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6 Beauty Products I Use Every day

I’ve been wearing the same EXACT makeup for 6 years. Not because I don’t try new things, or because I’m not into beauty, but because these products are exceptional. They were all originally recommended to me by pros (makeup artists when I started my on-camera career) and every time I’ve strayed from them I’ve come back, crying, makeup smeared down my face. I know that every skin is different, obviously, so I’m not necessarily talking about the shade or color – it’s the product itself that is shockingly good regardless of what color of skin it’s on.

1. Eye Brow Pencil by Laura Mercier. If Obama knocked on my door and I only had time to apply ONE thing to my face it would be my eyebrows so I could do my special eye-brow move for him. I look strangely sick without those two little lines across my face. I’ve tried one million different kinds out of sheer desperation (and because I don’t really want to spend that much on an eyebrow pencil), but this one has the most natural looking colors. I think that nobody wants to be the lady with the drawn on eyebrows, but some of us have to be. This is a very good one that is easy to apply (it has a good consistency) and a really natural looking color. I buy fair blonde.

2. Orgasm Collection Blush by NARS. The only thing wrong with this blush is its name. When I was 24 I bartended at a bar with a drink called the “G Spot” and I think that SO many more people would have ordered that drink had they not had to say “hey lady, can I get a G-Spot over here?” So disregard that bad name because this is America’s blush. It has a huge cult following because it makes every cheek look happy. Even if your skin is a wildly different tone, this blush is for you. It looks crazy hot pink but once its on your face it just looks healthy and alive. Ask any makeup artist in the world (because they all have it in their kit) about this blush and they’ll tell you it’s amazing. Be careful with “Super Orgasm” because its kinda shiny.

3. Long-Lasting 12 Hour Wear Eyeliner by Sephora. Everyday I put on a tiny line of eyeliner on the top of my lash line, and this one is by far the best. I’ve tried the really expensive and the really cheap. Most of them are too shiny, smudge too easily, have a brush thats too thick to apply, don’t stay on long enough, or don’t ever come off. This is just simple, easy, jet black (or brown), and long wearing. Plus it ain’t expensive.

4. Luminous Silk Foundation by Giorgio Armani. When I was first introduced to this I was like “foundation? Base? What am I, a lady-mom from 1985?” But then they applied it on my face and my skin looked immediately fresh, flawless, and totally makeup free. It’s expensive but worth every penny. I used to drive to Beverly Hills to buy this stuff when I ran out (because it used to only be sold at Saks in store). It has a SLIGHT reflective quality that makes the light bounce off your skin in a really healthy-glow kind of way, and it’s really light so you never feel like you are wearing makeup, yet it covers all dark circles (I don’t even wear concealer), and flaws.

5. Long Lash Mascara by Laura Mercier.  Now this is the only one where I’m like “I like it” but I’m not swearing by it. I’m desperate to find my mascara. Something that doesn’t smudge, but is long lasting, easy to take off, and doesn’t clump. If it can add length and curl then wonderful. Extra credit if it makes me look like Kim Kardashian circa 2008. But seriously, any amazing ones out there? I’ve tried fancy (Chanel), and drugstore (Loreal) with the same similar results – not bad, but not the one. Maybe I just have bad short blonde lashes and will never be satisfied because ultimately a mascara will never give me what I want. That could be it. Also I got eyelash extensions recently which was a DISASTER – so expensive and barely made a difference. And then as they grew out I kept picking at them and ripped out so many of my own lashes, so now I have stupid short, choppy lashes. Perhaps mascara isn’t my biggest problem.

6. Chubby Stick Intense Moisturizing Lip Color Balm by Clinique. I love these and I have them in MANY colors. They look natural, and give your face a little pop without looking like “OH HEY GIRL CHECK OUT MY LIPSTICK.” And you can apply it easily in the car or anywhere without a mirror because you can’t really mess it up. Plus it’s moisturizing and feels good. And kinda tastes good. I was a kid that ate chapstick, so theres that.

SO. Those are mine. I’m loyal and I keep it pretty simple. I don’t have boxes of eye shadow for a special occasion (although I do like this one). Every now and again I wear a brighter lip, or for on-camera work I put on lashes, but generally this is what I like on my face and many of those are universally good – it’s not the color that I love, its the product.

And now, dish. What are you go-to’s or your universal cult-following products that we all should know about?

