Hey everybody and welcome to another Sunday Link Up. It’s kinda like the Sunday paper, except for it has way less “news” and way more ladies telling you how excited they are about random things in their life. Oh and good house tours sometimes too. We’re just gonna dive right in this week…
This week’s home feature is a stunner Brooklyn brownstone designed by Estelle Bailey-Babenzien for Adrian Grenier’s mom (heeeyyy Devil Wears Prada we see you) via Domino. The home renovation took 4 years to complete and they focused heavily on environmentalism and sustainability which you can’t not love. Head over and check it out because Estelle killed this design!
From Emily: The podcast I’ve quoted 7 times already – Nurture Vs Nurture. I LOVE talking about parenting and anything that can help give me tools to be a better parent (especially now). I also love watching other people in therapy (I started last week BTW, FINALLY). So this podcast is a clinical child psychologist giving advice to real parents about their kid’s very normal issues (hereby relatable, like every episode I’m like “my kid does that!”). Some are slower than others, but I’ve already learned a lot and have quoted it back to friends multiple times this week (phrases like “parent deaf” and “task blind”). There is an episode where the family lives on the farm that got me very very excited for that in our future. Plus another episode about being strict (something Brian and I are particularly not good at being).
From Jess: When my friend Casey sent me a link to Orenda Tribe, an incredible indigenous-owned clothing brand, my immediate thoughts were I desperately want this shirt and I need to share this with the readers. Talk about fun, colorful, powerful, cool, AND sustainable clothing. Go look now!
Also From Jess: I think it’s fair to say that the design world (especially the Instagram design world) greatly overlooks the needs of the disability community. Actually, that’s a wild understatement. We are not exempt from this either. So when I came across a blog post from designer, Meagan Blau, about the importance of wheelchair transfer heights, I thought to myself “duh! we should all be thinking/know about this!” It’s a great and informative quick read and you should also go check out her designs:)
Have you seen Joy’s new house? Emily talked about the House Beautiful article but Joy revealed her living room on her blog. It’s playful, colorful, and yet so sophisticated. Go look now for an instant mood boost!
From Mallory: Everything I link up these days seems to be something my sister told me about and this week’s link is no exception. My sister bought this perfume set and if you read my previous link up about my perfume struggles, you know this could not have come at a better time for me. I’m SO into this because it has 5 different scents and they’re all awesome and totally depend on your mood. My favorites are the 3 on the right: indigo, ombre, and beau…especially for a lil outdoor patio smokey nighttime vibe. The other two on the right are a little more floral-y and daytime-y. All smelled sooo good. I’m obsessed!
Also from Mallory: THIS LITERALLY BLEW MY MIND SO QUICKLY I BOUGHT IT SO FAST WITHOUT ANY HESITATION. Have you ever been targeted for an ad on Instagram and thought “wow this solves a BIG problem in my life and I can’t believe I’ve gone on this long without it?” That was me with the Elevated Craft cocktail shaker. I didn’t even REALIZE how much I was bothered by the process of making a cocktail at home until I saw this. Once I saw the video, I IMMEDIATELY bought 2 of these cocktail shakers. It doesn’t make your hands cold, the lid is easily twist-off-able (so it won’t freeze and stick together) and it has a built-in measuring system within the lid so you don’t have to use a jigger AND you can make multiple cocktails at once. FRICKEN GENIUS HOW HAVE I NOT HAD THIS BEFORE.
From Ryann: I know I am not the only one who struggles with body image and body positivity so I wanted to share this book I started reading that has helped me reframe my perspective and the way I chose to view my body. It’s called More Than a Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not An Ornament and I won’t lie, it is very self-helpy BUT it does provide great insight and I’ve noticed a change in my thinking around body image already 🙂
From Caitlin: Madewell’s short overalls are finally back in stock and if you can’t tell, I’m very excited about it!!! I love, love, love Madewell’s full-length overalls – they’re my go-to piece when I need to wear real clothes because they are super flattering on me. Also somehow they ALWAYS fit, regardless of any fluctuations, like some sort of magic Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants garment – so I am THRILLED that their spring/summer equivalent is now available. Imagine this: no risk of plumbers’ crack, a front fit that makes you feel like you’re being cuddled and smoothed instead of stuffed, and you’ll never have to stand up and take a second to pull up your pants again. I never thought that the jumpsuit/one-piece life would be for me (big boobs, big butt, big hips) but I’m so glad that I was inspired by my fashionable coworkers because they’re a total slam dunk and I’m never looking back. OVERALLS FOR ALL FOLKS IN ALL SEASONS!!!
