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Circus Cupcake Holder …

I had no idea that cupcakes needed holders, but you guys they NEED holders. Right now, holder-less, your cupcakes are just sittng there, nude, vulnerable, all their parts exposed, just begging to be subjected to jokes and ridicule not to mention unnecessary and inevitable shrinkage. Save your cupcakes, America! Don’t embarrass them for one more day, and instead make my Circus inspired cupcake holders.

Before I get started you might be wondering where I got all the different colorful papers and the answer is that we buy 1/2 or 1/4 yard of fabric and have them color copied (yes, just on a copy machine). My friend Martha Stewart taught me that. Thanks, Marty!! This is such a good secret if you are doing multiples or if you want a lot of variety because a. beautiful paper (that you are going to cut up and then put with cupcakes) is VERY expensive, often $5 a sheet, and b. there are just way more fun fabric patterns than there is paper patterns out there so you have more options.  For this DIY we had them copied onto card stock and you could make like 3-4 per card stock (11×17).

Cupcake Table Ginny

Heres what you need:

Cricut Machine and Tools This is obviously a real purchase so I would recommend this machine to someone who really loves to DIY and make things – the mom who entertains a lot, who throws a lot of parties, or if you are a maker selling your wares on Etsy then this is extremely useful as it cuts so many things in ways that you just can’t with any other cutting tool. Its accuracy is insane. You don’t want to buy this machine just for one party or one cupcake holders, obviously. We have found that we use it a ton and once you get comfortable with it it’s so easy to just pop out simple projects so fast.

Cricut Light Grip Cutting Mat

Cricut Gold Metallic Vinyl 

Colored or Patterned Cardstock 

…. and CUPCAKES of course!!!! Oh, and a very pretty hand model, Ginny. I mean you know those aren’t my sausage fingers all over this post …

cupcake instructions

Once you are connected to Cricut and buy this particular pattern/design it pretty much just walks you through the steps and it’s obviously very easy. The most difficult part is peeling up the Strongman because he is so detailed. Obviously you could do the vinyl in any colors and the holders themselves could be solid or all one pattern, etc. LOTS of options, friends.

Cricut Cupcake Variety

Cupcake Tablecupcake

You know how much I love a gif. Standard photos are just so … still …

Now go dress those naked cupcakes RIGHT NOW before the pastry papparazzi catches them and publishes their photos all over the internet a la Britney and the ‘getting out of the car’ scenario.  You can find those and all the rest of the projects at



Check out the leather coasters, mobile and the original Sip ‘n See post HERE. 

And for all the templates, supplies and the cricut machine you can get it all HERE.

And if you want to see the Sip ‘n See and how the Cricut actually makes these things, here you go:

Photos by LK Griffin Photography, Video by Sharkpig. 


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