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My Dream Dorm Room

It’s ‘Back to College’ time and while I loved my experience the first time around, I was psyched when Target asked me to create some dorm room content for them using the new Room Essential line. But of course a few cute vignettes with product wouldn’t do, we like to go all out here and really tell a story with any sponsored post. So welcome to my college bedroom, if I were at school in 2017 … in New York. My college experience was a typical Pac-10 (U of O) situation and I sadly never lived in the dorms. My fantasy was (obviously) Felicity, yes the early aughts show set in New York. So Brady, who was helping me with my dorm design was tasked to watch all 5 seasons as research to really ‘get me’. He failed at that task, but nonetheless created the coolest dorm room with Target’s new line, for me (and my best friend, Felicity.)

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 14

It’s cool, creative and affordable. If this is “me” then I want to be me so bad.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 1

We were moving offices the week we shot this but our new one was PERFECT as the set, so we scrambled to shoot this here. It is very industrial, urban loft – like the one Ben and Sean shared together, where their rent would have been $6k.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 22

Let’s start with the bigger moments – that mood board and inspiration wall which we pulled together after we found some inspiration from this beautiful wall. While of course we had to buy some magazines to make it happen, most of what you see up there came from clippings we already had. That larger cactus was printed from Jenny’s Print Shop (as well as a few other images you see up there).

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 42

We started in the middle and built it out, layering anything that felt edgy but with some femininity. We added polaroids, quotes, flyers, postcards, photo strips, anything that made us smile in some way. It’s affordable, so easy and such high impact.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 13

The bed is a super inexpensive DIY that we think is more interesting than a basic bed plus it has added function. While nobody was psyched to carry 16 cinder blocks up the stairs (thank you Erik!!) they created a very cheap solid base, with inexpensive pine planks as the frame. A twin bed is typically 39″ wide, so we cut the planks to have 12″ on both side, with the overage to be used as nightstands. The planks were about $10 each and we used 7 of them, and then the cinder blocks were $1 each and we used 18 of them. We sourced both from our local hardware store.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 29

On one side is a little lamp and clock and on the other is for book storage.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 44

Hilariously I pulled out all my books from college (they were at a friend’s for 5 years and I recently picked them up) so there is a lot of Dostoevsky, Paul Auster, Delillo and Nietzche. I used to be super smart, folks. The internet has essentially ruined my need for good literature and I now mostly read whatever huge blockbuster type that I can’t put down, and that ain’t Pynchon.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 16

The headboard is an adorable/genius concoction that Brady (my dorm designer, duh) came up with. It’s a body pillow and two leather straps with knobs.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 35

He bought the two 50″ leather straps online from Amazon and punched a hole through both ends to allow the bolt to feed through it, the body pillow from Target and then screwed them into the wall using two Brass Cabinet Knobs from Target. Full disclosure that they are far more secure going into drywall than brick, but since this was a temporary set it worked for us without anchoring it. If you have a brick wall then Brady tells me you could pre-drill some plastic anchors into the wall and then screw your knobs into those. I also learned from this project that you can turn any cabinet knob into a wall hook by using what Brady called a “hanger bolt“. The hanger bolt screws into the back of the knob and then allows the knob to screw into the wall (or brick wall in our case). Let us know if you want a full DIY of the bed and headboard combo and if enough of you request it then we could pull together all the steps into one post for you. Now back to the rest of the tour.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 37

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 36

Let’s check out the other side of my rad pad. You know what cool-girl post-millennial Emily would never say? ‘Rad Pad’. Heck, even Xennial Emily has never uttered those words. It’s up there with “She-Shed”.

