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Rethinking Gretchen’s Grand Kitchen DIY Plans/Living Room Layout Thanks To Your Great Suggestions! (Come See The New Options!)

Everything comes back to perspective–and sometimes you just gotta zoom out. Consider the perspective on my initial kitchen design officially zoomed.

A few weeks ago, I shared a somewhat ambitious and definitely out-of-the-box plan for my kitchen/living space, and in turn, you all shared with me some wonderful perspectives too! Seriously. Ideas, questions, and proposals abounded in the comment section and I’ve been eating up every word since!

Shockingly, not all of you were on board with me building a half-wall to enclose my kitchen island so I could mount a TV on the opposite side, thus facing my couch toward the kitchen in my should-be dining room–STRANGE! Seems like a pretty straightforward design tactic if you ask me…

Jokes aside, I was very inspired with all of your space-planning suggestions and kindness in sharing them with me in my last post. If you don’t know what I’m talking about re: kitchen island half-wall, you can read all about it in The Great Foot Fiasco of ’24.

But I’ll give you the CliffsNotes; I am in the midst of giving a “renter-friendly” refresh to my kitchen. I had a crazy idea to realize a new space by building a half-wall against the back of the kitchen island, so I could mount a Frame TV to it and place my sofa against the long blank wall, facing it. Many loved the idea and many weren’t so sure, suggesting a variety of potentially better ideas in the comments. So today I’ll be aiming to explore, dissect, and test out your ideas and my new ones so that we can get to the bottom of this layout conundrum together!!

By open-concept default, the surrounding living area has now come into play. On the kitchen front, my updates include slapping a wood-look contact paper onto the walls, swapping out hardware, and planning for a future double boob light cover-up. But on the living room front…

The flow of the room is quite puzzling. With entrances and large windows front and back, my biggest problem as of late is finding a spot for my current sofa, which is too big to go anywhere obvious and still function to entertain people (namely, me when I want to plop down in front of the TV).

The Bird’s Eye View And The Pieces I’m Working With:

Here we see a poorly planned apartment in the wild. There are only two ways to enter the jungle and the path most traveled is to the right. The animals (furniture) which inhabit this landscape, have migrated from my last apartment and remain here in limbo until they settle down in their new home. Some will survive. Some will not. (Feel free to read that in a British accent to yourself)

Thinking about buying new, better furniture (while probably the easier move) stresses me out some. At least for right now! I am still new to this place, slowly getting to know her and all her quirks. And as you’ll soon figure out, I often dream up wild plans, changing my mind a lot along the way. It’s better for me to start with what I have than to regret an impulse purchase for a fast solution. I prefer funky, clever, handmade fixes whenever possible. Plus, I’ve really come to love a lot of the pieces I’ve collected over the years!

But in these drawings, some furniture pieces stick around and others have left the chat to make some of these layouts work better. Ideally, the end result at least includes the huge sofa (for now), my favorite round, blue chair, and my Danish credenza. The thought of parting with the other pieces does pain me, but something’s gotta give to make it all work. So let’s get into it.

When I First Moved In, I Lived In This Layout:

And I didn’t like it. Granted, two clunky chairs are not the best fit for making a space like this work. But I didn’t enjoy just how “on display” my TV was and how I’d have to situate myself to watch it. Eliminating a chair would leave me enough room for a dining zone, but honestly, this one just doesn’t feel like me. It’s too easy.

For The Last Month Or So I’ve Been Living In This Layout:

The big TV sits on a bench, pressed against the island so I can imagine what the eventual half-wall will feel like. My chairs and credenza are hanging out in what is left of the “living room” space, eventually, potentially becoming the dining area. While I’ve had no issue facing my kitchen to curl up with a show at night, some of you questioned me on this one. I get it.

Sofa Facing Kitchen:

Reasons I like this:

  1. I just do.
  2. I love that my double doors can open into the now living room, letting in a cool breeze as I nap on the couch. Dreamy!
  3. The half wall would create a sort of backsplash for when I’m in the kitchen, hiding some tabletop appliances and general mess.
  4. Building this would hopefully make the island feel more intentionally designed AND cover up the ugly, purposeless cut corners of the counter. (Ignore the angled mock-up. After the comment review I will definitely be going 90º on the corners, if I go this route…)
  5. There’s still enough room to face a chair toward the sofa to create a conversation area
  6. And enough room to squeeze in a dining table, bench, and chairs for those game nights and friend dinners.

