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Fine. I Want This Box Present Thing Called FabFitFun

Oh, I’ve heard of these mystery quarterly boxes that you subscribe with random beauty and fashion supplies and never really paid attention. I figured that I ordered/bought what I liked and I pay attention to enough beauty/fashion blogs to know what new product is on the market. So when FabFitFun reached out to partner with me on this blog post my first thought was ‘Why thank you, but I’m not a former Bachelorette… ALTHOUGH LORD KNOWS I SHOULD BE, so why are they interested in me?’ But they were. I like free stuff so sure, I’d try it. Twist my dry, unadorned arm… I ordered one to see if I liked it, although honestly I planned on passing. Of course by now you know the moral of this sponsored story: I will now gift this box of surprising high-quality beauty and fun to many, but not all, people in my life. My dad and brother might not be interested but most of the females in my life would be psyched to get this. Fine. I was wrong. You were right. Keep reading for a my honest opinions on it and for a $10 coupon code off your first box using the code DESIGN.

Emily Henderson Fabfitfun Review 2

When I opened the first box, admittedly skeptical yet riveted with anticipation, I unloaded it with the joy and surprise of a toddler ripping through mystery filled easter eggs. Wrong season, I realize, but I couldn’t do a Christmas analogy. I’ve got to stay unpredictable, after all. I thought it was going to be full of lovely but mediocre unnecessary stuff, and yet I was still a flurry of excitement.

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It was a treasure trove of beauty, fashion and jewelry. It was like 10 gifts in one. I guess that was one of the things I was skeptical about – what if they sent things I already had or things that I had tried and disliked? Would it be a waste of money and more of an annoyance to discard? The possibilities were high, but the reality was ‘probably meh’. Let’s find out.

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First off – these gold things on my eyes make me look better every day and when one looks better one does better and acts better. Therefore these ridiculous gold moons on my eyes make my business more successful and my eyes more buoyant.

While on my shoot in New York (you know, that one where I subtly told you that I worked 16 hour days for 14 days straight.. ON CAMERA?) my hair and makeup artist brought these in on the third day for me and man did they work. Every day after I used them the puffiness under my eyes went away within minutes. Turns out anyone can buy them, but I didn’t know that so for me to get them in the box with the brand recommended by the Fab Fit Fun Curators made me so happy. I started handing them out to my staff, all Oprah style – YOU GET SOME SOME GOLD EYE DE-PUFFY THINGS, YOU GET SOME GOLD EYE DE-PUFFY THINGS.

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I could have probably used some lip balm in the box based on that shot, BUT WHAT WAS NEXT??

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My second favorite thing, which might be my first except that putting on gold puffy things makes me feel way more baller than exfoliating, is the Kate Somerville ExfoliKate.

Here’s the deal, you put it on and within minutes your face glows, your pores shrink and you look younger. Yes, I’m getting paid by Fab Fit Fun but what I say and how I say it is up to me and I have NO obligation to call out the individual product or talk it up. Kate Somerville doesn’t know I exist. I’m telling you this because I saw a noticeable difference, immediately. Fine, Fab, Fit, Fun….I was listening.

The first two products were awesome. I thought it would be mostly pashminas and nail strengthener and it might be sometimes, but so far TWO FOR TWO FOLKS. These were things that I wouldn’t have found or bought myself and yet they showed up on my doorstep.

Emily Henderson Fabfitfun Review 7

Also above you will see a really pretty eyeshadow palette with natural tones. This is something I would NEVER BUY. I’m pretty against eye shadow because as a fair skinned small eyed person I go ‘Real-Housewives-trying-to-look-young’ really quickly when I put anything darker than skin-tone on these upper lids. But I know that not all shadows are unflattering for me. These are such lovely shades that compliment my skin-tone with nary a unnatural color in sight. Of course now that I’ve hit my mid-blog crisis I want to put on super saturated electric blue eye shadow (and stay tuned) but I LOVE these for just giving some depth to my eyes while still looking natural.

