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Episode 2

Episode numbero dos is tonight. I know what happens, but at the same time I have no idea what we’ll see.  First of all, its boys versus girls and we never got to see each others spaces, so it will be fun to see what the guys did.  Secondly, it was a 2 day challenge, plus elimination day at the penthouse/studio, so the editors had to take all that footage and condense it into an hour – and there was a lot of dramer beyond just designing, trust me.  I saw a preview that showed me saying ‘You’re just kinda a bully, Nina’, so I guess that means you’ll have the pleasure of maybe witnessing some of that.  awesome.

I’m nervous, but super excited -per uzh…  I wish I could say that I was a perfect angel, but I probably wasn’t.  Just remember that it was an insanely pressurized situation and people don’t always act like themselves – or maybe that’s exactly who they act like, we’ll see.

On with the show.   Check back tomorrow for the day-after post.  And if you feel like it, follow HGTV design star blog, with Dooce (Heather Armstrong) and apartment therapy for their twitter party during the show tonight.  What’s a twitter party, you ask?  no effing idea. but it has the word ‘party’ in it, so i’m game.  I’m not sure if they give spoilers if they tweet east coast time, so if you are on the west coast be careful.


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