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The EHD Prop Closet Isn’t Going To Portland…So Here Are The Art & Decor The Team Scored For MOTOs

When we packed up to move to Portland (in August) I did likely the most EPIC purge of my life – keeping only what was 2 of the following 3 things – functional, sentimental, or beautiful. I had a lot of hard conversations with myself, holding each vase or book far longer than what felt normal to surmise whether it would make the cross-state cut. I pictured where it would go, how often I would use it, and wondered if there was something else so similar that I also was moving with me. Once I let go of something I let GO of it, and then it’s a “who wants this awesome stuff” party. We are likely not going to even be able to unpack or style with these things for another year, plus there’s intentionally not a lot of open storage or shelving that needs “stuff” at the farm, and it felt increasingly greedy to hoard anything that I wasn’t SURE was going to get used (clothes and accessories). So while most things that we staged within the house were shipped up (barring a few things that the new owners bought) most everything else needed a new good home – and it was REALLY good stuff. So since most of my team are in mid-makeover of their own spaces I invited them over (first time in a year for some of us seeing each other!!) to shop the storage unit for their spaces (with masks of course). It helps offset their budget and gets in a lot of awesome pieces that people have sent to us over the years or that I’ve collected. It was stupidly fun to see them go on a spree – the mom in me loves to spoil them and it’s just a general win-win. So today we thought it would be fun to show you what they snagged and why (and no, there weren’t any real fights over things but it was so cute how they all supported each other and said “this will look so good in your house” even when I could tell that the speaker also wanted it). Oh and stay tuned till the end when you find out what will happen to everything else (they barely made a dent in it) as you might have a chance to shop it all for a good cause. 


Full disclosure: I had trouble fitting my entire loot into one photo. Being pretty far along into my MOTO, I was looking for art and decor to accent my design and color scheme. I shamelessly scored a ton of insane pieces that I’ve secretly been loving for a while from afar…

These pictures bring me so much joy. Looking at all the special pieces I was able to snag makes me feel infinitely grateful for Emily and my job, plus I am so excited to play around with these gems in my home. A lot of them already have a permanent home and you’ll see them in my MOTO coming soon:). It’s hard to even pick out my favorites, but there are a few that I fell HARD for, especially after seeing them in my space. (P.S. A couple of those art pieces are from artists who sent in work to be featured in the book–Don’t worry we are going to do a big post with all of them coming soon:))


When Em held this checkerboard up and said “Who wants it??” I immediately screamed “ME!” and then followed up sheepishly with… “unless someone else wants it hahah…” But I felt like I needed it even though I wasn’t exactly sure where it would live in my MOTO. Right now, it’s styled on my coffee table, as a sort of makeshift tray and it looks very cool and brings in much-needed pattern (which y’all know I can’t get enough of). I can also see it leaned against a wall as art or even hung up in a gallery wall.


Next, these miniature lampshades are probably the coolest things that I now own. I am not sure where they will go yet, but I am playing with the idea of installing a double bulb sconce somewhere in my living room (maybe in my gallery wall). That said, I think they look kinda cool just stacked up like so, and could be styled on a shelf or bookcase. What do you think?

h&m – no longer available

I love the way these candlesticks look on my dining table because of the bulb shape and how they pull together all the black accents in my dining nook. I also think the modern shape juxtaposes quite nicely with the Eclectic granny-style I have going on.

You might think you’ve seen them before and you’re right! Here’s one way EHD has styled them in past projects:

Styling by jess bunge with assistance from velinda hellen | photo by sara ligorria-tramp | from: 4 ways to style that credenza for “real life”

You see, one of the greatest things about styling is how you can take the same piece and make it appear differently in different spaces Above, the candlesticks feel super modern amongst the abstract art and art deco pieces, but in my home they appear more dialed back and classic.

When I saw this portrait in the garage I almost couldn’t believe Em was giving it up. It’s a little beat up, sure, but the colors are gorgeous and it has a lot of soul. She is officially one of my favorite pieces on my gallery wall and I can’t wait to show you how she shines in my living room reveal, just as she does in the Atlanta project pictured above.


