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Artwork from Oh Joy's episode, #4

Joy did a behind the scenes post over here where she credited all the artwork – which i was going to do OF COURSE, but man she made it easy for me.  Thanks, Joy.

So here goes:

The prints above the couch are {from left to right}: lady print by Peggy Wolf, floral hedgehog byChipmunk Cheeks, vintage poodle print from Rosebowl flea market, popsicle print by Anna Tillett, heart by CDR, portrait by Gemma Correll, bird print by Yumi Yumi, Manhattan print by Jim Datz for Three Potato Four, lemon print by Dear Colleen, lady print by Peggy Wolf, Swan girl print bySophie Blackall, rabbit by Fifi Lapin, and buildings by Julia Rothman.

What i love about all of them is that they are a. awesome. b. NOT expensive, c. not ubiquitious (pretty sure i spelled that wrong, but at least i used a big word) but at the same time accessible.  I’m not an artist, so i don’t pretend to paint paintings for the episodes. At the same time i don’t want just a ton of wall mirrors up.  Etsy is amazing.  I’m buying a bunch of stuff today actually from different artists too.  It’s just so refreshing to get unique art at affordable prices.  

Let me know if we missed anybody.  And if you are an artist whose work you would love to be on SFAS please email me through contact and i’ll put you in the file for when your work would be appropriate for an episode.  And i’m not looking for handouts here, i want to pay you for your work.  

Oh and the art diy hanging that i did, totally works.  The funny thing is i’m the 900 holes in my wall kinda of girl, i just go for it and then move everything around, but after i did this diy and it worked, i’m cured.  It takes a little patience and you can’t be a total art ADD mind changer all the time.

So here are the steps:

compose the artwork on the ground keep everything balanced without being perfectly symmetrical – in color and size and visual weight.  Easier said than done, but just make sure that your colors are evenly distributed, the sizes are evenly distributed and if you have one larger painting or print, balance it out with a couple smaller on the other side (if you don’t have a larger one to work with).

make a paper template the size of the frame.  

mark on the paper where EXACTLY the art should be hung (stretch up the wire, etc)

take a picture just in case

transfer all paper onto wall in same composition

nail paper through wall in marked spots

rip off paper VERY DRAMATICALLY.  this is important. if you meekly rip off the paper you will regret it for the rest of your life.  get violent.

hang artwork on nails.  i think this composition ended up changing…or maybe not, i don’t remember.  

boom, done.

Thanks to all the artists who contributed.  The wall looked awesome. 

Send me art links. I’m honestly always up for new artists.  But don’t be offended if i don’t get back to you soon, i’ll file stuff away for when its needed.  

ok bye,  now.


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