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All About the Mountain Fixer Kitchen Cabinet Interior Functionality

If you really want to put Brian Henderson to sleep, ask him to weigh in on where the spoons or cereal bowls should live in the mountain cabin. And yet, you obviously need them to be somewhere that makes sense for your everyday cereal consumption. Having everything you need in a place that makes sense takes small annoyances out of your every day. I say this knowing that we chose to put the fridge on the other side of the island, but listen, some of us prioritize natural light and the assurance that our coffee mugs are close to the coffee maker high in life. So today’s post is bringing you INSIDE the kitchen cabinets to show you the interior function and where everything goes with hopes that if you are renovating your kitchen soon, you can glean some information (or at least learn from the comments). As a reminder, here is the overhead plan so you can see where everything lives:

Emily Henderson Mountain Fixer Upper I Design You Decide Kitchen Plan With Notations 09.17.18 2

Grace took the lead on this and she got INTO it. The kitchen cabinetry has been her baby and she is caring for it like most first parents. At one point, I saw her Googling average size of a butter knife to ensure that she was designing the flatware drawer to maximize the space. She also considered the tallest cereal box possible and the average size of canned soup. These are things you don’t know you are going to obsess about in the field while in design school, but hopefully she did so you don’t have to. 🙂

First up, the cooktop counter:

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchen Cabinet Interior Kitchen Cooktop Final

The cooktop wall is full of cooking supplies: pots, pans, utensils, spices and the more important “junk drawer/charging station.” My fantasy is that our phones will just stay in there all the time while up there, especially at night and that I’ll no longer have an iPad or laptop on the counter charging, but instead inside a drawer, hidden away. The “junk” portion of the drawer is one that I’m very excited about as it’s the first drawer you run into from the kitchen door (where we’ll most likely be entering and exiting the most) and instead of having a tray or a “bowl of anxiety,” I’d like to have a drawer of it so I can hide that anxiety until later. The “anxiety” part (at least in my home) is induced by unopened mail from the IRS and random receipts of things that surely need returning. But up there, I don’t foresee too much of this so it’s mostly for keys, phones and loose change.

The peninsula is otherwise known as “the bar.” It’s the part that separates the living room from the kitchen.

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchen Cabinet Interior Kitchen Peninsula Final

I’m so excited about these fridge drawers (we partnered with for all the appliances) because the bottom drawer will house kids’ snacks and fruit, and the top one will be mixers and beer for grownups. Also, not having to run and get ice maybe ever again up there seems unbelievable (the closest store is 10 minutes away, which is certainly not far, but there and back is a half hour trip).

For the drawers, we have flatware on top (perfectly measured for the height of average knife, fork, etc…thanks Grace), our plates and bowls in the middle and the bottom drawer houses the kids’ stuff so that they can get their own plates to set the table and when they unload the dishwasher, they can put their own stuff away. We have this now in our kitchen and it makes it easy and it works. Also, they recently started unloading the dishwasher and while the first time took a good 40 minutes, they do it rather mindlessly now, almost like we do. FYI my “chore nagging strategy” mostly consists of me saying a version of these phrases over and over: “so helpful,” that “we need your help,” “the whole family helps out,” “you are good at helping,” “I have a fun job and you are old enough to have some jobs, too”, etc. Charlie even tried to repeat my “many hands make light work” phrase to Birdie that he’s heard me say one million times. His version was “lots of hands make it go fast” and I was like, “yah, bud. Exactly’.”

Anyway, this drawer will ensure that I won’t have to nag them to set the table or unload the dishwasher ever again.

On the island, we have the sink, dishwasher and the garbage receptacle.

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchen Cabinet Interior Kitchen Island Final

These were all pretty standard but we are building this pull-out, two-tiered tray for cleaning supplies, dishwasher soap, and the top tray is reserved for sponges. In all my life I have never thought I’d have a designated sponge area. What eye-sore can I possibly put next to my sink now??

Time for the full-height cabinets, which were a beast to figure out.

