Who has anxiety? not me. Nope. i woke up effing excited. Tomorrow is the big day, today is a big install and besides the fact that i have nothing to wear i am walking on cloud 99. i just finished watching the 5th episode and i’m telling you, they get better and better. trust.
So check out my teaser post over at Design Happens, and go back sunday for a behind the scenes (which i’m behind on writing, sorry guys).
Also Oh Joy represented today AGAIN, God i love her (and not just cause she is good to the show, and has been on the show, and watches the bachelor with me). CHeck it out at OhJoy!!
And then my amazing photographer, Laure Joliet, that has been shooting the spaces after the reveals did a teaser post at her blog AT HOME AT HOME
And check apartment therapy in the afternoon, i hear something is happening there too.
AHHHHH, can i wear something you have all seen? do people really care? and at what point am i grabbing a ban-do for tomorrow night?