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Affordable Accent Chair Roundup

We have been shopping our bums off for affordable accent chairs lately for clients. What is an accent chair, you ask? It’s basically just a fancy word for living room chair. They tend to be on the smaller side – less clubby and loungey, more sitting-up-straight-and-chatting chairs.

So we (with the help of Kelsey) now have a 77 EXCELLENT affordable options (the last 15 are under $150!). Which ones are your favorites?

Affordable Accent Chairs Under $500 Emily Henderson Design

1. Cantor Lounge Chair in Stonewashed Canvas Fog  | 2. Tayabas Cane Chair in White/Rattan 3. Dhurrie Occasional Chair in Orange | 4. Kira Chair in Navy Dot5. Avery Velvet Chair in Navy6. Bailey chair in Pink Linen 7. Dixon Mid-Century Modern Lounge Chair in Grey 8. Avery Slipper Chair in Black/White Stripe 9. Club Chair in Blue  10.  Chateau Armchair in French Blue | 11. Lycia Velvet Chair in Blue 12. Rocket Lounger Armchair in Rust |  13. Francesca Chair in White | 14. Winston Chair in Fuchsia Velvet | 15. Bacall Slipper Chair in Indigo Batik | 16. Kristina Accent Chair in Ocean Blue | 17. Mid Century Modern Shell Chair in Grey Wool | 18. Regan Dining Chair in New Lime | 19. Scarlett Chair in Pink Linen | 20. Vera Armchair in Beige Linen | 21. Ember Armchair22. Ester Arm Chair in Charcol | 23. Chase Armchair in White/Walnut 24. Bailey chair in Nectar | 25. Triumph Loungechair in Chalk + Triumph Ottoman in Chalk 26.  Chinese Chippendale Chair in Poppy | 27. Neyla Armchair in Jacquard Print

Affordable Accent Chairs Under $250 Emily Henderson Design

1. Ring Rattan Chair | 2. Gerwin Armchair | 3. Engstrom Accent Chair |  4. Taylor Tufted Back Chair in Grey | 5. Retro Tufted Side Chair6. Hamper Dining Metal Armchair in White7. Brian Sloped Armchair in Blue Grey | 8. Coral Springs Arm Chair | 9. Rose Pink Tyley Chair | 10. Margot Arm Chair in Sea Foam  11. Parker Slipper Chair | 12.  Pillow Lounge Chair in Saddle Brown | 13. Gitana Dining Chair in Sand | 14. Tufted Accent Chair in Light Blue | 15. Camilla Barrel Chair | 16. Tribal Jacquard Delani Chair in Black/White | 17. Milford Chair in Tan | 18. Modern Arch Lounge Chair | 19. Mavek Chair | 20. Helm Lounge Chair in Tan Vegan Leather | 21. Neo Armless Accent Chair in Orange22. Baddock Accent Chair in Dark Blue Stripe | 23. Mid Century Chair in Teal24.  Diamond Rattan Chair | 25. Accent Chair in Orange | 26. Tullsta Chair | 27. Claiborne Side Chair in Wenge

Affordable Accent Chairs Under $150 Emily Henderson Design

1. Mod, Mod World Chair in White/Wood | 2. Reef Fabric Side Chair | 3. Lalani Tufted Chair in Grey4. Barrel Chair | 5. Evade Lounge Chair in Gray | 6. Atticus Bonded Leather Accent Chair in Black 7. Viktigt Chair in Black | 8. Mid Century Molded Plywood Chair in Walnut9. Arthur Leather Side Chair in White | 10. Idina Chair in Black/White Stripe 11. Accent Slipper Chair in Ivory | 12Storsele Chair in Black Rattan13. Fabric/Wood Accent Chair in Grey 14. Poang Chair | 15. Anywhere Chair

Thanks to Kelsey Smith of Golden Vibes for working with us to round up these accent chairs. We are still taking roundup requests so let us know what you are wanting to see us round up in a post and we will be sure to search high and low for the best options out there.

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8 years ago

I am obsessed with your roundup posts, such great sourcing!!!