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchen Cabinet Interior Kitchen Full Height 1 Final

We are doing two retractable cabinets doors for the appliance pantry and the dry bar which I am very excited about. Let it be known that you lose a good four to five inches of interior space with the hardware and the additional box you have to build to hide the hardware. You basically use the same hardware as you would a TV cabinet and it’s pretty big and ugly. We decided that it was worth losing the space since we won’t be there 24/7, but if this were our main house, I’m not sure we would have made the same choice.

The idea/fantasy of leaving the door to the coffee maker open every morning for two hours without a door in the way trumped the space we were losing.

Here, you can see the skeleton of what goes on inside the cabinets. You’ll see that the pull out shelves in the food pantry and the dry bar are designed specifically for short things on top (cans of food, bar supplies) and tall things on the bottom (cereal or mixers/larger bottles of alcohol).

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchenskpmnt Option1 Interior Full Height Open Dim And Copy 3

Grace did such a great job making sure that the appliance cabinet counter had enough space for a coffee maker and toaster, that your hand had enough space to reach in and grab the toast, that the cereal bowls and mugs fit in a way that was the most space efficient. Same with the dry bar. That rendering gave you all the dimensions that we are working off of, but why stare at that when you can see how pretty it is going to be, here:

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchenskpmnt Option1 Interior Full Height Open

Now, I will tell you that we haven’t finalized the interior finishes and will likely do some sort of treatment on the back wall of the dry bar and appliance pantry. This post was more for people who like to nerd out about the hyper specifics of kitchen fuctionality (or need it to get them out of the headache of figuring out ideas for their own renovation).

Emily Henderson Mountain House Kitchen Interior Opener Animation 2

Of course, little things might change, but I go to bed with such peace knowing that when we get up there, we won’t have to think about where things go. I hopefully won’t regret shelving height (although they will likely be adjustable) or feel like we missed something. This very second, I don’t know where the Tupperware will go, but don’t worry, I’ll be sure to ask Brian to weigh in on this. I’ll do this first thing in the morning before he’s had his coffee. There is nothing he loves more than me bombarding him with esoteric design decisions at 6:40 am.

So for all you kitchen pros out there—either designers or expert home-makers—what are we missing and should anything change? The cabinet boxes are almost done, but I don’t think things like the flatware drawer is finished yet, I don’t know how much we can actually change, but I’d love to hear your ideas and if nothing else then others reading along can learn from your advice.

Need a little refresher on the mountain fixer kitchen? Here are some posts we’ve done so far: 

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6 years ago

This is so useful – thank you! I also really appreciate that there seems to be less movement in the posts these days – I’m loving reading the blog again 🙂

Julie P
6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Yes, less Gifs and auto play videos. Those both tend to crash the site on my mobile device whether I’m on WiFi or not. Some days I’ve just given up after multiple reloads. Anyway, this is a GREAT post. So amazing to see what you do for your family’s kitchen when you have enough space!

6 years ago
Reply to  Julie P

Me too! Glad I’m not the only one. Every time I want to look at the blog, I have to weigh whether it’s worth crashing my phone/computer.

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Indeed gifs – there was some discussion in the comments a couple of weeks back about the fast-moving gifs (plus all those darned video ads) making the posts hard to read and how we all wanted to just stare at beautiful non-moving photos. Your team said they’d think about it – I like to think they’ve responded especially to that thread!! Either way this is a great post!

6 years ago
Reply to  LaineyR

Agreed—the auto-play videos are especially troublesome for me. At home, if I’m not right next to the router, I have the worst time trying to load this blog, and I live in a city, so not even dealing with slow rural internet connections.

6 years ago
Reply to  Katie

YES! The EH TV thing is the bane of my existence

6 years ago

Amazing! Pinning for future kitchen remodel (of my dreams). Don’t forget tinfoil, plastic wrap, ziploc, grocery bags, etc.

