In my 20’s I dressed like a hipster clown, and generally the reaction was ‘only you could pull that off.’ But I really think that I did. Were my parents mortified when, at my brothers college graduation, I mixed a red sequin tube top with an oversized camo shirt (tied in a cute knot) and a knee length, home-made, preppy blue and white polka dot skirt? YES. Years later they copped to being embarrassed. And maybe that one was too far, but generally I took risks, was super on-trend, and gave zero effs because I had no money. I couldn’t experiment too much artistically in my tiny apartment, so I put all that creative expression onto my body.
My story isn’t unique – you are more creative and risky when you don’t need to look very professional. The higher up you get in a career the more you want to be taken seriously, which means dressing less ‘totally unhinged’ and more controlled. Don’t get me wrong, I like ‘my style’ but I’m going through a bit of a mid-blog crisis, and after years of playing it kinda safe with hair/makeup/fashion I’m ready to be more creative. For a while there was a voice in the back of my mind that said ‘sure, thats awesome, but YOU can’t pull that off anymore‘ both in beauty and fashion… But you guys, I SHUT THAT LADY UP. If you are confident enough you can do anything, right? RIGHT???
But today is not about my style revolution in general – it’s focused solely on my blonde locks. It’s very important.
I’ve been too long with the same ‘do and it’s time for a change. My New York hair and makeup artist Agata Helena first told me it was time.
I’m collaborating with Kristin Ess to help design her studio, while she re-designs my hair. Because if there is anyone in the world I would trust to do the whole shebang (the cut, and color, and style of my hair) it’s her. I don’t think that she is necessarily taking clients (girlfriend is busy with red carpets and product lines at Target) so this was an OPPORTUNITY I was not going to say ‘no’ to, but more importantly not one on which I was going to waste getting a good version of what I’ve kinda had FOREVER. She could give me something new. Cutting Edge. Forward.
No pressure, Kristin.
Here’s where I started being photographed regularly, but long-ish blonde hair has been on my head since college.
Over the years I’ve gone blonder and learned how to put on makeup properly (excuse me while I fire Sara for putting that 2012 photo in that collage, despite my approval) but generally I’ve done the SJP in SITC meets LA with sometimes a little too RHOOC. So many letters, not enough change.
If you really want to know, my hair is naturally curly, and it’s fine (as in, not full) but with good texture (so I’m told). It’s naturally very blonde, but if I don’t highlight regularly it looks dull. I have fair skin and zero eyebrows or lashes – before spray tanning existed I was mistaken for an albino quite often in middle and high school. I’m that fair.
So the blonde hair has just gotten blonder while spray tans keep me from becoming all one pale color, and generally I’ve felt that it’s a good thing.
Above is where we are right now – well, actually it’s shorter than that. I like it. I’m not saying that in a narcissistic way – she is just a nice looking blonde lady. But lately I’ve been so inspired by both young and older women taking more risks and the voice in my head is now saying ‘GO FOR IT.’
Remember when I did this shoot above for Rue? I LOVED it then and still do now, and you know why? Because it’s more editorial. It took some risks, but I still looked like me. Then I thought to myself, my job is editorial – I tell visual stories for a living, so why shouldn’t my hair follow suit? I know you might be thinking what Brian also suggested, which is ‘why not experiment with hairstyles and not cuts and colors?’ Indeed.
But it’s mostly because the ends of my hair are thin and I just need a haircut to keep it healthy, and while long hair will never be ‘out’ I do think this mid-length hair is very happening, and as an all-of-a-sudden-super-edgy-lady I obviously need to be in on that action. Plus… bangs.
My hair appointment is Monday. Kristin is VERY opinionated and she sent through lots of styles she thinks will look good one me.
First up? The shaggy with curtain bangs:
Now it’s hard not to love that look. Also because they are all such stunning models. I definitely want bangs, that is one thing that I don’t need your help on. But is the rest of the hair wavy, or curly, or is it blunt or layered? I know that Kristin has opinions and I’m personally loving the blunt look, but I’m not convinced it will work on my fine hair.
The below gets my heart pounding in both excitement and FEAR:
Those girls are so cool. That hair is so beautiful, feminine, French, and forward. The key to that for me is keeping the texture super messy and even frizzy (I recently have been using Kristin’s texture spray, and it really does give it this effortless frizz that looks modern and less real housewives). It’s neither straight nor curly. I mean, it’s prefect.
