So I don’t really ‘do bold’ in my own apartment. I used to, oh, boy did I used to. My apartment in college was basically a burlesque house. BUT, I still wear bold, fo shizzle. Sometimes I have to pretend that it’s not me in the mirror and I ask myself, “If I saw a person wearing this on the street, would I think she was crazy?” For instance, the floral mumu’s (70’s, not African) with ankle socks, ballet flats and a striped cardigan – all vintage, of course. I often answer ‘eh…nope’, but Brian normally answers ‘yea, but just a little bit crazy’, and then I take off the ankle socks, both of them.
Anyway, I had to source a ton of wallpaper last week for a job and I stumbled upon these awesome bold patterns by Osborne and Little. The scale is huge, (see below, ignore the inexcusable styling)
I like all the colors, but I would put the bright ones in a hallway or guest bath, and I could do the grey and white one on my headboard wall in my bedroom. Like so:

Here are some more: perhaps even more awesomer and bolder.

These have the same scale- huge- the tulip is a foot tall. But, be warned these are not for the faint of heart, they are metallic – not the whole pattern, just the background is a shiny silver. I love them all, but would get sick of them very quickly unless I just put them, again, in a hallway, entryway, bathroom or small accent wall, (like that shot in my last post with the pink curtains).

Love the green/silver, but I would definitely go for the grey.
Or just frame one, in a huge frame, like 4×6 or 6×8 – just leaning against a wall. Somehow that intimidates me less; not as much commitment I guess.
These are just my opinions, and I’m a little bit crazy, and completely sleep deprived. And I wear mumu’s with ankle socks. Ok, I actually never left the house, and perhaps that’s because I looked like a pregnant little girl. Not exactly the look I want to be rockin.