8 years ago

I just can’t with this site anymore. What was once a wonderful design blog full of inspiration and almost inappropriate comments, has now become a collection of affiliate link generic furniture. If I wanted to find a chair I can go on google images or shop Google and find the same stuff. I get that sites need to generate money but this is just crap content that ur Photoshopping together and putting out on Pinterest to generate clicks. A list of chairs or lights do nothing to inspire me and if I felt like looking at all this then I could go to wayfair. I come to a design blog for designs and that’s just not the case here anymore.

Lana Wren
8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Wow, that’s a mean comment that was totally unnecessary to share. If you don’t like the content, you don’t need to come back, but there’s no need to be so bluntly rude with the feedback.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I think the balance between product suggestions and design inspiration is very good. Solid design content takes a ton of time and resources to create (as we have seen from all the behind-the-scenes shots Emily gives us), so wanting that every single post is more than just greedy – it’s downright unrealistic for a team that really isn’t that huge.

Keep up the good work, Emily and team.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Disagree. Have you ever decorated a home on a budget? Its actually much harder than it seems to find the perfect chair or sofa or rug at a price that works for you. I find it super helpful to have Emily and her team sourcing and organizing products that are actually cute and affordable. I wouldn’t think to look at some of these retailers, so this is a win for me.

And yes, they are affiliate links…but who cares? They’re doing the work of sourcing everything, linking it out, putting the images together, etc. It’s a ton of work to run a site like this and this content doesn’t create itself. Back in the day before the internet, if you wanted to read content like this you would have to PURCHASE a magazine or pay to subscribe to one. This is free, folks. Emily SHOULD get paid 3% if someone decides to buy the chair she refers them to.

8 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Zoe-we commented simultaneously, only you said it way better!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Totally agree! I appreciate not having to hunt around for this stuff myself!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I don’t mind the round-ups and certainly they have been of interest and helpful on occasion!! I will throw my two cents in, though, to say I wish there were just less round-ups. I feel like they have been posted with greater frequency recently. We like them, just like your other stuff better 🙂 Keep up your good work! I will always read, even if I am not a huge fan of that day’s post!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I like it because all the googling has been done for us. I’ve gotten to the point where I hate when I need to shop for something. There are too many sites, too many choices, too many options. These round ups do the “legwork” and I’m sure take a jillion hours!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Wow. I, for one, am so excited to see a round-up like this. I just don’t have the time to scour hundreds of websites and keep notes comparing prices, all the while considering the style factor. I find that most every post on this blog is helpful and I am always learning when I read them. If there’s a post that isn’t relevant to me, I just scroll on. Thank you Emily, for the interesting, educational and FREE content!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I love these round up posts when they are something I need, and they are boring when they are for something I don’t need. I think that’s just the nature of them. I would love to see a round up of entryway consoles and benches, but a dining table one would be totally uninteresting because I love my table and won’t be replacing it anytime soon. There are a lot of requests and I’m fine dealing with a post that is boring to me if it helps someone else, especially if the next one might answer a need I have.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

haters gon hate

Sarah Z
8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Omg, I love the roundups! Please don’t stop posting roundups! Like maybe a pouf roundup? So many good poufs on this site.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Z

Yes please!! A pouf/ottoman roundup and an affordable coffee table roundup! (I am selfish, but probably I’m not the *only* one who needs these)

PS I love these round ups and legitimately refer back to them when shopping, please keep ’em coming!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I think the best part about these roundups is the fact that they are curated from Emily + team and therefore I don’t have to search for hours since I trust and love Emily’s aesthetic. While inspirational posts are great, I appreciate that through this posts I not only get that curated selection but I even find more stores I didn’t know about.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you should know Emily and understand that while there are affiliate links, I believe she does not create these roundups with the mindset of making money. Getting paid a small percentage over sales is simply an added benefit.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

It’s helpful to have a balance of opinions. At this point I can afford a little better pieces that look good, age well and at the same time are comfortable. While I buy less expensive individual pieces at times, a chair like that can be very versatile and I would prefer better quality. I would really love if the round up included higher price ranges. Having said that, I’d prefer reading reviews of the things Emily sources for her projects instead of seeing pictures of low quality items that she wouldn’t even like in her own home. Buying these things without seeing them in a store is just as risky as before, and that’s something that makes me stay away from these “affordable” roundups. I don’t think I’d like any of these items in person. I felt similarly about the promotional stories of stores. While some were great to look at, it felt like a commercial and not an actual honest review of that store. Finally, about Orcondo. Wasn’t that table in his living room 6000? I saw an article on mydomain when it was shown. How come someone has a 6000 table and a 500 chair in the same… Read more »

Kate Lim
8 years ago
Reply to  Lane

Which one? The chrome coffee table is $6000? And which one is the $500 chair??

