***This giveaway is now closed***
Today’s giveaway is pretty darn cool! $50 bucks can get you a super current stencil, and transform a whole room. i am not talking grandma stencils here, i am talking that really-expensive-wallpaper-looking stencil.
So, follow the rules below, and enter for a shot to win $50 worth of whatever you would like atcuttingedgestencils.com. Warning: the winner is going to have a hard time picking just one stencil.
Giveaway Entry Info:
- Prize: $50 to spend at CuttingEdgeStencils.com
- How to Enter: Leave a comment and tell us which stencil you like best, and where you would use it!
- If you want to be fun:“Like” them on Facebook and then leave me a comment to tell me you did.
- Giveaway Ends: Friday August 12th at 11:59pm EST
- How Many Lucky Winners?!: One lucky one!
- Ships to: US Only
- Also: Please be kind and only enter once, unless you used the extra entry option, you can enter twice. I will select the winner using random.org and will announce with winner on August 15th here on this very webpage, so check back to see if it’s you.