How are you guys doing? On Friday we left LA, drove up to the mountain house in the pouring rain to self-quarantine. We stopped at a store on the way in to grab last provisions and it was fully stocked, with no more people than usual. I asked the clerk if they were busier and she said, “not really, people up here are survivalists anyway so they have what they need already”. I guess the other store in the area was busier but I just found that comforting (and a good lesson). My team is working from home, and boy am I so incredibly grateful that this is even an option.
So over the weekend, I did everything I could to block out the general panic and just tried to enjoy my time with my family (another thing I am lucky/grateful for). I organized with the kids, did a ton of scrapbooking and cooking, but now it’s kinda all settling in now. We have to halt all design projects (except any at my house – but up here there is so little to do) and a lot of partnerships that were confirmed are now up in the air. Traffic is down which I get because who cares about the right size rug during times like these. So we are figuring out how to proceed, and asking ourselves what do we want to read about on a lifestyle blog that is uplifting and sparks creativity and joy, while we are all at home feeling like we are (worried, anxious, cabin-fever-y and maybe even lonely).
Brian is homeschooling the kids (today, at least, we will likely take turns or do it together) and the kids are thankfully psyched. We are working out our system and if we come up with anything genius I’ll post about it. Meanwhile, I’m just staring at the laptop, at our numbers, and at our future with a “what should we do” question all over my face. Small businesses will be so hurt, I’m not alone, and sadly it’s not the right time to design and produce a “support your local lifestyle blogger” bumper sticker since people shouldn’t be driving anyway.
But I can’t keep still in between writing sessions so I have some projects I can tackle on my own. First – as you well know I love a scrapbook but I don’t think you understand how bad I am at it. My scrapbook philosophy – wow, that was quite possibly the dorkiest thing I’ve ever written – is this: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT. You see when I first started doing these I would get overwhelmed with my perfectionism, knowing that the scrapbook could be so much better if next to their first Disney ticket was a polaroid of them at Disney and a brochure of whatever Disney event was going on that night. I wanted things in chronological order – ultrasound next to maternity photo next to birth next to the printed out birth plan, etc., but you will NEVER get it done (unless you are a real scrapbooker) if you try to make them perfect. It doesn’t matter. It’s more about keeping what makes us happy and preserving in a place that they can look at when they are older. THAT’S IT.
I also let the kids do it with me and if you think I’m bad at scrapbooking, I can tell you that they are TERRIBLE. But doing it with them and involving them in the process brings me more joy than almost anything in the world. They love to relive things with a lot of “mama remember this!!!!!” shouts. Just do it, make them ugly – it doesn’t matter. It’s time-consuming regardless, so not being careful about it will speed it up drastically.
If you really want to know my favorite scrapbooks I’ll tell you (that should probably be in my tinder profile, right?) I like this one and this one because I like a “sleeve” that can house open cards, packets, or bulky things. Half of the fun of scrapbooking is the act of doing it, the other half is interacting with it later. I think when it’s all perfectly placed on a sticky page and immovable you don’t get to really dive into the tactile experience which I think is great for your memory. Just flipping pages isn’t nearly as fun as pulling things out and looking at them.
I’m also going to dye that quilt I made when I was little. I bought all the supplies a few weeks ago (highly recommended from a professional) and have been waiting for a day with the kids to do it – and BOY DO WE HAVE DAYS WITH THE KIDS. I made it when I was 8 or 9, and I LOVE the energy it has but would love to incorporate it into the design of literally any room. Once it’s a pretty blue I think it will do the trick and actually be appreciated. Stay tuned for the post on that.
I’m also going to either paint or dye this insane lampshade – I think that when styled right this lady can look edgy and cool and weird.
Brian and I are going to be creating content together which is kinda fun. He went back to LA to grab our camera and gear along with more stuff for me to DIY. We may even build a deck for our future hot tub up here in the next few weeks. As much as I’m nervous about everything, which I am, I’m just trying to focus on these kids, that man, and how lucky we are to be with them right now with a ton of trees around us. I’m normally so good at seeing the positive (sometimes only seeing the positive and driving everyone nuts) and creating activities and projects that are really fun for the whole family. But this has been more challenging, which for me is frustrating but I guess understandable.