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9 years ago

LOVE these posts! Totally trying that foundation and blush. You said you’ve already tried L’Oreal – but have you tried their Voluminous False Fiber Lashes mascara? It comes in a gold tube and it’s my obsession. I’ve tried SO MANY more expensive mascaras (e.g., DiorShow, Benefit’s They’re Real) and I always come back to this little gem. Nothing is better.

9 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

How funny! Diorshow Iconic (the original I think) is my day to day and Benefit they’re real is my going out mascara. They’re both great for me and I was about to recommend them to Emily

9 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

If that foundation doesn’t work for you, Too Faced Born This Way is awesome! I recently switched and I like it much much better!

9 years ago

Too funny, I swear by Laura Mercier’s eyebrow pencil (never trying another brand again) and Nars blush too! Give Buxom mascara a try- I’ve got long lashes for a Korean girl, but they’re rather thin and this is the mascara I have sworn by for years. Have tried every other “fancier” and more expensive mascara that just flakes and clumps– this one separates amazingly but darkens/thickens just enough. Never flakes on me 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Be careful with those topical eyelash growth enhancers. They’re known to turn non-brown eyes brown. (not that there’s anything wrong with brown eyes, but most people probably want to keep their blue, green, hazel eyes if that’s the way they were born.)

9 years ago

I have blonde lashes as well and I swear by Smashbox Full Exposure. The coverage is awesome and my lashes never get clumpy. Every once in awhile I’ll try another brand, but I always regret it and go back to Smashbox.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

Also a girl with blonde eyelashes here, who has also tried a million mascaras, I just last week got the w3ll people expressionist mascara and I love it! Bonus: Costco sells it in packages of 2 at the same price as just one elsewhere, and you don’t even need to be a member. I don’t work for Costco and am not a member, was just psyched about it! 🙂

9 years ago

i read this post avidly because you always look so healthy and pretty and fresh in all your pictures. there, i’ve said it!

i was intrigued with the foundation as i still want to believe the miracle “one” might exist…BUT recently i’ve become a one brand kind of gal after being all over the place forever. so now i use stila everything.

another thing is i’ve started hoarding/experimenting less so that i only have what i use as i got sick of having to throw away expensive makeup that was a few years old (yuck!)

i have a thing for burts bees colored lip balms too but that doesn’t count, right? it’s practically medicine…

9 years ago

I had never really found “my mascara” either, until I tried WellPeople Expressionist mascara. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and I’ve recommended it to everyone. Not expensive, but makes your lashes look like a doll’s. I’ve had people stop me to say how nice my eyelashes look when wearing this!

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Hi Emily, I hope you see this! Try Benefit’s Roller Lash. Cult following! Pretty, long, curled, lashes and never clumpy or thick. I just can’t use another after trying, well, a ton.

Also, are you a closet concealer? Or are you blessed with no dark circles! Either way, Nars concealer is my fav. : )

Mac prep+prime to set makeup with a light dewy glow.

9 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Yes to this! Benefit roller lash is the mascara I use. I’ve tried A LOT of others and the only ones I’ve found not to flake off are benefit they’re real and benefit roller lash. I prefer roller lash because the wand isn’t as hard (my hand has slipped when applying they’re real and hurt my lash line – be warned!). You have to put on a few ‘layers’ but it really is the best (despite the price), I’ve had so many compliments wearing it, I would highly recommend. Also, I’ve been wondering about getting that Nars blusher, I think this is the push I need…

9 years ago
Reply to  Islay

I commented on w3ll people too soon – didn’t see this one. Islay, see the heads up about buying it at Costco and stock up before they stop selling it!

9 years ago

Thanks for sharing! I have recently been using Younique mascara, and am very impressed. It adds extra fibers to your lashes to make them thicker and longer. Much easier than false lashes!

9 years ago

I, too, will forever continue the search for MY perfect mascara… but one thing I’ve found that has improved the look of my lashes overall is using RapidLash, which is basically an over-the-counter version of Latisse. I was SUPER doubtful that it would really do anything noticeable to my lashes – but I apply it maybe 3-4 nights a week (I get lazy and forget a lot), and my lashes are SO MUCH longer and fuller. It’s only about $25-$30 a tube, and the tube lasts a couple months. I’d highly recommend it for anyone with lashes they wish were longer or fuller!