Also… hand cream… do you think I’m someone who seeks out and purchases HAND CREAM??? Whut, do you think I drive a Jaguar and buy $75 candles? No. But turns out un-fancy people like cream on their hands, too, and now that this lotion lives on my nightstand I apply it every night before bed. You know what else I do before bed? Spritz the lavender sleep better spray from the box which may or may not work but I will spritz it forever because I believe in real results as well as the positive, powerful effects of “placebo”. Dear, Placebo. I think you are wonderful and powerful.

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Obviously I’m a more high functioning person with these products so far. AND THAT’S JUST THE FIRST BOX.

This is just my first experience with this, and admittedly it was VERY FUN, filled with many products that I loved. I kept saying ‘omg, this is such a good gift’ and Brady and Sara who had pushed me to say yes to trying it were like, ‘I KNOW, WE TOLD YOU SO’.

But you should know a few things about this gift before you subscribe for yourself or a gift for someone else. This is a company run by women – ALL WOMEN and every season/box it partners up with a charity to support. The Winter 2017 FabFitFun box partnered up with the American Heart Association! These are good women doing good things and making us happy along the way.

Every quarter you get different highly curated product that you can control if you want. Once you are a subscriber, particular items each season can be selected for your box. For example, you may be able to choose the color of a specific clothing item or a toothpaste over a hair rinse, which makes customizing it to your needs very fun. The choice items are also revealed right before the launch of each season, so it’s always a surprise to look forward to.  

The product inside the box retails for over $200 and yet each box only costs $50. You know how they do that? Well, the Fab Fit Fun audience is wide and powerful so beauty and fashion brands are dying to heavily discount their product to get them into your hands. You/we are a market they want and they are SMART to try to reach us. After trying some of the product I’m now hooked. In 3 months I’ll get a whole new bevy of heavily discounted high quality products to try and potentially love.

I had no idea how much I would like it. Seriously. I wouldn’t say that if it weren’t true. If it wasn’t for me, but I liked the product I would say ‘It’s a great gift!’. But instead I’m saying, ‘PLEASE SEND ME FABFITFUN FOREVER’.

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If you are looking for a gift for someone into new beauty/fashion products and don’t want to get them the wrong gift, I can tell you that out of the 9 products in the box I LOVED 7 of them. That’s a high percentage for someone who is picky when it comes to new products.

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Below are the contents of the winter box:

  • FabFitFun has partnered with the American Heart Association for this box
  • Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment
  • BB Dakota Poncho
  • DOUCCE Freematic Face Palette
  • 8 Other Reasons Nine Lives Choker
  • Pointe Studio Aloe Infused Socks
  • AHAVA Mineral Hand Cream
  • Homemade by Ayesha Curry Mug
  • Beauty Choice – You’ll receive one of these: Nelson J Beverly Hills Moisture Healing Hair Mask -or- Grace & Stella Anti-Wrinkle Eye Masks
  • Fitness Choice – You’ll receive one of these: This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray -or- FFFTV Fitness Ball by Jillian Michaels

And, because you know I love to get you in on the deals, they have been kind enough to send along a code which will get you $10 off your first box, by using the code: DESIGN during checkout. Guys – check it out, give it a chance like I did and you might just be a convert.

***Thanks to FabFitFun who sponsored this post although all opinions and words are my own, and thanks for supporting the sponsors that allow us to continue to bring you original content.

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7 years ago

Good post. It is really help to us. Its give us lots of interest and pleasure. Its opportunity are so fantastic and working style so speedy. Its really a good article. It gives me lots of pleasure and interest!

7 years ago

Hmm did you try the Aloe infused socks? What did they feel like? Did they moisturize your feet? Intrigued!

7 years ago
Reply to  Blair

I wore them one night and I couldn’t really tell, but I like the idea of them 🙂 What happens when you wash??

7 years ago
Reply to  Blair

I got the box, and let me tell you I LOVE my socks.

However, I don’t think they moisturized very well. That being said, they are the softest socks I’ve ever worn, aren’t itchy at all, and are warm. I plan to take them with me on plane rides, haha.

7 years ago

I totally noticed how glowing a perfect your skin looked the last week on Instastories! I was going to write and ask you to do a post about your skincare routine, and now you posted this and I’m guessing it was the ExfoilKate based on your gushing review. Totally compelled to try it out!