Here’s the other side of my room:

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 15

I have my little butterfly chair reading nook, wardrobe and desk. The only things in the room that aren’t target are the DIY bed and that fur throw. The cement floor was looking pretty cold and this is in Birdie’s room so we went and added it to help with the shots. The rug underneath is from Target but not out til fall and it’s soooooo good.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 30

I love that wardrobe and have kept it in my office for fashion shoots. It’s simple and super functional. Post-millenial Emily wears a lot of color and is super into tiny purses (round one from

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 32

These little modern shelves are the perfect make-shift vanity for a small room. Remember that when you don’t have a lot of real estate in a room, you can always utilize your walls for storage. These hanging shelves are perfect for jewelry and makeup.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 17

The desk and chair are small scale, but great function. I love that chair and it’s such a great price. We clustered that photo and clip boards above to create a mini eclectic gallery wall. Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 18 Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 20

Lastly let’s talk bedding, as these throw pillows are impossibly cute.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 28

The big one with huge black pom poms is ridiculous, the pink/gray with tassels is so cute and the hi/bye one adds that typographic touch. We used simple bedding like that pink quilt and yellow striped throw and a small patterned sheet set to make it feel layered, but not too busy with the wall.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 4

There I am, listening to Death Cab For Cutie and journaling (I literally have no idea what a cool 18 year old is listening to so I inserted my favorite band at the time). I had a pretty darn great college experience but my room was never as cool as this. Granted the brick wall, cement floor and black casement windows and doors are certainly helping the look, everything in this room can be done on a budget, with some DIY and a lot of Target.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 12

Eighteen year old Emily looks at home here and definitely ready to do a lot of creative expression. I obviously dressed young for this shoot and while I probably wouldn’t typically wear that bright of a sweatshirt I have to say that dressing like I was 18 was super fun and I indeed did look and feel so much younger.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 7

Which got me to thinking, why don’t I at least try to dress a little more youthful? I actually loved my hair in the half top knot (Brian was VERY confused, and literally asked ‘what is that?’ when I got home). Wearing a bright lip and choker did make me feel fun and trendy. I’m trying to schedule a shoot this week where I style out 4 different ‘Millenial Emily” budget outfits- what I would really buy/wear if I was going back to college, could dress trendier and had a small budget. It was honestly so fun to be a younger version of myself.  I’m also binging the show Younger right now so dressing a little more youthful is certainly on the brain. Let me know if that sounds like a fun post or a little try-hard?

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Back To School Boho Eclectic Collage Wall Rocker Chic Musician Artistic Cinderblock Bed Leather Strap Headboard Diy 2

If you are into the look here is everything in the room that we used although 99% of it is from Target’s “Back to College” collection. Let us know if you have any questions on the room in the comments, and how you feel about “My Back to College” room.

Emily Henderson Target Dorm Room Cool Hip Dyi Get The Look1

1. Oversized Pom Throw Pillow | 2. Pink Colorblock Square Pillow | 3. Hi/Bye Pillow | 4. Table Lamp | 5. Metal Mesh Globe Light Set | 6. Gold Knob | 7. Leather Straps | 8. Body Pillow | 9. Clock | 10. Artificial Round Cactus | 11. Sheet Set | 12. Throw Blanket | 13. Pink Quilt | 14. Blue Rug (similar, Target rug available in Fall)| 15. Sheepskin Rug | 16. Abstract Art | 17. Butterfly Chair | 18. Shaggy Pouf | 19. Globe Table Lamp | 20. DYI Letter Light Box | 21. Orange Tassel Necklace | 22. Three Leaf Cactus Artificial Plant | 23. Cactus Print | 24. Geode | 25. Round Wall Hanging | 26. Clip Frame | 27. Headphones | 28. Record Player | 29. Desk | 30. Chair | 31. Coffee Mug | 32. Peace Hand Bookend | 33. Desk Lamp Organizer | 34. Notebook | 35. Square Metal Decorative Wall Mirror | 36. Square Wall Shelf | 37. Single Rod Garment Rack | 38. Pom Pom Purse | 39. Sunglasses | 40. Bootie | 41. Gold Tassel Necklace | 42. Blue Tassel Necklace | 43. Backpack | 44. Sandal | 45. Large Wood Frame Planter | 46. Medium Wood Frame Planter | 47. Artificial Plant in White Pot

In case you missed my recent advice for college students click through HERE, and in the meantime here is a little how to video of how the space came together.