Reasons I don’t like this:

  1. My beloved credenza doesn’t have a spot here unless I shift the sofa a bit or size down the dining area.

Six to one on the pro/con scale is pretty compelling, but so were your new ideas!! So we keep on playing.

Here are a few more layout options and some ramblings on why they may or may not work.

The Wall:

If I had a smaller couch, I would probably just do this layout to keep things easy–but again, THAT AIN’T ME. I like that this sofa creates an entry walkway, but I hate that it actually blocks the ability to walk into the space unless you go through the kitchen. It just looks and feels wrong–I should know, I tried it.

The huge couch barely fit between the window and the island support beam. A future loveseat/sofa swap could make this layout work, though! Reader Shana wrote in the comments that I could take a page from our IKEA post and incorporate some of these low bookshelves to the backside of the couch to add some extra storage and better carve out the entry/drop zone. I could absolutely be into this!! But I do think it’d have to be with a different sofa than this one. Right?

From The Wall To The Window:

Now, Mal suggested I consider the TV against the window vibe, similar to how Ryann laid out her INCREDIBLE living room. And while I love it for her space, this layout in my space is just not right. Especially because this large window lets in most of the light and I just can’t bring myself to block it. Plus, the couch is still huge and the flow is still lost. Mayyyybe with a smaller couch and a smaller TV? But for now, not feeling it.

Drop Zone It Like It’s Hot:

Many of you suggested putting the TV above my drop zone near the main entrance. Now, I was inclined to hate this for pulling away from my “builder” instinct, but I have to admit this kind of works. I don’t love the TV being right next to the front door–not totally sure why. But I guess if it’s a Frame TV, it’ll feel like art anyway so hopefully it won’t be too obvious to all those who enter.

I like the conversation zone and that I still have room for a dining area. What I don’t like is that this doesn’t disguise or integrate the ugly island. If I did this, I still think I’d want to build a half-wall. Sure, I could tuck a couple of bar stools under there instead, but I want a table and chairs. And a table and chairs + barstools + my credenza is just feeling too crammed over there. (But read ahead, because this layout might be doable if paired with reader, Emily Jane’s banquet idea…)

Sofa King Cool:

Now this idea kinda RULES. What if we swap the TV and the couch wall from my initial idea? It doesn’t really allow for any kind of dining area, at least not with the two armchairs. But it’s like, kind of dynamic? I like how spread out it feels but I hate the exposed corner of the back of the couch. It’s almost like it needs a half-wall and then some to feel more built-in, which brings me to…

HOW AWESOME IS THIS?!? I can’t believe I forgot about this glorious couch/kitchen/combo zone from the vintage pages of a Sunset Magazine I’ve had in my collection forever. I’m heavily inspired by warm wood and clever space planning from the late 70s/early 80s anyway, so why not take a literal page from this book? I mean, the kitchen even kinda looks like mine? The tile? The warm wood? The dated glory? I love it. So let’s imagine it.

The Half-Wall 2.0: The Couch Kitchen

What if instead of (or possibly still in addition to?) my initial half-wall idea, I built a countertop and extending bookshelf that would integrate with the island, eliminating the ugly cut corners AND giving me extra drop zone storage behind the couch? It’d be like taking Shana’s IKEA idea* and shoving it over a bit to be one with the island, protruding out just enough to cover the backside of the sofa. It could still absolutely look built-in and give the “conversation pit” vibes I’ve only ever dreamed of. Plus, it’d create a lovely storage or decor moment and expand the surface area for knick knacks. With this idea, I’d essentially create a new countertop to sit atop the existing, blending into the top of the bookshelf section. And with THAT in mind, why not take it a step further? Or rather, a step left...

The Half-Wall 2.0: The Couch Kitchen, Now With Dining!

Why not shift the whole couch/counter build to the left some to make space for a dining zone? One that would still feel like part of the living room? I’d be more than willing to part with my other chair to make room for something like this. I have the real estate on the left side of the island to scoot this over with probably a foot of overhang, which would also give me a space to tuck my trash cans underneath it (and still be able to open my dishwasher).

Plus, for all you kitchen TV watchers in the comments, this way you could come over, cook for me, and not miss a second of The Bear! Meanwhile, I could be curled up on the other side of the counter, waiting for you to slide over my steak dinner!! PERFECTION. Who’s in?

