Happy Sunday and we hope the weather is nice where you are! We wanted to continue something that we tried a couple of weeks ago when we added a few photos of the jewelry and clothes Em was recommending in the post. Did you like that? Now, we won’t have photos of everything but when we do we thought they would be nice additions and show you the IRL version. Let us know what you think! In the meantime, let’s get to this week’s links…

This week’s house tour is SO FUN. Caitlin’s exact words were, “Omg this whole house rules”. Designed by We Are Duet, this home is bursting with modern color combos and bold patterns. The extra cool part is that the home style and architectural details are pretty classic European. Just go and see for yourself!
From Emily: I read Under The Banner of Heaven three times (Local and Kindle), which is A LOT for a non-fiction. This is partly due to being raised Mormon but also because John Krakauer is the Shakespeare of non-fiction storytelling/journalism. So you can imagine how happy I was when the tv series launched. While I’m only 3 episodes in (What? I go to bed at like 9 pm and they are 2-hour-long episodes!), I’m LOVING IT. Anything that tells the story of the early religion OR relates to how I grew up I find endlessly interesting. Of course, my perspective is skewed, but I find myself being both defensive and critical of so much of the storytelling/history. Regardless of your views, it’s so far an excellent show with interesting sets, fantastic acting, and so much mystery.
From Mallory: I recently found out about this workout class called P.volve (they have a few locations around the US) and then I also found out they have an online version!! Really love this for a low impact workout that gets your heart rate up:)
From Ryann: I recently upgraded my every day jewelry collection with these earrings and this bracelet. They are from a black-owned jewelry brand called Ten Wilde that I have been admiring from afar for a while. I finally hit the purchase button and am so happy I did! The pieces are quality, very cute, and pretty affordable. I will definitely be buying from them again!

From Caitlin: I just got the email that my favorite flare jeans are back in stock at Madewell! They went missing from the site for like, a full year, and I am THRILLED that they’ve returned!!! (You may be, too – they were one of our bestselling items in all of 2021.) I have them in this light wash – and the EHD team will attest that I wear them nearly every time we meet up in person – but I am SO SO SO excited to fiiiinally replace some of my worn-out dark wash skinnies with these guys. My only note is that they have an 11″ rise, which I absolutely LOVE, but it may be kind of high if you don’t love your pants like, being on or over your belly button.
Also From Caitlin: Coming in hot with another Rajiv Surendra-style recommendation, y’all!!! (You know – educational, but in a charming/friendly/accessible way.) My boyfriend just introduced me to Architecture with Stewart, a YouTube channel where an architecture professor (multi-hyphenate – he does A LOT in the field) breaks down architectural concepts and ideas in SUPER fun and interesting ways. I’d recommend starting with something like The Architecture of Curb Appeal or Why Architecture Today Lacks Character, but my first foray into his channel was this week’s upload about The Secret Weapon of Great City Design, which I looooooved. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. (PS. If you like watching something while you’re eating, these are the perfect length. Hooray!!!)
From Jess: As I’ve said many times, I am not a full-face everyday makeup lady. But when I do put in the extra effort I want it to stay put instead of disappearing within a matter of a few hours…literally. Example: In an attempt this week to feel a little better/put together, I decided to put on makeup for a team brainstorm Zoom call. When the call started everything looked great but 3 hours later it was noticeably not as good! Luckily, I had already ordered this primer that the TikTok makeup gals swear by. They say it’s the way more affordable dupe of Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Hydrating Makeup Primer. I tried it for the first time on Wednesday night when I went to my friend’s book signing (GO BUY HER BOOK IT’S SO GOOD (Local and Kindle) and I can attest it gripped! Sorry, I forgot to take pics. I will mention that if you have really sensitive skin it might not feel awesome. I had a little itchiness but it did go away. Just an FYI:)
We hope you have a restful Sunday and see y’all tomorrow. Oh and don’t forget Father’s Day is coming up! If you need some ideas here ya go🙂
Opening Image Credits: Design by We Are Duet | Architecture by AJH+ | Styled by Megan Morton | Photo by Anson Smart | via Est Living
Caitlin – that Stewart Hicks rec. is great! 😍
BTW, your natural nails looks fabulous!! You have moons on each finger. Me too (only one out of 7 kids) … my mum said in Danish folklore it means you’re deeply spiritual. Wooo!
Oh, and, um, “My boyfriend just …” I saw that! 😏 Hehehe.
I tried to like the house tour, I did. The house itself has great bones and architecture… but … I’m so over the 70’s + 90’s mish-mash in interior design.
It’s a time-warp thing. Like 2-3 years on the eyeballs, then off to landfill we go!
#I.just.can’t 😜
I think the pieces looked quality high-end and likely aren’t landfill pieces. But I understand your concern on fast trends.