***Photos by Sara Tramp

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7 years ago

I have a love/hate relationship with the show Felicity. It ran while I was in college and my name is Felicity. People thought I was some crazed fan who had changed her name. That would have all been easier to take if I had had a room this cool to hide in. 😉

7 years ago

Love the fun ideas! I definitely tried to decorate my dorm room as best I could to make it seem a little more homey, but never looked this nice. (Although, as you say, the nice windows and brick wall help a lot.) Also, I found that at least a decent number of schools limit how much of the wall you can cover with photos, posters, magazine pages, etc. for fire hazard reasons, so we couldn’t do a whole magazine wall. 🙁

7 years ago

I think your dorm room looks great in photos, but (to me) everything looks too cluttered and dirty. There’s just too much STUFF everywhere.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Agree. I shared my beige cinder blocked dorm room with a roommate and for the first time in my life I was a neat freak. I didn’t like to share so clean surfaces were key.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

I think this is really realistic though! Usually, you don’t even get this much space and you have to cram your entire (personality-filled) life into (usually) half of a room. I think they did a great job keeping it stylish, yet having everything in there that a dorm room would have. There really isn’t a lot of excess. The collage wall is fabulous and something any dorm-liver would do!

7 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

I think they deliberately went with a lot of stuff. The room is partly aspirational, especially because the bare bones of the room are beautiful, but if it was minimalist it would have felt like it wasn’t a student living there at all.

P. S. Emily, it may be with a college budget in mind, but I love seeing these super frugal AND time-conscious ideas/solutions for small budgets in general. Especially the cinderblock bed and pillow headboard.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

that’s the aesthetic of dorm life. mine was even more cluttered since i shared a room about this size with another person. i don’t think it looks dirty though.

7 years ago

YES to the Felicity references–Even if I was married/in law school at during its prime. It was my fav!

7 years ago

Plllleeeeaaaaasssseeeee do a post on the Brady headboard. That is the coolest thing ever and would be perfect in rooms where you don’t want to spend the money for a headboard but still want the look of one. Plus leaning back on something cozy sounds so inviting. LOVE this idea. Go Brady.
Also, think the idea of 4 looks sounds terrific. Could inspire all of us to change up a few things.
Finally, I’m headed to Target today to buy those black shelving units. So cool

7 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

Let us know what questions you have about the headboard that wasn’t in the copy and we can help you figure it out. I don’t think we will do a post about it since its explained above, but if need any help let us know!

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I have seen a few commenters saying they would like the full post on the headboard, as would I. I also saw comment with a similar idea/question to mine. Could you do this with two or three stacked body pillows, but do only one set of knobs at the top, or would it be too heavy for the anchors, Brady? Mainly why I want the post is to see detailed pictures of how you put it together. Words are good, but I’m a much better visual learner.

7 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

Yes headboard post please! Want to know exactly what hardware to buy and what it looks like. Steps would be great too! Thank you!

7 years ago

I’m too old to be thinking about adorable dorm rooms (though I enjoyed looking at it and I’m seriously interested in that butterfly chair). However, where is the striped teeshirt in the last picture from. That, I could wear.

7 years ago
Reply to  Caro

HA. all from Target 🙂 Everything I wore, I’ll link it up!

7 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Yes, teeshirt please!

Abby W.
7 years ago
Reply to  Caro

I have that striped shirt from Target and I LOVE it!! I wear it to my (kinda) grown up teaching job all the time!

the cape on the corner
7 years ago

that head board actually really is genius for this particular space. go brady! felicity…i started out watching it (b/c it was immediately after something i watched…was it buffy? dawson?) but then quickly lost interest.

Chelsa l Caruso
7 years ago

I’m obsessed with this dorm room. Ugh it makes me want to be in College or at least be like 20 again. You nailed it as always!! Love you’re work.

7 years ago

So cool! Love it! Even though this looks like the dorm Felicity would have, in real life most dorms sleep two, have cinder block walls, poor natural light, come with twin beds, small desks, and tiny built-in closets. However, you have provided many usable decorative ideas. I’ll share this with my college-bound friends. Fun post!

7 years ago
Reply to  Susan

How long have you been out of college, Susan? My sons graduated ten+ years ago and even then their dorms and student apartments were so cool. College is Big Business and they make MONEY having the kids live on campus. So they are definitely upping their game and making the housing less Brutalist and more modern/fun!

7 years ago
Reply to  Cynthia

My son just graduated and his freshman year dorm had lofted twin beds over desks, two small bureaus and that was it! No room for anything else but the tiny fridge!