But let me tell you a story:
One of my best friends, 7 years ago when she was 33, impulsively went from a long ‘Zoey Deschanel with bangs’ style to a cut similar to the bottom right (above). Now it could be because it wasn’t trendy at the time, or maybe it was an off cut, but she admittedly looked 10 years older INSTANTLY. Her commercial agent who reps ‘edgier’ actors told her that she had to get extensions ASAP or he wasn’t going to be able to book her. He said she instantly looked like a Texan soccer mom (obviously no offense to Texan soccer moms, but she wasn’t a mom yet … although she is from Texas). Her husband agreed. She agreed. Even I agreed. She got extensions, went back to looking 26, but it was a terrifying lesson. Does long hair always make you look younger? I’m currently in the ‘I don’t think so’ camp, but for years I felt that way.
As a blonde with larger boobs and two kids, I’m super scared that I will look more suburban when my goal here is to look more fashion forward. I will say that I’m willing to put in more time on my makeup and fashion, which some of these hairstyles require. As if now is the time in my life when I need to spend more time on my looks (because as a mom of two small children I have SO much leisure time).
The following is the riskiest of all, and the one that most people are pushing me towards – based on fashion and my particular texture.
Curly with bangs is a thing right now that I’m seeing amongst the hippest of folks. Pretty sure that last sentence disqualifies me from joining this group. That top left photo is what I want, I LOVE it, I’m just terrified that I’ll look like this:
Yes. that is me photoshopped into Meg Ryan’s hair in Harry Met Sally, and if you are terrified imagine how scared I am. WAIT, imagine how scared BRIAN IS. That dude would be effing terrified if he read this post. Will medium length curly hair with curly bangs make me look like an 80s mom???
Follow up – is 80s mom a cool look right now? I mean there was ‘norm-core’ and now ‘meno-core’ with mom-jeans and oversized button-ups flowing from the runways, so maybe ‘early 80s mom’ (you know, with a 70s bent) is exactly what I want to be.
Then we have a question of color. Do I keep the same natural blonde look or go blonder? I mean, when in Rome … Or should I say Norway …
I don’t think I can go platinum, but I could amp it up a bit – although that would take more maintenance, but if it looked THAT much better then maybe I should?
Or I could do the opposite, something I’ve never considered ’til right now – the BRONDE.
Typically this means brunette with blonder highlights, and it’s probably the #1 request in LA right now. Justin Anderson, who I recently went to for color (who I LOVE and is good friend’s with Kristin), said it’s the only request he gets, even with extremely brunette women. They all want to look sunkissed. For me that would be Kristin putting in darker undertones so that my highlights could stand out. I will always be blonde around my face, but I wouldn’t mind some deeper tones too…
So Sara, upon my request, which I realize now was a masochistic one, photoshopped my face onto some of these hairstyles. Enjoy:
With all that is happening in the world, I sure am grateful/ashamed that this is what is properly occupying the ‘worry’ portion of my brain.
Head to insta-story to see my hair right now and what it looks like with extensions (which I’ve currently been rocking), as well as what it would look like if I cut it.
Obviously the question is WHAT DO I DO?
Bangs? Lobb? Darker?
None of the above truly show what it would look like on me, but if you had to pick one or a couple for me what might you suggest? Monday is the day – and while it’s just hair, now that I’m writing this post it’s all of a sudden too soon. I don’t want to be safe, but I also really don’t want to regret it.
Dear world,
Your consistently normal blonde, with fine but textured hair, who wants to look fashion forward but is afraid of looking dated and older,
Emily Henderson
I like #2 the best on you. But maybe a bit blonder. Deciding to cut bangs is scary business. Good luck on Monday!
Top right in the photoshopped photos. Love the strawberry blond or go with a version of bronde. I think as you age going too blonde ages a woman.
Definitely the top right and I love that color
I think you would look amazing with strawberry blonder hair! You have the complexion for it and I think it would make your eye color pop! Whatever you choose, I know you’ll rock it out
Agreed! Yes to strawberry blonde! So natural with Emily’s coloring. And somehow more playful which suits her ebullient personality. And I love that wavy, banged lob.
I never thought of strawberry-blond but I can totally see Emily as a redhead!
