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Guest room makeover

Run, don’t walk to your local grocer (or drug store or book store) because right now I have a big ‘ole feature in HGTV Magazine of a house I decorated in L.A. last year.

Its 9 pages of a house that was crazy fun to decorate on with one of the most fun clients in the world.  I’m going to post the whole spread, but that takes some scanning time and i simply must watch The Bachelor Finale right now which requires me to plant myself in front of my TV, so for now i’m going to show a couple of the rooms that didn’t make it into the spread.

When i first started the project the guest room looked like this:

guest room

The space was bright and airy, but everything was just not considered and not decorated yet.  They had just totally gut renovated the house, and totally transformed it beautifully with help by architect Eric Olsen, and as many of you know that takes a lot out of you.  So Rachna was just done making decisions and she needed someone to come in and just finish it, which is  my favorite part

This was Rachna’s mom’s room and she really wanted her to have a really happy place to stay when she came to visit. She wanted it to be bright, happy, cheerful and full of vintage but still feeling fresh.


yellow and navy bedroom
photo by Victoria Pearson

Hell yes, I would visit that bedroom so hard. We decided that the white paint was pretty and fresh, and instead brought color in with everything else. I found the vintage indigo fabric from Tortoise in Venice and wrapped it around a headboard I already had. I wish i had a better picture of it that showed how beautiful that fabric is.  The striped bedding is from West Elm, Ikat bedding from Bed Bath and Beyond, the throw pillow is from Anthropologie, the artwork in the back from Castle in Australia, called Bronze Pop, lamp from H.D. Buttercup, accordion lamp is vintage from Etsy, curtains are from ModCloth, although discontinued, sadly. The Vintage Laurel lamp in the foreground is from Etsy, vintage side table, alarm clock from West Elm.

I love navy and yellow together. They are totally opposite on the color wheel, therefore making them oh so complimentary. You have a really bright happy color mixed with the dark masculine grounding color, which keeps it balanced. The curtains have a lot of hot pink in them, so i peppered it around the room and it became this fun little poppy accent color.

The patterns work well together because the Ikat is large scale and the stripes are small scale. And then on the opposite side of the room, the curtains are more of a large and airy scale, so all three are wildly different and therefore they work together so happily.

mid-century chair, yellow
photo by Bethany Nauert

The mid-century chair from Amsterdam modern for $70, but of course I reupholstered it for $100 in simple white linen. Black and white chevron pillow from Urban Outfitters, glass jug from the flea market, and leaf from god’s green, green world.

And there you have it, friends. A guest room before and after. I’ll be leaking more of the story, all next week, but meanwhile definitely pick up the magazine and read the spread for yourself.

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