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STOP, THIS IS GREAT: A Hardcore Room Crush from October’s One Room Challenge

design and photo by hommeboys

If you’ve never heard of the One Room Challenge, lovingly referred to as ORC (aka the-best-two-times-of-the-year), you’re in for a treat today. One of those two-times-of-the-year is NOW (yes!) and we’ve got a good one to share with you. For those that don’t know, here’s the gist: design bloggers sign up to commit to completely revamping a room in their home in six weeks (sometimes involving hefty renovations), sharing the results week by week with their readers (and anyone following the challenge). I, Julie, stumbled upon this visual feast of a project earlier last week, and think we all need to take a moment to pause and stare deeply at this room ’cause, um, can you say “details?” Every inch of this space has been meticulously thought out by designers Austin Carrier and Alex Mutter-Rottmayer from Hommeboys.

This now master suite used to be their office. I know this because I read all about the process on their blog and you can, too, here. The transformation is so impressive, from all-white walls open to the rest of the apartment to dark and dramatic. This beautiful space was introduced to me via a DM from none other than our lovely Caitlin saying and I quote “this headboard has me DECEASED.” Agreed, lady!

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 8 1
design and photo by hommeboys

We have all seen our fair share of amazing feature headboard walls but this one is miles above the rest. The intricate design, mix of fabrics and integrating that beautiful Rejuvenation mirror (photo below), I am truly impressed. And I just have to share with you this part of their blog post regarding the headboard design:

“…but we had sooo many arguments over fabric that it was quite the headache getting on the same page. Austin wanted patterns patterns patterns and Alex wanted velvets with absolutely no patterns. Do you want to know the secret to working with your partner without trying to murder them? Lots of alcoh…compromise. We decided on striped fabric for the pill shapes in our headboard and velvet for the bendy parts which made both parties very happy. Honestly, contention sometimes breeds the best results because you have to think outside of your comfort zone.”

Did I mention they are also hilarious writers? Again, do yourself a favor and read their posts.

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 5 1
design and photo by hommeboys

Once you are ready to finally peel your eyes off that headboard, you then realize that they not only Roman clay-ed their walls with a beautiful green from Portola Paint but also wallpapered the ceiling in that amazing Milton & King crane print. They truly thought about every aspect of the space, how to draw your eye and stop your heart on every wall.

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 11 1
design and photo by hommeboys

Now let’s talk about the other side of the room which balances out the statement headboard wall. The natural elements from the caning on the credenza and those arched pocket doors (WHAT?!?) and Valley of the Yosemite on their Frame TV to the literal nature (the tree) in the room create a calm moment before entering the master bath (get ready).

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 7 1
design and photo by hommeboys

But before we all metaphorically enter the bath, eye spy the cutest footed planter by designer Carmen Ellis. The level of craftsmanship in her pieces is unreal and much appreciated by us all.

No, that door does not have a glass panel and yes, they did say on their Instagram Stories that they just walk through the opening. In said stories, they mentioned that right before revealing the space, the caning on the bathroom door broke so eventually this door will match the bedroom one.

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 1 1
design and photo by hommeboys

The use of minimal finishes in the bath makes it truly feel like you stepped into a spa. And I could not believe it when they said that the art above the tub is a painting and not a print. I know, it is so realistic looking. It’s by a local artist in the Sonoma County area (where this home is located), Tati Holt.

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 3 1
design and photo by hommeboys

They designed and custom-built this vanity by using leftover flooring, so smart! Read more about the details about this piece and those arched double pocket doors right…here.

Emilyhenderson Thoughtstarter Hommeboys Oneroomchallenge Reveal Masterbedroombathroom 9 1
design and photo by hommeboys

Oh yeah, they also backed those doors with a deep blue velvet and by the way, this space is in a barn. It is safe to say that I am in love with this room(s) but are you? Leave all your thoughts, questions and comments below about this October’s One Room Challenge by Hommeboys. Would you wallpaper your ceiling? Put crushed velvet on your doors? Die to simply see this room in person?? Let’s talk.

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Loveley of
5 years ago

Wow. This space is just beyond. So cool.

5 years ago

That’s an Albert Bierstadt painting of Yosemite Valley on the TV (not a nature photo).

5 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Thank you for pointing out the artist. It’s beautiful!

5 years ago

Stopped me in my tracks. Love it so much, off to read their blog.