That’s all for now. Thanks everyone for reading and we’ll see you later! Have an awesome week xx
Opening Image Credit: Design by Estelle Bailey-Babenzien | Styling by Francesca DeShae | Photog By Max Burkhalter and Emily Andrews | via Domino
I just wanted to add the Orenda Tribe shirt is amazing & please read this & buy their design & not the Anthropologie….version. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL0Ps8jlC3W/
Thank you for bringing that up. I can’t imagine that Jess came across that shirt/company separately from the most recent Anthropologie-stealing-indigenous-designs-from-independent-designers issue (it’s been posted and re-posted everywhere), so I was disappointed to see that she linked the shirt, but neglected the opportunity to call out Anthro.
As you say, Jess linked and promoted the original shirt. “Calling out” Anthropologie publicly on a blog like this is not Jess’ job and could have invited legal trouble.
Yeah, if anything drawing attention to it might make people likelier to seek out the Anthro version, given that the original is sold out
My sis just recommended the Nurture vs. Nurture podcast to me–and she knows I’m not a podcast person so she only tells me about ones she’s sure I’ll love. I tried to listen to an episode yesterday but kept getting interrupted by my kids LOL. I’ll try again today 🙂
Oooooh, so many helpful link ups today. Y’all are reading my mind! Ryann, I bought that book, too, and have been following Beauty Redefined’s social media for a while. Their research has been really helpful to me, personally, and for helping me raise teenagers.
I just wanted to let everyone at EHD know that I start each and every day reading this blog (a reader -gosh, maybe since it was The Brass Petal.!?) and am so grateful for each of you that join me with my morning coffee (past and present) and for alllllll the work that this endeavor requires.
Here I reliably find a safe atmosphere that is unfailingly (in no particular order):
open (yeah for therapy Em! so excited for all the ‘ah-ha!!!’ moments when the weight lifts from your shoulders and quiet tears of understanding & compassion for self slide down your cheeks : )
personal (see above ; )
brave: enough to discuss controversial topics and, to strive to do better -publicly!
I always read through the lens of personal responsibility (mine , not yours!) and just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you all -especially in this last year when the blog was essentially the only connective tissue between me and the rest of the world…
Thank you.
A warm thank you, EHD team, for the LinkUps and practical home item roundups. Through a combo of loving to thrift and a budget that has rarely allowed for buying new from ethical brands, pretty much everything my family has is thrifted. Some treasures, sure, but mostly it means that our second-hand kitchen tools and such just wear out quickly. This past year we’ve slowly upgraded our practical items relying on your recs to make confident decisions because individually you clearly actually use what you recommend. From switching to bamboo kitchen towels (better than paper!) to cat box (no more litter dust everywhere!) to cookie trays (who knew they could be this good!) to small ethical brands I can actually afford every item is something we’ll be using for years if not decades. Thank you so much to each of you for sharing! <3
YES to touching on design for those who are disabled! I’ve been a caregiver in the past, have family with various limitations, and now have my own limits. I have begun buying furniture with these things in mind and when we buy a house later this year those needs will have to be considered in what we’re looking for. It’s reality for so many families and it can be frustrating finding that balance between practical/utilitarian and pretty/designed.
That brownstone is so beautiful. What a lovely gift from son to mom! I missed that on Domino, so thank you for linking it. Will look and admire, and look and admire again. 🙂
I am IN LOVE with that Orenda Tribe shirt now and most everything on that site. Makes me yearn for summer and a reason to not wear sweats all the time lol. Thanks for sharing!
We bought the Elevated Craft cocktail shakers as well – they. are. AWESOME!
THE COCKTAIL SHAKER!! I literally had the frozen hand, lid stuck together situation last night.
Kudos for finding a therapist and starting the journey. I am so glad you’ve got this support now.
I’m just here to say Caitlin is hilarious…when is your book coming out girl?
Caitlin, as a wide hipped, sturdy thighed, short, curvy lady, please please tell me if those overall shorts ride up. It’s my perpetual short drama so I’ve only gotten tight long shorts over the past years. But I read tons of reviews on the ones you linked and think they might be perfect for chasing around my three kids outside.
Hooray for accessibility! Making spaces accessible is so important for all of us, not only for those around us that are handicapped, but also because the disabled population is the one minority group that any of us have the possibility of joining at any time.
We’re finishing up a remodeling project creating an accessible space for our young daughter who is a wheelchair user, and there is such a lack of resources out there for how to do this well People like Megan Blau are amazing resources for those of us who are trying to figure out how to do these things!
OMG the Orenda Tribe clothing…speechless…those colors!! Thank you for bringing this beautiful company to our attention!