Pretty pretty pretty. love me some washed linen. This stuff is SUPER pretty from Garnet Hill (the Eileen Fisher home line). The sheets have a raw edge which wins me over every time. I have the duvet cover (in ice blue, a color they made 3 years ago, they change often, i think) and I LOVE IT. it’s super breathable, soft, textured, keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and the light, oh the light on it is so dreamy. not so into this peach color for me, but the white and ivory are so beautiful.
If i was at home i would upload pics of my pillows that I made from washed linen, i’m so happy with them. Heres the quick tip. Buy a couple yards (only 1 yard if you only want one biggish pillow, technically you could get two 16″throw pillows from 1 yard, but those are kinda small) of linen (upholstery weight that you would want for pillows). It should be anywhere from $10-20/yard. If you are in New York, go to Greylines linen co, in the fabric district. They have a billion different colors, patterns and weights and everything is under $12. I haven’t found a very good source in LA, so if anyone knows of one, please dish. Anyhoo, wash and dry it 2 times at least. Dry in full heat. It may shrink, so you want to shrink it down now and not later. It should become super soft and flowy, if its still a bit stiff, wash it again, unless you accidentally bought the cheap stuff which sometimes never gets soft. Buy your down cushions (stuffers? whats the word for these?) and take it to your local tailor. Some won’t do it, but most will, and for cheap – like $30 for two. its just four seams and two zippers. methinks.
Here’s another company I found on design sponge. It’s called ‘Rough Linen’
She does a lot of duvets and pillow covers custom, too. Any of these patterns in a ton of colors, not these, don’t worry.