It seems like some schools offer different room options now, so you can pay for an “upgrade” to a more luxurious dorm room or suite, or keep costs down with the standard small room.

Reply to  Katie

I had one of the “upgraded” dorms for a couple years and it was still pretty bleak, just a little larger than the other dorms. Working with the dorm furniture was the hardest part: lofted bed, tragic desk + closet situations.

7 years ago

oooh, i love this look! My wall in my dorm looked like this and I kind of want to do something similar somewhere in my home, but I wonder if that’s too cheap.
Love the headboard idea

7 years ago

I really like college Emily’s style. I totally wear bright stuff all the time – and I’m almost 46. I also feel much younger when wearing brighter colors. It doesn’t haven’t have to be “young” as in teeny-bopper, just age appropriate choices. Wear a bright/ patterned skirt, but not a mini. Stuff like that.

7 years ago
Reply to  CAT

I totally agree. I’ve actually made a huge shift since this post. I have barettes in my hair today and not in a way that looks like i’m 5, just like 23 🙂

7 years ago

The shows Younger and Felicity are some of my absolute favorites. I binged watched Younger and now have to wait patiently until the new shows come out each week. I lived at home while I was in college but this makes me want to go back in time and do it all over while living on campus!

7 years ago
Reply to  Priya

I’m binging now! Only on season 2. I think that people aren’t watching it because the font is TERRIBLE. The marketing of it looks like a parody of “millenial” when its actually really great.

7 years ago

I don’t know. I like this post – I found it interesting, and the DIY stuff was also interesting, even though I’m not personally very DIY-oriented. However, some of the products have negative reviews on For example, the large black and white pom pom pillow was exactly what I was looking for, but the reviews say the poms fall off and leave black fuzz everywhere and are not okay even for light use. Le sigh. I’d have preferred if most of the items in this post had better reviews on Target (not sure if this would’ve been possible while still using only Target items).

7 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I don’t agree with them as I have that pillow and love it. It’s so big and graphic …

7 years ago

I’d love to know what adhesive you used to hang the photos/clippings on the brick wall – I just moved into an apartment with lots of exposed brick and nothing will stick! Thanks!

7 years ago
Reply to  Danni

we just used masking tape!

Katie Slonim
7 years ago

YES i want a DIY for the headboard. YES i want a millennial-Emily post. and YES this post is super fun. I could stare at that wall for hours!

7 years ago

Yes to the “How To Make a Fabulous Pillow Headboard” post!

7 years ago

Ha that little video is too cute! I said it the first time but I’ll say it again that outfit is too cute on you! I get that you’d probably not wear that sweatshirt but I could see you wearing the same base pieces with say a navy, grey or hunter green sweatshirt in the same shape and it looking just as fab!!

When ever you’re ready to do the dressing younger I’d love to know about those jeans and stripped top, or if any commenter knows please fill me in!

I wish my college experience looked this cool, ha!

7 years ago
Reply to  MelissaB

Also I’m totally making my husband do that headboard when it’s time to nurse #2 because our low wood bed frame headboard is no bueno for baby nursing and snuggles!

Brady for the win! (as always!)

Abby W.
7 years ago
Reply to  MelissaB

The striped shirt is from Target, and it’s the best!

7 years ago
Reply to  Abby W.

Okay I spent a silly amount of time trying to find that stripped shirt online today and couldn’t – anyone know a link or the label so I can narrow the search?

7 years ago

YES! I would love to see your budget friendly take on “millennial” fashion!!!

7 years ago

I’m obsessed with that DIY headboard!!! SOOO smart! It would look nice to have two body pillows on top of each other (maybe each with its own straps?) if you had a larger size bed. Thanks for the inspiration!!

7 years ago

OOH agreed ..

7 years ago

such a fun post. I like the millennial Emily post idea! we could all use a little levity, at least I know I could. could you let us know how you stuck the magazine clippings to the wall?

7 years ago

Pretty, practical and timely post! My oldest daughter heads off to college in a week. We are heading out to Target today or tomorrow and having you highlight a few cute things helps me focus.
Also, the headboard really caught my eye. A full post about it would be useful. While you are at it, please show me the basics of hanging things on the wall. I would love to be more confident about hanging things on the wall. My current system of patiently waiting for my husband isn’t working very well. (I should probably be embarrassed about my lack of picture hanging skills.) Thank you!