Guys. Okay. First off, this was the coolest opportunity at the most perfect time and I cannot believe the stars have aligned like this!! I know we’ve all already told you about how Emily is the most generous person ever, but I have to say it again because look! Look at all the amazing things she gave me (and there’s even more than this, this was just all I could drag into one photo). As you may know, I’m working on my studio apartment MOTO, and when I moved in a year ago, we had nothing but a mattress on the floor and zero furniture. Emily even let me borrow two lamps because there’s almost no recessed lighting in the place and we didn’t have any light fixtures yet. We’ve come a long way since then as we’re getting closer and closer to finishing this thing, but no way in hell would I be here without Emily’s generosity. So let me show you some things I snagged!!

large photo by stephanie vovas

GAH I’M FREAKING OUT THIS STUFF IS SO GOOD. Now let’s get into some details:

photo by david tsay for styled: secrets for arranging rooms, from tabletops to bookshelves

THIS LADY ART. I had seen this art in Em’s first book and I couldn’t stop looking at it. It’s SUCH a cool piece that demands your full attention, so it’s a great focal point in a room. The frame was not in awesome condition when I picked it up, so I took it to get reframed & VOILA! Good as new 🙂

This mirror from 54kibo has caught my eye for almost a year now. When Emily said, “HEY ANYONE WANT TO PUT THIS IN THEIR HOUSE AND SHOOT IT?” I screamed ME! But also Jess, Caitlin, & Ryann if you wanna borrow it for your shoots too lmk because this bad boy deserves to be photographed. Just look at her curves!!

Lastly, these guys I wanted to call out because they’re so special. I loved this quote (which is blown up HUGE) that’s by Leanne Ford. It feels so cool to have this piece of a quote from a designer I love that was given to me by another designer I love. THAT’S special. Then also this piece next to it is also amazing (there are two of them!!) and it totally reminded me of Angela Chrusciaki Blehm’s ribbon art (is it by her?? I don’t know but Angela, if you’re reading this lmk so I can give you proper credit!) Update: I found out it’s not from Angela, but from Kisco Print Shop!! This shop is such a find. Check them out because their prints are AMAZING!

Also this little black slinky thing on the right has a hilarious story that I must share. When I first started working at EHD we went shopping at the antique mall and Emily picked up this cool “vintage” slinky thing. She styled it out on a credenza and talked about how special it was and everyone commented that they had the same one from HOME GOODS. HAHA. I still love it so much and love the story behind it.

So what do you think? Do ya like my pile? I just have one more thing to say: THANK YOU EMILY!


Clearly, this was a dream come true (duh) but also oddly emotional (but that’s not surprising with me… I’m hereditarily very sappy so it’s par for the course). To be clear there were zero tears, just the knowledge that this was yet another closing of another awesome EHD chapter – Emily’s official LA departure. It’s getting real people! But there’s SO MUCH to look forward to so I happily took as many pretty pieces as possible (that made sense for me) because being surrounded by things that evoke happy memories is truly all that I want. Wanna see???

My heart rate skyrockets every time I look at this photo (and now when I see them spread throughout my home…so 24/7). So not only did I acquire an insane amount of styling gems that mean a ton to me but I am the only current member on the team who shares Em shoe size. WHAT??!!! I scored 9 pairs of extremely cute shoes that are about to hit these streets hard when it’s fully safe to do so. Watch out fellas! Anyway back to Sappy Jess, here are a few stand-out pieces I got and why they are special to me. 