But I know I can do it. I need to stick to what I know and love – styling, DIY, cardio and soup. You bet I have a sewing machine ordered and it’s on its way. My kids have no idea how much quilting they are about to be forced into…
I love the idea of posts on little DIY projects and mini makeovers from the EHD team. People all round the world are going to be holed up at home for a long time and I’ve already heard friends say they’re going to use the time to tackle small projects around the house – you guys could be our leaders in this!
I agree! And a request: can you give us lake and mountain pics to enjoy? ?might as well share your views!
Me too! A lot of us are dealing with the possibility of losing our jobs/salary cuts among other worries but we still need to do the little things to keep our spirits up. Small projects, inexpensive DIYs / revamping something old and tired, and styling with what we already have all sound like helpful and reasonable escapes from reality…appreciating what we still have while getting to be creative 🙂
Couldn’t agree more! I’d love to learn how to reupholster some tired furniture around my house. Create tutorials on furniture refinishing plus other skills like macrame, quilting, knitting and crotchet. Eccentric English Grandma would certainly approve!
Agreed! It’s the little things that will help us all feel more comfortable being home for the time being. I am planning on giving my bathroom a fresh coat of paint as well as an overdue scrub down to help those baths to be actually relaxing. Maybe even start designing a mini makeover for the future!
That’s going to be our goal!
Not perfectly relevant to your post, but part of the same crisis climate: I would love a way to help those whose wedding or baby showers have been canceled or postponed. Weddings can be rescheduled (but I would still be bummed), but babies keep coming, no matter what! Could you consolidate and post registries here?
We’ve done a virtual baby shower before for a family member who was in a different state and unable to travel home – just tell everyone to ship their gifts to the recipient (preferably on or slightly before the date of the virtual baby shower) and then the day of the party, the momma-to-be opened gifts on a Facebook Live feed. Not quite a replacement for the in person baby shower, but at least it’s something, and now you’ll have an extra excuse to host a meet & greet party after the baby is born, in place of the in-person baby shower. Good luck! At times like these, it’s the thought that counts.
We did something similar for my cousin who lives abroad, EXCEPT all of the intown ppl got together and opened each other’s gifts and then the gift giver got to share why they had selected it. This was way before social media so we video recorded the get together and sent that to my cousin along with all the gifts. It may have been hard for her to miss the party, but at least she got to hear how much love everyone put into the gifts they chose.
love this!! i didn’t get to read much last week (upheaval at work, trying to figure out how to WFH). but now, i’m settling into my WFH routine and that definitely includes checking EHD at lunch and/or breakfast 🙂
thanks for following along even with all the craziness going on right now 🙂 it means the world to us. xx
Ditto on what Veronica said! So happy to have you back<3
welcome back 🙂 And thanks for always following. xx
You and your team are inspiring, and your site is a big comfort. When I come and check for a new post, I feel like I’m sneaking in a bit of ‘normal’ while the world is turning upside down. I have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, and I haven’t explained to them that said world is turning upside down. They’re okay so far, but what about two weeks or a month, or two months from now, when we still haven’t gone farther than our backyard, and they haven’t been allowed to get together with any other children? Anyway…it’s really helpful to read ideas and tips on ways to stay strong as a parent right now.
I feel the same. I have a 3 1/2 year old and am 6 months pregnant. I work for a work from home company so this is my normal, but having my daughter and my husband here is right now a fun adjustment (in a very not fun, scary as hell time). But in 2 months? Oh man. We can only play candy land so many times….
Totally feel you. I’m home with my 5, 2, and 5 month old. My husband is an officer in the Coast Guard so has been extra busy making provisional plans in case of other emergencies and working late. I found this podcast today from the author of my favorite parenting book, Simplicity Parenting. He has a free five part series he released a few days ago on how to talk to kids about all of this; I’m only on part one, but thus far it’s excellent. You can also find it on his podcast, Simplicity Parenting.
EHD team, thank you, as always for this haven of creativity community and comfort.
thanks m!! we’re so happy we can provide a bit of escape and normalcy x
My sister (who has an 8-year-old & 5-year-old) sent me this podcast which helps explain the virus for kids. Hope it helps & sending you positive energy cause we all need a little support these days!