6 years ago

Great post! A couple of things – my understanding is that vertical spice storage next to the cooktop isn’t necessarily the easiest to work with – labels are on the side of the containers which are ~30” off the floor for the top row (lower for anything below that) – basically hard to read from a standing position. A better approach is a spice drawer – like something by Rev A Shelf. In place of the spices in the narrow pull out could be oils, vinegars, etc (usually distinctive enough you can tell what it is from above), vertical storage of aluminum foil, Saran Wrap, etc, and/or a couple of hooks that hold a set of oven mitts – sometimes handles get hot.
The other thing is the height of the microwave – I guess I’m just not that into having to squat to read the display =) Possibly a drawer micro (where the controls are along the top edge and sort of flip out) would be more useful
Anyways – loved the post! (And what is the average size of a butter knife? LoL)

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Just keep a sharpie handy and write the name of the spices on the lids. Problem solved.

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Just make or buy labels for the TOP of your spice jars.

6 years ago
Reply to  KD

I keep my spices in a drawer. Labeling the top of the spice jars works perfectly.

margaret kieffer
6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I felt the same about “struggling” to find the correct spices because you are looking at the tops of the jars, maybe you could put labels on the tops of the jars so they would be easier to find. Thanks for this post, I’m in the middle of planning for a kitchen remodel in my 110+ year old home, this cabinetry post has given me some new found inspiration.

6 years ago

LOVE this post and am happy that my planning for my future kitchen is much aligned with this! My only feedback about the spice thing is that you don’t want them next to the heat source because they will degrade quickly and lose flavor. 🙂

6 years ago

Just do a slanted spice drawer. It keeps them on their side, so labels are clear.

6 years ago
Reply to  Damiarain

Yes I wholeheartedly agree! I have this and it by far is the smartest thing I did with my drawers. I put the stuff like ladles and whisks in the pullout drawer next to the cooktop. Just use another drawer or use some of the utensil drawer.

6 years ago

Do you have a dedicated drawer for ziplock bags, plastic wrap, tin foil, and parchment paper? I would put this with the tupperware near the sink and dishwasher. As you are clearing the dishes, you will want to have access to both of these so that you can easily store leftovers.

Beth Garrett
6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

In my experience, drawers within drawers solve all problems! I use one for foil wrap etc. and I also have a deep drawer for storage containers with a DWD for the lids. Also, unless most people who will be using this kitchen are left-handed, I would switch the spice and the utensil pull-outs so that the utensils are on the right especially since the baking utensils are to the right of that pull-out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Beth Garrett

I have to agree with Beth. I have recently had a new kitchen done and put in a LOT of drawers within drawers. They might seem to eat space at first glance but the opposite is true. I also have one just by the stove instead of a spice rack – wouldn’t change for the world! The same goes for the foils and wraps. I cook a lot so the usability of my kitchen is super important for me. Beyond amazing are also full extension drawer slides. Even the items stored towards the back are fully accessible. Love love these!

6 years ago
Reply to  Hadley

Who needs plastic wrap? Single-use, non-recyclable. just put leftovers in one plate and cover them with another plate, like the rest of the world is doing.

6 years ago

Hey Emily! Never commented before, but wanted to put in my two cents. For the big flatware drawer, be sure to talk to your cabinetmakers about perhaps reinforcing that drawer or using super heavy duty hardware. My parents’ kitchen has a drawer similar to what you guys are planning, and between the weight of all the silverware and how much that drawer is used, it’s struggling after 3 years or so of use. Just a thought – love the blog!

Naomi C
6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Same goes for the slides on the trash drawers. Make sure they are rated for a higher weight load. Trash can get pretty heavy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Naomi C

And people tend to push down on the trash, so there’s that extra abuse.

Megan Lec
6 years ago

A dreamy kitchen with dream storage. Currently imagining organizing all my things in a kitchen like this and it is just the meditation needed this sleepy Monday morning. Literally cannot wait for the reveal.

6 years ago

Make sure there is room for spoons and butter knives near the coffee maker and toaster. Also a small cutting board for spreading butter on toast and plates to serve the toast. You don’t want to cross the room to grab some.

6 years ago

Is the spice drawer insulated from the oven? Oils, vinegars, and spices spoil when they’re exposed to heat.