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

woops- meant to post my comment here:

Be careful with those topical eyelash growth enhancers. They’re known to turn non-brown eyes brown. (not that there’s anything wrong with brown eyes, but most people probably want to keep their blue, green, hazel eyes if that’s the way they were born.)

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I tried this too but it burned my eyes!
Wondering if maybe I just super sensitive eyes?

9 years ago
Reply to  Christina

I tried this too but it burned my eyes!
Wondering if maybe I just super sensitive eyes?

9 years ago

Love this post, I would also add as an alternate to the foundation ‘All Day’ Luminous Weightless Liquid Foundation. It is amazing and goes on jsut as you described the GA Foundation.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nastassja

And La Mer foundation, good and light too. Must admit though tempted by the luminescence you describe. Will give it a try.

9 years ago

Love this post! I, too, have tried every mascara under the sun. I’ve paid $35 for a tube and I’ve paid $4. THIS is your every day mascara. Rimmel London, Volume Flash SCANDAL Eyes in a big, orange tube with a chunky brush application wand. You can find it at the drugstore and it’s around $7. Your eyes will thank you. For date nights, I use the Younique Fiber lashes which look like falsies without actually wearing falsies.

Another blush to add to your arsenal is Kat Von D’s Everlasting Blush in Bellisima. That perfect perky flush for every day without looking like you’re really wearing blush. Available on Amazon or at Sephora.

XO Ladies!

9 years ago

Do you perhaps mean “beauty regimen” instead of “beauty regime”?

9 years ago
Reply to  Jenna

I thought the same, so I googled and it looks like “regime” still works.
From Google:
2. a system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above.
synonyms: system, arrangement, order, pattern, method, procedure, routine, course, plan, program
“a health regime”
a coordinated program for the promotion or restoration of health; a regimen.
“a low-calorie, low-fat regime”

9 years ago
Reply to  Emily

In England we would say regime, so you can just pretend you’re being British if all else fails!

9 years ago

Hello Emily, i really enjoy your posts!

my favorite mascara is from mac: “Extended Play Lash”.
Its really nice to apply, and stays on the lashes ALL DAY!

actually i need a good make-up-remover to take it off: “Biotherme for waterproof make-up: “Biocils Démaquillant Express Pour les Yeux Waterproof ”

you could try it… and tell me/us what you think about it.

9 years ago

My eyelashes stick strait down. So I use a primer (Smashbox has a good one) I apply it before I apply my mascara. It helps my eyelashes to thicken and stand up strait and then the mascara does the rest.
I’m really loving Benefit’s Rollerlash mascara right now.

9 years ago

Funny. I’m blond and my brows are light and just recently it crossed my mind that maybe I should do something to them or with them? But I’m not sure…and I’m scared. So what exactly do you do? Might need to go on some YouTube adventures…

9 years ago
Reply to  Jess

Anastasia brow pomade is AWESOME. It’s super easy to apply and makes my blonde eyebrows may more defined but still natural looking…Youtube has lots of tutorials.

9 years ago

after trying every. single. mascara. on. the. planet: cover girl lash blast is my very favorite of all, drug store or department store brand. plain purplish tube always hanging on the bottom row at target. 2.5 coats. no smudge, no clump, stays on all day and into the next (great if you work long overnight shifts). i would say it is equivalent to lancome defincils (my personal gold standard for every day mascara) in terms of performance but 1/4 the price.

also love benefit ‘they’re real’! – it is hard to get off and i’m afraid i lose too many eyelashes in the removal process to wear it every day but it is my go-to for parties, weddings, or anytime i need to look like a Kardashian.

also absolutely vital: dove dry shampoo and YSL touche éclat highlighter. and latisse.

9 years ago

I love Smashbox Full Exposure mascara!

9 years ago

I love your routine, it is actually one of my 2016 “Take Care of Me” resolutions to put more effort into finding the best makeup and skincare routine, for me! Definitely going to try the GA foundation, because you’re now the third person I trust 😉 to recommend it.

One of my ride or dies is Becca Shimmering Skin Perfecter in Champagne Pop, Jaclyn Hill’s color. This highlighter truly is life, it does things to the tops of my cheekbones and the tip of my nose (and I HATE my crooked nose!) that I’m giving my own self double takes in the mirror and in pictures. That sounds so vain but the way it doesn’t over power, but catches the light in the best possible way… I can’t say enough about it. It was limited edition but Sephora just made it permanent so thank god I don’t have to drop hundreds on a stock pile, because this guy is never leaving my collection!