I’m getting a marble dining table that cost $1000 and an authentic Warren Platner Chair Jubilee Gold plated for $6000. Why can’t they co-exist together?? I think it’s cool as long as you have it all setup tastefully.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kate Lim

I agree with Kate. I hear (well actually read) that designers say you should decorate your home with high and low end pieces. If you love a really expensive table, then buy it! It reminds me of fashion, and stylists say the same thing about clothes. Someone may pair a Chloe bag with old navy jeans, and if it looks good, then it looks good. Price shouldn’t matter. It comes off as very elitist and snobby saying expensive things can only go with expensive things.

And I love the round-up posts!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I stand corrected then. Just noticed that My Domain promoted the same table and it was expensive. If it’s vintage and something they had already, that’s entirely different.

Kate – If you bought a $400 table then I’d be concerned about your ability to discern quality, and I would wonder why an inspired chair for 1000 wouldn’t be sufficient if you were not willing to spend more on a table. $1000 marble table? Is it on a smaller side? Or perhaps a very gray Carrara marble table? Even if that’s the case, the natural stone will probably look nice. Due to its inherent quality, that table will likely coexist with an expensive chair. Price doesn’t necessarily equal quality, but quality means more money to source, produce, and sell.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

The blog is starting like a commercial, and the links are often broken or wrong so I usually end up skipping about half the posts. Yes the blog is her business, but we are her customers and can take our business elsewhere.

8 years ago
Reply to  beks

So are you willing to pay for the content so Emily doesn’t have to do sponsored posts?

Ps – I have yet to find a broken link. Sometimes the product is no longer available, but I understand that.

Kate Lim
8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

I was hoping the list includes higher end range or designer chairs. Affordable furniture often do not have a good shape or quality , it will be nice to know how much more I need to spend to upgrade to better chairs. 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I EFFING LOVE these roudups – I find them to be hugely inspirational and super helpful. I’ve already pinned several lighting, rug, cement tile and chair options for future project I’ll be working on. Please don’t ever stop them. I really can’t wrap my head around the vitriol – it’s a roudup post, for chrissakes.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Whoa. RUDE ALERT, Jennifer!

8 years ago

I love these posts! these are such a great resource when you’re looking to buy the featured item. two requests:
1) can you do coffee tables? and/or consoles/accent tables
2) any way that you can switch to one of the formats that lets you click on the actual picture to get to the link? I know it’s less pinable, but it can be a little hard to memorize all the numbers I’m interested in and then scroll down to click on the links. just a thought! and thanks for all your hard research 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Hey Emily,

Front-end developer here. A very easy–albeit old-school and somewhat tedious–way of doing this is the create an image map. There are plenty of online places where you can upload a photo and then grab pieces of the image (kind of like the lasso tool in Photoshop) and assign a link.

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

i figured you’d probably looked into it, but wanted to voice support for the format in case you were unsure. thanks again!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily


I recently read this post that contained clickable images:

It doesn’t look like it’s rs style, but I could be wrong. Anyway, thought I’d pass it along, just in case it could prove helpful!

Also, I look forward to reading your blog every day, from decor to the mom posts (and I’m not even a mom yet!). You and the team are doing a great job. Don’t let the screams of the few drown out the cheers of the many. 🙂

8 years ago

I love these posts, keep them coming!!!! We live in the real world and helping is find affordable, but still stylish furniture is highly needed!! Thank you for keeping it real for us regular folks who are not millionaires but still appreciate and desire good design! LOVE YOU GIRL!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Please, please, please do an office chair round up. It may well be that to get a chair I like I’ll have to pony up over $200 but dang, do I really, truly need to do that? I don’t want a forever chair, just a good 3-4 years will do. Why is it so hard to get an office chair with arms that isn’t quite so office-y looking, has wheels, is sleek but still has some traditional elements?

