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Calling all Makers and New York based design interns (update: we have filled the intern position:))…

In case you just got the internet or just discovered ‘blogs’ you might not know about Joanna Goddard’s blog A Cup of Jo. She has a massive, successful, wonderful, warm lifestyle blog in New York and I have the pleasure to decorating her new apartment. Sam and I have been working on it for about 6 weeks now and we are shooting in New York October 29th. Its going to be featured on both our blogs, a la Oh Joy’s studio and we are VERY VERY VERY excited about it. So far its shaping up to be one of my favorite projects yet.

So here’s what we need:

1. Some awesome, innovative design pieces. This could be art, accessories, textiles, books, small pieces of furniture, sculptures, etc. We have a lot of the furniture locked down, and accessories from big box stores, but we are missing those really killer, insane, one of a kind pieces that put your average really well styled apartment to shame. I have been shopping a ton and  have found some great pieces (both vintage and new) but it might be time to just ask y’all for submissions. Do you make something that you think could be a good fit? And yes, we are looking to purchase – this isn’t a call for free things from small businesses, I promise, although we are on a budget so if you make/sell amazing thimble sized sculptures for $1200 this might not be the right fit this time. It needs to be in New York by October 29th.  Send pics and links to the contact form above with the subject ‘Cup of Jo Submission’.  OR just leave a comment in the field and then other people can see them as well 🙂

Also …

2. A production intern. 70% of our job is schlepping and packing/unpacking, moving furniture, etc, and while I’m normally a total bad ass and can schlep pretty much more than most men, at 8 months pregnant I just can’t and we have so much to do. So, we are looking for 1 -2 helpers for the week. Obviously this will include shopping and helping out on the shoot, too. You have to live in New York and obviously have a desire to be a stylist or you won’t get too much out of it. It’s just for the week of October 28  – 31st with a possible return day the following week. If you think we are just going to be embroidering hearts onto pillows and making confetti it might not be the right internship for you – its hard labor, folks and long days so I just want to temper expectations. I did it for 5 years and I still do it, so it’s not like its torture, but I just don’t want people who aren’t willing to break down boxes, pick up bags at ABC carpet and Home, etc.

UPDATE:  Thank you EVERYONE who applied. So many insanely talented people. We have found two great people for this project but thank you so much for applying (I tried to email every single person back, but if I missed you somehow i’m sooo sorry – there were hundreds of emails :))

What you’ll get out of it, if you kill it, is a great reference, recommendations to all my (and Joanna’s) new york connections when asked, crediting on the post, plus a really fun/worthwhile experience, of course. You’ll help with all the prep as well as on-set styling and witness a great photographer at work. Sam started as an intern on Joy’s project and now she is a paid senior designer, being flown to New York with me to work on this insanely fun project with Joanna. And Ginny, started as an intern for The Fig House and she is now full-time with me as well. Of course there are no guarantees, but if you don’t want to do a really great job and have a really great attitude, then you really won’t benefit from it and you’ll just be working for free.

So all designers/artists/assistants/interns, etc ….

Email me through the contact form and hopefully we’ll find the right fit for both of these requests. No matter what y’all will see the afters of this project on both of our blogs.

Have an excellent weekend, and come back monday for my ‘5 favorite things about being pregnant’ post because i just passed the 32 week mark – which means, i’m getting biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggg…….  xx


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