First up is the giant bag of brass flatware. I know this may seem like a strange one but I remember going to Emily’s Glendale house for the first time and needing to get a fork or something from her kitchen. Now, prior to this, I was like all of you, a HUGE fan that had seen this home hundreds of times online. So to physically be in Emily Freaking Henderson’s home was beyond surreal. Then to top it off, she had the most beautiful brass flatware I had ever seen. To me, it was the peak of design to have every detail down to your spoon look chic AF. So while these pieces have been very well-loved, I jumped at the chance to get them into my kitchen. (Also they are very famous as they have been in countless EHD photoshoots. NBD)

I think it was in stars for this bowl and I to be in each other’s lives. Why? Well for our MOTO shoots we get to pull from the props to fill out our spaces. You might remember my old kitchen had A LOT of shelving space to fill. So per Emily Bowser’s suggestion, I did a self of neutral bowls but needed one more, one with some real soul. Enter this beauty! I was VERY sad to give it back after my shoot but them’s the breaks. So when I saw that Boss Emily as I call her to friends and family (as I am blessed with many amazing Emilys in my life) didn’t grab it for herself, I quickly snagged it and asked if she was sure she didn’t want it. It was a true happily ever after for Bowl and Bunge. 

My oh my, am I a HUGE fan of this artist. Stephanie Kurth, sent in a ton of her beautiful art to potentially be used in the book (you’ll have to buy the book to see:)). Since I wasn’t on the team organizing the book shoots, I wasn’t made aware of her work until recently. Well actually, Sara used one of her pieces that she put on top of her dining room bar cabinet which I loved but thought it was vintage. That’s how much soul is in her work! They almost look vintage!! I knew that I wanted to use this piece in my home but thought it would be another borrowing situation like the bowl. But now it’s not, it’s going to stay with me forever. I can’t get over how much I love it and all of you need to go check out her site now and get something for yourself. You will be as happy as I am, guaranteed. 

Now, I have something to say about literally every piece but you have lives and your time is precious so until my MOTO reveal I’ll stop here. Also THANK YOU, Em!


So, uh, SURPRISE – I’m doing a MOTO!! After two years of sitting in my apartment and treating it as a holding cell, everyone on the team was basically like, “hey dummy, you have a great space and a ton of pieces already, just finish it; you deserve to enjoy living somewhere instead of just waiting for the next place,” and BY GOLLY, THEY’RE RIGHT. Em had opened up the garage a few times for picking over the past year but I had never gone, so I went HARD (and Em graciously let me go twice, on Monday and Tuesday, to make sure I could find everything!) and I’m so excited by all the finds. Here goes: 

Basically, since our styles are so different, it was already pretty arbitrarily decided that I’d get anything pink, blue, copper, brass, OR anything with a super fun shape. I am still in disbelief that I got to bring home some Jane Denton pieces, because she’s an absolute favorite of mine. I also grabbed SO MANY more coffee table books than are pictured here – THANK YOU BOSS – in addition to some cups, which I’m ashamed to say that I literally did not own any until now. (I only have mugs, guys! WHY HAVE I WAITED TO BUY CUPS???) In any case, stay tuned because after two years of dragging my feet and some helpful encouragement from my stylish coworkers, my hereby-named ~disco deco~ apartment is coming to the blog this year 🙂 (You see that 70s lucite coffee table pushed outta the way to the right? There’s more where that came from!!). 

cb2 – no longer available

This hexagonal burl box is SO COOL and I wish it could say it was a super rare vintage piece, but it’s actually CB2! I love it a lot, though, because Jess was digging around when she found it and was like, “I loooove this,” before being like, “actually, I think you would love this, too, so you should have it” and then SHE GAVE IT TO ME. I know we all write a lot about how much we really love each other, but WOW, I really do love everyone at EHD 🙂 (and not just because they bribe me with burl boxes).

vintage coups | tray (similar)

I don’t know what these vintage aluminum cups are for (champagne? Dessert? Sticking your fingers in? Goblets for a Jetson? WHO KNOWS? Please advise!) but I love how special their shape is – the stems, in particular, are so beautiful to me because they almost look thumb-molded. I love, love, LOVE them – they were the first thing I grabbed for myself. (Actually, the first was that Schoolhouse lamp, but I knew I wanted that – these were my first dig find!) 


This is technically two pieces but it was a total kinder-egg style surprise! I saw a flash of copper through a ton of paper in a big box (I’m like a crow when it comes to shiny things) so I dove in, unwrapped, and FELL IN LOVE with this sweet shape and brass accents. But then, as if my newfound magical styling cauldron wasn’t enough, this tiny black dish with sweet pedestal feet was wrapped inside!!! I’ve missed the flea market SO MUCH and this find ignited all of those long-dormant dopamine receptors. I LOVE THEM.