So please, more round-ups and of the office chair variety sooner rather than later. Thanking you muchly!

Sarah Beth
8 years ago

These round ups have been SO HELPFUL. We’ve been very slowly decorating our house on a very tight budget, and it’s so hard to find great looking pieces at prices we can afford. It often feels like you can either decorate, OR save money, but not both. Thanks for providing so many resources that prove that’s not true!
And I’m DYING for those pink chairs in the under-$250 section! They’re so pretty!

Lana Wren
8 years ago

A roundup of shower curtains please! 🙂

Christine Collins
8 years ago
Reply to  Lana Wren

I was in Target the other day and they had some really nice ones! I didn’t need one, but wanted to buy 3 or 4 of them.

Sarah G
8 years ago

I love that the tumbling chair graphic! This is another great roundup–I especially love all the wood frame chairs! Just chiming in to say I own #14 in the under $500 section and I don’t recommend it. I know that in this price range you get what you pay for but I’ve sat in other affordable furniture that feels higher quality than this piece. The back of it is velcro-ed on and does not look great floating in a room from that angle. It’s also firm in an odd way that makes me feel like I’m falling forward whenever I’m sitting in it. It’s too bad because I really like the proportions of this chair. If you’re putting it against a wall and just need it for looks, this model (made by Skyline Furniture) is available in other colors from other vendors including Target and Wayfair at a cheaper price.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sarah G

Thank you for that seriously helpful piece of advice!!!!!

Ali News
8 years ago

Have always enjoyed your blog, you are talented, inspiring… But that sponsored content ad so annoying especially when there is music-sound attached to it…please make it stop

8 years ago

Love this!! I would love to see a roundup of affordable office/desk chairs.

8 years ago

Love the round ups! It’s such a great way to actually find things to purchase – rather than looking at beautiful images and never being able to re-create! I would love to see a round up of affordable large rugs (like 9’x12′ and 10’x14′)

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Thanks!! Can’t wait!

8 years ago

I’d love to see coordinated lighting for open concept spaces! I’m looking to replace my entry/living/dining pendant lights and they’re all relatively close to one another. So even more important that they feel cohesive.

Idea #2: affordable desks and desk chairs!

8 years ago

THANK YOU EMILY. I have been desperate for this one!!!

8 years ago

I love these posts! Not all of us have a big decorating budget or an eye for design, so I really appreciate the expertise and different price points! I’d love a round up of affordable, beautiful desks. I am looking for a writing desk for my bedroom and the choices are overwhelming!

8 years ago

I hav

8 years ago

When I go online shopping, I often check out Emily’s round-ups, because I know somebody has spent time putting it together and has already dispensed with the, let’s say, not-interesting options out there. But as a regular blog reader, I don’t get as much thrill from a round-up post. So here’s an idea that may make round-up posts way more interesting for the casual reader. What if Emily (and Brady and Ginny) picked one favorite chair in each category, and explained what’s special about it? Elle Decor has a regular round-up of 10 “top” items, perhaps you could do something like that for a few items from the roundup?

8 years ago

As a budding, self-educated designer, these round-ups are amazing for me. I know first-hand how insanely difficult it is to find affordable, great looking furnishings especially online and I spend months of my life trying to find them. Designer resources take years to build up and create and the fact you share them openly is crazy town. I happily order via your link if I find something thru you so you get the referral. It’s a win-win. I come to your blog nearly every day because of all the practical information in addition to pretty/inspiring pictures. There are plenty of pretty photos online; no one is as transparent and helpful as you. Keep it up! xx

8 years ago

I love these round-up posts. Since you’ve recently done sofas and now chairs, are there any hard and fast rules about pairing the 2, as far as size and heights are concerned?

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Yay, looking forward to it, thanks!

8 years ago

A *gasp* SECTIONAL roundup would be the bomb diggity dot com.

PS – hello to bear cat!