Plus one. This is the best cut, and I think as you get older, blonder washes you out (we lose color in the face with age). Bronde or strawberry would be awesome one you.
Top right!! That strawberry blonde and cut looks perfect for you and your personality ??
Yes! Definitely top right! And strawberry blonde! 🙂
Hi! Chicago hairstylist here. I have a few thoughts and a suggestion for you. It’s important to realize that wavy/curly-with-bangs and straight-with-bangs are a styling difference, not a cut difference. You should be able to wear a layered cut straight or wavy or curly! The real questions are a. where on your body (neck/collarbone/chin/boobs) do you want the cut to hit, and b. how much density are you willing to lose from the bottom to give you that full-on-top super layered look. Kristin can guide you on the layers, but I would suggest a collarbone length. My other suggestion for you is a color one. If you want to try something that will look and feel very different, but be easily reversible, talk with Kristin about a demipermanent strawberry blonde. It would look gorgeous on you and be a BIG change, but it will also fade out quickly (Demi-permanent is good like that) and be easy to remove from your hair if you don’t like it. If that’s unappealing, my vote is for blonder over bronder 😉
oooh! Strawberry blonde, I think that’s a great idea!
This is what I was going to share too – as a person with fine curly hair with bangs – it’s fun to wear wavy, curly or straight and gives lots of options!!
As another wavy/curly head w very fine hair, I got bangs for the first time in my life at 35, a year and a half ago, and I was shocked by how much thicker my hair looked, somehow?? I switched to a new stylist and she convinced me to go for it after 15+ years with my hair in a bluntish plain cut, usually around chin-length. My hair texture/cowlick situation is such that I do need to straighten the bangs, even if I do leave the rest of my hair curly. But I grew them out to prepare for the arrival of baby 3, and I’m itching to go back to them next cut.
Definitely try a shorter length to have more fullness/fewer wispy ends, and go for the bangs for the fun of them! As my stylist said, even if your hair is pulled back it will make you look like you made an effort. I bet your hair will look thicker with a slightly darker color, as well.
Agree with all of that!
All of those cuts would suit your face so well, so my vote goes to colour: go super blonde!! I think that’s what will keep it looking fashion-forward and not momish.
My 2c (I don’t even think they are worth that much) – I’m reminded of the Dax Shepard tweet, A man’s main job is to protect his woman from her desire to “get bangs” every other month. You have a lovely Keri Russell like forehead, WHY WOULD YOU HIDE IT?! (Are you watching the Americans? I’m obsessed). But if you are going to do it, I like the bottom left photoshopped picture, with the bangs slightly parted and lighter.
I think you should go darker, but not too dark. Bronde is a good idea.
I love the dark lob with bangs! So I’d obviously advise to go darker, bangier, lobbier 🙂 Generally I’d say for the scariest haircut you can find – because it’s just hair, it grows back! Also you have access to hairstylists you trust, if you lived with the new cut for a week and still hate it they can help you turn it back into something you like.
I am so looking forward to seeing the new cut/colour/style.
Bronde, shag, bangs.
BUT – you live in LA! Go see Kristie Streicher and have her work on your brows. More than hair, brows do the most to frame the face. She’s a freaking genius – you can get microblading to make the ends thicker, and she can also advise you on makeup to make them look thicker overall – yours are too “comma”-esque right now – (thick on the inside, and then a dramatic curve to thinner on outside)
(note: only commenting on this b/c you asked for feedback!)
Yes! You are beautiful, Emily, and a slight change to your brows could enhance that. One of my friends had hers tatoo’ed and it made a tremendous difference. Microblading is less risky. And for what it’s worth, I’m a brunette who has started lightly filling in her brows so that my face is framed better. I’m 34, but I’ve noticed that my brows have started to become less full (grr!) and that has aged me.
I have to second this. You’re gorgeous, Emily, and those brows don’t do you justice. As for the hair, I love the shorter cut with bangs but I’m not sold on the curly hair with bangs look. I agree that it could go terribly wrong terribly quickly. Loving the strawberry blond look or the platinum blond, but I also think your hair color now is gorgeous so I don’t think you need a massive overhaul of everything.