So hopefully this post got you even more excited for the team’s MOTOs because I know I am! Now as I said at the beginning of the post they hardly made a dent… I know that seems impossible but it’s true. So after they were done I arranged for Pen & Napkin (remember the amazing folks from the charity rummage sale??) to come and get whatever they wanted which was basically everything else. The great news is they are planning on having another sale which means you can potentially get in on the prop garage goods too. We will for sure let you know more info when we have it.

Hope you all enjoyed this post and we are so curious to know what pieces you love most? Would you have fought for anything in particular??

Opener Image Credit: Design and Styling by Emily Bowser & Julie Rose for EHD | Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp| From: Reveal: A Budget and Rental-Friendly Living and Dining Room (With 80% Thrifted Finds)

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3 years ago

The aluminum cups (but are you sure they are in aluminium?) are for ice cream, is my guess 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Nancy

they’re by harvey aluminum (a company with a fun la history, i just learned, after falling down a real interesting google hole) and YUP, ice cream was my initial guess, too!!! that makes me feel better about my instincts. (also, if anyone wants to grab a matching set so we can be twins…

3 years ago
Reply to  Nancy

I have similar ones. They are ice cream cups! I use mine with my kiddos- makes everyone cream special!

3 years ago

What I love about this post and specifically the photos of each EHD lady’s haul is that is perfectly proves the timeless truth that if you simply collect things that you love, without worrying about whether they “match,” they will inherently look fabulous together. It’s fun to imagine each of you rooting around this enormous assortment of goodies, editing your choices down to a collection that represents your own personal and interesting sense of style, and I amused myself by deliberating over which person’s stash best reflects my own aesthetic. So fun!

Susan Zingkhai
3 years ago

Caitlin, I love the building print you got, the one in the middle of the 3 prints. Where is it from?

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan Zingkhai

they are by britt ford, a super talented gal! she has prints from cities all over the US (in addition to prints of NOT city things :)) in a ton of colorways and the embossing is even better in real life. already have been in contact with some framers because i can’t wait to get them on some walls!!

3 years ago

Thank you!

O. M. G. I am INSANELY jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!! so many things to say that my brain cannot focus. okay. here’s a list because that’s how i roll when i’m overwhelmed with too much commentary. 1. this is my dream of all dreams. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy don’t i live in L.A. and work for Emily Freaking Henderson???????????? 2. I would 1000000% call her Emily Freaking Henderson all the time because why not. 3. This feels so sad (and happy) like a real real closing of one big EHD chapter. 4. Ryann: Those candlesticks are soooooo good. 5. Mallory:Tthe picture, the slinky, the mirror. gahhhhh. love them. Okay, so that lady picture. i saw that in a home tour on some other design site years ago and it totally caught my attention. That is a major statement piece. soooo good. 6. Jess: I’m so happy for you that you got that bowl. it was fate. your picks are so pretty. love all the wood, and you have very lucky feet! I can’t believe you get a whole new shoe wardrobe. score! 7. Caitlin: OMG. OMG. OMG. your picks are my picks. we are soul sisters! that schoolhouse lamp. are you freaking kidding me?! how is… Read more »

3 years ago

LOL…. such a groupie-fun-as-comment, Lovely!!! 🤩

Reply to  Rusty

totally! i’m a total E.F.H. groupie! : )

3 years ago

AAHHH. this is SO FUN. I was there when they were there but I didn’t get to see all of their individual pics so its incredibly fun for me (and made me tear up). And fun fact about the Stephanie Vovas photograph – I LOVE it but I actually happen to now know the model/actress in it (we aren’t friends, but friends of friends) so once I knew her it became super weird to actually have a massive (and its huge) photograph of her in my house. its going to look AWESOME in Mal’s apartment. The adrenaline and saratonin that day was PUMPING.