8 years ago

Round up suggestions: affordable bookcases, round dining table rugs, office chairs, indoor or outdoor planters, accent mirrors, sources for good vintage furniture online, Did you already do nightstands?

8 years ago

So surprised to see a Poang chair on here, as I consider them hideous! Are they really considered stylish enough for this round up???

Kate Lim
8 years ago
Reply to  Jen

^ Above, I don’t see how Poang chair is nice and special enough to be used as an accent chair. To me, an accent chair has to have enough charm to warrant its place as an additional chair next to the sofa. The rattan chairs on the other hand from IKEA is so much better.

8 years ago

This blog is officially my interior decorator! Thanks to your awesome content in the past four months, we are rocking a lovely no-fail pillow combo on the sofa, new flushmount lighting in the hallway, a new art layout around the media center, and modern glam dining chairs that we love (after not being to find anything we liked for months). It’s high time I expressed my gratitude for all of the hard work that goes into creating and curating content for this blog – you have truly made a lasting impact on my home!

8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I second Christine! My best friend moved to a tiny tiny room with a teeny tiny window (we are both broke mid-20s living in Brooklyn), and I referenced a ton of your blog posts when he asked me to help set up his room – especially one tip on hanging curtains to make a window/room look bigger. And then he got hooked on your blog and chose a paint color for his room from one of the gray paint round ups from a while ago. Thanks for having great content every day – and as the aforementioned broke young person who still cares about having a beautiful space to live in, having round ups sorted by budget is amazing!!

8 years ago

I live in a studio apartment and needed a small chair to add a punch of color to my living room/area so I ordered a Pottery Barn dining chair with arms in Pink Magenta (color doesn’t seem to be offered anymore.) BUT the PB Comfort roll arm dining chair style I bought is on sale now for $244-$314 in custom colors so it comes in under $500 or even under $250 for some fabric choices. For those of your readers who lean more toward classic than MCM, this choice gives me a pop of color (regular upholstered chairs in this color would have been too much, too big in this color) and it can do double duty as a dining chair when I entertain. (I’m talking to you Thanksgiving!)

Courtney F
8 years ago

Love this round up! Thanks for putting it together.

8 years ago

Sectionals please!

8 years ago

Round dining tables that seat at least six. Preferably not glass. Many thanks!!!

8 years ago

Great roundup! I would love to see a post on decorating with a poang chair. I find them insanely comfortable, but hard to not look like a college apartment chair.

8 years ago
Reply to  Emmy

I’m sorry but those are ugly. You’d need to cover it up completely in some nice throw blanket, with a large pillow. Perhaps if it was just in the background and in the similar color as the wall then maybe it would stand out less. The idea is to have something else that draws attention, a nice big palm tree in a nice stand, large art or huge pillow/throw. The chair is not expensive but you need other nice looking thigns round it to draw attention if you really like the space to look designed. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. You can start collecting other things after you get the chair and eventually, after years of use you canreplace the chair.

Kate Lim
8 years ago
Reply to  Lane

^ Agreed. I don’t like the look of the chair and yes it’s leaning towards ugly plus it ALWAYS give off the vibe that the owner can’t afford better chairs (sorry!). I agree you can buy it for the time being and replace it when you can afford a better one! The CB2 butterfly chair is SOOO much better.

8 years ago

I LOVE these roundups! Can you do one for larger comfier chairs too as you mention above for “clubbier, loungier” chairs? Seriously the roundups are my favorite! 🙂 Also can’t wait for the large rug roundup too as I saw in the other comments! Woop!

8 years ago
Reply to  Daniella

I second that 🙂 great idea Daniella

8 years ago


I would LOVE a post on console tables – especially some that do not have wood tops and that are wider than 54″. Thanks!!

8 years ago

please ANYONE, could you give me your advice on which accent chair you would choose for a navy sofa and a west elm boho textured rug

for years ive been STUCK! can anyone give me there advice?

8 years ago
Reply to  katie

I think that any of the leather or wood toned chairs from this post would look nice paired with the rug you linked too.