You Thought I Was Done? The Half-Wall 3.0: The Banquet

Coming up last (but definitely not least) in the layout roundup is Emily Jane’s idea of turning my original half-wall plan into the back of a dining bench/banquet. My brain lit up! Yes, this could work! I envisioned it in an L-shape, or rather a T-shape, with the half-wall extending perpendicularly from the island to create an entry-facing backdrop that could now house the TV. The couch could go back to the window and the “dining zone” would stay in its God-given place. I could get down with this!

Same Same, But Different:

And now if you remember the TV-above-drop-zone layout, and COMBINE it with the banquet idea, well by golly you might just have one hell of an AWESOME hang-out space. Thank you, readers, for all your great ideas!! It was so fun putting them together in my head and on digital paper. A collaboration like this is the reason I love design. The possibilities, and perspectives, are endless!

I hope the birds-eye visuals are clear enough that you can picture a 3D model in your mind because I yet again would love to hear you all weigh in. Which of these is your fav? If it wasn’t obvious, I think I’m mostly feeling the conversation couch pit, but could be swayed with a convincing argument for the bangin’ banquet. Or better yet, a completely new idea I haven’t yet drawn! If you’ve got it, please flaunt it. Until next time…



*why don’t we start calling “IKEA hacks” “IKEA Ideas” instead? Eh?

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6 months ago

Couch Kitchen Now With Dining gets my vote – gives you all the different zones required and allows you to watch telly from the kitchen. Winner.

6 months ago
Reply to  gemma

I like the Couch Kitchen with Dining by the front windows the best too!
I still ALSO like the idea of putting a (or making a custom) backless bookcase to slide into the front entrance doorway to the kitchen. 1. Because personally I hate walking in the front door and seeing right into someones or my kitchen. It feels like one would need to keep the kitchen spotless or it could be a gross first peep into someones apt? Am I alone on this one? LOL & 2. It would give you MORE STORAGE and you can also show off some cool collectible items I am sure you have?! Since it’s backless, it will still let the light into the kitchen from the front windows! I feel like it would make the kitchen look more like it’s another room and not have everything be in the same room?
Any thoughts on this? Just a thought! 🙂

6 months ago
Reply to  gemma

Agree on the couch kitchen with dining! Especially if you’re keeping that couch for now (agree that funneling people into your kitchen is NOT on). It gives you a bit more counter space, plus you can make the behind-the-couch unit freestanding so you could reconfigure it down the road.

Thanks for including us in your process 🙂

5 months ago
Reply to  gemma

I’m team couch kitchen with dining too! You get proper zones for entry, dining, living and kitchen. There is great flow. And you can easily combine zones for different types of socializing. Plus good feng shui in that Neighbors can’t see what you are watching on TV and the tv and front door energy not competing. Really great exploration overall. Super creative! Love to see how your 70s Sunset influence impacts your final choices!

5 months ago
Reply to  gemma

Agree! But maybe a corner banquet in the upper right corner, instead of a square table by the window. Could even do a round or oval dining table.

6 months ago

I love the half-wall 2.0. A bookshelf would be so pretty as you enter the room.

6 months ago

This is the kind of content I am here for!!! I think the couch against the island will feel most custom and keep napping with the doors open <3. Plus, I hate seeing my (always messy) kitchen when I’m tryna chillll. Great solution

6 months ago

What are the chances you will have another place that would lend itself to a built in couch kitchen vibe? If you love it, lean into it!

6 months ago

The couch kitchen! Accomplishes several things: 1) hides the kitchen wall; 2) allows you to watch TV while you cook, if you want; 3) preserves flow; and 4) lets you lean over the kitchen wall to pop a snack in the mouth of someone sitting on the couch.

6 months ago

I like best The Half-Wall 2.0: The Couch Kitchen, Now With Dining!. You’re on to something when you say being able to cook while people are watching t.v. and still be a part of the action is good. This has been especially true during the Olympics when I can make popcorn or drinks without missing a thing. I like shifting the sofa so there is overhang on both sides, and the fact that it gives you room for a dining table by the front window. When you come home, you can see the lovely vase of flowers sitting on your dining table/credenza from the window (instead of the back of the couch) and also it doesn’t feel good to be on your sofa with your back to the front window.

6 months ago

Wow- so many great new options! I think I’m leaning towards the couch kitchen with dining. It feels like it makes the most sense and I could see it looking very natural. It’s also super functional by solving your island issues. It seems like it would feel cozy too. I love the vintage photo inspiration- I can totally see this working!