6 years ago

Awesome kitchen!! Just one suggestion about the pull-out spice cabinet by the oven. I have one that was already in the house I bought and I hate it. It seems like a cool thing, but I cook a lot and I hate bending down and digging around looking for what i need. I really would prefer them at eye level. Seems like a small thing, but its just annoying. My suggestion for that space, use that skinny cabinet as storage for baking sheets and/or cutting boards. That’s what I wish mine was because i’m tired of storing baking sheets in the oven and then unloading it every time i need it. I do keep a tray by the stove with a small bottle of olive oil, a salt cellar and a pepper grinder for regular use. If you don’ t want it on counter top, think of a place near the stove to house the essentials. Oh and one other thing- in the layout, it says utensil and knife storage but the reference picture is a pullout utensil drawer. Consider doing a custom drawer for proper knife storage. Hope that helps!

6 years ago
Reply to  Barb

Great suggestions! We have a skinny cabinet that we use for precisely that: baking pans, cupcake tins and large cutting boards. I absolutely love it. And we have two shallow regular pull-out drawers with Rev a Shelf spice shelves, and it’s easy to see and find everything. As far as knife storage, something like the Knife Dock storage tray from Sur La Table is an easy solution. I love all the built-in storage options, but my suggestion is to leave a couple of drawers without anything built in to give yourself some wiggle room as needs evolve. Same with shelves; definitely be sure they are adjustable. I agonized over our pantry and drawers when we did our kitchen a few years ago–planning everything–and I’ve made several organizational changes in the few years since. For instance, we have a whole pantry shelf devoted to cereal. (My kids are carb loaders for sure.) So I measured the top height of a cereal box and arranged the shelf height that way. But after the 40th time the kids left a brand new box of cereal open in the pantry, I moved to those POP/Oxo type-storage containers, which are much taller or shorter than… Read more »

6 years ago

Sensational and incrediably helpful post – thank you!
I know how long it takes to get and synthesize information like maximising, efficient practical placement, whilst beautiful from the outside working in a puzzle. Thank you for simplifying this down and sharing!

6 years ago

This is very thoughtful! The only thing I would warn about is the under the sink cleaning supply plan. I am paranoid over kids (mine or not) eating those dishwasher pods, drinking clorox, etc. Maybe find a place to store all the chemicals up high? A little walk is worth it to not be dialing Poison Control. Full disclosure, my kids eat all the things that can kill them so I have that number on speed dial.

emily jane
6 years ago
Reply to  charli

I had the exact same thought and then wondered if there are already guidelines to follow for people who rent their homes as Airbnb’s that cover possible risks and/or insurance liabilities (like dishwasher pods)..? I do have another safety concern though… My personal experience as a parent has instilled an alarm system for when alcohol is easily accessible to children so when I read: “and tall things on the bottom (cereal or mixers/larger bottles of alcohol).” my alarm bell rang -loudly. Even though I am perfectly aware that no small person is presently at risk as the renovation is not finished and no large bottles of alcohol are sharing space with boxes of cereal in an accessible-to-children pull-out pantry, I still ‘had’ to comment. As it is often simple curiousity that leads to a first experience of alcohol, storing it thoughtfully and out of reach can lower a child’s risk of exposure. Okay, my alarm bell has stopped sounding and even though I know my suggestion is common knowledge, I do I feel better having shared my concern… On a more upbeat note, this post was fascinating! Creating a place for everything, so everything can then rest in IT’S place,… Read more »

6 years ago

While not quite on the topic of this post, I feel like this house is speaking your wood tone love language:

6 years ago

What’s the cost of the fridge and dishwasher? I can’t find thus info anywhere and need to know if this is even in the cards for our new kitchen Reno. Thank you!

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

You can request a quote from them online; it’s pretty easy to do.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kd

Pretty easy? More like a pain. Register online. Fill out address, telephone, email, blah, blah, so I can be added to Viking’s email list? It takes two seconds to reply. Now that’s pretty easy to do.

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Did you check as that’s the appliance partner? I bet they’re pretty easy to find there. Can’t be too many Viking, panel ready fridges with 2 drawers on the bottom.

