Ok. I’ve thought about it for a couple weeks and i’ve decided to have an open invite for the viewing party on sunday.
It’s super casual sporty kinda Mexican bar in our neighborhood that has two huge projector tv screeny things and a lot of tequila. (its a bit ‘hollywood’ for our neighborhood, but when in rome)
Consider this a match against two boxers, but for design geeks.
Michael and I will battle it out. And yes, may the best woman win.
i’ll give the play by plan, or behind the scenes or totally shut up, whatever you want.
Besides, I’ve worked really hard on this blog and I figure now is the best time to try to get to know some of you that would possibly want to get to know me, too.
So you are hereby all invited to come to:
Agave Cantina and Tequila joint
1745 N. Vermont Ave
Los Feliz, CA 90027
Show starts at 7pm sharp, no dvr so if you come late you might miss the beginning.
Valet, i think its only $3 and bring whomever you want.
We will be there at 6pm.
Leave in the comments if you are coming so i can have a rough head count.
And no haters. Don’t even think about it.
‘Whether I win or lose, all i need are friends and booze’**
that’s just a sampling of the kind of wisdom that could come out of my mouth on Sunday.
** yes i really did make that up.