OMG. this is hilarious. OK. i literally talk about getting my brows micro-bladed every week. I’m terrified. I’m so fair and i’ve only seen darker haired women look amazing (during the day). Obviously I would go to Kristie for it and maybe you guys are convincing me. I can’t really get my brows ‘done’ because I have none to do. Like so few hairs (I haven’t really plucked in YEARS) so there isn’t really anything to shape. I hear that something called ‘micro-feathering’ is the new thing, but I want to give it more time before I risk it. I’ts PERMANENT and its on my face. Now THAT is terrifying. Maybe for now I fill in more or have Kristie show me how to fill in?
I was going to say exactly the same as above! Go see Kristie for sure, brow genius that will no doubt have a solution. As for hair, you will pull off any but I def think shaggy lob with bangs all the way!!
You should go for a microblade and microshade. I’m brunette and it looks amazing but my person (here in Portland) does everyone – check out instagram to see how different shades look on different people. The microblade will give you the look of individual hairs, the microshade will enhance that and look as though you’ve filled them in a bit (and I noticed I needed that starting at age 35 where mine starting thinning a bit. They can do both on people with literally no brow hair.
I’m jumping in on the “brow” train!! I get mine tinted (lashes too) because they are so blond and nonexistent otherwise. Is tinting totally 2015? I don’t know but it makes a HUGE difference!!!! It saves me time in the morning b/c I don’t have to fill my brows in every day. You can always start light and gradually go to a dark color and it completely fades after about 5 weeks so not a huge commitment. Just don’t plan any photo shoots / big events for the same day or next day b/c you might look a little Frida Kahlo but otherwise it is awesome!
I tint my brows, too! If there are two of us doing it, that means it’s definitely not totally 2015, right??
I’m a blonde who has had hers micro feathered! It’s such a game changer!!! Also it’s only semipermanent so it fades away completely in 1-3 years depending on how light you go.
I agree that your brows need that extra bit of love, just make sure you go to the best artist in your area, you get what you pay for.
For your hair – I too was a platinum blonde for over a decade, I went back to my natural a couple years ago (a darker blonde) and it has made me look so much younger, I think it would do the same for you!
Love the idea of bangs, a blunt short cut just below your jawline.
Congrats on deciding to go more fashion forward, you will rock it and look like one hot mama I’m sure!
You could also try something like RapidBrow which is a serum to help brows grow back. I used something similar and it worked for me and my brows are fuller than ever!
First of all, Emily: you’re GD adorable. You are quirky and fun and “weird” in THE MOST amazing way. I must live vicariously through you, as I live in the sad and unfashionable armpit of the south. (Burlap and camo and monogrammed EVERYTHING SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US..) I’m certainly not an expert, but I’m going to agree with the brow bit. You don’t want them too thick or dark because that’s not your face. That was never your face (maybe it was, but I’m willing to bet that it wasn’t..) so certainly the “on trend” dark, thick brow is going to make you look little strange. BUT, if you had them microbladed to closely resemble the brows from some of these photoshoots (specifically the second 2012 and the 2017 photos from above..) I think it would do a lot! I wouldn’t go any darker than “bronde.” I feel like one of your first physical identifiers is “blonde!” And, I may be thinking too far into it, if you go too dark and lose that, would everyone still recognize you as you? I love the natural blonde on you, but if you want to change it up a little, I would… Read more »
Bronde. Shagged. Banged. Bladed.
Emily – microfeathering – what Kristie does – isn’t permanent – I think it last 8-10 months? In any case, go see her – she has exquisite taste and will be honest with you!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! Would love to see that as the subject of a post…
LIVE MY DREAM!!! Please, please go see Kristie!!! Then tell us all about it so I can live vicariously. I’m begging you!
Ok but the best thing about bangs is less eyebrow maintenance! Don’t go all out on eyebrow stuff until you figure out how much they actually show with your bang cut 🙂 (This from someone with bangs who thinks about her eyebrows like twice a year)
Check out Chalene Johnson’s eyebrows. SHe gets hers microbladed in LA somewhere. Now I am also blonde and you can barely see my brows and she hows a large brow with a big arch but they look good on her. Several of her blonde friends have had them done and they all look good.
I started using eyebrow serum to make my own grow in to get a more natural brow about a year ago and it has been amazing! I use rapidbrow and you can buy it on amazon or at ulta beauty. I can’t reccomend it enough! Also taking biotin will help them grow.
