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Hey guys, most of you know that I’m a big fan of Danielle from The Jealous Curator. That girl knows her art in a serious way and is always posting really incredible art on her blog. So while I never really have contributors (except Orlando), I think that its high time I learned more about contemporary artists. I’m dying to be exposed to more art you can actually buy (that was the hardest part of this task). Enjoy. 

Hello! This is Danielle from The Jealous Curator. I write daily posts about contemporary artists (that make me jealous, in a good way!). Emily has invited me to pop by every couple of weeks to share a curated collection of fabulous things that are currently happening in the art world that you can actually buy. Ready for the first one? It’s a real gem! Get it? Because it’s about gems? OK, let’s just do this:

Yes! Wooden gems, hand-painted by LA based artist/designer Haley Ann Robinson. She has lots and lots of these little lovelies to choose from (all between $55 – $200), or you can drop her a line and she’ll make you a custom piece — what a gem! Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Next up:
Carly Waito gem art

Sigh. I absolutely love these oil paintings by Canadian artist Carly Waito. Yes, I said paintings … crazy, right? Most of her work is around 12″x12″. A few of these originals are still for sale, and can be purchased through Carly’s gallery rep,  Narwhal Projects in Toronto. And a little birdie just told me that she’s currently working on a whole bunch of new pieces for an upcoming show, so if you were hoping for a chunk of amethyst, you just might be in luck!

Wooden gems. Check. Painted gems. Check. Let’s give paper a shot, shall we:

Lydia Kasumi Shirreff gem art

Oh, hello gorgeous origami gems! My word. This is the work of London based artist Lydia Kasumi Shirreff. Such a lovely take on this subject, and don’t even get me started on that mirrored-paper! LOVE! Most of Lydia’s work has been created for specific installations, but I chatted with her the other day and she said she’d be more than happy to make a few commissioned pieces, so send her an email and you could have your very own folded chunk of gold.

And last, but not least:
Elise Werbler gem art

These truly are gems! Gorgeous hand-pulled, birthstone silkscreens by Elise Werbler. I’m emerald, which I’ve never been a fan of … but I think Elise may have changed my mind. And for only $110 each, I might just pretend that I’m ruby and sapphire too!

And that’s that. One topic, four interpretations … and I love them all! If you have any questions about the work shown here, just shout. OK, I’ll see you back here in two weeks for another collection of contemporary art.  Seeya ~ Danielle (aka The Jealous Curator)


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