9 years ago

For mascara, technique matters too! I apply my regular mascara, Cover Girl Lashblast volume (the orange tube, I always come back). I then go over my lashes again with just the brush from a different mascara (a curling mascara) to define/separate them. The second pass with just the brush makes such a difference!

Here’s the blog post where I first learned about this — I don’t actually use 2 different mascaras since I have naturally long lashes and it’s too much for every day, but it might work great for you:

9 years ago

Try Lancome defincils mascara, have you already?

9 years ago

Great list. I love the Nars Orgasm blush, it is a favorite of mine. There are a few things on here I want to try too. I have been using Bare Escentials Buxom Mascara (the original formula) for about 7 years now. I absolutely LOVE it. It is not water proof, but it keeps my lashes curled all day, it doesn’t clump, it doesn’t weigh my lashes down and it dries very quickly. I have tried other raved about mascaras from, Dior Show to drug store brands, and the Buxom Mascara is by far the best I’ve every used. Thanks for sharing your beauty routine! 🙂

9 years ago

Love this topic:

My tried and true standbys
Laura Mercier Brow Definer. Applied with a brush. Lasts well. I’ve been using this for 10 years or more.
Laura Mercier Tinted moisturizer – I’ve been using this for years, too.
Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Brow Color – felt tip marker for the eyebrows. Genius.
Urban Decay Eyeliner in Rockstar. Dark grey with a purple undertone – brings out the green in my eyes. If I could only have one product for the rest of my life, this would be it.
Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm. Morning and night. I love this stuff.
Nuxe Huile – A miracle product. I use it on my face, throat and décolletage and it makes my skin glow every so slightly and not feel tight and dry.

The rest – cheeks, lips, concealer etc. Whatever.

I am going to try the Armani foundation. I’m curious.

9 years ago

Totally with you on the Giorgio Armani silk foundation… it’s my holy grail after trying literally every brand in Sephora & Nordstrom! I’m also a big fan of Nars anything (I use the blush “Exhibit A” which looks so scary in the pan but is very pretty on).

Going to check out your other recommendations because you always look so beautiful and natural, never overly made up 🙂

9 years ago

Never have I found a mascara that doesn’t give me itchy eyes. I wish there was one.

9 years ago
Reply to  sherrie

Sherrie, I’m a makeup artist for nearly 20yrs. Try Kevyn Aucoin’s volume mascara. It’s a ‘tubing’ mascara and every client that has ever said that they can’t wear mascara due to itchy eyes etc, can wear this. Once applied it can’t reliquify, thus go into your eye and cause a reaction. It’s removed with warm water and you’ll see the tubes of mascara pop off into your sink. Going forwards if you want something cheaper than Kevyn’s, search for tubing mascaras and you should be able to use them.
Hope this helps. Good luck! x

Ita Darling
9 years ago
Reply to  Becks

YEs! I was going to bring up Tubing Mascaras because they are the only variety that will not leave shadows under my eyes.

They are amazing and come off with JUST water

I have tried several varieties – my favorite is Blinc Amplified but since I live in a Sephora free country- I normally grab whatever I can find from a Duty Free when I am travelling. which is normally Estee Lauder Double Wear Zero Smudge and it is great for day to day use

I found this blog that has a full list of the top tubing Mascaras (Note: the packaging doesn’t always say “tubing mascara”) and there are drug store and higher end versions availalbe at every price point!

Ita Darling
9 years ago
Reply to  Ita Darling
9 years ago
Reply to  sherrie

Have you tried Jane Iredale’s mascara? It never itches my eyes!

9 years ago
Reply to  sherrie

Have you tried Dr. Hauschka? My mom has very sensitive eyes and even she can wear it. I foudn the Jane Iredale one to flake.

Ashley R
9 years ago

My favorite mascara is Lash Blast Fushion by Covergirl. I’ve been using it for years and I’ve tried other ones since and they just don’t compare. It lengthens and volumizes without clumping. I buy the water resistant kind and it doesn’t smudge but does clean off very easily. It also actually curls my lashes. After a freak incident with my lash curler where it cut my lashes (wtf?!) I stopped using it but I don’t even need it with this mascara. I get it in very black and it really makes my lashes stand out. By far my favorite item in my makeup bag.