7 years ago
Reply to  Anna

YES. it was the exfolikate and i’ve been using the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer (pearl) and tata harper eye cream … and not drinking and working out 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Anna

OH and THANK YOU VERY MUCH. After last weekend my skin was BUMMED so I just did another exfolikate and it honestly looks NOTICEABLY better instantly. YAY!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Thank you Emily!! We’re big fans of yours and that means a lot to us. XO, Kate Somerville Social

7 years ago

Woe, I’m interested.
You. Look gorgeous!
Can I please share your lipstick color?
Thank you.

7 years ago
Reply to  S

I think its sonya kashuk from Target – its a really orange red …. but i forget the name!!!

7 years ago

AAAh I love Ahava hand cream! My parents were in Israel last spring and brought back a TON for everyone, I’ve been slavering it all over my hands before bed every night!

7 years ago

OH good to know! i have it in my bedside table and keep forgetting but i’m going to do it right now. xx

7 years ago

As someone who is trying to “Marie Kondo” all the clutter out of my life, this just seems like a recipe for the accumulation of junk that I don’t need (although obviously the glowing review of ExfoliKate makes me want to try it, stat.)

Anyway, those pictures with the gold eye patches are hilarious and your posts/opinions are always awesome – but those eye patches definitely need to be worked into a Halloween costume at some point.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Agree. I’m torn. Trying to cut down on “stuff” in my life and all the waste these subscriptions produce. I did a trial of beauty box and most of it ends up at the bottom of my bathroom drawers and then eventually in landfill. Hard to find the balance between being aware/green and indulgence.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Yeah, this would definitely be a fun box to open, but then it just becomes more random stuff around the house/bathroom, stuff i didn’t even choose. I did get a similar box (barkbox) for my dog once, which makes more sense to me since he literally destroys or eats everything in the box.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Next Halloween she is perfect for JEM from the 80′ cartoon JEM & THE ROCKERS! I’m getting old but trying to keep up with trends! Oh I used every single item in my FAB FIT FUN Editors Box! That never happens but EVERYTHING was perfect! Gonna order again soon!

A few on my Top List:
1-Rose & Blush colored purses,shoes,etc
2-Contour is an art & blend blend blend
3-Primers,Pore Shrinking Creams are wonderful and useful items
4-Use a GREAT moisturizer every morning & night! My 82 year old grandmother used moisturizer since she was 14 & she barely looks 50!
5-Thank you genius women who are my heros & teachers!

Emily Davis
7 years ago

I enjoyed your take on this. The partnership feels a little off-brand as a long-time reader but you kind of acknowledged this in the post (love this line “‘Why thank you, but I’m not a former Bachelorette… ALTHOUGH LORD KNOWS I SHOULD BE”). If nothing else I got a giggle.

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily Davis

Thanks. Sometimes these ones that feel like a stretch – and I agreed, end up really fun and can reach a different audience. My sister just texted me and was like WAIT, YOU ARE A #FABFITFUNPARTNER NOW I LOVE THAT BOX AND HAVE BEEN GETTING IT FOR YEARS!! But she had to cancel because she moved and didn’t have the new address yet, so i’m getting it again for her for Christmas (paid, but with my emily10 promo …. ha). i seriously think its such a fun gift to receive. Would I buy it for myself? Dunno. I will buy some of that product again FOR SURE. But I would not be mad if someone bought me the subscription. It was way too much fun.

Emily S
7 years ago

It looked like you pulled a ball cap of some sort out of the box on your stories but then it was unaddressed…maybe I saw wrong but that just seems off. Like maybe you did get some items you weren’t so crazy about?