3 years ago
Reply to  Emily

There is something hilariously aggressive about the idea of having a giant framed portrait of a casual acquaintance in your house.

Reply to  Emily

oh, yeah. i could see how that would be kinda weird. but its still such a great picture.

3 years ago

So jealous! You all scored some amazing pieces.

Note to self: Find a boss who lets you go through her storage and pick good stuff. 😉

3 years ago

no judgement here but I think I’m gonna need another picture of those pink hairy shoes… are they slippers?

3 years ago

This is amazing! I loved seeing what each of you got — so lucky! And seeing some ways different pieces have been styled over the years. Spent way more time poring over the pictures this morning than I intended 😉 Yay Emily and team!

3 years ago

Feeling dumb, but what is a MOTO? You all used the term and I have no idea what it refers to…

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

makeover takeover 🙂

3 years ago

Make-Over Take-Over 🙂 we’ve been saying it for years (ginny and brady were the first) so we forget its not like a normal word. xx

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Agreed! Spelling it out upon first reference with the abbreviation in parenthesis would be super helpful. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

YES! This would have been much more enjoyable to read if I hadn’t been constantly thinking, WTF is MOTO?

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Omg THANK YOU for putting me out of my MOTO misery! I’ve been searching the site for 30 mins with increasing rage and shame that I didn’t know what it meant! The relief is palpable.

3 years ago

I’m old; what does MOTO mean? Makeover of Their Own? I guess I missed that somewhere, but now I need to know so I can use it correctly and convince people that I’m still hip…

3 years ago
Reply to  Candice

makeover takeover! but your read is VERY good 🙂

3 years ago

This was all so great! Also let’s just say that from now on we will assume everything you do will be very very safe with masks and everything and you will wait to do other things to till it’s safe to do so 😉

3 years ago

A group of about 12 friends of mine do a “giving table” once a year – we all bring stuff we no longer use and take stuff we think we will. It is as fun as Emily described.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

I know some ladies that do that with clothes, but they’re a bit older and not my vibe… byt your idea for non-clothing things sounds great!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

Yes, I used to do massive clothing swaps with my friends and their friends when we were in our twenties and it was great fun, but it only works if people are roughly the same size and have at least somewhat similar aesthetics. A housewares-and-art swap would be much more inclusive.

3 years ago

I love seeing what everyone picked! It really feels like what another commenter said – if you only pick out things that you really love they will go together (plus listening to what each house says. Julia from Chris Loves Julia was just talking about this, about how part of decorating is listening to what an individual house wants or needs based on its style. I have definitely seen what Emily has focused on design-wise change from the Glendale house to the Tudor house, based partly on the house itself.) It is interesting to see how everyone picked out their favorites, and each collection does feel cohesive to itself.

This makes me really want to go thrifting this weekend! I don’t have any connections to someone with amazing props in their garage, but maybe I will find something too!

3 years ago

Thanks for the vicarious treasure hunt! That was so fun!

3 years ago

Gah. Love this post, it’s just so fun to see the pretty, fun things from over the years that everyone was able to get!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jillian

Thank you! It was so surreal and so awesome!

3 years ago

How lucky are you all!!??!!
I’d prob have chosen similar things to Jess’s hoard. I can’t walk past a great vessel.
I’m even more excited to see the MOTOs now!!!
Spesh waiting on Sara’s kitchen and Jess’s living room!🤩

3 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

I know. I stared at Jess’s hoard for a LONG time and it made me feel so happy. So many of those pieces I would absolutely buy again. Also Emily B. Sara and Velinda all came the next day and got a ton more good stuff, too 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

I’m so flattered! I also clearly can’t walk past a vessel:)

I promise it’s coming! The ordering has begun. Lead times are really crazy right now so the plan is summer.

3 years ago

Okay I’m really jealous of the cauldron thingies. Those are so my style. But a lot of great finds all around!

3 years ago

ohmygosh Jess you SCORED with all those shoes.
i’m embarrassed to say my skin was tingling when i saw your hoard hahahahh

also Mallory your choices look so perfect for your studio design concept. Can’t wait to see that beautiful cane furniture piece in your MOTO! lol using EHD acronyms

3 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

SERIOUSLY!!! I still can’t believe it.

