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70's Funky Elegance

I’m behind on life right now. Somebody decided that she could take the day off yesterday and watch not one, not two but 9 Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes.  This is unfortunately super like me, where instead of taking a proper day off and hiking and drinking jamba juice like everyone else in LA, i hole myself up in my bedroom with my laptop, and absolutely shut off my brain whilst taking in the forbidden love of one slayer and her icey and dreamy vampire lover (this could be substituted for any teen drama/romance tv show that has teens looking beautiful and sad, i do not discriminate but many of you know I prefer the likes of one Veronica mars, Felicity, and My so called life….or the twilight series… always taking suggestions). Anyway, its now 2am and i can’t sleep because my brain won’t stop list making all of the stuff that i should have done yesterday – er today, so posting this isnomniac post is an attempt to help.

The episode that just aired was ’70’s Funky Elegance’.  The two sisters are totally different but they both have really great style.  Pam is way more crazy, hippie, funky and Trish is more refined and elegant and traditional.  And it is a house of four girls, so i knew i could bring in the pink and make it feminine.  And i did.

The two white chairs were from 45 Three modern vintage, both for $700, i think.  So big, comfy, 70’s and they spinned. I mean, one must spin if possible at all times.  The carpet was a wall to wall that i had bound to save some money, 8×10 for $350. Its surprisingly hard to find a bright white rug out there that isn’t a fortune. The coffee table was vintage that i had refinished, but the refinisher used the wrong stain and you can’t see how beautiful it is – i was so bummed. It was supposed to be more yellow (like burl wood).  Still a pretty table.  The metallic linen drapery was $8 a yard from Grey Lines in New York (where i order most of my linen from). They looked really pretty in person, but they didn’t photograph or look that great on camera – they looked cheap, when in person they are just linen with metallic threads woven in.

The Sofa is from a great vintage store Bonita Interiors, but i had it reupholstered in this hot pink linen.  I’m obsessed with it.  I originally bought the sofa for my studio, but we didn’t end up using it ($700 pre-upholstery) so it was in storage waiting for the perfect home, and i needed to bring in the ‘elegance’ so it was kinda perfect.

The brass shelving unit is from NOHO antiques, on Lankershim.  It was $400 and i bought it the second i saw it, a total score in my opinion because its in such good condition.

The deco chair was from the Rose Bowl, $250, with original fabric and in totally perfect shape.  From the 30’s.

The little side tables were theirs, as were a lot of their accessories.

Unfortunately for crediting, this was a very vintage heavy episode (aka, everything on the shelving unit was vintage, i think).

OH, the daybed is awesome.  Pam needed a place to sleep when she came to visit, so this guy pulls out to a queen. From CB2, and i think it is $790.  Go and get her.

Pair of benches from the Rose bowl, $50 each, then reupholstered this cute little apple green.

Vintage milo Baughman armoire, from the Rose Bowl for $400.  It rocked.

Their chandelier rocked.  Originally i had a smaller one that was brass and beautiful, but once it was installed i realized the scale was off (my number one issue, by the way) but luckily this one was in their dining room so i switched them.  Score for me.

The wall color is ‘porpoise’ from Behr.

OK, brain, now that i can check something off the list will you please let me go sleep? Turns out if you turn off your brain all day, it might like to wake up at night.  So annoying.

OH and i’m mortified that my stupid burnt arm (from a microwave steamer bag, no less) made such an appearance this week.  I’m truly sorry.  Sometimes i literally forget that i’m going to be on tv.  I go into my closet and get dressed as if i’m just going to work, then i’ll see something and be like ‘really? really? hundreds of thousands of people to see you wearing that?’  So when i saw my arm, i was not pleased with myself.  Sorry about that.

But what did you think about 70’s Funky Elegance?


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