I love the idea of the whole team posting about things you’re doing at home while we ride this out – house projects, creative projects, restyling spaces by shopping what you have, cooking, fun activities with your kids, etc. I personally am DYING for lifestyle things to read right now, more so than usual. I have to take breaks from the news or I feel like I will give in to my anxiety and just crumble.
ooh thanks for the feedback! this may just be the push I needed to finally learn how to knit haha
We totally agree and are here for you! Hope you are ready for some water coloring fails:)
I think the community you’ve built here will come back to see how you and your team are doing. And I tend to think home design content is especially relevant now that we’re all confined to our houses. For instance, staring at the pretty, yet bare windows in my dining room (current work station) has made me more convinced than ever that they need drapes! Just ordered drapes and hardware. When it’ll get here is anyone’s guess.
amazing!! now is a great time to learn some new skills & get that home decor you’ve always wanted 🙂
Love that little lampshade. She reminds me of the chic cocktail aprons Ladies used to wear back in the 50s when they hosted bridge club. The hostess would wear a work apron until all the prep was done then whip it off to reveal the pretty but totally impractical apron underneath that she’d wear for the rest of the party.
Ha! I so see that.
This was a great post to read! It struck just the right chord. I am excited to check back and see what you have been doing up at your mountain house!
thanks michelle 🙂
The colors and pattern of that quilt are really lovely. It adds a lot of character and a lovely soft color, possibly a nice textural, folksy touch. It’s possible it just looks better in a photo than real life, but I’d be sad to see that gone. I think quilts have a place in modern homes.
You are so awesome. Thanks for making me laugh (about the scrapbooking with your kids…HA) during this very scary time. Hang in there–we’re all in this together and you have so many supporters who love you for so much more than your interior design content. It’s also for your honesty and humor!
thank you so much, erp! stay safe and healthy out there xx
What if you hired a local handyperson to build your deck? They could probably use the work, you could easily avoid interacting with them if they’re working outside and if they work solo, they won’t be interacting with anyone either. Just a thought :).
Love that suggestion!
Well, i’ll certainly need SOME help. Right now we are covered in snow so I suppose it will be a while. Just trying to keep physically busy so my mind doesn’t take over 🙂
Sending you all lots of love! I honestly would still enjoy reading all of your design advice and tips and tricks during this time. Reading your blog posts during my morning cup of coffee is my actual routine so I’ll literally hop on here for anything you have to say.
Also – I’m planning to use this time to learn how to sew! What sewing machine did you order? I need one too!
Oh my gosh I should learn to sew too! Thanks for throwing that out there. I have a machine and random fabric I could practice on…
If you can find an older or ‘vintage’ model that is still mostly made of metal that is great (and usually much cheeper) these machines are true workhorses – I have my grandma’s and love it! – , but oviously finding anything second-hand might have it’s challenges right now.
This is one of my favourite sewing pattern companies and they have a great article with tips for buying both new and used machines And this is another sewing blogger whom I have loved and followed for a long time and she recommended this one a while back that sounded great: – good luck and have fun! Sewing is a wonderful at-home hobby 🙂
Closet Case Patterns also has a Learn To Sew online course that comes with three patterns included if you want to a little help – I haven’t taken this particular one, but their classes are usually stellar! Not working for them, just really love what they do 😉
oh awesome. thank you!!!! I follow ZERO sewing bloggers til now 🙂
If it makes you feel any better, EHD is still one of the blogs/sites I check every day, usually in the morning when I first begin my social media perusal. 🙂 Also, you might check out Creative Memories, a company that has independent contractors who sell really quality scrapbooks and all the accourtrements that go with them. Great post!
It does make us feel better 🙂 All these comments make us feel so good xx
Tina, you and my mom should be BFFs cause she used to be alllll about the Creative Memories during the 90s/early 2000s. I have so many books she would make for my sister and myself, she also started writing “A Year in Review” on a page at the end of the book. It was basically like a letter to us recounting all the things we did that year, the highs and the lows. I LOVED that she did this for us and still look through them / read the reviews. There is so much she included in them that I wouldn’t have remembered today.
Julie, can you please please do a post on these books?? They sound like the best keepsake and I want to know more/see more/hear more so I can have an idea of what to make for my kids.
Bravo to your mom!
Thank you so so much>3
Hey Emily! I’m sorry to hear traffic is down, but please keep posting! I look forward to your posts during the week, especially now when trying to get my mind off of the state of the world. I love seeing the beautiful rooms you design, helpful tips, and honest take on the world. Thanks for being a bright light in my day.
I’m SO with you. Thank you for this. I have been following you for years and I love how you share your SELF. Thank you thank you.
