Today is Sara’s last day as an official EHD team member and after almost 6 years she is getting a proper goodbye in the form of unbridled sentimentality by yours truly. In case you missed why she is leaving here’s a quick recap: She is ready and excited to become a full-time freelance photographer, and I seriously couldn’t be happier for her. The rest of the world now gets to hire her and experience the wonderfulness that is my friend, Sara. She is taking her favorite part of her job and making it full time, expanding her client list from just me (what? are you sick of my face?) and working for herself. I’m so proud of her. It’s kinda all you want for your friends after so much hard work.

I remember her interview 6 years ago, clear as day. She came to me entry-level, almost right out of school, with one internship under her belt, I was impressed with how her resume looked and how willing she was to work and learn. She was quiet at first, but when she spoke she said important things and had this confidence and lack of fear that made me feel safe and comfortable as a boss – both in her as an employee and as a friend. I just knew I could trust her. I remember saying in our reviews, “I just want to clone you” because she was willing to do anything, had so many skills, worked so hard, and had so much integrity – owning her mistakes, and was so honest. She worked more than she was asked to which I personally think is the smartest thing to do while building your career – you simply will get where you want to go, faster. She is a GREAT testament to that (honestly so many of my former and current team members are). She also was willing to teach herself anything, like photography – it’s actually super inspiring and we should all learn something from this. By watching a billion videos, taking online classes, and obviously a ton of experience shooting with me, she became a professional photographer with a lot of clients lined up, teaching herself over 3 years. As I write that I’m wondering if I should teach myself how to shoot. 🙂

About a year and a half ago after Brady left, I promoted her to basically VP although I often called her my president (and integrator). And she took on a much larger role running all of production, helping with HR, making sure someone had made reservations for our birthday happy hours, managing invoices, mileage, tracking PTO days – literally ANYTHING that I was bad at, she took over. At that point, I had 13 employees and I wasn’t managing them well (HOT TIP: You can’t be the creative and the executive at the same time… or at least I can’t). She also helped me figure out salaries, sat in on really hard conversations, and I think made everyone feel so much more secure and safe here.


Well first off, we aren’t actually going to be without her. She will continue to contribute to the blog on her house projects (closet, office, and kitchen all coming up!) and we have her booked on two big Target shoots already – producing and shooting. And now that the team is much smaller (we thrive with a smaller team) we can manage a lot more and some of my team will be taking on the roles that she had.
Besides, now she can be my friend and continue to contribute here a la Orlando, Brady, Ginny, Grace, Tessa, Mel, Erik, Arlyn, Velinda, Veronica, Emily B., etc and shift and grow the relationship in other ways. I apparently really don’t like saying goodbye to former employees and beg them to stay around as contributors and freelancers, and I’m so glad you guys agree. (Isn’t it fun to have Arlyn back here??).

So Sara, thank you for 6 years of hard work, SO MUCH FUN, lots of laughs, lots of cheersing, so much growth for both of us (she started when Charlie was a baby!!! She’s known Birdie since birth!) and for being an amazing leader and example for me and everyone else at EHD. Your face will be missed daily but we can’t wait to continue working with you and hanging out for the rest of my life 🙂

If you also love Sara and have enjoyed her talent and voice on the blog, feel free to show her some love in the comments. Let’s send her off with LOVE and make her day!!!!
P.S. Obviously if you are looking for a photographer in LA I can’t recommend her enough (she also does BEAUTIFUL portraits) and you can reach her by contacting her here and check out her work here.

I love you Sara and you’ll always be family 🙂 Thank you for 6 amazing years. xx
I. WAS. NOT. READY. FOR. THIS. POST. I literally came face to face with my face, unprepared for all the big emotions. I’ve met some of my favorite people in the world while working at EHD. Plus, it’s so wild to have gotten the chance to connect with SO many people all over the world. It’s something I never imagined for myself. Y’all have made my cold, robotic, Virgo heart super warm (are warm hearts a thing?!). Also, let’s please recognize the real MVP of my time here – the EIGHT (8!!!) different hair styles that have lived on my head. I feel like this is a break-up, and therefore am obligated to cut my hair. DON’T BE SURPRISED IF YOU SEE ME ON INSTA WITH BANGS IN ABOUT 3 HOURS. xx
Sara, I was scrolling straight to the comments to say the same thing about your hairstyles! You rocked them all (and it sounds like you rock at everything!). Your MOTOs will always be my favorite (special place in my heart for your apartment that you lost). Good luck on this adventure! Your fan, KP.