It’s hard to envision how the banquet would look… I agree the idea has potential but I’d need to see it in 3D to say for sure. I do not like the TV behind the door by the entry way. That feels super weird to me and I’d be worried about hitting the TV with the door. I don’t know… maybe if it was your only option? I’m excited to see how this all comes together!

6 months ago

Man problem-solving gets so much more creative with some fixed parameters to work within (or around, ha!). I love it! For your new ideas, I also hate the idea of a TV by the door, it just feels wrong (I think I also keep imagining it getting hit by the door when it opens?). I like the half-wall 2.0, although the construction would be really involved to make it look like an intentional unit and not a weird cover or casing on your island, but I think it could be done. Excited to see what you go with!

6 months ago

Is your TV massive? I would do the second-last one but with the TV on the credenza, angled towards the sofa when in use and tucked flat against the wall when you’re entertaining and don’t want someone to bump it. Maybe it could be on an arm to swing out? It might not work with a really big TV though. Then have the round chair where the TV currently is, next to the island, and a small dining table floating in the area in front of the credenza.

Erika Otter
6 months ago
Reply to  Elle

We bought a swing-arm TV mount and it is EVERYTHING. We paid for an expensive one (around $300) and now our giant TV basically disappears flush against the wall when not in use, but can swing out and face our couch for movie-viewing perfection. It solves our fireplace problem, we didn’t want it above the mantel and now it doesn’t have to be!

6 months ago

My vote is for the the half wall 2.0, now with dining. I am absolutely loving your creative ideas that allow you to repurpose what you already own. I can’t wait to see the final results!

6 months ago

This post is amazing!! This is the kind of content that this site used to have that I loved so much — actual engagement with readers, careful considered design, realistic renter solutions, and a charismatic writer voice! Thank you for sharing, Gretchen!!

6 months ago

I still like the original half-wall idea. Couch kitchen is also a good idea. Both allow you to get those back-door breezes on the couch. Both keep the couch and TV from being in front of or across from a window.
I HATE any layout where the sofa blocks flow.

6 months ago

FUN! Half wall 2.0 FTW. Gives you the cozy Sunset magazine vibes and you still get a dining space, which I personally think is super important to make myself feel like I have my s*** together. Nothing says college kid like eating all your meals on a couch?? The banquette is awesome but looks more involved and like you would need to purchase a bunch of new pieces.

6 months ago

Love seeing all of these drawn out! My fav is the half wall 2.0. Couch kitchen. BUT instead of storage at the end (near the door) what if you tuck in two barstools that face the tv (behind the sofa). Then you have a bit of a dining spot. That or the next one – the couch kitchen plus dining nook. Great idea to use your island as a back for the couch!!

6 months ago

Just saw this comment-such a smart idea!!

6 months ago

3.0 all the way!!!

6 months ago

I luuuuurve playing with furniture layouts and I LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you for sharing, Gretchen!! My favourite is probably the Half-Wall 2.0 – it gives you a good entryway, a nice dining space and most imprtantly of all a GREAT chill-zone with the tv centred to the sofa and i really like that you can also see it from the kitchen. This olanning stage is probably my favourite part of moving. I keep trying to let my friends help me with theirs for the sheer fun of it and they’re always on board until I tell them that for this to work we might have to measure some of the furniture lol. But to me nothing beats the joy of dreaming up new possible layouts so this was extremely fun!! (Also very onboard with rebranding to ikea ideas – very nicely aliterative!)

emily jane
6 months ago

Oh my goodness -I LOVE the Sunset mag idea!
Along those lines -is there any way to functionally connect the banquet & dining table with the living room? I think a shared sightline to the TV would do the trick (but would also require another reorientation of the sofa and tele and likely the subtraction of one chair).
And for some, possibly unrelated reason, I want to wrap the bench around both sides of the dining table into a U-shape -and maybe leave the wrapped-around bit backless.!? Ooooh! In my mind the banquet just curved itself around a round dining table! Heidi Callier has a built-in sofa/bench (?) with a rounded edge that is to-die-for and I think would be a lovely detail to incorporate into your open living space.
Gretchen, it was truly a treat to learn you were sparked by my idea : ) : ) : ) -especially since I poured over every. single. detail. of your last apartment and was -AM!- inspired by your creative & clever small space design ideas & solutions (I loved your recent, not-so-small bedroom transformation too -beautiful!).