Kristin, thank YOU for supporting for so many years 🙂
I’ve been looking forward to that going-back-to-church post! It doesn’t require an on-site design team, and I find myself craving thoughtful content that’s not news-related.
So good to hear! That post is coming up, don’t worry. We’ve got some really great, non-corona content lined up.
Me too! Please post abt the church decision! I also love ppl’s ideas of small update/organization/DIY projects from you and your team. Looks like you made a few changes at the mountain house with the rug and at least one chair, so you could share that with us. I hope the traffic picks back up soon for you. I’m guessing it will – probably just had a lot of overwhelmed readers lately who haven’t had time to relax and read blogs.
My last day of school is Wednesday. ( Kids were out Monday)
I just redid our teacher’s lounge b/c organizing and decorating is how I deal with stress. ( My daughter/SIL are preggars and due in late June. She’s great so far but this is a scary time)
I took down all the bad “inspirational words” plaques and the rest of the 1989 decor and with three of my teacher’s aides we revamped it all to be calmer and way less cluttered.
We had zero dollars and zero supplies except what we teachers had as leftovers from our own classrooms-and it was fun!
We will all need diversions/suggestions/etc to help us adjust to our new-fingers crossed temporary-daily lives. Post away!
That sounds amazing, and like such a great way to make everyone feel a little better. These are the kinds of stories that we need right now xx
I agree with Sara! That was so wonderful of you and we will do our best to create uplifting/inspiring stories xx
I wonder, after this whole thing is “over”- no matter how long that takes, if our lives will have changed forever because, if for no other reason, we broke habits and started new simple-living habits. I think your kids will look back on this time of their lives with great memories. Even the terrible scrap books will be part of those special memories. We had no idea- you had no idea that this wonderful new house would be your place to hole up in a zombie apocalypse- right?
You realize that you pretty much called yourself Pollyana, right? But maybe that’s who we all need to be right now.
My hope for myself is that we get to go to Hawaii in late May. Not sure if that’s going to happen, at this point.
I wish you the best for your business and family during this trying time! I wish that for all of us.
thank you for the sweet words, Roberta! i too have a trip planned for Hawaii in early May — fingers crossed. stay safe & healthy out there and thank you for following along!! xx
We so appreciate your works and am also keeping my fingers crossed that Hawaii happens for you!
Thank you, Jess and Veronica! Fingers crossed for something like normalcy by May!
Hey! Don’t get too down about the traffic. I mean this in the nicest possible way but… for me personally the content over the past 2 weeks was weaker than normal and I stopped visiting every day as I usually do. So I guess what I’m saying is maybe the traffic downturn has nothing to do with coronavirus (wait, is that better or worse? Foot in mouth). I think your readers are here, we have time to read and engage, let’s make the most of it! Rehashing old posts on rug sizes and brass cleaning didn’t seem to engage people – fine – onward and upward!
Ok one more thing (hopefully more constructive) – since everyone is isolated, but readers want design content, how about MOTOs but more like… tiny projects? Mini even? You’re all design-minded, you’re home, you’re definitely tinkering. So, if someone is cleaning out her bookshelf and re-styling, show us! If someone rearranged furniture or moved a lamp from the living room to the bedroom, I’d like some before and after pics! Anyone with me?
I love this idea of sharing re-styling or updates from EHD – even if it’s just a mini one, it could be inspiration for us. Great idea!
Yah, I love all of this – just no way to shoot it so it actually looks good (although we could get someone to ship us Brian’s camera and maybe we teach ourselves?). But yes, little projects – i might have to thrift online just to be able to have stuff to upgrade!
I feel like the design content has been just fine! Looking forward to seeing all those projects that are in the works!
We love your content so much! I don’t think anyone minds less than perfect shoots. “Done is better than perfect”, no?
Amen rusty!
