s a small field and easily seen in an hour (Plus their bathrooms are really clean).
Glad you enjoyed your trip.

7 years ago

Hi Emily! Wonderful post. I’m thinking I need to plan a trip to Round Top! I think you already mentioned this on an instragram story, but can you remind me where the adorable black and white checkered dress is from? It is so cute! Thank you!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Margaret

me too! Need that dress!

7 years ago

Tessa, PLEASE sell those cow pics in your print shop! I NEED them!!!

7 years ago

Next time stop by Lone Star Glamp Inn & take a tour of our “glampground” ~ lodging in the ❤️Of Warrenton!! Vintage glampers and teepees are housed inside??

7 years ago

We went on Saturday (the last day) and it was a good choice because even some dealers at Marburger were cutting prices 50% so they wouldn’t have to pack it back up. I recommend getting there early as it gets really crowded from about mid-morning. Hit the free parking places first because their lots get really full later on. Make a list to keep you focused on what you’re looking for, but be open to discoveries as well. And you can pack a picnic if you want to save all your cash for shopping.

7 years ago

My first tip would be try to go Monday thru Thursday if possible to avoid the crowds. Crowds plus heat can be draining. Second tip-don’t even try to do it all in one trip. Totally impossible. Slow down a bit and enjoy yourself. Don’t bother with Marburger farms unless you like to buy very high dollar items. Plus you have to pay a $20 fee to even get in there. Warrenton is a wonderful place the spend the day, with a huge variety of shops, booths and merchandise. Plus food, music and fun. I also like little Chelsea’s Meadow, east of Warrenton.
However you do it, just do it! It’s so fun.

Leslie wallace
7 years ago

I have been to Roond top! So much fun!!! I drove from central Florida to Round Top, TX, pulling a camper with two girlfriends in the fall of 2015. It took us two days to get to get there, we shopped for two days, then two days drive home. It wasn’t uneventfully but one of the best experiences of my life. So much fun!!! I can not wait to go back!!! Loved seeing your experience! Mar burger is where I spent most of my budget. Found a vintage, mexican, embroidered dress, for $8, that I LOVE! AND Royers for dinner or pie is a must!!

7 years ago

How about the source for the plaid dress? Swoon.

7 years ago

Such a cool idea for team bonding time!

7 years ago

Great to read about your Round Top experience! Marburger is always a must. The spring show is the perfect time of year for wildflowers and seasonable weather (unlike the fall show which is often a steambath). Check out LaBahia and Blue Hills next time. And there is a little german grocery store in LaGrange and Carmine, Weikels, that sells gas and convenience items, but they have ah-ma-zing kolaches and cakes.

7 years ago

Emily, all of your photos here are amazing and beautiful and I wanted to chime in and say thank you for sharing and appreciating the beauty and charm of Texas. As a native Texan, occasionally I need to be reminded why I love this place in spite of the Trump signs and gun shops. #texasforever

7 years ago

what is the “craigslist problem”? I thought we were supposed to be pro craig…

7 years ago

Love seeing you in Round Top, although part of me wants to tell you to keep it secret. 🙂 I shop for 2 days each at the Spring Market and the Fall Market, and I still feel like there’s so so much more I missed getting to see. This Spring I brought home 2 truckloads of goodies just from shopping the fields closest to Zapp Hall for my store, but I could totally have brought home more.

7 years ago

any plans to increase racial diversity on your staff?

7 years ago

Love your video at the end! It’s so hard to describe how amazing Round Top is but you covered it! Most people don’t know that almost all the shows are open for almost two weeks so come early to avoid the crazy crowds.
Had so much fun meeting you and your team, serious highlight of the show! Now we gotta rope you into coming to Brimfield…

7 years ago

All of Brady’s outfits KILL ME XD #ladoescountry

7 years ago

I live in Dallas and have been to Round Top once, but your post is making me want to go back this fall. I am pretty darn cheap so I have a hard time with the prices on a lot of the items you bought, but I do really love the special wooden bowls/trinkets, leather garbage can and that pine dresser. I love those round feet so much!

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