9 years ago

While it’s not completely perfect (it gets a bit smudgy sometimes), I love W3ll People mascara. It’s an all natural brand that gives you length, thickness and a little curl without being clumpy. It won Allure’s award for best mascara the past few years. I only wish it came in brown.

9 years ago

About lashes: I use Jane Iredale lash conditioner first, then apply mascara. I’ve been using Physican’s Formula Organic Wear mascara (drugstore) for years and love it so much that when I moved to Australia I made it mandatory that all visitors bring me some. And See’s chocolate.
Anyway, the lash conditioner makes my mascara last longer, go on easier and keeps the mascara from clumping and drying out. I can’t recommend it enough!

9 years ago

Try Trish McEvoy’s mascaras – they are amazing in that they will not run. To remove them, you wet your fingers and lashes and just sort of pop the mascara off your eyelashes. It comes off in tiny little tubes!

9 years ago

Try Benefit’s Roller Lash! Perfect for length, curl, and volume! It’s pricer, but worth it every time. Also, Tarte’s Lights, Camera, Flashes mascara does wonders for stubby eyelashes! Ah!

9 years ago

Trish McEvoy mascara! Makes your lashes look long, doesn’t clump or run. Total game changer.

9 years ago

Emily, I’m curious about how you apply your foundation. Brush, beauty blender, fingers? I may have to buy it for myself after your endorsement!

9 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Me too!

9 years ago

I swear by Elizabeth Mott’s It’s So BIG Volumizing Mascara – the name goes well with the “Orgasm Collection” ;). Whenever I’m looking for a new beauty buy, I visit BlueBirdBlog’s the Vanity Project for ideas! The endorsement of “your lashes will thank you” was all it took and I’ll never use anything else. Highly recommend.

9 years ago

Emily, Seems like you’re kind of set with mascara recommendations. But it appears that a lot of the ones recommended were plastic as opposed to bristles. Just in case you’re a girl who hates the plastic wands (like me)… Pixi large lash mascara is incredible. Never flakes – seriously, 6 am to 11pm kind of wear. And the best part to me is that it all comes off at the end of the day with my regular face wash. And it’s rarely sold out at target. I’ll never wear a different mascara. I’m to the point where I have nightmares they discontinue it. I have pretty naturally curly eyelashes though, so i’m not positive about its ability to hold a curl. Love this post!

9 years ago

I like to have makeup products that do as much as possible while taking up as little room as possible, especially when I’m traveling for work. I use Stilla Convertible Color (in Peony) as my blush, also as a swipe of color in the creases of my eyelids, and on my lips. I’m pretty sure it’s technically only for cheeks and lips though. The color flatters my skin tone and blends really well, with or without any other makeup.

9 years ago

I just started using blush, and I am sad for all of the years that I was missing out!

I would REALLY recommend Ilia lip conditioners. They are so moisturising and have really rich colours. Blossom Lady and In Paradise are nice everyday colours, and Arabian Nights is a bit darker for special occasions. I have at least one in every purse!

9 years ago

I finally found my holy grail of mascara about a year ago after years of searching: Bobbi Brown No Smudge Mascara. Nearly every mascara I’ve tried ends up under my eyes except this one, it even stands up to heat and humidity. It gives me volume without being over the top or clumpy, it lasts all day and it comes off easily.

Chanel lipsticks are pretty great. The color Mademoiselle is like my lips but better, and there is something about putting it on before going in to a meeting that makes me feel like I have my shit together. Totally the placebo effect, but whatever. I also second the rec for Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm, I use it every night before bed and I wake up feeling like it is still there.

Benefit Gimme Brow is the only thing that I’ve found that works on my super blonde nearly non-existant brows, everything else I’ve tried always looks drawn on, but I will have to try the Laura Mercier.

9 years ago

Use Latisse and Trish MacEvoy lash curling mascara and all will be well in the world. It stays on all day, but comes off with water.