6 years ago

Love this. I spent hours, days and weeks, with a taped off, pretend kitchen in our rental while I visualized where I would stand to mix baking items, cooking items, where drawers were in relation to the dishwasher so I wouldn’t need to take a step while unloading, where we would be when desiring a garbage can, etc. I can totally relate to this post and I will say that every woman who has come into my kitchen knows exactly where to look for something b/c it makes total sense. Something to consider if not too late….a second spot for a garbage can. It is a total luxary to not have to walk across the kitchen to throw something away. I can reach both very conveniently and both are located in very convenient locations. It is a first world problem if someone complains about having to walk ten steps to throw something away for sure. But when designing your own kitchen from the ground up, for the sake of efficient movement, clean counters, and ease of use, a second garbage is wonderful. Also, it means that no matter the size of your gathering, you don’t have to switch out your… Read more »

6 years ago

What a dreeeeam! The one thing that jumps out at me is not having coffee, toaster and cereal bowls near the rerigerator for easy access to milk, cream, butter, etc. Right now I’m picturing a lot of layovers in between the coffee bar and fridge right on the dry bar counter. Could the two bar spaces be swapped?

6 years ago

Love it and am just drooling over all the built-in organization. My only question is regarding the all-important cereal bowls. Will you be able to reach in and just grab one bowl without having to pull out the whole stack? From the mock up, it looks like if there’s even three (four?) bowls stacked, you may not be able to. In my cramped NYC apartment, I have to do that for some things and it always annoys me.

6 years ago

I don’t see a space for baking stuff (muffin pans, sheet trays, etc). We have a mountain house and we do a TON of baking up there, especially with the kids, over cold mornings. A dedicated spot for that stuff is great. I like to store it upright for easier access. I would suggest the bottom of the Skinny Pantry with at least one divider for things like baking sheets, cutting boards, and cake pans OR above the wall ovens (also with dividers).

I also don’t see space for storing large serving pieces like platters and big bowls. With large groups we ended up having to dedicate a pretty significant amount of space to those pieces and they take up more room than you’d think.

Overall this kitchen looks great and I appreciate all the thought you are spending on the little pieces that make a house livable AND enjoyable.

6 years ago

Good stuff!

6 years ago

So helpful, we’re in the planning stage of our own remodel. Would it be possible to get the dimensions of the cabinets and drawers? It would be great to help visualize the amount of storage each cabinet has. Thanks!

6 years ago

Hi Emily and team! Bravo, this is so amazing and helpful as we are knee deep in our own kitchen renovation and are at the stage of layout. So I have to agree with everyone else about the spice rack. I currently have it and hate it. What I have seen that I am excited about (and that you might be able to switch it out to) it storage for the sheet trays, cookie sheets and cutting boards. They can all live in the same size space and makes storing thin- yet large pieces like that a great use of space. Keep up the amazing and fun work!

6 years ago

I just want to say kudos for kids + dishwasher. That was my kids’ first REAL chore (not just pretend chores they “did” alongside me) and it was the best day in the world when I could pass that along to them! It goes a LONG way for kids to know they’re important to a household. In a book I read (and loved and need to reread b/c it’s been years Cleaning House: A Mom’s 12 Month Experiment to Rid Her House of Youth Entitlement), it went so far as to site evidence/study/something about suicide among youth being connected to NOT feeling important and needed within the family unit. So important for our kiddos to have real, worthwhile responsibilities at home!

Kitchen is pretty. 🙂

Marta V.
6 years ago
Reply to  JB

Oh agree so much with chores for kids, will definitely check out the book recommendation. Its great Emily’s children will be close to nature in a mountain house. This reminds me of a fascinating read I bought last year titled A Country Called Childhood: Children and the Exhuberant World. It’s all “back to nature” yet written in the most eloquent way. My favorite chapter is “the character fault of exhuberance” and how the author argues that today’s perceived attention deficit/hyperactivity was “cured” by outdoor play. Meaning in the past, kids were restless, parents just sent them outside. We are building our first home and will keep all these tips in mind for our kitchen!

6 years ago

where are paper towels going?

6 years ago

If I understand the plan correctly, your cooktop will have a downdraft vent. If that’s the case, I would imagine you have to house the fan/vent/mechanism in the cabinet under the cooktop. Which makes me question how you are going to get two drawers for pots/pans under there. We went through the same dilemma when planning our kitchen reno and were shocked at how much cabinet space the downdraft was going to eat up. Just curious how you factored that in…

6 years ago

I am European so I suppose this just is different but the focus and space dedicated purely on easier consumption of alcohol is something definately not common here. Not sure if it is bad or not but strange still.