7 years ago

LOVE everything here. Great inspiration for my new teenagers room re-design!

And yes to the outfit post!

7 years ago

I love love love that mirror with the built-in shelf! I think I’m going to use that in my powder room! This was awesome, thx!

7 years ago

I’m laughing so hard at Brian’s response to your half-top knot. I’ve been doing my hair like this, even though it feels a little young, why not try to look cute and fun, especially on the weekends??
And Younger is the BEST SHOW! The costumes! The NYC scenery! The Nico Tortorella! <3

7 years ago

I loved everything about this post. The bed is super smart and you could definitely paint/stain the wood or cinder blocks to personalize it if you wanted. College me definitely wants to live here.

My favorite thing though is the random tip about the “hanger bolts”! Where was this info 2 years ago when I was looking for cute knobs for my entry way?! I found some I liked eventually, but I would have had a bazillion options if I had known about those bolts! I feel like this has changed my life – definitely going to remember for the future!

7 years ago

Why was decorating a dorm so much more fun than decorating my own house? Maybe because there was so much less pressure to make the room look perfect and you could change your mood board every week if you wanted?

And, yes, we absolutely must have that pillow tutorial!

7 years ago

Makes me wish I had a daughter, in addition to the son I have, to send off to college. You guys are hitting it out of the park for Target. And you look adorable.

7 years ago
Reply to  Victoria

Thank you 🙂 It’s a VERY fun job. xx

7 years ago

I think I need that rug! Define “Fall.”

7 years ago
Reply to  Erica

September 19th. So much good stuff coming out, folks. xx

7 years ago

I really, really LOVE how this blog is experimenting with different styles lately. If you had told me “EH dorm room”, I’d never, ever have expected this. No blue ! What a surprise – and a fantastic one at that !! This blog has felt unequal to me, sometimes hitting rock bottom (that trash bag post), sometimes staying as cool as ever (your houses, the Californian cool and style posts in general), but lately, I felt like the direction it’s taking is one I’m on board with. Creative as hell, fun and mature. I recognize the Emily behind it all, but not in a standardized, stereotypical way. Need I say I check the blog with a renewed interest each day ? Like another commenter, my college room was when I realized I hated cleaning and went for the minimalistic look. For some reason I’ve always hated collage walls, but that one… wow. The bones of the room certainly help. I had a dreary, washed out pastel green room, and the walls were solid concrete so you could not put a nail in them. I had plants, books and a beautiful tea set and called it a day. On a side… Read more »

7 years ago

This is super cute. I love the bed idea but i am pretty sure i would have to wrap the entire thing in pool noodles because my shins would be a mess! This looks is definitely better suited to some one who reads those super smart books, and doesn’t stay out too late misbehaving! haha!

7 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

Pool noodles! ha. Maybe upholster them with fabric.

My dorm was so small with no A/C, but we had a big cork board which I had to lean against the wall since we were not allowed to nail or drill into the walls. Poster foam adhesive was it.

Ashley R
7 years ago

I wish my room had looked this awesome when I was in college! Where were you when I needed you 13 years ago? ? I’d love to see a post on dressing younger in a way that doesn’t look like you’re trying too hard. I don’t want to embarrass myself anymore than usual.

7 years ago

DIY headboard tutorial pretty please with a cherry ? on top!

7 years ago

I love this post too. Love the room, love your outfit. i was totally inspired to try wearing a striped shirt under a sweatshirt after seeing this! I always love your fashion posts because I love fashion but I’ve never really related to any (different budget and style) before this one.

7 years ago

I would love to see millennial Emily’s style!

Kelly Ruiten
7 years ago

Emily, this room is simply darling! Unfortunately it is highly impractical for today’s dorm living. My daughter lives in the dorms and she does not have the option to use anything more than command strips to hang anything on the walls. This is true of most dorms, and that eliminates most of the things that you attached to the walls. I loved the collage wall!

