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My All-Target Fashion Haul – And My Honest Reviews

I don’t think I’ve ever done a Target fashion HAUL, and I really didn’t intend to, but a couple of weeks ago I was doing a Target shoot up here and Emily Bowser shopped for some clothes for me to wear on camera (in addition to props for the shoot you’ll see on Monday). Now, I only needed to wear a couple of outfits and right now I don’t need any clothes, but as I was trying them on I kept being like “well this is so cute… and well this is so cute”. So before she returned what I didn’t end up wearing (and whatever she can’t return will be sent to the Pen and Napkin Rummage sale) I figured I’d show you what I got and why I liked it so much. Now just a reminder that to buy what you are lacking and needing, not just to have more 🙂

Blouse | Jeans | Paper Clip Chain | Shoes

I was very surprised at how good this shirt is with the ruffle sleeves (it comes in a brown plaid, too, which I wore on camera). The jeans are VERY VERY GOOD – slouchy, comfy, boyfriend fit (are we still saying that?). Such good Covid and summer pants. I kept the slides as they are exactly what I want to wear both around the house and while running errands.

Dress | Paper Clip Chain | Shoes

GAH. So cute!! This dress was too small for me (Bowser got me an XS) but had it fit I would have been tempted to keep it. I still wouldn’t have because living up here I just don’t need more cute dresses, but all my LDS ladies – this is a good one for church 🙂

Blouse | Paper Clip Chain | Shorts | Shoes

Note the leg pop. I thought this top would be too see-through or hug in wrong places but nope, it was super easy to wear, draped nicely, I didn’t even have to iron it. If I didn’t have 12 white blouses I would have kept it for summer.

Dress | Paper Clip Chain | Shoes

Now I’m not really selling this in this photo – but this dress is super oversized and comfy and flowy. The fabric drapes really well, not sticking to you but falling easily.

Blouse | Paper Clip Chain | Pants | Shoes

I loved the idea of these high-waisted pleated pants but they aren’t for me (what with my short torso and the front pleat kinda accentuated my tummy, but if you are long torsoe’d I think these are VERY CUTE. The shirt is the same as the blue stripe and pretty darn great.

Blouse | Shorts

Now THIS shirt I wore and kept. It’s both lightweight and structured and with my cutoff white Levis I’ll be wearing it a lot this summer. The ruffle is very structured and sticks out in a good way. Never not wearing ruffled shoulders. 🙂

Sweatshirt | Jeans

This cropped zippie was surprisingly good – especially if you are short torsoed. I wish I had sized up to at least a medium because I think it’s cuter oversized (mine is an XS and I regret not exchanging it for a M). But I also don’t love fitted sweatshirts and always choose oversized. Those are the same jeans as #1.

Blouse (no longer available online) | Jeans | Shoes

Sorry for the blurry pic but this is such a cute shirt (but sadly not available online). It has princess sleeves, a victorian collar, black and white gingham. CHECK CHECK CHECK. Size up if you have “healthier” arms like me, because the button closure is a bit small, but I love this shirt and have worn it on Zoom a lot because it has cute/fun details around the neck/shoulders – you know where it matters these days. The jeans are cute (but I can’t wear tight jeans right now) and the mules are GREAT if you need a mule. I’m all set but these are cute!!!

By the way, Pen and Napkin announced the rummage sale, April 24th. It is in Lancaster which is 50 minutes north of LA but I know that I for one gave 5 rolling racks of clothes and a garage full of good props so it might be worth it. It’s just lovely to know that anything we don’t need will either go to a family transitioning out of homelessness or a sale to pay for the needs of the family. Win/win. xx

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3 years ago

Ok, I have to say 60% of my clothes have historically come from Target and you look adorable but I REALLY don’t like their Spring line. As a size 16-18 apple shape none of the cuts are flattering, my broad shoulders do not benefit from the added flare of ruffle accents, the dresses look homely and like we are pioneers on the Oregon Trail…I just can’t do it!! I tried!

3 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

Target certainly has catered to the ruffle crowd here and I’m at an age where that girlishness looks silly. At best, they make me look like an old lady trying to fit in with the cute, young kindergarten teachers, at worst like I’m trying to impersonate an actual kindergartener!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Yes, I have a general “say to no to ruffles” rule in my own wardrobe.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

yes. I love ruffles on other people, but I’m quite tall and lanky, and they just look foolish on me

3 years ago
Reply to  Eliot

Also love ruffles on other people. I’m quite short and not lanky and they look foolish on me too!

3 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

I have a totally different body type but also am not a fan of ruffles on me. I tried about 10 million of Target’s spring dresses, and the fabrics are great, and they almost all have pockets, but none of them looked good on me. Damn ruffles.

3 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

I feel the exact same way and I just was trying to figure out how Emily pulls it off – they look really good on her! I actually have a similar size/shape to Emily but when I put on ruffle sleeves I feel like a fancy football player who’s trying to look younger than I am (I think about 5 years older than Emily). How does that style look so good on her??

3 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

I don’t like stiff fabrics, though I do like ruffles!