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily S

maybe the blanket scarf? I didn’t want the story to be 15 stories long so we cut some, and no not everything was something that i LOVED. Like 7 out of 10 isn’t bad. 🙂

7 years ago

I must admit I’m kind of bummed to see you hustling the fab fit fun box, just like every other blogger or Instagram star. This plus all the fashion posts seem a little off brand and makes me wonder about the direction you’re steering this blog. I’ll stick around as a reader with the hopes that you’ll remain a design resource, but please don’t go too far off the self-indulgent deep end!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Have to disagree. Emily has always done fashion posts, no different direction there and I think this box sounds fun. A little frivolity and pampering once a season seems good to me. Also think $50 for all that is great value. I come for the design but enjoy this too.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tara

Thanks, Tara. And don’t worry Samantha. Read the post if you haven’t. Its a fun gift and tis the season. Fashion brands are reaching out more and there were a lot back to back. But no, i’m not going to become a fashion blogger. My cousin recently told me that she thought she thought all the fashion posts were sponsored. I’ll be WAY better at making sure you guys know. for instance Lou and Grey, urban and Old NAvy (a story from a couple months ago) were sponsored, but the normal fall fashion posts aren’t. I buy all those clothes but make money off if/when people purchase through the links (its called affiiates and its a tiny commision of sales). I buy what I love and if people like it, cool. But point taken 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I agree with Samantha. I was beyond bummed to check your blog yesterday and see that post. I feel like a Sugar Bear Hair post is just days away. 🙁 What happened to the series you were doing on adding character to your home? Now THAT was awesome.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ann-Alan

Agreed. I come to the blog looking for design inspiration, decor resources and the like – and never even click in to read the fashion posts, because they just don’t resonate with me. There are PLENTY of people doing the whole Fab Fit Fun sponsorship and fashion circuit, and none of them can style a room or scour the internet for great design resources like you. If you want to try out a product that’s offered because you like getting free stuff, that’s fine but maybe try being a little more conscious about taking on partnerships that really represent your brand and readers if the intent is to blog about it (Glad bags post comes to mind as being one of the worst).

7 years ago

Hey! Are the beauty/face products for various skin tones? Just wondering if their suitable for brown skin. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Rae

I would think so!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Serious question, not snark – why would you think so? People went insane about the variety of shades Fenty Beauty provided because of the serious scarcity of suitable makeup for women of color. I know this stuff isn’t exactly your beat, so to speak, but if you’re promoting this product, then this question merits either an actual answer or an admission that you don’t know and didn’t think to ask.

7 years ago

Where is you bathroom tray from? The white one, maybe it’s a platter/plate?

Emily K
7 years ago

I DO actually think you buy $75 candles because I’ve seen the candles you recommend here ???

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily K

Nope. I don’t 🙂 I splurge on other things, though …. maybe one time for a shoot, so I can’t say DEFINITELY not, but its not a habit. Brian would kill me. Birdie just shoves her fingers in them anyway and screws up all the wax and wick … xx

7 years ago

I ordered their fall box for the first time. Everything that I didn’t like became totally awesome presents for casual friends over the following months. For the price it’s a steal!

7 years ago

I loved this post! I used to get birchbox (5 small samples of beauty products) monthly, but like another commenter said, it felt wasteful because most ended up in my bathroom drawer, unused. Or they’d go to the landfill. I love that this subscription box is seasonal (less stuff throughout the year) and seems of higher quality!

I guess I don’t follow many instagram/bloggers that promote this, but I hadn’t seen someone promote it before.

P.S. Other moms out there: The lavender spray, “This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray,” is an awesome bedtime trick! We used to just spray water with a few drops of lavender essential oil in our four year old’s room as “monster spray,” but when my son saw this on my nightstand, he insisted that it was the ultimate monster spray! He loves it. It’s his now, of course. It smells like a spa!

7 years ago

Dear Emily,

Kate Somerville team here, hello! We just wanted to write to say thanks so much for sharing the ExfoliKate love. Several of us in the office have been fans of your blog for so long and Kate is a huge home design buff so she’s going to be thrilled that you’re a fan! Happy Holidays from all of us – we are loving all the festive posts here. You have definitely inspired some tree-trimming ideas.

Kate Social

7 years ago

Good post !! I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand.

7 years ago

Hey Emily! Love this post — I won a BirchBox subscription a few years ago but when the gift ran out, I didn’t renew. This one looks SO much better! Great gifting idea, and thanks for the coupon!

One question — I love the tray and plant pottery on your bathroom counter — do you know where they are from? Thanks!