3 years ago

So, now that the prop closet is no more, will the team not be doing any more styling (post-RONA)?

3 years ago
Reply to  alexa

O don’t worry we will still be having fun shoots:)

3 years ago

OMG – I have been wanting that black slinky thing ever since I first saw it styled out. FROM HOME GOODS?!?!? I still want it!

3 years ago
Reply to  KS

If you find more than one let me know!

3 years ago

All these pieces went to the right homes; total design nerds who will love them and style them and … did I already say “love them”? because they will!
So looking forward to seeing these treasures in their homes and on her feet. Imagine being lucky enough to have Emily’s shoe size. For future reference, what IS that size anyway? Just in case I’m around when she’s ready to cut loose another pile of cute shoes? I’m size 8 (fingers crossed).

3 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

Em is a true 7 and I’m a 7/7.5. There was one pair that didn’t work that made me bummed but I also got SO many great ones that I am NOT complaining:)

Lilli Keinaenen
3 years ago

I miss thrifting so much, haven’t really been in over a year. This gave me all the feels of discoveries, from the safety of my own home. 100% if anyone goes back there, can we please have a video shot of what it looks like in there and the actual rummaging and discovery? I need the serotonin. Ok thx!

3 years ago

And did the “antique french string holder” that turned out to be Pottery Barn (I think?) make it into the give away pile? Asking for a friend. Love the back story on that one.

3 years ago

I bought that 54kibo mirror after it was recommended here and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It’s a unique piece in that although the color of the wood finish doesn’t match or “go” with literally anything else in the room we have it in, it somehow still totally works? Anyway thrilled it has found a new home 🙂

3 years ago

Everyone should have a boss like Emily. Thanks for sharing the loot!

3 years ago

Ryann, I can’t wait to see what you do with the M.Quan ceramic bell! If I could choose only one thing from all the items Emily so generously gifted, it would be that gorgeous piece. Wow, this was fun!

3 years ago

Shoes and Jane Denton pieces!

thanks for the thrift-shopping thrill <3

3 years ago

What a refreshing blog post – thank you everyone for sharing. I particularly liked Jess’ selection – the wooden utensils and that fab bowl – they make me feel warm and comfortable inside! Moving is a cathartic experience and it’s a great chance to change your lifestyle. When we moved my wife went through everything and discarded everything that we hadn’t looked at/used/goneoff, and put it on our local Freegle site. It was great to see things being appreciated by folks who popped in and it was all being used again. I love all things natural, beautiful and useful and it’s not often I read something so heartwarming. As a maker of hand made wares from wood i love to think of these natural things gaining there place through history and gaining the patina of day to day wear. The things Ryann ‘snagged’ – I love your use of that word, here in UK it simply means catching your clothes on a prickly bush or caught up in a spiders web! I’m going to use it more!! I agree the little portrait is brilliant – somehow tranquille and encouraging – a picture you will see every day and it’ll bring… Read more »

3 years ago

You inspire me ENDLESSLY!!! Not just your style, but your heart! Thankful for you and this space you’ve made.

3 years ago

Caitlyn, I think the silver clips are for granita. At least they look very similar to the ones I inherited from my grandparents cafe in Sicily.

Kelly P
3 years ago

I absolutely loved this post. I was grinning from ear to ear like a weirdo as I totally shared in the joy each of you felt in receiving such amazing things. This is my absolute DREAM – it’s like super market sweep but with stuff I’d actually REALLY, REALLY want! Emily is very, very kind and generous and it warms my heart to know how much she gives. I know you know this, but you’re so lucky to have a boss like her.

3 years ago

Do you know where that brown leather chair in the back left corner of the room in the top image is from?? We had one of those in my house growing up and I have been looking for one like it for years!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jill

It’s a vintage siesta chair! They are so so comfortable. Good luck xx

3 years ago

“I’m like a crow when it comes to shiny things” HAHAHAHA Caitlin you are a gem Xx