Oh! That photo of Brian and Charlie made my eyes leak happy tears! And Birdie is looking so grown up! And you, with your cute beanies! You cheered me up, even helped me feel okay about being anxious about Covid-19 … a smidgen. I’ll be tuned in for all the mini-projects from Team EHD. I could use some inspiration. Thank you, Emily. For real. I’ve (we’ve) been locked down in our home (and so thankfully, garden), since Friday, because I’m one of the 4% high risk of complications if I get the virus! I have a serious neurological condition and (like, really? I needed more?), had chemo recently, so my immune system is wiped out. No one is supposed to visit! 🙁 So all my people contact will be internet or phone-based. Just the two of us n the luverly scruffy dawg. 😉 Our main grocery stores in Australia are opening an hour early each day, just for the elderly and vulnerable. BUT, because I get no benefits, I have no regular proof of my situation. I’m going to call my local store tomorrow to see if they’ll accept the ‘proof’ I have. Gah! Basically, it’s so people with vulnerability… Read more »
Rusty!!! That is so scary. We’re so sorry that you’re having to go through that. But we do want to say that we really enjoy all your comments on our posts, so please comment away! We’re happy to be a little touch of human contact, even if it’s just through the internet xx
Oh man. Rusty that sounds insane. I hope your partner can grab what you need so you don’t have to go out. Thanks for always reading and commenting. So appreciated right now. xx
Ditto on the wimpy immune system. Highly sensitive to EMF’s–anything put out by cell phone and radio towers, microwaves. Uprooted my husband from West to East coast (USA) two years ago. Huge effort on our part and very sad to leave our beloved home and family. Major bombshell to our son who lives in northern California. It all became worth it after two years up in the mountains away from everything. Lovely new friends. Health on an upswing. And now this? Sheesh. That’s why your site is a lovely break from reality.
Oh, thank you.
Stiiill waiting on a return call about being permitted to shop in the “vulnerable” hour. They’re perplexed that you can fit the criteria, but not be on a pension. Ah well… we’ll see what happens.
So glad you’re here! ?
The local store manager said “yes”. So tomorrow we’ll see if there are any staples to buy.
Rusty, my best to you too! Your comments here are always uplifting and full of kindness. Keep connecting here — we’ll be here.
This is great! This is EXACTLY the kind of post I want to be reading for the next week.
Me Too!
thank you for your support!! wishing you all safety and good health 🙂
I love hearing from you and a few other favorite bloggers. You really brighten my day! Thinking about you and your team, as well as all those readers out there who can’t work remotely, are paid hourly and are worried about their paycheck, or have small businesses they are trying to keep going during this uncertain time. Sending love.
sending all the love right back, Lucy! thank you xx
I can’t wait til I see what you do with that “Early Ricky Ricardo and Lucy Lamp Shade.” I have two that still have that funky stiff lace along the edge.
I’m using this self-quarantine time to focus on my health, work on the yard (during breaks in the rain), design my dream patio, and organize/clean the house. I just went through a two month quarantine throughout September/October due to a full blown bout of shingles, which was totally unexpected (I’m in my early 40s) and debilitatingly painful. Being that sick, all I could do was watch TV/movies, even reading was difficult. So while I’m not excited about another long stretch at home this soon, I’m very, very grateful that I’m well and able to do things around the house this time. I find it cathartic to rearrange, fix things, start and actually finish projects, research ideas for rooms/renovations. With all this time at home I think traffic for lifestyle/design sites will pick back up as people look for ways to make their homes feel good, healthy, relaxing, and multifunctional.
That sounds so hard, but so happy to hear that you’re feeling better this time around and will actually be able to use this down time to do some enjoyable things!
I’d love you to share your DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT albums. I often get bogged down with scrapbooking for the same reason. I try to create the perfect themed pages and captions so I can later relive the moment. Unfortunately, I’m so far behind on scrapbooking that the captions don’t happen anymore. I title the section on where we were and maybe who is in the photos, and you know what, we still love looking at them! Done I’d better than perfect. I’m super excited about the dying of the quilt. That will be great content. I have some stuff I’ve been saving to due to give it a new life, so I can’t wait to see your results. Also, I think little styling sessions in your staffs’ homes would be great. Maybe looking at different configurations with what you have. You do this so often by changing out a rug or pillows. I think all your readers appreciate those tips, so we don’t always feel like we need something new. Finally, tips on resources all in one place would be great. Stuff to do at home for different age groups, links to small makers who sell great craft… Read more »
Just chiming in to say I also really appreciate you still ‘being here’ . Reading your post this morning really put a smile on my face and I also really appreciate you being honest and authentic but also a place to escape to; which can’t be an easy balance to strike especially right now were it can be hard to think of anythign uplifiting that doesn’t sound phoney and unsensitive. You’re doing great I am very happy you are still here and ready for anything at all you might want to put out there. Much love and all the best to everyone!!
This comment is so sweet. Thank YOU for being here! In a time like this, it’s great to be able to still engage with everyone — we need it now more than ever! Sending love
I am home from work and while I do have actual work to get completed, I also am going to tackle cleaning out my closet and the garage.
