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Introducing Pure Photo – large scale photography

Much like pressed juices and kale, large-scale photography is having a bit of a moment right now (read Victoria’s post about it). It was bound to come back around after the decade of the gallery wall. I’m not dogging a gallery wall, I mean, I have like 5 of them. BUT, there is something to be said for just one massive, striking piece. Often this is dauntingly expensive (both the art and the framing) but in a lot of ways it’s not that much more than a gallery wall (if you are starting fresh, anyway).

I met Ryan Phillips when he and photographer, Mike Kelley, shot The Fig House. He owns a company called Pure Photo which curates beautiful photographers/photography and sells to everyone from large hotels, to individual residential projects. Fine art photography can be kinda tricky for me (strangely I love commercial photography probably because I was trained as a stylist for them) I think because they can go ‘hotel’ really easily, but some of these are so striking and incredible that I’d LOVE to own them.

Here is a roundup of some of my favorites. Picture these all big and huge, folks, because they can print real large.

1. Hampton Dunes | 2. The Ocean | 3. Fairground | 4. Funny Pages | 5. Parkhaus II |6. Yellow Plane | 7. Blue Stone Orvieto Church | 8. Santa Monica Pier | 9. Grasmere Calm | 10. South Beach Ariel | 11. Tokyo

gallery wall

1. Travel 8 | 2. Conservatory | 3. Rush Hour | 4. Farmland | 5. Les Conpines, Meditation | 6. National Museum in Canberra 7. Snow Globe |8. Yellow Dress | 9. Midnight Sun Serenity at Skagafjörður | 10. Element 04 | 11. White Sands – New Mexico

Mike Kelley was the photographer that shot The Fig House and he’s pretty awesome. One of his best/most intense photographs in his portfolio is this photo below:

mike kelley

Basically what he did was photograph a days worth of planes taking off from LAX and rendered them together to create this image. I think its totally striking. The photograph actually went viral and he got a ton of press about it, which you can read about here. His vision was to photograph only planes leaving LAX, going to 6 different continents, ferrying people around the world showing the importance/magic of aviation and what it does to our world.

He took 370 photos, using 75 of them in this one shot. I’m not one that typically loves tech-y kinda photos but I think this is pretty incredible, such a conversation piece and the artistic determination behind the photography is totally inspiring. He was there all day, got a crazy bad sunburn to capture something that he felt passionately about.

Here are some of his other beautiful photographs:

Mike Kelley

When perusing their site I wondered what kind of fine art photography most people I know are most attracted to and I figured I’d do a poll. So my question to you is – if money was no object, which style/type of photography below would you want in your home (think large-scale 4’x 6′ on your wall):

photo gallery

1 | 2 | 34 | 5 | 6

Click on the number you wan to enter the poll.

Or if you would want one of the ones above that I chose, leave that in the comments. I’m very, very curious … Meanwhile check out Pure Photo and Mike Kelley’s other work here.

Happy monday, folks. My god its going to be a long week. xx

online poll by Opinion Stage


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