I love this DIY. Its one of those that took a bit longer than our normal simple ones, but its so satisfying to look at. And before you think, ‘wait, I don’t love pink and neon’ think, what if it was just wood and brass or black and white string? or even jute twine? so many options, so little jewelry. Lets get into it. Here’s what you’ll need:
1. hot pink mason twine $5.21 2. neon yellow mason twine $5.21 3. cup hooks $3.58 4. screw eye hooks $1.24 5. super glue $5.98 6. scissors 7. self leveling picture hangers 8. hammer 9. square dowel $1.04
1. Take a small amount of super glue and place on the back of one of the dowels before you lay down your twine. Wrap the entire dowel leaving about an inch of room on each end. Finish wrapping the dowel and use super glue to tie down the end and to keep it from unraveling. As you’re wrapping the dowels, make sure to use your fingers to keep pushing the thread together so that it stays neat and even throughout. Repeat step 1 with the second dowel.
2. Next, take the self-leveling picture hangers and hammer into place on the backside of the wood dowel. If you’re going to hang heavier necklaces (as we did) skip this step as the dowel will lean forward on the wall since the jewelry is too heavy. Use them only if you plan on hanging dainty necklaces and lightweight baubles.
3. Â You can use eye hooks or cup hooks depending on your style preference. We mixed it up and used eye hooks on top for earrings and cup hooks on the bottom dowel. Using the tip of the hook, you’ll find you can part the thread and then screw each one in by hand. Space them out any way you like (our preference was about an inch apart for each).
4. I found that it was tricky to make the twine even on both sides by trying to loop the entire piece all at once. Start with the top dowel and wrap just as you did in step one (making sure to glue down the string on the back side). Pull up enough thread to make a triangle for hanging purposes and wrap the dowel on the opposite side. Continue down with the same twine and space out the dowel as much as you like. Since we were hanging earrings on the top, we didn’t need a ton of room in-between the two dowels.
5. Cut off about a foot of twine and wrap the opposite side to finish up the design, again using super glue to hold it in place.
6. Next, take the pink twine and wrap around the yellow twine in a tight fashion leaving a little twine left over underneath so you can cut off the excess. Use a small nail to display your hook and dowel jewelry organizer.
Now hang those necklaces, bracelets and rings, friends. Don’t embarass your jewelry by keeping them in a box, NAY, hang them on display! That was strangely Dr. Seuss but you know what I’m going after.  Thanks Bneato for collaborating again on this project. See some of our other collaborations  –  bracelet towers, hanging lucite filing folders, and jewelry blocks. All big hits. xx
Thanks Tessa Neustadt for the pretty pics.