Maybe organizing tips which don’t require a trip to Target? Much as I love Target, but on lockdown here.
You probably know this, but the pink squares on the quilt will go purple not blue if you dye with blue dye.
Totally love this! I think now more than ever, lifestyle blogs have an incredible opportunity to be a place of calm for so many readers whose lives are otherwise consumed by the terrible news/wfh issues/job stability concerns/family health/maintaining normal social ties/finding toilet paper/cooking constantly, and on and on and on. Like, show me how you’re organizing your fridge (a thing many of us are no-doubt doing!), how you’re rearranging your furniture in a room you might not have touched in a while, how you’re dealing with staying in and not eating/drinking everything in sight. I don’t know if ANY of those ideas actually work, but the gist is that we’re here, we don’t really have anywhere to go, and this is a calming space that we’re happy to click on over to. If you literally posted nothing but soothing wallpaper patterns, I’d be grateful.
Anyway, your quaranteam is adorable, I hope there’s lots of delicious soup in your future, and let’s all just take it one day at a time. xo
love love the kids scrapping…hey, being bad at it is the point. How fun! and your hubbie & son Thanks for being real! This is a time for breaking cycles & habits. Creating new rituals.
I find meditation and yoga to be the key to centering myself and remaining calm – don’t forget music too 😀
I’m soooo excited for the quilt project. After seeing some of the amazing ones from Sharktooth, I’ve wanted to dye some old quilts from my grandmothers. Some are stained, others hideous colors, but the patterns are nice, and I’d love to get them out of the closet.
Echoing other comments, these kind of posts seem perfect for right now. Given how much time we’re at home, I really want the space to be nice.
I’m still working full time (I work from home and do site visits). PLUS I have to deal with all the changes as my company re-prioritize my projects based on the sudden stop of the global economy. Recipes, DIY projects and cute kid pics are welcome in these stressful times.
I love your quilt and can’t wait to see how the dye job turns out! It’s a very stressful time right now but how wonderful we are lucky enough to be able to self-quarantine and spend more time with our families.
Hi team EHD: for content, this could be a great time for more personal posts that helps us get to know you ALL better, including from Brian!
Personally I’m more interested in personal/life posts than all the roundups lately of rug sizes etc…content that brings us into your world as humans will keep readers engaged with the brand and its people, I think! Sending virtual hugs. xox
this is a great suggestion, Courtney! thank you 🙂 love hearing from you all
You are hilarious and honest. Thank you for this authentic post! Right there with you in all this! Hugs.
Since I’m confined at home in Paris, I thought I might as well do something that’s been on my mind for a couple of years (I know, i’m a procrastinator…:):
I want to tell all of you at EHD that I love reading your blog, have consulted it a million times, and have a beautiful gallery wall absolutely thanks to you!
If you let me know how to send you a picture of it, I’ll gladly do so…:)
Stay well, stay safe, stay connected, and stay yourselves.. we’ll pull through!
Hey, if you are thinking about mini-projects, how about that DIY collage thing, 3 of you did one night while drinking wine for someone’s MOTO?
Hi, as the owner of a small gift shop, I would like to put a plug in to not forget the small indepdents! We are in Washington State, almost virtual lockdown. But we still have our phones! If your income has NOT been affected, please continue on as before, but call instead of shopping in person. We want to be here when this slows down.
Also, I shared with a customer some of the ideas you posted last week, of things to do to keep young ones active, any more of those posts would be great. I will pass them along!
I think this would be a great opportunity to pool your biggest resource: your readers. Ask readers to send in photos of small projects with before and after photos. I think it would allow readers to celebrate each others small improvements and inspire others.
Also ask readers to submit photos of problem areas in their homes and then every day you do a second post where you add the photo and the homeowner’s issue and then let the readers brainstorm ideas in the comment section. This should be a very small time investment for you, while giving the readers a post where we’re all using our critical thinking skills. I would even recommend that you and your staff do not give your professional opinion, until the following Monday so that everyone has enough time to get their opinion in before you give your own. I think sometimes once a professional has evaluated the problem I don’t continue to evaluate the problem because I have already gotten an answer.
And there it is, the rogue comma. Gah.
OH, I LOVE THIS. I’m a reader turned worker and tbh this sounds even MORE fun than just seeing the EHD team give our opinions — I’d love to hear more about what readers think!!!