Thank you so much!
Love the bangs! We call it a fringe here in Australia.
I don’t want to complicate your plans re: bangs, but that pixie cut was a very, very good look on you
hahahahahaha I’ve had a pixie twice in my life!
I so so agree with that! You seem to be able to rock any look but damn, if I had the face for it I would love to get a pixie cut!
I will def miss you on the regular, so am happy to hear you will still be on the blog when you can.
Wishing you so much luck, although I don’t think you’ll need it sister! 🙂
Also came here to say I think the true takeaway from this post is that you’ve had many hairstyles, and they’ve all been excellent! (Oh yeah, your work is great too!)
Sara, you’re a doll and a huge talent. You deserve every word of praise. I’ve learning from you and laughed from your wit and charm. Thanks for making my life a little brighter. May the Goddess through petals on your path.
Oh it is such a weird feeling to see some your favourite people of your favourite blog go in a new direction – the sadness, the pride, the joy, the nostalgia!!! Its so weird cause we don’t *actually* know you but y’all are definitely part of my (everyday!) life – so yeah, definitely FEELING ALL THE FEELS right now…. ALL THE VERY BEST TO YOU, SARA – its been wonderful hearing from you on the blog and I’m so excited we will still get to do that and for all that you will be doing next! Much love!!!!
Best of luck to Sara! I hope we will still get to see reveals for the rest of her house though!!!!!!!!! Seriously I am way more invested in seeing how the rest of it turns out than I ought to be.
You will!!! I promise 🙂
It’s surreal how attached you can get to people you don’t know! Sarah- your posts have been some of my very favorites over the years. It’s been a joy to see your career grow at EHD. Your photography is of course amazing but you are a fantastic writer as well and I love any of the cooking and recipes you’ve shared. Good luck with everything and I look forwarding to following your kitchen progress here and seeing your name pop up in various design spaces!
Thank you so much!
good luck in your new photography adventures! come back soon. also, i can’t WAIT to see the rest of your amazing house. also, i LOVE your hair! get bangs again. they are adorable : )
Wow so much validation in one comment, hahahahaha. Thank you!!
So sad. Fare thee well. We’ll miss you! Happy “graduation day” from EHD!
So glad we’re going to continue to see your photography, posts and *room reveals*! Sounds like you really kick ass at your job; it was inspiring to read how you have built your career straight from school. Congrats on your new chapter, I am sure it will be filled with success. 🙂
I couldn’t have done it without a ton of support from so many people in my life xx
I want every mentee I have to read this post on how to be awesome, and what incredible rewards there are for people who work hard and are kind. Congratulations, Sara – may the next stage of your career be full of joy and success!
Haha thank you! It was a road paved with much support and opportunity as well xx I’ve been extremely lucky.
Yay! Go Sara! Hope I get to shoot with you again soon! Congrats from a fellow Emily Henderson University Grad! 🙂
Hi, Landy 🙂 xx
ORLANDO I see you and Emily B hanging out all the time and also want to hang out. Remember it was so fun last time?! I convinced you to move a $$$ bed for one shot that we then immediately broke? SUCH A GOOD DAY.
Good luck with your new endeavor! You’ll obviously have a wonderful crew supporting you and cheering you on. I’m impressed you’re taking the step. It’s wonderful that you’ve got the confidence and courage to follow your heart’s career path. You’ll be fantastic!
I can’t downplay how much easier it is to take these kinds of steps in life when you have a rock solid support system of friends and family, which I’m lucky to have xx
Tub photo #NeverForget!
I’m happy for all the exciting new adventures you’re going to have!
I’ve actually told soooo many people about the “tub photo”! Ha! 🤣
I guess this means I have to get out of bed earlier now…. this morning blog catch up list is going to get long.
Forge ahead, don’t refrain from your wit that comes thru in our writing, and yeah… hold true to those house updates; many of us crushing on your home and style are a little heart-bruised as well, and considering a different hairstyle.