3 years ago

So cute! FYI for the Minnesotans: Salvation Army on 4th St. in Minneapolis has an entire floor of Target samples, deadstock, and returns (home goods, furniture, clothing, toys, etc.). In terms of clothes, I’ve never not seen something I liked in Target at the Salvation Army (brand new, tags on, in season) for like $3. I usually keep this secret to myself but I’m in St. Paul now and don’t find myself there as much.

3 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

This is fabulous sharing!😊

Roberta Davis
3 years ago

Some really cute things! I never used to shop at Target, but now I do, because of you. Target has really stylish stuff for home and body!

3 years ago

Great everyone is getting more real.
Talking of clothes.
Can you please do a post on organizing closets, especially walk ins? What features work and don’t, where it is best to put certain clothes and assecories.
Loved your organizing the kitchen cabinet set up post with what works and didn’t.
I am doing my closets at the moment.
The conundrum behind visual hiding things in drawers and not seeing them (good and bad), or having open shelves, like in your photos above (are they only for perfectionists?)
That hanging clothes takes more space, yet might solve more.
I remembered you did one at the mountain house, main bedroom, great if you guys could tackle.

3 years ago

As a Canadian, I can’t tell you how torturous the Target posts are! Especially some of the amazing home products at—even with the conversion—such stellar prices. If any American readers would like to become pen pals/package forwarders… 😉

Also, just a note to say how much I love this community. Rusty: you’ll never know how many days you make, how many minds you illuminate, how much impact you have. Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Terra

Wow! Thank you so much, Terra. It means a lot given recent stoushes.
Mmmwaaah! xx

3 years ago
Reply to  Terra

Yep Australian here. Australian Target just doesn’t stack up 🙁

3 years ago

Love the shorts and shirts but I just can’t abide these dowdy prairie dresses. Might be cute on a 4 year old but not on a grown woman! And Emily, you are too gorgeous not to wear classic, stylish (even date night sexy!) clothes. IMHO…

3 years ago
Reply to  Patti

She should wear whatever makes her feel good, as should you.

3 years ago

“Now just a reminder that to buy what you are lacking and needing, not just to have more”
So so true. Thank you for adding this! I really miss statements like these from influencers on the web. Keep up the good work 👍

Emily Boersma
3 years ago

Hi – I’ve always loved your fashion posts, but recently as I’ve learned more about how much waste is caused by the fashion industry, I especially appreciated your posts on brands like Nisolo and Able. I thought you were heading in the direction of “fewer, better” clothes and am disappointed to see you promoting fast fashion and buying clothes you admit you don’t really need / wouldn’t wear often.

3 years ago
Reply to  Emily Boersma

I second that! Are any of us reading this actually “lacking or needing” anything clothing wise? My guess would be no. If we truly care about our environment, we need to be less consumeristic as a society.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kelly


3 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

Wot, I ask, is wrong with a supportive smiley face?!

3 years ago

Emily, I love your shift in approach in this post regarding not buying for the sake of more, but only for those things you truly need. ❤ It’s a game changer to own less clothing. I used to have several wardrobes full to bursting. It took a whole couple of years to reduce and recycle and now… now I have a tidy wardrobe ALL the time and can find things to wear, because I can not only see what I have, but I only buy things I love and need. That means I can buy better quality instead of fast fadhion, because overall, I’m spending less. When had loads of clothes I perpetually had “nothing to wear.” Game. Changing. Way. Of. Life. 😊 Living without a car for the (long) foreseeable future, it’ll be interesting to see if/how my purchasing patterns change. No. I won’t be buying online, because I stand for the employees of Amazon and their paltry $15 p/hour wage, no toilet breaks so they gave to pee in a bottle and outrageous expectations from their obscenely rich employer. = We are the standard we ignore for the sake of supposed convenience. In addition, I don’t support all… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

Brava, Rusty for changing your wardrobe for the better! I’ve done the same – I shop the sales at a few favorite retailers, but will go full price for something I love. Fewer clothes and shoes, but much better quality. Maintaining good clothes means wash in washing machine and hang on hanger to dry, usually in shower. No dryer means clothing lasts forever. I like classic styles that stay in style forever – slim pants, a great pencil skirt, a great fuller skirt, tees and tunics in cotton, linen and silk jersey, a couple of great dresses, a few great sweaters (cashmere on the backburner for now due to our beloved 12 year old, 22 pound orange male cat who loves to shred cashmere, arrrgh) and half a dozen great jackets/coats for all weathers. In another climate I might not need so many coats and sweaters, but in the San Francisco Bay Area we dress in layers each day to accommodate the fog when it roles in or out. And I also shop second hand, mostly with ebay or etsy during the pandemic.. So I shop online, including Amazon. We are at high risk from Covid, and I have PTSD… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Yeah, Susan. Some people actually need to shop online. I totally get it. Yet for most, unfortunately, it’s simply convenient.
I’m immune compromised due to chemo, but I still won’t shop specifically at Amazon, because I personally take issue with how those rmployees are treated. It’s not okay, so I choose not to support the company.
When I do shop online, I’m careful which company it is andtry to choose smaller ones wherever I can.
Your cat comment re: cashmere is so funny and relatable.😹

3 years ago

So cute. Question for you on housing …maybe you have covered maybe not(?!)
how can YOU personally tell if a house is haunted before a Reno ?hmmmm…