6 years ago

Love these ideas but agree about that spice rack–my MIL has one and she hates stooping to read the spice labels. More importantly, will you post about how you would baby proof these beautiful cabinets/drawers? I know at almost three Birdie probably doesn’t get into things you don’t want her to, but if you’re using this space for a family-friendly rental, babyproofing might be a need. I hate all the devices we’ve tried on our cabinets and drawers and would love some user friendly, cabinet-saving tips!

6 years ago

Hi EHD team,
The above design drawings are really bringing the kitchen to life for me! I know British painted cabinet kitchens were used as inspiration. Can you tell us which kitchen cabinet company you are going with that has translated that look so nicely, and that has the special pullout shelves, drawers, etc.?
It really looks like a kitchen you can live in…yet it doesn’t scream “I am a KITCHEN.” Quite a magic trick!!!

6 years ago

The concept of a small appliance pantry is what I’m most excited to see and now top on my list of must haves for the future kitchen renovation. I know your doors side back into their frames, so is that how you handle not trapping steam from your coffee maker when it’s in use? You leave the doors open when coffee is actively brewing?

Vicki Williams
6 years ago

According to your “red” changes you are opting to change out the big drawers on either side of the cook top? Don’t, don’t don’t! Why would you do that? So much less convenient. You have to open doors and then pull out shelves. Assuming pullouts, at least. A 2nd garbage, if you can swing it over near coffee bar you will really be glad you did.
And thous cabinets in that Sustainable house really are beautiful and tweak the Shaker look in a great way. How about doing that? Kudos for all you and your teams thoughtfulness!

6 years ago
Reply to  Vicki Williams

Hey Vicki! No, we’re keeping the big drawers; thanks for catching that note in the final floor plan! All fixed now! 🙂

Vicki Williams
6 years ago

And Yep, I wouldn’t put the alcohol on the bottom shelf.

6 years ago

I know this has been discussed before but I still can’t fathom the need to hide some of the most functional and often used items in the kitchen behind those expensive retractable doors. I very much appreciate their use in a sleek, modern kitchen that’s open to living/dining spaces but here, it seems like you are only hiding these things from people who are already in the kitchen. In a mountain cabin, no less.
If I were a vacation renter, I’d have to keep them open all the time or go crazy opening them all do find the dang oven. I’d probably do the same if I lived there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Yeah, I second this. I’m not really clear on why you need to hide everything in a vacation house. I would be so lost/confused as a guest in this house, especially if I woke up before my host and just wanted to make a pot of coffee!

6 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Agree with you!

Also the cabinets in the master closet are a mystery.

6 years ago

These are very detailed plans! Here are my thoughts on them. Firstly, the utensil pullout as shown will waste a lot of space using the cutouts. You might consider getting rid of them for something that is organized but maximizes the space. Second, the dish drawers are very cool. But, when you get older and start having back issues, bending over to pull up heavy plates and bowls will be way more difficult than reaching up to pull them down. Ditto for the tiny finger pulls…will be more difficult once fingers are arthritic. Maybe not something that you are envisioning now, but it will come at some point. 🙂

6 years ago

Ahhh – I’m so in love with this kitchen and it doesn’t even exist yet!! Or does it? Anywho, one question – what are you planning to do for vertical storage, like cutting boards and cookie sheets? I’m a trained pastry chef and have way more specialty baking items that one person should (2, if you include my husband who eats the baked items; 3, if you include my dog who likes croissant scraps). But surely you have one or two cookie sheets, muffin tins, popover pans, pie dishes, etc.

6 years ago

This is just wow! 🙂

6 years ago

wow. kudos to Grace, for such careful thoughtful planning. It looks amazing. what a dream to be able to afford such luxury. it does scream a bit “excessive” with all the appliances and storage space and lighting… that’s no knock on your success or design. I know I’m the minority when I crave simple and small. cars, spaces, inventory. enjoy it all, thought!

6 years ago
Reply to  denese

I am with you. This kitchen is lovely but way too excessive for a family of four.