9 years ago

I just recently changed up all my makeup, like last weekend recently, because I was a long time bare minerals user, I loved it, up until this past year and not that I just turned 30 I felt that it did nothing for my skin, so I appreciate this post and might try your foundation of choice! And the blush 🙂

My FAVORITE mascara is “They’re Real” by Benefit cosmetics. I was going to get extensions for my wedding and my girlfriend swore by this mascara. It gives them the perfect lift/curl, it’s not waterproof, but is tear, sweat proof, lasts all day and comes off very easily. I keep buying different brands to try to think I’ll find one I like more, but nothing is as good! Try it!

9 years ago

Too Faced Better Than Sex is my absolute favorite. Terrible name, but stays on like a beast and people think I have false lashes on when I wear it. Love your suggestions!

Kate Lim
9 years ago

The Japanese brand Majorlica Majorca has insane good mascara that is smudge proof. I don’t know if you can get it in your country. It’s not expensive at all and I don’t have pretty lashes, I’m Chinese BTW (unlike my husband, he has insane doll eyes) so I swear by this one!

9 years ago

You are A gorgeous lady, inside and OUT! It’s a treat to get a peak and the products you use with all your natural beauty.
I bought almost everything, including your sometimes nars shadow (also available at nords).
I hope this post may lead to more beauty/self care posts.

Sally B
9 years ago

Are any of these cruelty free?

9 years ago

I’ve seen a couple comments on here already mentioning my vote for mascara: Benefit’s “They’re Real” – I love it, and I kid you not, my best friend looked at me while we were out one day and said, “Are you wearing fake eyelashes?” Those marketing people knew what they were doing!

I like that I can control it well – one layer is a good everyday look. Another layer really thickens them up, and I never get clumps.

9 years ago

This post was great! Comments too 🙂 As I’ve gotten older and started working from home I’ve let the enjoyment of makeup fall by the wayside… This makes me want to try some new stuff! I wanna look like Emily 🙂

Anna limanti
9 years ago

You have to try trish mcevoy mascara, in lash curling, or full volume. These don’t smudge, are easy to take off (the mascara is a fiber that wraps around your lash) and are amazing, either one!

9 years ago

Emily: for mascara, try Bare Minerals/Escentuals “Lash Domination.” It is the BEST mascara I’ve ever tried. It volumizes (is that a word?) like crazy and really, really, really gives you the appearance of a thick fringe of lashes (if you use a few coats, of course). The only complaint is that the staying power is SO good that it can be slightly high maintenance to remove at night (Bioderma micellar water works very well if you hold it over your lashes with a cotton pad for a minute or so).

9 years ago
Reply to  Abby

And I should clarify: it is BETTER than the Benefit “They’re Real” mascara…by far (since I saw lot of votes for it here).

9 years ago

I love your voice and your wit. I think we may be besties and you just don’t know yet. 😉

Louise Williams
9 years ago

The Benefit mascara with the pink top is amazing – I love it!

9 years ago

Thanks for this post, Emily. Love you and your blog. Which of the Clinique lip colors do you wear in the photos on your blog? You look AMAZING! Thanks in advance!

– Siobhan

9 years ago
Reply to  Siobhan

I’d love to know too. I went to nords today thinking I’d buy the light color which seems to be pictured, but went with three of the darker ones.

9 years ago
Reply to  Shawn

I’d love to know, too!!!

9 years ago

Thanks for sharing the makeup you use, Emily. You always look so fresh. A few years ago I got my eyebrows tinted in San fransico at the benefit brow bar. I’ve been hooked ever since and I’m so not a high maintenance girl, I swear. Now, rather than shell out $25 to tint my eyebrows that seem to get lighter every year I just buy an eyebrow tint from Amazon. I use t
he Godefroy medium brown tint since I’m blonde. I still use benefit brows a go-go to fill them in but tinting them really helps.

9 years ago

Great post! I swear by waterproof Diorshow mascara for my top lashes, and Clinique Bottom Lash mascara (it is literally the only mascara I can wear on my lower lashes that won’t smudge or give me raccoon eyes).

Also, the Urban Decay Naked Skin concealer is also AMAZING. <3

9 years ago

Love this post! I’ve recently discovered that liner and love it too. I’m fair fair blonde like you and it gives my eyes the definition they so desperately needed.

My eyelashes are blonde too and I’ve been guilty of applying clumpy mascara just to look like I had some lashes. But alas, I’ve discovered Dior Show and it has It’s magic in a tube that makes my lashes look long and substantial without clumping. Doesn’t flake, doesn’t smear, stays put without being waterproof. Can’t say enough good things!