8 years ago

Love the breakdown in price range here. Definitely bookmarking this post for future reference. We’re currently house hunting and know this will come in handy down the line. 🙂


8 years ago

Thank you so much for this post! You helped me find a lost lost mate to a chair I bought at Home Goods over a year ago. I keep going back to see if there’s a match, and I had given up hope. I really appreciate it!

8 years ago

So helpful! May I please request roundup of your favorite office desks and office chairs..thanks so much in advance!

8 years ago

Thank you so much for always providing so many options and thinking of different budgets!

8 years ago

My fiance is in the market for a Playstation chair (no he is not a teenager, yes I despair!) One of these stunning specimens could be the answer to both of our prayers!

8 years ago

Hi, Emily Henderson team. Nice post! I write from Spain, I love your style. I need a selection of the best clocks for the kitchen makeover. It’s a eclectic style!

8 years ago

What a great collection of affordable chairs. So funny to see my Ikea Poang is also in there, it’s not expensive but I love how comfortable it is!

8 years ago

It was a complete honor to be mentioned on Emily Henderson’s amazing website. We are number #18 on affordable accent chairs under $250 and number #2 on the chairs under $150!

Thanks Emily Henderson and Kelsey Smith of Golden Vibes for the mention 🙂

8 years ago

Request: satin nickel

From lighting fixtures to door hardware to curtain rods.

My house won’t do brass, gold, bronze, copper, etc.

8 years ago

These roundup posts are so, so helpful! I’ve pinned all of them for when I buy a home, hopefully this year. Thank you for putting them together.

8 years ago

LOVE these roundup posts!

8 years ago

Love the post! I have been eyeing chair #3 (in the under $500 section) for a while now 🙂 I would like to see a round up of chairs/seating that are recliners. My husband won’t budge on having a recliner in the family room but I’m having trouble finding a stylish one. Thanks!

8 years ago

Request: Nightstands!

I have been searching for months but everything I see just seems either too bulky or too generic.

And question, do they always have to match? Does it look strange to just have one?

8 years ago

I would also like to request a round-up of recliners! My husband wants one, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the only really comfortable recliners are hideous. Thanks!

8 years ago

I love these roundup posts! One on coffee tables would be awesome!

8 years ago

Love this roundup and perfect timing as we’d like to put two accent chairs in our living room. I’d love to see a roundup of couches with longer legs. My husband and I both like the look and I especially love that you can vacuum under them a lot more easily. But boy is it hard to find a couch with legs longer than about 4″.

Sarah M.
8 years ago

I also want to say how much I love these roundups! I’m in my late twenties and still figuring out how to put together a space, and I really love having a variety of sources in one place. Thank you!! As far as other topics, I could go for a coffee table roundup (have you already done one and I just can’t find it?), area rugs, and I second the request for awesome area rugs. I think you did a rug pairing one and a shag rug one, but I definitely struggle with how to pick an area rug. Oh and indoor/outdoor planters! I love the idea of having a “staff pick” item for a specific reason, or a “how to style” (like you did with the table lamp). Thanks for making such an awesome site. I was just telling someone yesterday how you are my favorite blog because you reliably, regularly post such extensive content.

8 years ago

Before and afters are my favs, but these round-ups are great too! Thank you for doing them for us. And I’ll second some of the requests above… shower curtains & coffee tables please:)

8 years ago

How timely! I’m looking for extra seating in the family room and this post has really inspired me. I never would have thought of looking at Target for affordable furniture – my go to has been Ikea.

8 years ago

I just had to chime in to say that I really enjoy the roundups! I recently discovered your blog and I love it. For those of us who decorating doesn’t come easily this whole blog is such a treasure trove. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it. It is very much appreciated!! And I’d love a pouf roundup!

8 years ago

As a non-american reader I’m not the biggest fan of the round-ups because most of the things are not available for me. But they are certainly versatile and no doupt very helpful for most of your readers, so I see no reason to complain.

I personally come to your blog because of YOUR cheerful personality and beautiful and creative style of yours. (I love LOVE your house! And I’m sad that you are moving but also very excited to see your new (and old) tudor house transform into Emily Henderson house.) You are such an inspiration for me and I’m not going to stop coming to your blog just because of few posts that don’t really concern me.

Have a happy weekend Emily!