6 years ago

For trash, please consider a foot pedal or spring release mechanism (that you bump your hip against) so you don’t have to use your hands every time you need to throw something away. It’s especially useful when working with raw meats! Also, allow a small drawer for all your dish towels/rags. And another for placemats, napkins, etc.

Alexandra Hansen
6 years ago

Hi i love the drawings and renderings. What program do you use. And what cabinet company.

Christina Stratton
6 years ago

This blog is absolutely beautiful inspiring! Thank you for sharing such great insight and creative ideas. Looking forward to following you regularly.

Lexey Hansen
6 years ago

I would love to know what programs Grace uses?

6 years ago

Loved this post – design nerds unite!! One question: What are the horizontal black lines in the drybar cabinet?

6 years ago

Did I miss something… where is the freezer? In other words where will the ice cream live???

6 years ago

Nevermind. I found it. Your drawing noted that each drawer on the fridge was a fridge drawer so I thought it was a column fridge with separate freezer. Glad to know the ice ream has a home!

6 years ago

I love my kick plate drawers. I have one for cookie sheets and one for placemats.

6 years ago

Did I miss where the freezer is? I’m very interested in these panel ready appluances and am wondering just how it works. Hope you’ll share more details in a future post

6 years ago

Perhaps I didn’t look/read carefully enough, but as I understand it, the upper shelves on the larger pantry are fixed (not pull out). If this is the case, I would consider cutting away a portion of the shelf, leaving some on the sides and back, so that items don’t get lost (similar to the appliance and coffee bar but a portion of the shelf could be left on the side – sort of a squared off “C” shape). Deeper shelves just end up hiding half of what you have.

Shara K
6 years ago

Wow. Incredible. Are there any countertop appliances?

6 years ago

Maybe a can stair ? Si you can look at all the cans arranged in heights ?

6 years ago

Great kitchen! I am designing a large Reno project of my own in Canada and nerding out on this. I was sad to find out that a microwave in a closed cabinet was not up to building code. I rarely use one and wanted to hide one too. Even my appliance garage, that is a top priority, needs to have a motion activated plug that cuts power to plugs when closed. I can’t even fathom how 2 wall ovens in a cabinet would ever be permitted or pass inspection here without having to tear out those expensive and beautiful cabinet doors. Especially considering it is a rental. Imagine someone not as attached to the house as you, forgetting to turn oven off and closing cabinet doors and leaving… Fire hazard, and I am pretty sure that unless it is code would void your home insurance and any coverage if there was a fire… Sorry to be negative on this but we have enough rental experience to know that expecting others to have common sense isn’t the best plan. Safety codes are there for a reason. That said, I am sure you have considered all this and maybe we just have… Read more »

6 years ago

This post is the most useful post I have ever read about kitchen design. My husband and I are about to embark on a remodel of our existing kitchen and utility area. This post is really helping me to think more precisely about what do we really need and where should it go. There are so many ideas I can use, even though I have a modest budget. Thank you for your consistently funny, inspiring stories. Even though I live in England where spaces are MUCH smaller, many of the ideas are still relevant. Have a lovely autumn!

6 years ago

Hi! I am a kitchen and bath designer in Charlotte, NC and have always loved your blog (follow on Instagram, fainted over your target collection when it was very first introduced, long time subscriber) and have loved following your mountain fixer journey. As far as functionality, everything is perfect and flows nicely!! Butttttt- I would switch the fridge and wine section back. I promise it will function so much better when you are working in the kitchen, even though it is a small detail (I know you get it ;)). Ideally you should have it closer to your double oven but I know that wall is a step in. I like to think of the kitchen in zones rather than the old triangle (*rolls eyes*). You have your sink, dishwasher and pull out waste grouped together= perfect clean up zone. Cooktop with all your pots/pans/dishes and cutlery near by = perfect cooking zone. But the back wall could be arranged better to actually create a baking zone while keeping the fridge relative to the other zones instead of being off in the corner by its own.

6 years ago

This is the most helpful thing I’ve seen for planning kitchen space! Saving for our upcoming remodel… How much for Grace to come to my house? 🙂