Oh yes, these pieces do look very high end.
I mean more in general. It’s not actually a new, fresh…etc. ‘thing’ at all.
The trend won’t last (as you said) and not even as-new furniture necessarily gets re-sold or donated, sadly. A lot pf that furniture is uniqurly uncomfortable for more tgan 5 minutes, too!
It’s like flares, right? They come and go as a short-term trend….unless you’re a cowboy, maybe?🤣
If we remove the rugs and a few trendier pieces, we could restyle everything to look more contemporary or timeless in the future. I already see what I could replace for it to be more to my taste. I’m not sure if that would happen though. Maximalist or collectors wouldn’t dispose of a lot, but they wouldn’t have a trendy home either. It would be painful to see things being disposed or ripped out. I’m completely on board with Emily’s Reno, because the house was very old and not in a good shape. But I’ve recently seen a rather new house (in amber interiors stories on Instagram) in high end finishes being completely renovated. Given the labor shortages, material shortages, water shortages, climate change, etc. It was so heartbreaking to see. That muddy new look will be ripped out by someone else in 10-20 years as it will look dingy and outdated. If the previous finishes weren’t timeless those won’t be either. I don’t have anything against either style, but apparently neither is timeless enough if it required changes. It’s just so sad to see
Hi Rusty- Please teach me what is the 70 + 90’s specifically. I get it on a vibe level but would love something a little more concrete to really get it. I’ve been become totally anti all neutral decor. Hate that like it sounds like you hate this. Not homey. I feel like this tour is more excess/impress than live. We just put in solar panels (…not wealthy, just was wise for earth and pretty sensible for us too). The app tells us how much energy we’re producing and makes it concrete. “You’ve done the equivalent of planting 35 trees.” So seeing home tours like this would feel better if there’s a shot of an alternative energy production happening–a wind turbine, solar panels on the roof, etc. Go team Earth!
Quick response – bold patterns 70s …. round furniture 90s…. mish-mashed re-hash.
And 4 kids? Yep, I can imagine a relaxing play date at that house. One of my friends when I was little had a house like this. We basically played in the garden or the cabana/tennis house. One of our other friends shattered a piece of furniture once and there was hell to pay! However, love seeing an Australian house on the blog!
I’m pretty sure no one is going to let furniture worth 10s of thousands of dollars go to landfill. This is Australia, you can’t sit your broken Kmart stool on the drive without someone hovering for free furniture. I think this home tour was sensational. It’s not how I’d decorate, but I can appreciate the beauty of these investment pieces in a stunning home.
Can’t agree more about the furnishings, but loved the tile choices in kitchen and bathrooms. Is it just me, or is “blush” THE color for 2022? Seeing it everywhere all of a sudden.
YES PLEASE to the IRL photos. Yay!
Caitlin, you are so freaking gorgeous! I too love super high waist pants. (For anyone else, my go-to is Reitmans.)
And umm… bf? 😊
Caitlin! Looks like we all love the way you casually mentioned the Boyfriend!! ❤️
Yes! Caitlin, we are all so invested in your happiness! I mean, who wouldn’t be the world’s luckiest guy to be with you?
Haha totally! We need BF deets!
Caitlin’s top is gorgeous! May I ask where it is from?
Looks like it’s Farm Rio but I’m not sure of the exact style or pattern. Hope this kind of helps!
@emily – under the banner of heaven (the series, it has been a while since I read the book) is so interesting. I need to read up on the perspectives of people who are or were Mormon to find out what is true to life and what isn’t. I’ve read a fair amount about the Mormon religion – and had a ton of Mormon friends growing up in Silicon Valley – but the series made some things hit very differently and made things more vivid.
Thanks Caitlin (and Caitlin’s boyfriend! 🙂 ) for the Stewart Hicks recommendation, super fascinating!
I just watched several, “How this Midcentury Modern House Harnesses the Sun”, “What Makes Good Cities Great” (alleys, who knew!) and “The Architecture of Curb Appeal”.
Very enjoyable learning, and in very consumable bites, as you put it; “PS. If you like watching something while you’re eating, these are the perfect length. Hooray!!!” 🙂
Jon Krakauer fan, checking in! I haven’t begun to watch ‘Under the Banner of Heaven,’ but recently re-read it and can only agree/attest/shout from the rooftops what a spectacular writer he is. I re-read ‘Into the Wild’ almost yearly, not because of its central character (I agree with others that the young man Chris was probably annoying at best in real life) but because of how he has constructed the book from the multiple perspectives of the people and geography around the absent Chris. It is storytelling at its most breathtaking. I’ve read everything he’s written, or almost: just started ‘Eiger Dreams’ last night.