Quick question: Do you guys want more design star posts or not? I don’t want to alienate/bore non-watchers (anymore than they already are), but the comments/emails explode when its about design star and are kinda ‘wah wah’ about the rest of the stuff. What if i did 3 DS posts a week and 3 regular? is that weird?
Let me know what you are feeling. If you have questions you have about DS leave them in the comments and I can answer them.
I really can’t thank all of you enough for the support – i’m so not kidding. It makes watching myself on TV a little less painful if I know people are out there rooting for me and not thinking that i’m totally lame. Which i can be.
Circa right now. I might be still in my PJ’s, checkin’ the blogs, and have NO intention of getting out of them soon. In fact, i might have every intention of watching ‘Love Happens’ later today, also in my pjs. Maybe.