6 months ago

Fun stuff! If you’re anything like me, you also want to watch TV from the kitchen. I’d be looking at the the couch-kitchen direction for this reason.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Love seeing all these ideas! My fav is THE HALF-WALL 2.0 – for all the reasons you stated

6 months ago

I would vote for half-wall 2.0 but in general I just think it’s so brilliant to reenvision the whole island and work with everything else. leaning in to the wood tones with the contact paper – so refreshingly out-of-the-box!

6 months ago

Couch kitchen with dining. I love being able to see the tv from the kitchen. It really helps when I’m trying out a YouTube recipe. The expanded island idea is fantastic!

6 months ago

Such creative ideas, love the conversation put aesthetic!
Controversial idea: get rid of the TV, and just watch things on a laptop, which you can move around to the kitchen if you’re cooking or plonk on a surface when your zoning out on the couch. If you remove the TV from the equation it opens up more possibilities design wise. I realise this probably isn’t a preference though!

6 months ago
Reply to  EM

Bite your tongue, EM!!! Nothing brings me more joy or happiness than our 70” and 77” televisions. I wish we had a BIGGER one LOL.

6 months ago

What about a drop down projector? Yes, it limits the ability to watch tv during the day without dark shades, but sometimes that’s a good thing. We have watched tv using a projector screen for over a decade and awesome

6 months ago

I like the Half Wall 2.0 without the dining area. Add back in the other chair. Then use tv trays. Much more livable space.

6 months ago

I love that you are inspired by the 70’s and you do you. This is just a suggestion that you might like for space planning 🙂

6 months ago

Loving 2.0.
Dining in the middle of the room doesn’t feel right, especially if you’re don’t use daily.
Living space feels right to be centre of room.

6 months ago

Ikea ideas—it even rhymes!

6 months ago

I’m exhausted after reading all these options! Personally, I think I’d probably find a new apartment. Only half joking!

6 months ago

The half wall 2.0!

6 months ago

Half wall, couch kitchen with dining for the win!

6 months ago

I’m all for couch kitchen. It feels the most breathable to me. However, if having a dining table is a priority for you, then scootching the couch to left to have the table under the window is good too. Good luck! So many great ideas!

6 months ago

The last version wins for me because it keeps the best flow between all the spaces and turns the dinky island into a full dining space, and you get the keep the living room space (with good distance between the sofa and the TV which is lacking in a lot of the other layouts). Also your credenza and big sofa get the largest wall space to inhabit, keeping room proportions in mind. A small banquette can also be a little office space. So much function and flow!

6 months ago

I solved my TV placement dilemma by putting it on a rolling TV stand that I can place anywhere. I can’t tell you how much this changed things for us. I roll it away into a bedroom when we entertain, I roll in front of my kitchen island to view while cooking, we arrange it for the best fit for movie nights with lots of watchers, etc. I highly recommend this option! Here’s the one I got:

6 months ago

Half-Wall 2.0!! It solves every problem, adds value and lets you watch TV from anywhere in this main room.

6 months ago

Half Wall 2.0 with dining is my favorite! Looking forward to what you end up with!

Donna R. Morgan
5 months ago

After reading about several of your options, I began thinking about a banquet in the corner to the right of the of the double doors. If the table is on wheels, it could be pushed over the bench that would be along the wall. As I read and viewed your layout options, I liked the sofa along the long wall with the TV along the wall on your main entrance wall. I also liked the idea of making a counter to fit over the island counter squaring the corners or making them a more pleasing arc and extending the counter pass the support beam to make a drop area with
shelving below. Good Luck!!! Donna

Jen C
5 months ago

Couch pit idea! Absolutely love it! Checks all the boxes and looks cozy and welcoming. Who would have thought that an area that looked difficult to arrange and design would have so many options. Great job. Can’t wait to see the final picture with your final decision. Now go pick up that frame TV!

5 months ago

Half-wall 2.0 – makes perfect spacial sense, not overwrought, reasonably easy to implement

5 months ago
Reply to  Jae

Sorry I mean 2.0 w/ dining!

5 months ago

Half Wall 2.0 with Dining – only I think a bar style set up with 2 stools would fit more comfortably than a full table. If you downsize the dining area and dont need the second chair/bookcase, maybe you don’t need to shift the island over and will have more breathing room on both sides.

5 months ago

such fun and different options! i’m curious to see where you go with this, but i ALSO wanted to pop in and say i think it would be really cool if you arched the entrance into the kitchen!

5 months ago

My vote: THE HALF-WALL 2.0: THE COUCH KITCHEN, NOW WITH DINING!It feels like a nice exhale!