DON’T WORRY I’ll still be sharing all my home stuff (it’s actually WILD that people are interested! Makes my heart SUPER VERY warm, haha). But also…. should we all cut our hair together?!
Love Sara & wish her a wonderful new voyage into the next leg of her journey. She really was part of the family. Love, Sue Sue
Love all the hairstyles, love your voice, love your home and your photography! I especially have appreciated the earnestness with which you approached your growing awareness around racial justice. I am a white woman, and your journey on that front has really spoken to me. Your integrity shines through, and your perspective will be very much missed. Good luck to you in your photography career. I am excited for you! And do NOT keep us waiting on those home reveals! I can’t wait to see your kitchen, closet and back fence/yard!
I’m only keeping you waiting as long as I’m keeping ME waiting, and I hate waiting! Thank you very much for all your kind words.
Gah!!! Now I’m crying! 😭 The “…for the rest of my life… ” bit from Emily really got me! Sara, WOW! Once you started writing posts, I got hooked. You have a knack for making the difficult come across as a step-by-step, easy process (like you taking photos with a phone tutorial). You’ve grown in confidence and now know your own style (evidenced by your bold closet moves!)…can’t wait to see your kitchen! You are a badass for stepping out on your own in the middle of a pandemic! Massive kudos for that, just remember to wear your undies on the inside, Superwoman! Aside from my flaming comment about getting a garbage disposal unit (I still hate ’em; so bad for the environment), we’ve got along great! Ha! 🤣 Aaaand, I’ve loved seeing your house evolve into a home. I remember when I started my consulting business… I described it as being like “Standing naked on thd freeway in peak hour traffic.” I had my promo stuff designed and ready to roll, but never pulled the trigger, because work came to me. I have a hunch that this will be your experience too. 😉 Sara…..oooooh, Sara….lift your wings and fly,… Read more »
RUSTY WAHT AM I GOING TO DO IN MY LIFE WITHOUT YOUR COMMENTS?! The freeway analogy is spot on. Thank you so much for all the support xx
K, this is weird…but I am really going to miss you! Like, for rrreal!
I feel like you’re a neighbour who’s moving away, or sumthin’ lke that.
This Internet thang does my head in!
Go strong, be well, share the good stuff, Sara, coz you have lots!
Mmmwaaah! ❤
Not weird at all!
I don’t comment that often but I have loved every one of Sara’s posts. The one about gentrifying, about buying a house, all her MOTOs, etc., I’ve just loved them. I will really miss her voice and wish her the best!!
Thank you so much!
Sara, you’ll be missed so much! I love your voice, your MOTOs, your activism. I appreciate everything you’ve shared here, and I look forward to guest posts from time to time. Good luck and I wish I was in LA to benefit from your amazing photography!
Thank you! xx
I’m glad this is not a real goodbye so I will just say THANK YOU for sharing your Warm Summer Evening playlist! Wow what a gem, it’s on repeat over here. Can’t wait to see more of your posts, and best of luck!
How could I have missed that post about your playlist Sara?! Can I look it up on here somehow? Which post was it if you remember? 🙂
She mentions it in her post about her backyard mini makeover, but just look it up on Spotify!
I’ve been a daily reader since “Secrets” and have followed your progress since you came on board at EHD. After your July blog post on gentrification, I’ve been thinking about how powerful your voice has become on EHD. I was looking forward to reading more of your reflections. in addition to wishing you luck on your wonderful new freelance career, I hope you will keep continuing to write. You have much to say that I think we should all hear.
Truly , Donna, thank you so much! I hope to keep writing for sure.
Oh Sara, crying sad tears for all of us that have followed your journey in the last 6 years but also happy tears for your new adventures!!! We will miss you terribly but know that you will be wildly successful with your photography business!!! XOXO!!
We love you Sara, and we notice your intention, thoughtfulness, and drive that you’ve brought to the blog over the years. Wishing you all the best and so glad you’ll still be around- I truly love seeing all of the EHD alums pop in!
Also- wasn’t your childhood bedroom makeover just yesterday?! Dang… <3
I am going to miss Sara’s voice and pictures, but I am so glad she’ll be taking us along for the kitchen renovation. I really can’t take anymore disappointment this year. Also, and not the point of this I know, but I am always struck by what an intellectually generous, warm, and supportive boss and mentor Emily seems to be.