Please try it and report back!! I’m interested in microblading, but at the same time totally terrified/horrified. Literally someone is going to make a gazillion tiny cuts? On my face? That leaves a scar that will never go away?!
I have to agree, I have always loved the hair. But the “comma” brows have bugged me a bit (and I know that says a lot more about me than it does Emily), and they have been too dark lately. I think some help there could go a long way.
Haha ok whoa I am not “bugged” by the brows at all but I do want to echo the earlier comments re: you being gorgeous but the brows not enhancing anything. Also just wanted to note that my mom did microblading and she is also very fair – Irish with fair skin, blue eyes and “silver” hair and very minimal brows. It looks amazing and natural and not tattoo-ish at all. Give it some thought!
Yeah! As a gal with thick, dark eyebrows already, I always thought that brow makeup was not for me. But holy cow, it makes such a difference! If I want to make my eyes and/or hair look more dramatic and edgy and polished, a darker brow does it in an instant! I am all about the fuller, darker brow thing. I think it would make your eyes shine brighter and help with the “editorial” vibe you want.
Ah – not so sure of the microblading! I love the Streicher brows, but it’s alot of look!! Their signature is heavy and dark and I think it is sometimes just too much, esp since Emily is SO blonde.
Also, I’m curious how microblading fades over times – we all know what tattoos can look like when they age – blurry and discolored – may microblading is too new to really know what it can look like years from now??
i recognize that this type of post probably makes people feel like it was an opportunity to bring your brows up (and emily, you engaged like a real graceful champ) but just flagging that you really are beautiful without exception. that might make me the patchouli candle and bead curtain friend who needs to get a grip but all the “you’re gorgeous but the eyebrows are not” kind of bummed me out. i say this all as someone who highlights her hair and pencils in my brows daily with an occasional spray tan so i’m 100% on the train of doing what makes you feel good but it made my heart hurt about how many people opined on your brows without being solicited. xo
100% backing up Mollie on this. <3
+1 Mollie. All I could think of were all the little natural things about my face/body I never thought of as “wrong” or noticeable until people pointed them out.
I think Sarah may be onto something here with the eyebrows. Soccer mom eyebrows are probably worse.
bottom right!
Hey Emily, I love your look now and I think it is stylish. BUT, in the collage of your face in the hairstyles, the bottom right with the Zoey bangs is my fave. 80s mom is my least fave. What if you try one thing at a time, to see which change looks better? Like, bangs first, then color change, then shorter. Ps is your new weekend house in Arrowhead? I’m so curious. My MIL lives up there and it looks very similar. Okay I hope you have a great day and I will love you even if you end up with a hairrible mistake on your head!
She requested in the post that no one mention the town. Might want to delete.
Something must be in the air, because I have been craving a new do, too. When I told my 9 year old daughter I was thinking of getting bangs, she said she thought I would look like a “common household mom”. Uh, that took the wind out of my sails quickly!
All that being said, I loved the bottom right mock up of you with the blonder hair. You can definitely rock that look. It would look a little edgier and is so in with people like Jennifer Lawrence (hello, goddess!) rocking it! Can’t wait to see what you do, lovely lady!:)
OMG your daughter killed me!
fun post, and now i want to cut MY hair like one of these pictures! i vote no to the curly with bangs. although i don’t think it would be bad to let your natural wave/curl come through sometimes with any of these cuts, i don’t think the top left curly/bangs photo should be your goal. the reason is because her hair is an incredibly different texture and thickness from yours. i have incredibly fine hair, too, (but a lot of it), and i have learned my lesson over the years to quit bringing pictures of thicker-haired actresses into my hair dresser and expecting my hair to look the same. i don’t think your hair will look like any of the curly pictures. the meg ryan picture is hilarious and made me laugh out loud, but i’m honestly afraid that’s what your hair will do if you don’t REALLY style it each day. now, i am REALLY into the shaggy or short lob with bangs looks…since your hair DOES have texture, you could make these work without worrying about having it be a straight up curly lob, if that makes sense. in fact, i think the bottom left pic where… Read more »
I say embrace the curls!! And I vote for a light brown color or strawberry blonde. The good thing about hair (just like paint) is that if you don’t like it on the first go you can pretty easily change it again and it’ll always grow out again. Good luck!
