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From the age of 3, dancing was Julie’s life. Then, in her junior year of high school, she got mono, bronchitis and a sinus infection within two months…once that all cleared up, she promptly got into a car accident where she fractured her left thumb (she’s left-handed) but had to wear a cast up to her elbow for three months. So there went dancing and in came design. If she weren’t a designer, she’d want to be a trapeze artist, and has taken classes on and off for 10 years after she saw her first Cirque Du Soleil show (current show count: 7 and she even got to be part of the Mystere show in Vegas…#bestnightever). She’s backpacked over 700 miles in one summer attempting the PCT but had to stop cause…feet. (Don’t worry, she will most likely try the whole 2,660-mile thru-hike again in a couple of years.) She will eat all of your chips and drink any IPA someone puts in her hand.
Sign/Enneagram/Myer-Briggs/Hogwarts House:
Libra / 9 / INFJ / Hufflepuff…basically this means that I just want peace and love in life.
Design Aesthetic in 5 words:
Old man goes on hike.
Favorite EHD Room Of All Time:
Oh come on, this is so hard to choose! Okay, anything from the Mountain House ‘cause it’s my fake baby.
Favorite Instagram Follow:
@houseinhabit Jessica Kraus is everything in. Also,@chrisburkard ‘cause nature photography, duh.
Title of Memoir:
A tale of the interior designer who lives outdoors.
Silliest Secret Single Behavior:
Making forts and watching movies in them. I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of this and I have gotten pretty good at them.
Most Likely To…
get into the office first.
Favorite Place To Shop For Home Decor:
Long Beach Flea Market or Etsy Vintage…is it cheap? Great, I’ll take it!
Favorite Place To Shop For Fashion:
RE; if it was socially acceptable to wear my hiking clothes to work every day, I would.
Dining Room Rug:
Undecided, I grew up with no rug situation but I love the look of the Griffith Park Dining Room project.
Reversing Book Spines:
Yay (you do you, baby boo)
Wallpaper or Paint?
Both. Wallpaper is more of a commitment but when you find the right one, it’s an easy decision.