Julyne Derrick
5 years ago

Now that’s an interesting bedroom. The more I study it, the more I appreciate the absolute creativity and bravery behind it. The color palate and 70s vibe is not going to be everyone’s taste, but they fit the owners’ aesthetic perfectly and its refreshing to see a design I’ve never seen before. Also, it seems these long headboards are all the rage and I’m digging them. I cannot believe this couple was able to accomplish all of this in 6 weeks while working full-time jobs. Also, that master bathroom is GORGEOUS. One thing I can’t figure out is that the master bath seems to be missing a shower. This bathtub is stunning and perfect for bathing, but how does one wash the hair without full submersion. And then how does one rinse the hair without a handheld shower attachment thing? Or am I missing something and a shower will be added later? Great job guys!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Julyne Derrick

I thought the no-shower thing was a curious choice as well. Maybe they will use their other bathroom for showering?
But I did love every other thing about those rooms!

Roberta Davis
5 years ago
Reply to  Julyne Derrick

Haha. The house I grew up in had one bathtub for 7 people. No shower. No hand shower. We washed our hair in the kitchen sink! I’m sure there is a shower and toilet in that room that we did not see.

5 years ago
Reply to  Roberta Davis

There is a toilet but no shower. You can see the floor plan in their week 1 post for the One Room Challenge:

5 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Yes, but the floor plan before had only a sink and a toilet in there. I think there must be another
bathroom they’re not showing us (yet).

5 years ago

Breathtaking, stunning, special… beyond words! LOVE!!!

5 years ago

This is true talent. While I wouldn’t necessarily choose this for myself, I can appreciate the intuition and vision it must have taken to execute such an original design. Bravo!! I’m also grateful for the detail on the TV art, as I also have a Frame TV, and would love to select this one to display…thanks!

Monique Wright Interior Design
5 years ago

SO good! It takes a very creative brain to come up with something like this.

Roberta Davis
5 years ago

Gutsy and over the top. I do like everything except I think the wallpaper is a bit too bold and busy. But they did a beautiful job. Love the bathroom. I love the arched pocket doors with cane on one side and blue velvet on the other!

5 years ago

Holy F**k this is incredible.

Rosemary Corning
5 years ago

This space is in a barn? What? i just kept rereading that line – is there more “house” in said barn? i’m so confused!!!

5 years ago

They did an incredible job. While I don’t like that particular green with the yellow they used on the headboard/wallpaper, I do admire the creativity and how much work went into getting this space and the bathroom completed on such a tight time line. The tile in the bathroom is gorgeous! I like that they carried the type of tile from their deck/firepit renovation into the bathroom

5 years ago

Obsessed. It’s editorial but there are also some truly livable (read: usable by us mortals) ideas that I’m for sure pinning for the future. Funky and fun!

5 years ago

Blech. Appreciate the creativity and hussle but there’s something about that BR that kind of creeps me out. Love the bathroom tho!

5 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

I think it’s the colour combination that’s off . I love a lot of what they did (textured walls, wallpaper ceiling, headboard etc) but I think choosing one item to make shine and a different colour palette would have more longevity for the space. A darker version of the wall colour (instead of that acid yellow) for the headboard would still have made it a feature but wouldn’t compete so much with the ceiling, could have been a really cool tone on tone effect.

Amazing work ethic and creativity though and I appreciate that they love it. The bathroom is beautiful.

5 years ago

Headache inducing! Much too much going on.

5 years ago

Immediately considers putting crushed velvet on the insets of all the upstairs hallway doors…

5 years ago

It’s certainly a show stopper and beyond cool. I hope more people take the dare and
go out of the norm and design their homes the way they like instead of following trends
and cookie cutter designs.

Paula Carr
5 years ago
Reply to  Betty


Paula Carr
5 years ago

That arched doorway with the crushed blue velvet? LOVE.

5 years ago

I love wallpaper on the ceiling of a bedroom! It is the 5th wall. However, I think the pattern is too busy for my taste. And, Roberta Davis, we washed our hair in the kitchen sink also!

5 years ago

“aka the-best-two-times-of-the-year” = yes!!

I loved this one too. Were there any others (guest or featured) that stood out too?

5 years ago

It’s honestly not fair how good this room is!!! I LOVE all of the luxe and unexpected details. It’s the perfect mix of minimal and glam which is 100% what I’m aiming for here! It sort of seems like a cousin to the minimal glam Parisian flat inspo we see on Pinterest so often!

Julie S
5 years ago

The level of design here is world class!! I’d love to see it in real life, thank you for asking 🙂 How can it be so edited and yet so quirky? There is some magical melange of texture, color, pattern, and form going on here. Thank you for sharing it!

5 years ago

I think in real life I’d find it overwhelming (mostly the ceiling wallpaper; the bathroom is gorgeous) but on a design blog I love seeing something different and interesting.

Tina Schrader
5 years ago

Wow! It’s not an aesthetic I’d choose (especially that ceiling — whoa, no. I’d feel like I was living in a Hitchcockian “Birds” reality every time I went to bed). But I get why others like it. I like looking through the entries in this competition!

Larissa Goncalves
5 years ago

Stunning!! Glad to have seen something so cool and creative and smart and heart stopping in my lifetime! Beyond lovely