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Episode 3, Behind the Scenes

I loved this couple and i loved this loft, but it was massive and totally empty.  The week started out great, they are super easy to talk to and were really excited on camera (note to future clients, bring on the excitement).  Mica does video car review videos for blue-book so he’s used to being on camera and Evee has SUCH an adorable personality so it made shooting really easy.  No awkwardness and just total fun.  The diagnostic was in general what i had planned so no MAJOR changes.  I knew that Evee loved kitsch and cute and playfulness, all of the accessories that they did have were vintage 50’s.  She loved the look of the 50’s diner with the boomerang formica and the crazy bright colors so i was psyched.  And then Micah liked things that were similar, but more masculine and he wanted to be more grown up – but still really fun.  Plus he’s a car guy and liked things that function and moving parts and gadgety type things, flux capacitors, defibulators you get the idea. These two weren’t looking for a loft-space full of whites and chromes. They wanted color, and tons of vintage. and that made me really happy.  


First look:

Final look:

I’ve had a couple people tell me that they prefer first look and i personally think its super super fun, but just not terribly sophisticated, and i think second look is still really playful but just a bit more grown up.  

I’ll go over resources tomorrow and the general play by play.  I have to run. This is week four in a row of shooting 6 day weeks and seventh day shopping so this little stylist is amped up for one more week and then a couple weeks of prep.  

And to all of you who were at the Rose Bowl who came up to me and said nice things, thank you so much.  Now that the show is airing people are recognizing me more and i can tell that a lot of people don’t want to bother me, but its truly not a bother and makes me feel really good.  I work so hard and i don’t read the reviews so i just hope its well received. All my friends and family of course are going to tell me they love it, but when strangers come up to me and go out of their way to tell me that is their favorite show on hgtv in years, yeah…that makes me feel REALLY good.  

All of the positive comments left here are amazing and every single one of them makes my day, but if you guys have a second, tell HGTV. i want them to know that people are excited and like the show.  So, perhaps during a commercial break of the Bachelor Finale tonight, go to facebook, and ‘like’ hgtv (there are a few and its the one with 1.3 million ‘likers’) and tell them what you think.  

Thanks again so much for all the emails, comments, tweets and blog posts.  During the break week i have a big plan of emailing everyone back and commenting and blogging about all those who do it for me.  It really helps, i promise.


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