Lady, this was me last month. I decided I wanted side-swept bangs, and for them to actually be seen (normally when I request bangs, possibly due to my thin hair, I get a couple of wisps and it winds up looking unintentional). So, yeah, I requested more / thicker bangs than what stylists normally give me. The results? Well, despite me promising to use a straight-iron to do my bangs every day, that happened exactly zero times. On a good day, I’d perfectly air dry them. On most days, I’d use bobby pins to push them back and call it a day. I don’t regret getting them (I had some post-baby breakage going on anyways), but I do feel surprised by just how little follow through I had regarding the ongoing maintenance. Oh yeah, and that free trip to the salon I was supposed to make this week to get them trimmed? Nope, not happening. Regarding the bronde versus blonder debate, I think it’s solved once you decide on a cut. If you go shorter, then I’d probably go blonder. If you go longer, then I think there would be enough vertical distance going on to really play with the… Read more »
I once asked my hairstylist for bangs and she said no, she knew I would not take care of them and it would make her work look bad. She did have a valid point.
I cut bangs a year ago and I have naturally wavy hair. SOO glad my bangs have finally grown out. Though it was kind of a fun change, just know if you go into it that bangs with wavy hair are seriously high maintenance and every time you go somewhere that is humid or windy they go crazy! Every time you go to the pool you need to figure out what to do with your bangs cuz they”ll go crazy! So just be prepared with lots of headbands and bobby pins.
I laughed out loud and snorted the coffee I had just drank at work when I saw the photo-shopped Meg Ryan photo…
Same. I definitely needed that laugh after this long week!
BUT it perfectly showcased my fear of what Emily will look like post-hair cut. Esp on days she doesn’t feel like doing a damn thing to her hair. p.s. This may be the practical/boring part of me, but would you want to style your bangs EVERY DAY? Or would they end up looking totally crazy instead of totally adorable? I also have fine, curly hair and I fear these things for you.
OMG you look like Naomi Watts, esp in that Rue photo! I think you should go for a blob and keep it blonde. And please finish your eyebrows. I know they are naturally very blonde but on the screen they look invisible. Can’t wait to see the new do!
i’m cracking up over the photoshop images and your freaking out. i’m hesitant to say go blonder because you’re already pretty fair. but i can’t see you going bronde! what about going rose gold. that’s like my OBSESSION!
bangs are definitely tricky. I know for me.. it’s a no go! you, it could work, but i’m telling you it’s high maintenance! i’d go for a cut that hits right at the collarbone.
Me, i’m going in for a drastic hair cut next wednesday and gonna get the side undercut! and my theory is if i can’t do tattoos or piercings, hair is the next thing i can have fun with!
My vote for color is bronde. I also think you could totally rock the curly hair with bangs—just part your hair in the middle, like the models in those photos. Bangs grow out so quickly, so I feel like you could experiment without too much commitment. Just grow ’em or maintain ’em, depending on how much you like the look!
To me, you seem to be a person that does well with *some* mess in her hair, rather than either *none* or *a lot*. So I do think you would look gorgeous (even more so, I mean) with something that is more in the “naturally effortless” area of looks rather than the “deliberately messy” (or “super controlled and minimal”). Some people really look awesome with super messy hair, über cool and all that, others look more like they did their hair in the dark (I know I do… the latter I mean, sigh). I think your current do really suits you, which is probably why it was allowed to stay for a while 🙂 As someone who has found “her” cut (floral dress Lea Seydoux in Cannes 2013) and sometimes still longingly thinks of going crazy with her hair, I am excited to see how you’ll decide!
As a curly haired person who has had my fair share of bad haircuts, I would definitely NOT get bangs unless you want to be constantly taming them. I would vote for the bottom left of your photoshopped options – it could definitely be worn curly or straight and you’d be letting go of some length without going too drastic. I also like the bronde idea! I think going blonder may wash you out since you are so fair.
That being said, you do you! It’s only hair – if you end up not loving it it will grow back. Can’t wait to see what you choose!
Definitely agree with Bethany! The bangs make me nervous–curly has a distinctly mom vibe and stick straight is very pixie/woodland fairy. I don’t associate your style in clothes or homes with either of those. The longer split bangs would be my vote, channels some Sienna Miller vibes, but with littles myself, I could see them constantly being in your face as you bend over. But what about bringing up the length/playing with layers? I also think the bottom left bronde could be a nice change (for fall). What look would make you feel like the beautiful, successful stylist/designer/mom/woman that you are right now? I just chopped my hair and am loving playing with my new do to fine just the right look that’s me + fun + not too mom bob. I can’t wait to see what you pick!