OMG I will do my best not to disappoint!!! Kitchen reno is very much UNDERWAY. Like, it has to finish around October because that’s when the money and sanity runs out.
i’m crying we’re all crying !!!! welcome to the freelance world, Sara! 🥺🥰
ALSO, just in case anyone DOESN’T know (where have you been?!) this is Veronica, former EHD photo assistant and saint (because she put up with me all the time) and she is also freelance and takes beautiful photos here in LA! Unlike me, she PREFERS to shoot people (wild), and takes beautiful wedding, engagement, anniversary, headshot, portrait, etc. photos! She also takes killer product photos. ALSO SHE SHOOTS BEAUTIFUL INTERIORS. Honestly she does it all, and you should hire her too:
HI, V 🙂 xx
Oh man, I’m really going to miss you around here, Sara! I love your blog posts, your voice, and your style. Thanks for all of the great inspiration, both design-wise and career- and wonderful-person-wise. I hope you come back often for guest posts. Best of luck to you!!
Thank you!!
Congratulations on the new venture, Sara. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts, and following along with your home renovations. Happy to hear you will still be part of the EHD family as a freelancer.
Congratulations, Sara! I’m so impressed with your talent! Side note: you ROCK the short hair and Bon & Viv Black Cherry Rosemary is the best hard seltzer. 🙂
HAHA thank you!
I am so happy for you (sad for us) but happy for you really to embark on this next, exciting/thrilling/scary/amazing venture Sara! I have so enjoyed all your work at EHD. I love that Emily keeps her alumni close by, it certainly makes the goodbyes a little easier! (I also tried to find your fab photo tutorial and I cannot find that post, anyway to link it?)
So happy for you & your future, Sara! My favorite post of yours was Evolution Of An Aesthetic. I so much appreciated your insights about how your re-do of your mom’s living room–which I loved–might have included some design white-washing–which I understand but hadn’t really put into words until I read yours. Thank you for being sensitive to that & expressing those insights on this blog. I hope so much that your voice on this & related topics continues to be expressed for us all to hear & interact with! I also hope that we get to see more posts about your parents’ home! And thank you for sharing about home buying & related considerations! I’ve found those posts to be among the most helpful posts I’ve ever read on this site! I’ve also loved learning from your photography posts–so helpful! Today, I loved learning about how you’ve been involved with the team outside of what we see on the blog–wow! Can definitely see why you are an MVP. We wish you all the best! I’ve just started following your Instagram account, too! Hope to keep seeing & reading in-depth about your projects & insights! Will your website include a… Read more »
Love reading your posts Sara and following along on your MOTO. So inspiring! Cheers!
Yay for Sara!!! Just an amazing story of hardwork, passion, career, professional development, and friendship all in one. Best of luck on your new ventures!
Can I be really shallow for a second and say that I think your eyes are gorgeous? I love eyes that turn down at the corners…everybody I’ve known who has them has been a great person.
Best of luck in your career. I’ve bookmarked your contact deets!
Congrats Sara!!
Congrats Sara!!!
Chiming in to say how much I’ve also enjoyed your posts over the years! Thanks for all the hard work to make EHD readers’ days brighter…you’ve clearly rocked your job and are going to do great in this next chapter. Looking forward to future reveals! Good luck!
Thank goodness we’re still going to see the rest of your house! I love it when Emily’s team grows and spreads their wings.
Happy flying Sara!
Congrats Sarah!!!
Such exciting news!!!
We loved getting to work with you when we hosted the EH team and got to see first hand how special you are in all the ways Emily described in this post.
Good luck with this next step and let us know when you are ready for another trip to Round Top!
xo –
Paige + Smoot
Sara will be so missed! I always love her posts and absolutely love her home. Good luck Sara!! All the best!
Sara- Just peeked at your site link and WOW! I guess I’m guilty of not always looking at the photographer credit, because I love/recognize so many of your interior shots and didn’t realize they were all yours.
Also, I am obsessed with your moody tv room and mini gallery wall- the yummiest blues.
Good luck with the leap and I’ll keep my eyes on for the occasional Sara byline. Cheers!