7 years ago

Loving that rug!! I know you said it’s not out until the Fall, but when it does come out could you let us know? I hope it will be available in 8×10! This whole post was really fun and useful!

patricia blaettler
7 years ago

I just sent my daughter off to school. We went shopping with a certain color scheme in mind and found the PERFECT accent pillows at Target. It was a home run; colors, textures, patterns, size. They were just right. The new home decor sections at Target are very attractive and have cool stuff. They are more centered in the store and are a large area, as opposed to just straight aisles. Very nice.

7 years ago

As a millennial on a budget, I’m v. into the budget wardrobe post. Can’t wait for that blue Target rug!

Anna M. McDavid
7 years ago


I identify with this post on a spiritual level. As a 30-something creative in a relaxed office environment, it’s hard to find a cute wardrobe that feels fresh, but also says I Came to Slay, Bitch.

I l o v e the styling of this shoot, and I can’t wait to see your millennial wardrobe post. I agree with you, dressing younger makes you feel lighter and more relevant, and I hope that the fashion world sees this void that we’re trying to fill that’s budget friendly.

7 years ago

I want to be your friend, Anna! SUCH A FUN COMMENT TO READ! Makes me happy that Emily gets to read it too!

7 years ago

I share in your love for Younger and Death Cab for Cutie! As a millennial myself, I feel like a post about what you would buy if you were a millennial is way too try-hard, as you put it. I think it’d be best to think about who your blog’s demographic is – your readers are here to hear about interior design and maybe your fashion on occasion. I doubt many are seeking tips on how to dress like a 20 year-old from someone way outside of that age bracket, although there might be some entertainment factor. The internet is crawling with actual millennials’ fashion blogs, and very few of them have the ability to style a room like you do!

7 years ago
Reply to  Ginny

I would love to head her fashion. I can not relate to the other posts you may be referencing, but I could learn a lot from Emily. I consider her fashion post, styling posts. She is either styling a person or a room. They are a perfect fit to be.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ginny

As a millennial I agree with this a thousand times. It’s really try hard. I’m not wanting you to be my age or make fun of my age. Please be you. I don’t love your fashion posts (I’m here for interiors!), but I still read them. If you did a millennial fashion post it would amuse non-millennials, but turn off the younger demographic.

7 years ago

EMILY! What a cute post. Can you PLZZZZ share where the “Life is short…” poster comes from?!

7 years ago
Reply to  Jordan


7 years ago

I had a few different dorm rooms in college and a college apartment. I had the collage wall in my first dorm with lots of photos from W magazines that I found laying around. I also had a super ugly plastic shelf in that first dorm room that I still have in my basement pantry 20+ years later It’s terrible but it seems that mice can’t climb it which keeps my extra pasta safe in case of mouse intrusion. I actually did have a brick wall in my second dorm room but it was kind of gross ’70s brick but I hung a giant flag on one wall using sticky back velcro.

College is a time to experiment, even with decorating so I think it’s okay if it sometimes looks a little tacky or messy. I like posts like this to remind us all to to try something new occasionally.

7 years ago

Kudos, Brady and Emily! I love that rug and the whole bed design is genius. Thanks for incorporating BOOKS! Now the clothes… I know that robe on the far left isn’t from Target and I WANT IT!! I also love the sandals you’re sporting. Are they comfy?

Paige Flamm
7 years ago

Pretty sure the massive picture wall is totally a dorm room essentail! It was in mine!


7 years ago

Hi Emily, I loved your articles and the tips for the home. Certainly the organization of our home influences positively in our life, and I also speak a little about this subject in this article
Loved it!

7 years ago

This might be the most fabulous room I have ever seen! Wowza! I love it and I want to redo life with this one. I ordered the framed canvas and the banana notebook, cuz….I couldn’t NOT get something. and yes, the bed is genius!

I’d love fun FASHION for youth. At the very least, I’d get to get my daughter some stuff and look cool.

I’m hope hope hoping you’d consider a fashion post for a different body type, namely pear. You look SO good, but u know most won’t work for me.

Love all that you do. THANK YOU.

7 years ago

Love it all! Want to see the outfits too!

7 years ago

I love you, but you look insane

Lizaber Sanchez
7 years ago

This post was pure fun! So light-hearted and free, just like things were when I was going to university!
Good memories! Thanks!

Lizabeth Sanchez
7 years ago

My name is really Lizabeth

7 years ago

That headboard! Brady is a genius.