I like bronde and curly with bangs. I think with a proper cut you will not look like you should have starred in an 80’s movie.
Bronde, short lob with bangs OR shaggy with bangs
Top right with shaggy bangs looks good. With a lot of styling and product you can do anything. If you don’t like to spend too much time on hair then no matter what you do your curls will overtake the haircut. I wouldnt fight my natural hairstyle too much. Don’t cut off too much as you’ll have less control over your look. I’d try the longer shaggy look. If you like it you can always go shorter next time. As for color I like the lighter options. I think you’d need to color your hair darker then do highlights for a sunkissed dark blonde look to be natural. Other wise it will not look very natural on top. Thats why lighter color might be better. Good luck. It’s an exciting change
Of the four bottom photoshopped pictures – I like #4. I think going lighter will keep it edgier. And it looks great with your skin.
I LOVE the bright blonde with bangs!!! Initially I leaned towards the shaggy cut with low lights because of your face shape, but the bottom two photos are gorgeous. Plus if you get a wild hair (no pun intended), you can shag it up, throw on some denim and pull off the modern 70’s look.
Vote for bright blond with bangs!
You’re making me want to get a haircut! But I’m in the same boat as you – I have twin toddlers so when would I ever have time to actually style my hair? Thus I keep my long bronde hair because the most important thing is the ability to style ponytails and braids that take no time but make it look like I’m actually trying. My $.02 on your hair: I feel like your fair skin and blonde hair is your signature look. If I were you, I’d consider going blonder instead of bronde. If everyone in LA is going bronde, all the more reason to go platinum. Few people have the skin tone for platinum, but you could pull it off. However, I think the success of a platinum haircut also relies on proper makeup so that your facial features don’t get lost. I thought you looked so cute trying different styles lately – the half up/bun for the dorm room post and the fun looks Agata created for you in NYC. Whatever new style you try, don’t be afraid to style it different ways. You still look great with your hair pulled back even though you never do… Read more »
COMPLETELY agree with every single thing you said!
Yes! Emily looks spectacular as a bright blonde. She looks luminous rather than washed-out. It’s young and very natural looking on her.
Shorter lob with bangs
More brown
Please tell where your extensions are from? Would have never guessed ?
I also vote for short lob with bangs.
Bronde Lob!
I think same color, but short with bangs! X
Yuu mean wavy with bangs. Ain’t nothing curly about those ladies hair says the woman with corkscrew curls (me):)
I love wavy with bangs and your hair always seems to have the loveliest wave.
I personally never brush my hair, other than combing my fingers through it when putting in conditioner. When I get out I don’t squeeze it dry, just flip it over and flick at it with a towel like I saw in a NYT curly hair video. Scrunch with some deva curl and my fingers, flip back over and get the part right and let it air dry. Voila… perfect curls. Give it a try some time… with your waves it would look amazing I’m sure.
I just got to say that bangs are super cute but soooo high maintenance! I have 4 kids and a career so I get the busy Mom thing. Can you commit the time to make them look cute everyday? Bangs are needy.
PS- Lob with Bronde, no bangs.
When it comes to hairstyle change, I say, …’go big or go home….’. Remember, it’s just hair– it will grow back if you don’t like it. Also, remember you have such a pretty face with lovely features– hard to go wrong with that! My fave for you is top right in ‘short lob w/ bangs’ and platinum– way fashion forward!! I think cutting some length off of hair, makes it lighter, more fresh and modern. Top left in ‘Curly with bangs’ is lovely, but part of the appeal of that model’s cut is how thick her hair is, you’ve described your hair as fine, right? Be careful of that…. Also, I know you love hats, as I do, consider how your cut will look when you sport some of your cool hats. Can’t wait to see what you choose!
I’m fair like you and started going bronde a few years ago and I love it. I just get lighter pieces toward my face so I don’t feel like it’s too dark. I have thick, wavy hair that grows super fast so bangs aren’t for me but I think you could totally rock them.