Ooh, I like this idea! 🙂
Love this idea!
I’m still coming here to see how to style that rug! Definitely we all have worries on our minds, but speaking for myself, I would love to see whatever topics you had normally planned. Room designs, tips, lovely things… Would love to come here as a beautiful break into what the future will hold for us once life returns to normal.
This whole thing is nuts. We’re all having to get creative and adapt as we go…I started homeschooling my kids. It’s no joke! Serious props to teachers. I see a lot of home improvement DIY projects in our future. ?
When I was little and my mom and grandma were quilting, sometimes we would get the ‘quilt flu’ and be allowed to stay home from school for a day and hang out under the quilt while they were tying it. It was like a giant fort and one of my favorite memories.
Hope your kids get to do the same:)
Re: content, I was thinking about your gallery wall post a while ago wherein you discussed that it was special because it was personal – kids art, etc. All of us incorporate things into our decor like this, whether part of a gallery wall or other display, that are heirlooms or have histories or that we keep because they remind us of someone or something meaningful. How about posts with that feature rooms or even just vignettes that, yes, show us good/interesting design but call out and focus on the personal touches and the stories behind them.
I love that idea! Personal art is so important and is THE place to get creative. I’m currently having a hard time coming up with what to put on one long skinny wall in my apartment right now, so I honestly want to read this post too 🙂
Yes! The human stories behind the bits n bobs.
I’m adding to the enthusiasm for posts about the little at-home projects! We’re working on our own list of things we have supplies (and now time!) on hand to do, especially with kids.
I wouldn’t worry about low traffic enduring. I know I’m not alone in having to scramble these last couple of days to shift work/school/home routines and spend hours in grocery store lines, which has all translated to a lot less work in front of a screen. But I’ve set up my home office, Day 1 of An Actual Homeschool Routine has been a success, and I want to connect with the world outside of COVID-19 updates.
Done is better than perfect. YES. I need to tell myself this often!
I love this idea of using indigo dye on your quilt!!!!
Done is Better than Perfect – There is your bumper sticker!
I struggle with this endlessly and then nothing gets done at all.
HA. Let’s all get these bumper stickers!
Please keep posting! We are going to need and appreciate the distraction in the coming days/weeks. And while finding the right size rug may seem frivolous now, in a couple of weeks we’ll enjoy on-line shopping and getting fun stuff delivered to our door or at least to our email.
Yours was the first blog I checked once I was able to catch my breath and get my bearings. You are always such a ray of sunshine. As a mom who is going to be trying to homeschool with a spouse AND work, I would love to hear more about what you’re up to with your kids as well as see what projects you’re working on around the house.
Emily & team — thank you for the tone you’ve struck over the past few days. You’ve done a wonderful job balancing “we recognize we’re lucky” with sharing some vulnerability over the chaos/uncertainty out in the world — brava! Please, please, please continue with ANY kind of content — truthfully I would like to read a roundup of each of what your team members made for lunch that day. I’ve read this blog every single day for the last 8 years, and it is such a safe haven for me and a place I know that I can find something beautiful, useful, fascinating, or entertaining, but always genuine/real. At least for me, I am “saving” visiting the blog during my long WFH days (I, too, am SO privileged to be able to relatively easily work from home) as a moment of rest and little sparkle of joy. Know how much that sense of normalcy means to people!! Jess, Ryann, all of yours voices are so necessary in this time! And especially you, Emily, I love every word you write– please keep going and know that even if the traffic or comments are a bit lower right now, you are still… Read more »
I, too, am fine reading about what people ate for lunch. I think the minutiae of others day to day life is really interesting. I typically prefer posts about home stuff, but in light of what’s going on I’ll take anything. For instance, I feel really good about my gym routine but now I’m out of the gym having a hard time finding motivation. Is anyone on the EHD team doing at home exercises with no equipment? At least it’d serve as a reminder that I should do something. Also, since we’re not really eating out, does anyone have ideas for meals we could cook that would feel “special” to break of the monotony of what we typically eat in my house.
Any content is better than no content!
PAGING MALLORY!!! @mallorywackerman has been doing some hilarious workouts on her stories but maybe we should make her record them for the blog…
I would love all of this too. As for non gym workouts (though I do these at the gym too when it’s open bc they have a babysitting room ??), I’ve been doing Beach Body at home and really like it. Tons of great workouts there!