Not very helpful, but you sir made this 39 week pregnant mama smile this morning, so thanks. Whatever you do, just no shoulder pads and you’ll be golden. Or bronde. Or whatever
Curly with bangs and bronde.
Unless you’re scared you’re copying the current T Swift look
Definitely more depth in color though. I’m no photographer but it’s probably a good thing for pictures, no?
I think a lob with blunt bangs would looks awesome (like Anna Faris but go shorter!) I just got blunt bangs and my hair is very wavy. I wear it straight and wavy, and have found my bangs very easy to style! Good luck!
HAHA! These pictures made me LOL multiple times! I love the Meg Ryan one. You’re gorgeous and will look awesome no matter what. But given that your hair has generally been the same for a long time, I’d go shaggy with bangs and you can always go shorter over time if you want.
I have very fine hair and a stylist, without asking me, put in layers…I’m still coping with that 5 months later. So I’d just say no to any kind of layering. I’m also not a fan of super blond but I am one who prefers it look naturally. During the chunky highlights phase (and currently here in Seattle the grown ups with purple/pink/blue highlights!??), I’m am staying way far away from that one. It’s just me and my brown/blond/red/grey self.
As a hairstylist who is terrified of change with my own hair… my first instinct is a short lob with bangs and keep it blonde. Because of your fine hair, the length needs to go quite a bit shorter. You can still wear it “curly with bangs” at this length, too. Keep it a light bright blonde because that’ll keep the cut from looking too “soccer mom”. You can always add lowlights and some darker colors back into it once you’ve had the cut for awhile and gotten used to it. Good luck with your decision! You’ll look fantastic no matter what!
I vote for strawberry blonde with curtain bangs and a lob.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that I think we have the exact same hair (and lack of lashes). I’m anxious to see what you do. I’ve never colored my hair, but I have always wanted to go early 2000s Dixie Chicks platinum but have never had the guts to because people tell me that they pay $$ for my natural hair color (it’s the only thing I have going for me…so I’m not bragging…I’m just saying it seems like it ain’t broke, so I’m not going to pay $$ to fix it.). SO, therefore, I vote MORE blonde for you, just because I love MORE blonde.
Bangs scare the daylights out of me, but if you feel like maintaining them and taming the random curls that you will end up with (In 7th grade, I always had wings, the tips of the end of my bangs on both sides curled out), the go for it! And tell us how you do it because every time I get bangs, I pin them back in half a week.
I thoroughly enjoyed this post – because every. single. one of us has been there. To chop or not to chop? To bang or not to bang? (The hair kind, not the dirty kind)
My personal, and very non professional, opinion is the curly with bangs. Hair can grow out, might as well see if you love it! And ‘bronde’ on the color, it’s my favorite. So low maintenance!
Bottom left! Killing it!
Shaggy with bangs, and blonder!! Like the lower left photoshopped photo of you. Good luck, it’ll look great! 😉
Busy Phillips PINK!!
As a 30-something mom of two, I recently let my layered, lob-length hair go curlier and wilder (its natural tendency) after two decades of round brush blow dried, STYLED hair, and I have never gotten more compliments in my life (especially from twenty-somethings). Go curly and bronde, like the top right photoshopped pic – you won’t regret it 🙂
I think the shag with curtain bangs would look awesome on you! For color, I think either light blonde or bronde would look best, but if you’re worried about looking too suburban then I’d go with the bronde. Someone else also said strawberry blonde, and I agree that it would suit you so well!
I am a fellow pale-skinned lady and I have a pale pink wavy lob with curtain bangs. My hair is also super fine and it works, but there is definitely upkeep. I’ve found that dry shampoo is my best friend (keeps the bangs from being stringy or plastered awkwardly to my forehead). For myself at least, I’ve found found that heavy, straight across Zooey Deschanel-type bangs don’t work with the pale skin, light hair, fine texture combination. I could never get them full enough. I’ve started cutting them curtain-style so there’s a little triangle of forhead showing in the middle and it looks much better.
Good luck on Monday! Can’t wait to see what you choose!
I say blonder and shorter. Maybe the shorter lob. But I know cutting bangs is scary. Maybe try doing bangs the length you could push to one side if you don’t like them and then you could always go shorter. Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Definitely bottom right with the super blonde with bangs. It still looks like you but updated.
The other colors look dowdy. What I love about your look is that it has an effervescence just like your personality:) good luck on Monday.